Check yourself Проверьте себя — КиберПедия 

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Check yourself Проверьте себя

2021-06-23 85
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I Translate the following sentences from Russian into English - Переведите предложения с русского на английский

1. Лондон- это один из крупнейших городов в мире и столица Великобритании.

2. Столица расположена на обоих берегах Темзы.

3. Сити, самый малый по площади, является сердцем коммерции Лондона.

4. Вестминстерское аббатство находится напротив Зданий Парламента, основанных более ста лет назад.

5. Колонна Нельсона на Трафальгарской площади, построенная в честь адмирала Нельсона, находится не далеко от Национальной галереи.

II Answer the following questions - Ответьте на вопросы

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

2. Is it the largest city in the world?

3. Where is it situated?

4. What parts of London do you know?

5. Where are The Stock Exchange and the Bank of England situated?

6. Westminster is the centre of administration, isn’t it?

7. What do you know about London sights?

8. What sight would you like to visit? Why?

It’s interesting to know Additional texts

a) Read these texts and learn many interesting things about London sights. Then do the test which follows. Прочитайте эти тексты и узнайте много интересного о достопримечательностях Лондона. Затем выполните следующий тест.

b) Be a guide. Prepare an excursion “London Sights”. Попробуй себя в роли гида. Подготовь экскурсию «Достопримечательности Лондона».

The City of London

The City is the heart of London, its commercial and business part. Numerous banks, offices, firms and trusts are concentrated there. The area of the City is about a square mile. It is an area with a long and exciting history, and it is a centre of trade and commerce.

The City of London is one of the major banking centers of the world and one can find the banks of many nations here. Here, too, you can find the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and Lloyd’s, the most famous insurance company in the world.

Only five thousand people live in the City. Before and after the business hours the streets of the City are crowded with more than a million people who come there to work.


the Bank of England Английский банк, Банк Англии. Государственный центральный эмиссионный банк в Лондоне

the Stock Exchange Лондонская фондовая биржа

Lloyd’s                      Ллойд. Ассоциация страховщиков, занимается преимущественно морским страхованием.



The Tower of London

Among the first historic buildings is the Tower of London (Fig. 3), built in 1087. The history of London is closely connected with the Tower. They say that London is the key to England and the Tower is the key to London. The Tower of London was founded by William the Conqueror. It was begun with the aim of protecting Londoners from invasion by the river. Since then the Tower has served as fortress, palace, state prison and royal treasury, now it is a museum. During the reign of Henry VII, part of it became a menagerie, and it was one of the citizens' entertainments to watch a bear being led to the water's edge to catch salmon.

Fig. 3 the Tower of London         


William the Conqueror Вильгельм-Завоеватель
Henry VII Генрих VII (1485-1509). Представитель династии Тюдоров.
is closely connected with тесно связан с…
from invasion by the river от нашествий со стороны реки
menagerie зверинец
salmon лосось, семга

Tower Bridge

This bridge built in 1894, is still in daily use. Even today Tower Bridge (Fig.4) regulates a large part of traffic of the Port of London. Due to a special mechanism, the main traffic-way consisting of two parts fixed to two hinges at the ends can be lifted up. The central stay is 142 feet, each bascule weighs 1,000 tons. Nowadays the pedestrian path is closed. This footpath connecting the top of each tower, is situated at height of 142 feet above the waters of the famous Thames.                                                                      Fig. 4 Tower Bridge


in daily use         используется в наши дни

hinge                   шарнир

bascule               подъемное крыло или ферма (моста)


St. Paul’s Cathedral

Everybody coming to London for the first time wants to see St. Paul's Cathedral (Fig.5). This is the third cathedral with this name which London has had. The two others were burnt down, the first in 1086 and the second in 1666.

Christopher Wren was an architect who had already built many buildings. Now, in 1675; he started on his greatest work. For 35 years the building of St Paul's

                                                                 Fig.5 St. Paul's Cathedral

Cathedral went on, and Wren was an old man and died before it was finished.

From far away you can see the huge dome with a golden ball and cross on the top. The inside of the cathedral is very beautiful. After looking around, you can climb 263 steps to the Whispering Gallery, above the library, which runs round the dome. It is called so because if someone whispers close to the wall on one side, a person with an ear close to the wall on the other side can hear what is said. Then, if you climb another 118 steps, you will be able to stand outside the dome and look over London. But not only can you climb up, you can also go down, into the crypt. Here are buried many great men, including Christopher Wren himself, Nelson and others.



Christopher Wren         Кристофер Рен. Английский архитектор

Whispering Gallery       Галерея шепота. У основания внутреннего купола собора св. Павла. Знаменита своим акустическим эффектом: слово, сказанное тихо на одной ее стороне, слышно у противоположной стены, хотя диаметр купола равен 32 м.

were burnt down           сгорели

the huge dome              огромный купол

the crypt                         склеп, подземная часовня


Westminster is another central and important part of London. Most governmental buildings are situated there. On the left bank of the Thames is Westminster Palace, famous as Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of the British Parliament. The Clock Tower with the hour-bell called “Big Ben” is known the world over.

