Protecting the soil against pollution — КиберПедия 

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Protecting the soil against pollution

2022-09-11 34
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I. Why is it of paramount importance to preserve the soil cover? Does soil contamination depend on us? What substances contribute much to soil pollution?

II. Read the text.


The most wide spread substances polluting the soil from the atmosphere are nitric and sulphur oxides. They enter the soil together with precipitation, raise soil acidity and significantly lower fertility. High concentrations of heavy metals in the soil around industrial enterprises deplete the local flora, with more sensitive species disappearing. The soil may be polluted when fertilizers or pesticides are incorrectly used, and also by the waste of livestock breeding complexes. The main measure and a cardinal solution to the problem is to improve technology so that waste is not released into the environment. Sometimes various chemical substances are introduced into the soil to neutralize the effect of soil pollutants, and so on.

The rational use of land resources includes not only the conservation measures but also actual use of the land. It is very important that plough-land be protected against inefficient use for civil and industrial construction, against dumping against with builders’ refuse, and urban and village dumps.

 All land users shall systematically implement a set of agrotechnical, land improvement and anti-erosion measures aimed at preserving the soil cover, maintaining the most favourable soil moisture regime and soil fertility with due account for local conditions.


III. Complete the utterances and add a few words of your own about some other aspects to be considered.

a) The most widespread substances polluting the soil from the atmosphere are …

b) The main measure and a cardinal solution to the problem of soil pollution is …

c) All land users shall systematically implement …


IV. Express your attitude to each of the following statements:

a) High concentration of heavy metals in the soil around industrial enterprises deplete the local flora, with more sensitive species disappearing. How can this disastrous impact on the humanity be traced?

b) The rational use of land resources includes not only the conservation measures but also actual use of the land. How can you define the importance of rational land use?

c) A set of agrotechnical, land improvement and anti-erosion measures are aimed at preserving the soil cover, maintaining the most favourable soil moisture regime and soil fertility. Whose responsibility is to put such sets of improvements and measures into practice? 


V. Discuss in groups some ways of protecting the soil against pollution.




I. What associations appear in your mind on hearing the phrase water pollution? What are the causes of water pollution? What are the sore results of aquatic contamination?

II. Read the text.


Ever since man progressed from hunting to an agricultural society, with the corresponding development of stable communities, the phenomenon of water pollution has been his constant companion. Is a body of water polluted when it directly affects man, or should it be classified as polluted when the ecological structure is first upset? The hydrosphere is a dynamic system containing physiochemical and biological equilibria, and there is no doubt that a normally active waterway has a large capacity to assimilate wastes. Before contamination becomes noticeable however, eqilibria are changed and the ecological structure may be seriously affected. Some examples of water systems where the effects of pollution have become or are becoming increasingly apparent are the Adriatic, Baltic and Mediterranean seas, the Thames, Rhine and Seine rivers, and the Great Lakes in America and Canada.

All rivers, lakes and underground waters are to be protected from depletion and pollution as water supply resources, a source of energy and a means of treatment. Rivers and lakes are also used as transport routes, fisheries, hunting areas and recreation sites.

It is obvious that the exploration of water resources is extremely varied at the present time. It should be added that the scope of water resources exploration is growing rapidly due to population growth, fast development of industry and expansion of irrigated land area. A sharp increase in water consumption on the planet may lead to a water shortage in the near future. In view of this, measures are being worked out to increase water resources and rationally exploit them. These are two ways to redistribute river water by means of reservoirs and through canals.

Supplies of underground waters are considerable, and, therefore, their rational use help compensate for moisture shortage.


III. What are the facts and arguments that the author puts forward in order to show:

a) that the phenomenon of water pollution is closely linked with human activities;

b) that the increase in water pollution can have disastrous consequences;

c) that water supply resources need protection.


IV. Express your attitude to each of the following statements and add an argument to explain why you think so.

a) The hydrosphere is a dynamic system containing physiochemical and biological equilibria. How do human activities result in the loss of balance in nature?

b) There are some examples of water systems where the effects of pollution have become apparent. How does this issue manifest itself in your country? How can you account for the annihilation of the largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Baikal?

c)  All rivers, lakes and underground waters are to be protected from depletion and pollution. What practical tips of advice can you suggest to decrease water contamination?


V. Discuss in groups the issue “Eradication of water systems is a serious threat to every living soul on Earth”. Pay special attention to the following question: Is it possible to save water resources today or is it already too late?


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