Say if the sentence is true or false — КиберПедия 

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Say if the sentence is true or false

2022-10-05 66
Say if the sentence is true or false 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.Society is much influenced by computers at present time.

2. You can find computers everywhere, even in your car.

3. Computers can be operated by microwaves.

4. DVD player is an entertainment device.

5. The Internet is a source of information only.

6. You can’t watch or hear people’s voices through the Internet.

7. You can get access to the Internet at the local library.

8. Children are taught the basis of computer use at a primary school level.

9. Computers can be used in education at a distance.

10. There are more advantages than disadvantages with computers.

11. It isn’t necessary to the modern person to study computing.

12. Computers cannot change our casual life.

13. The biggest problem with the computer is poor eyesight.


Answer the questions


1.Have computers become an integral part of our life?

2.What types of appliencies can computers be used in?

3.What kinds of services does the Internet provide?

4.Where can people get access to the Internet?

5.How are children taught to use the computer?

6.What are the disadvantages of computer?

7.What’s the role of computers in our everyday life?

8.What does “a computer-literate person” mean?

9.Can you give some examples of computer’s using in everyday life?


Make up sentences with the following words and phrases


an information-dependent society; to influence the quality of life;

to have an opportunity; an everyday problem-solving device;

the most significant technical achivements


5. Do the crossword. Find the following words: 1.доступ


O   A P P L I A N C E
P   C L F I M P A C T
R   C V I R U S E S D
O   E B H N   B E S R D
V   S C O M P U T E R
I   S E R V I C E M A
D   E D U C A T I O N
E   I N T E R N E T A
O   S F D E V I C E S
P   T E C H N I C A L












Unit 19




В отличие от русского языка в английском языке одно и то же слово может выступать в предложении в качестве разных частей речи. Так, в данных ниже предложениях слово water является существительным (1), глаголом (2), играет роль прилагательного (определения) (3), является частью сложного слова (4).

1.Water is necesarry for life.- Вода необходима для жизни.

2.Water the flower-bed, please.-Полей (те), пожалуйста, клумбу.

3.Water mills served a source of energy.-Водяные мельницы служили

источником энергии.

4.water-supply system-система водоснабжения

water-proof watch-водонепроницаемые часы

Значение подобных слов и их перевод на русский язык зависят от того, каким членом предложения они являются. Они могут быть подлежащим, сказуемым (или его частью), определением, обстоятельством. Функцию слова помогает определить твердый порядок слов в английском предложении и контекст.


Look up the meaning of this words in a dictionary, if necessary. How are they

translated in the sentences below? Mind the word order.


place, iron, lift, house, light, heat, use, form, change, wire


1.The conductor wires are placed high up.

2.Electromagnets lift iron weights.

3.The plastic box houses the conducting and the insulating elements of the apparatus.

4.The house is lighted and heated by solar energy.

5.The light went out. Light the candle, please.

6.After the metal was heated it changed its colour to a red heat.

7.Numerous changes are taking place in the uses of atomic energy.

8.Electric power is used universally.

9.The newly made invention has a great number of uses.

10.The wire and the source form circuit.


balance, amount, water, fuel, control, measure, cause, increase


1.The fuel-and-energy balance is important for industry.

2.Conductivity increases with heating.

3.The machine should be re-fuelled.

4.The amount of power used in the world in a year amounts to 12 000 million tones of equivalent fuel.

5.Water barriers are crossed by submarine cables.

6.The instrument is foot-controlled by a pedal.

7.Force and motion go together; one is a cause, the other, a result.

8.An electromotive force causes the electrons to move.

9.Control of the apparatus is placed on the panel.

10.The volt is a measure of electromotive force.


2. Read the text and find in it the answers to the question that follows it


High- Frequency Current


Alternating current with frequency of 50 c/s is widely used in industry.Therefore this frequency is called an industrial frequency and the current, an industrial frequency current.

During sound transmission, current flowing in telephone wires changes with the frequency of sound oscillations, which ranges from 50 to 10 000 c/s. The currents of such frequensies are called audio- or low-frequency currents.

Radio transmission is based on the use of alternating currents with frequencies of hundreds, thousands, millions and even tens of million cycles per second. These currents called high-frequency currents are produced by means of an oscillatory circuit consisting of a coil and a capacitor. Moving along the turns now in one direction now in another, the electric charges oscillate in an oscillatory circuit.


By what means are high-frequency currents obtained?



Unit 20

Functions of the Infinitive

Функции инфинитива


Функции   Перевод  
  1. подлежащее To read English books is useful. 2. дополнение I like to read English books in the original.   3. часть составного сказуемого Our aim is to master the English language.   4.определение Here is the book to be read as soon as possible. 5.обстоятельство цели He worked hard to master the English language.       Читать английские книги полезно.   Я люблю читать английские книги в подлиннике.   Наша цель - овладеть английским языком.   Вот книга, которую нужно прочитать как можно быстрее.   Он усердно занимался для того, чтобы овладеть английским языком.


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