The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament is the most popular and widely spread image of London. In this famous palace there are also many meeting halls and various parliamentary offices.

The Palace of Westminster, together with Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower Big Ben forms an unmistakable architectural complex. But the Towers and the Houses of Parliament are not only associated architecturally, but also in the democratic spirit that rules the political life developed in the House of Commons. If Parliament is sitting, the flag flies on top of Victoria Tower during the whole day. If the debates go on during the night, which quite often happens in the dynamic parliamentary life of Great Britain, light burns above Big Ben in the Clock Tower. This light at night and the flag during the day-time signal for the people of London that the members of Parliament are watching over the nation's interests.


the Palace of Westminster Вестминстерский дворец. С середины 14 в. в нем проходят заседания парламента.
Victoria Tower башня Виктории. Главная башня здания парламента. В ней хранятся парламентские документы. Высота 99м.
the Clock Tower Big Ben башня с часами-курантами «Большой Бен».По названию колокола, бой которого передается ежедневно по радио как сигнал точного времени.
unmistakable architectural complex безупречный архитектурный ансамбль
associated architecturally архитектурно взаимосвязаны
the democratic spirit демократический дух
to watch over the nation's interests   блюсти национальные интересы

Big Ben

Why is this bell called "Big Ben" (Fig.6)? When the great bell was cast in London foundry in 1858, the question of its name was discussed in Parliament. One member said, “Why not call it Big Ben?”

There was much laughter among the members because the man in charge of public buildings was Sir Benjamin Hall, a very tall, stout man whose nickname was “Big Ben”.

Fromthat time the bell has been known as Big Ben. The bell is 7 feet 6 inches high, and 9 feet 6 inches across the mouth. It weighs 13.5 tons (about the same as two double-decker buses). Fig.6 Big Ben

“Big Ben” is the name of the bell only not the clock, and not the tower.


cast отливать
foundry литейный цех
Sir Benjamin Hall сэр Бенжамин Холл. Главный смотритель литейных работ в 1856 г.
1 foot 1 фут. Примерно 30.5см.
1 inch 1 дюйм. Примерно 2.5 см.

Westminster Abbey

The great glory of Westminster is the Abbey (Fig.7). St. Peter founded the first church here, but the Abbey's 900 years of existence since its dedication go back to Edward the Confessor. Henry III rebuilt the earlier church and the present building dates from his reign. Many visitors to the Abbey are attracted to Poet’s corner, with its memorials to great men of letters. Many outstanding statesmen, painters, writers and poets are buried there. Nearly all English kings and queens have been crowned in Westminster Abbey.                                                         Fig.7 Westminster Abbey


Edward the Confessor Эдуард Исповедник
Henry III Генрих III (1216-1272). Представитель династии Плантагенетов
Poet’s corner Уголок поэтов. Часть Вестминстерского аббатства, где похоронены известные поэты и писатели
St.Peter Святой Петр, основатель аббатства
dedication освящение
men of letters литераторы
outstanding выдающийся

The West End

The West End is the richest and the most beautiful part of London. The West End is the name given to the area of central London north from the Mall to Oxford Street. Fine buildings, theatres, museums and big shops can be found in the West End. The best streets and parks of the capital are there too.


Trafalgar Square

It was named Trafalgar Square (Fig.8) to commemorate the historical naval victory won on the 21st of October 1805 by the British fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson over the French-Spanish fleet.

Nelson’s Column, with the statue of Admiral Lord Nelson on top, rises in the centre of Trafalgar Square. It is 170 feet (about 52 m) tall.

Londoners often celebrate there political rallies. There are many pigeons in the square and Londoners like to feed them. Everybody knows that the dove is the symbol of peace all over the world.                                      Fig.8 Trafalgar Square


the historical naval victory историческая морская победа
Nelson’s Column колонна Нельсона. Памятник адмиралу Нельсону (1758-1805) в виде сорокачетырехметровой колонны, увенчанной пятиметровой фигурой адмирала; у основания колонны четыре льва, отлитые из трофейных французских пушек
political rallies политические массовые митинги

Piccadilly Circus


Piccadilly Circus is the centre of night life in the West End. This is one of the most popular meeting points of London, probably second only to Trafalgar Square. It is quite small, but it is a dynamic and picturesque place with a happy and lively atmosphere.

People like to gather around the foot of the statue of Eros, the god of love, work of Sir Alfred Gilbert.

Piccadilly Circus is the West End shopping centre. There are many shops with big advertisements, belonging to different foreign firms there.


Eros Эрос, Эрот. Разговорное название памятника известному филантропу графу Шафтсбери в центре Пиккадилли Серкус. Установлен в 1893.
picturesque place живописное место
advertisement реклама

Buckingham Palace


Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham. Later restored by Nash, the present façade was planned by Sir Aston Webb in 1913. Buckingham Palace is London residence of the Sovereign. When the queen is here, the royal standard flutters over the palace.

The Royal Mews, in Buckingham Palace Road, house coaches and horses used in all state occasions and are open to the public on Wednesday and Thursday. The queen’s Gallery, also in Buckingham Palace Road, has special exhibitions from the Royal collection and may be visited every day except Monday.

