Ways of Expressing Future Actions — КиберПедия 

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Ways of Expressing Future Actions

2021-06-24 100
Ways of Expressing Future Actions 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Future Simple (will + V) - to talk about things we are not sure about or we haven't decided yet;   - to express hopes, fears, threats, on-the-spot decisions, offers, promises, comments, etc.; - to make a prediction based on what we think or imagine;   - to talk about actions which will definitely happen in the future and which we cannot control. I will probably buy a new car. (I’m not sure yet.)   I’m hungry. I will have a snack. (on-the-spot decision)     I think you will pass your exam.   He will be nineteen next year.
2. be going to - to talk about things we are sure about or we have already decided to do in the near future;   - to express intentions and plans;   - when we can see (evidence) that something is going to happen. I am going to buy a new car. (I’ve decided it.)     Now that I’ve got the money, I am going to travel to Japan. (intention)   It is going to rain. (We can see dark clouds in the sky.)
3. Present Simple - fortimetablesor programmes The train leaves at midnight.
4. Present Continuous - for fixed arrangements in the near future I am flying to Paris tomorrow.
5. Future Continuous - for an action which will definitely happen in the future as the result of a routineorarrangement Boys will be playing baseball on Saturday morning.


Say what is going to happen or what people are going to do. Use the verbs in brackets.

1. He … the bus. (catch)

2. She … to Paris. (fly)

3. It …. (rain)

4. We … to the cinema. (go)

5. John and Fred … tennis. (play)

6. The sportsman …. (swim)

7. They …. (get married)

8. I … TV. (watch)

2. Match the questions with the replies:

a) Are you free on Saturday night? 1) Yes, I’m seeing her tomorrow.
b) What are your plans for the winter holidays? 2) No, I’m leaving on Friday morning.
c) What are the arrangements for the trip tomorrow? 3) Not really. I need to study for the test.
d) Where is Lisa going? I must talk to her. 4) She’ll be back in a minute.
e) Are you going to be at the party on Sunday? 5) I’m going to visit my friends.
f) Do you still go out with Helen? 6) We’re leaving at 8 a.m.

 3. Choose the best phrase:

1. Do you have any plans for your birthday? Yes, (I’m having / I’ll have) a party.

2. I can’t do my homework. I don’t understand it. Don’t worry, (I’m helping you / I’ll help).

3. Where (are you going to study / will you study) when you finish school?

4. The doctor is on his way. He (will be / is being) here in 10 minutes.

5. Have you heard that Mary (will have / is going to have) a baby?

4. Tick the correct sentences:

1) Look out. The car will crash.  
2) Sorry, I can’t wait for you. I’m seeing the doctor today.  
3) Have you heard the weather forecast? It’s raining tomorrow.  
4) I’ve already bought my tickets. I’m leaving tomorrow.  
5) This bag looks heavy. I’m going to help you.  

(From http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=2675#a)

5. Fill in the blanks with the necessary forms from the box:

am meeting, will open, leaves, will snow, is going to rain, are going to have, will drive, am going to see, are flying, starts


1. The train ______________ at 11:45.

2. We ______________ dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday.

3. It ____________ in the mountains tomorrow evening.

4. On Sunday at 8 o’clock I ______________ my friend.

5. They ______________ to London on Friday evening.

6. Wait! I _____________ you to the station.

7. The English lesson _______________ at 8:45.

8. I _____________ my sister in April.

9. Look at the clouds – it ________________ in a few minutes.

10. Listen! There’s someone at the door. I _____________ the door for you.


(From http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/future.htm)

6. Use the appropriate future form of the verb given in brackets:

1. The plane (to arrive) in New York at 5.40.

2. I think I (to book) four tickets to Moscow.

3. I (to plan) to go on a tour with my family in summer.

4. We (to go) on a guided tour in a week.

5. The train (to leave) in 10 minutes?

6. You (to visit) Westminster Abbey on summer holidays?

7. My sister is always on time. I’m sure she (to miss) the train tomorrow.

8. Mr. Rambler (to fly) to Moscow on Friday.

9. I (not to fly) with British Airways, it’s too expansive!

10. I think we (not to go) to Trafalgar Square, because it (to rain).


Look at the following tables of advantages and disadvantages and try to guess what means of transport are meant below ( BICYCLE, CAR, BUS, TRAIN, SHIP, PLANE ):

1) _________________


Advantages Disadvantages
1) it is a fast transport 2) it is a comfortable transport 3) you can see the nature 4) you can eat in the dining-car 5) you can sleep comfortably 6) if it is rainy, you will not get wet 1) it is slower than plane 2) it can be crash 3) itisnoisy


2) _________________


Advantages Disadvantages
1) you can stop where you want 2) you can see the nature 3) you can make your own time-table 4) if it is rainy, you will not get wet 5) you don’t need to carry bags 1) there are traffic jams 2) the price of petrol is high 3) there can be only 5 people in it 4) if the traveling is long, it is uncomfortably to sleep


3) _________________


Advantages Disadvantages
1) it is the fastest transport 2) it is very interesting to travel by it 3) the traveling is very comfortable 1) it is very expensive 2) you can’t stop where you want 3) you can see only the sun and the clouds 4) you can have an air-illness 5) it can be crash 6) the registration is very long


4) _________________


Advantages Disadvantages
1) it is the cheapest transport 2) you can see the nature 3) you can stop where you want 4) you can make your own time-table 1) it is the slowest transport 2) if it is rainy you will get wet 3) in winter it is difficult to go by it 4) you get tired if you go far away


5) _________________


Advantages Disadvantages
1) you can see the nature 2) it is not expensive 3) if it is rainy, you will not get wet 1) it is not comfortable if there are many people in it 2) there are traffic jams 3) it is slower than train and plane


6) _________________


Advantages Disadvantages
1) it is very interesting to travel by it 2) you can see beautiful nature 3) it is very comfortable, you feel like at home 1) it is slower than train and plane 2) it is expensive 3) you can have a sea-illness


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