Education in the Russian federation — КиберПедия 

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Education in the Russian federation

2022-09-11 51
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по дисциплине “Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (английский)”

Вариант 1


After finishing the 11th form of a secondary school, a gymnasium one can go on in higher education. All applicants must take competitive entrance examinations. Higher education institutions, that is, institutes or universities, offer a 4-year programme of academic subjects for undergraduates in a variety of fields, as well as a post graduate course. If one finishes a post graduate course and writes a thesis, he or she receives a candidate’s degree or a doctoral degree.

Higher educational establishments are headed by Rectors. Prorectors are in charge of academic and scientific work. Each institute or university has a number of faculties, specializing in a certain field of study. The faculties are headed by the Deans. There are departments within the faculties.

The system of secondary and higher education in Russia is going through a transitional period. The main objectives of the reform are: to decentralize the higher education system, to develop a new financial mechanism, to give more academic freedoms to faculties and students. All secondary schools, institutes and universities until recently have been funded by the state. Now there is quite a number of private fee-paying primary and secondary schools; some universities have fee-paying departments.

In terms of the ratio of students to the total population Russia ranks among the top ten countries in the world.

The Russian educational policy is a combination of economic and social objectives. An educated person contributes more to the society, and education on the other hand gives a person the prospect for professional advance.



Задание 1.1 Дополните предложения:

1. Institutes and universities are prepearing specialists in different fields.

2. A course at institutes or universities takes under 5 years.

3. At most schools education is free.

4. Students of institutes or universities get high education.


Задание 1.2 Исправьте неверные утверждения:

1. Higher education i sn’t compulsory in Russia.

2. A course at institutes or universities usually takes 4 years.

3. There are no private schools in Russia.

4 At colleges students give lectures from professors.


Задание 1.3 Найдите английские эквиваленты русским словосочетаниям:

продолжать образование в ВУЗе, go on in higher education

процентное соотношение числа студентов к числу жителей России, in terms of the ratio of students to the total population Russia

образованный человек, An educated person

перспективы профессионального развития, the prospect for professional advance

давать углубленные знания, specializing in a certain field of study

сдавать конкурсные экзамены, take competitive entrance examinations

отвечать за учебную и научную работу, to be in charge of academic and scientific work

создать новый финансовый механизм. develop a new financial mechanism

Задание 1.4. Найдите ответы на вопросы.

1. What are the main objectives of the reform of Russian system of secondary and higher education?

The system of secondary and higher education in Russia is going through a transitional period.

2. Where can people get post school education?

People can get post school education in private fee-paying primary or secondary schools.

3. What are the main objectives of the Russian higher education system?

There are to decentralize the higher education system, to develop a new financial mechanism, to give more academic freedoms to faculties and students.

4. What do Russian institutions of higher education include?

It’s include a 4-year program of academic subjects for undergraduates in a variety of fields, as well as a      post graduate course.

Задание 1.5 Переведите на английский язык.

1. Там они изучают академические предметы и получают специальное образование.

There they study academic subjects and receive special education.

2. Молодые люди могут продолжить образование в 10 и 11 классе или колледже, дающем углубленные знания по одному или нескольким предметам.

Young people can continue their education in grades 10 and 11 or in a College that provides advanced knowledge in one or more subjects.

3. Молодые люди, поступившие в институт или университет, учатся там 5 лет.


по дисциплине “Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (английский)”

Вариант 1


After finishing the 11th form of a secondary school, a gymnasium one can go on in higher education. All applicants must take competitive entrance examinations. Higher education institutions, that is, institutes or universities, offer a 4-year programme of academic subjects for undergraduates in a variety of fields, as well as a post graduate course. If one finishes a post graduate course and writes a thesis, he or she receives a candidate’s degree or a doctoral degree.

Higher educational establishments are headed by Rectors. Prorectors are in charge of academic and scientific work. Each institute or university has a number of faculties, specializing in a certain field of study. The faculties are headed by the Deans. There are departments within the faculties.

The system of secondary and higher education in Russia is going through a transitional period. The main objectives of the reform are: to decentralize the higher education system, to develop a new financial mechanism, to give more academic freedoms to faculties and students. All secondary schools, institutes and universities until recently have been funded by the state. Now there is quite a number of private fee-paying primary and secondary schools; some universities have fee-paying departments.

In terms of the ratio of students to the total population Russia ranks among the top ten countries in the world.

The Russian educational policy is a combination of economic and social objectives. An educated person contributes more to the society, and education on the other hand gives a person the prospect for professional advance.



Задание 1.1 Дополните предложения:

1. Institutes and universities are prepearing specialists in different fields.

2. A course at institutes or universities takes under 5 years.

3. At most schools education is free.

4. Students of institutes or universities get high education.


Задание 1.2 Исправьте неверные утверждения:

1. Higher education i sn’t compulsory in Russia.

2. A course at institutes or universities usually takes 4 years.

3. There are no private schools in Russia.

4 At colleges students give lectures from professors.


Задание 1.3 Найдите английские эквиваленты русским словосочетаниям:

продолжать образование в ВУЗе, go on in higher education

процентное соотношение числа студентов к числу жителей России, in terms of the ratio of students to the total population Russia

образованный человек, An educated person

перспективы профессионального развития, the prospect for professional advance

давать углубленные знания, specializing in a certain field of study

сдавать конкурсные экзамены, take competitive entrance examinations

отвечать за учебную и научную работу, to be in charge of academic and scientific work

создать новый финансовый механизм. develop a new financial mechanism

Задание 1.4. Найдите ответы на вопросы.

1. What are the main objectives of the reform of Russian system of secondary and higher education?

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