The Palace and the beautiful gardens occupy an area of approximately 40 acres. This is one of the most interesting places in London for the tourist because it is something typically and intimately part of London’s character.


Duke герцог (титул; высшая степень сословия Пэров)
Nash английский архитектор 1752-1835
Royal Mews «Ройял мьюз», королевские конюшни
Queen’s Galley картинная галерея королевы со сменной экспозицией.
residence of the Sovereign резиденция монарха

Hyde Park


Hyde Park is one of the most popular points in London. In one corner there is the old residence of the Duke of Wellington, Apsley House, now Wellington Museum. Along one side of Hyde Park runs Park Lane, by which one can arrive at Marble Arch, not far from where is Speaker’s Corner.

Hyde Park is the largest park in London: including the Kensington Gardens it covers an area of 636 acres. Hyde Park has a large and most attractive lake called the Serpentine, whose area of 41 acres is used to swim in and quietly row on in summer.

Another attraction of Hyde Park is the horse riding lane known as Rotten Row, which is a mile and a half long.

Other well known and important parks are Regent’s Park, Green Park, St. James’s Park and Kensington Gardens. There are many swans in London parks and gardens and according to the tradition they are considered to be the property of the Royal family.


Apsley House Апсли-Хаус. Дом-музей герцога Веллингтона.
Park Lane Парк Лейн. Улица в лондонском Уэст Энде, известна фешенебельными гостиницами и особняками.
Marble Arch Марбл-Арч. Триумфальная арка. Сооружена в 1828 в качестве главного въезда в Букингемский дворец; в 1851 перенесена в северо-восточную часть парка, ныне находится вне его пределов.
The Serpentine Серпантин. Узкое искусственное озеро в Гайд-Парке с лодочной станцией и пляжем.
Rotten Row Роттен-Роу. Аллея для верховой езды в Гайд-Парке. (букв. Гнилая дорога.)
Regent’s Park Риджентс–Парк. Большой парк в северо-западной части Лондона; площадь 180 га. Бывшее место королевской охоты.
Green Park Грин-Парк. Тянется вдоль улицы Пиккадилли. Известен со 2-й половины 17 в. (букв. Зеленый парк; в нем одна зелень, без цветов)
St.James’s Park Сент-Джеймсский парк. В центральной части Лондона. По всей его длине тянется озеро, где обитают пеликаны, завезенные из России в 1664.
Kensington Gardens Кенсингтон-Гарденз. Большой парк в Лондоне; примыкает к Гайд-Парку.

The East End


London is a city of great contrast. Its western part is the richest. The poorest part of London is the East End.

The East End grew with the spread of industries to the east of the City, and the growth of the port of London. It covers a wide area.

It is also one of those areas of London where people from abroad have come to find work. For centuries foreigners have made London their home.

The East End is especially famous as the centre of the clothing industry (or “rag-trade”) in London. Its markets are famous throughout the world. Street-salesmen promise that the goods are of the highest quality and much cheaper than those you can buy in the West End.

Traditionally someone born in the East End is known as a cockney although this name is now given to anyone who speaks like a Londoner.



Cockney кокни; коренной уроженец Лондона (особенно Ист-Энда)
the spread of industries распространение промышленности
street-sales уличные торговцы


Choose the convenient answer - Выберите правильный ответ

1. What is the major banking centre of London?

a. the City

b. the West End

c. the East End


2. What is the poorest part of London?

a. the City

b. the West End

c. the East End


3. What is the richest part of London?

a. the City

b. the West End

c. the East End


4. When was the Tower of London built?

a. in 1894

b. in 1087

c. in 1666


5. Who was the founder of the Tower of London?

a. William the Conqueror

b. Christopher Wren

c. William the Confessor


6. What can you visit in St. Paul’s Cathedral?

a. Tate Gallery

b. museum

c. Whispering Gallery


7. Who was the architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral?

a. Henry VII

b. Christopher Wren

c. Nelson


8. Which sight is the oldest one?

a. Tower Bridge

b. St. Paul’s Cathedral

c. the Tower of London


9. Where is the British Parliament sitting?

a. in Westminster Abbey

b. in the Houses of Parliament

c. in Victoria Tower


10. Where can you see the flying flag during the parliamentary debates?

a. on the top of Victoria Tower

b. on the top of Clock Tower

c. on the top of St. Paul’s Cathedral


11. What did people name as “Big Ben”?

a. the tower

b. the clock

c. the bell


12. Where were all English kings and queens crowned?

a. in the Tower of London

b. in Westminster Abbey

c. in the Houses of Parliament


13. Where can you see the statue of Admiral Lord Nelson?

a. in Trafalgar Square

b. in Piccadilly Circus

c. in Hyde Park


14. What is the West End shopping centre?

a. the Royal Academy

b. Piccadilly Circus

c. St. James’s Park


15. Where is Rotten Row situated?

a. in Hyde Park

b. in St. James’s Park

c. in Kensington Gardens

Lesson IV

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