Упражнение 2. Перефразируйте предложения, используя конструкцию «but for»: — КиберПедия 

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Упражнение 2. Перефразируйте предложения, используя конструкцию «but for»:

2022-10-03 76
Упражнение 2. Перефразируйте предложения, используя конструкцию «but for»: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Pattern: It began to rain and we didn’t go for a walk.
But for the rain we would have gone for a walk.

1. He wants to go fishing but he has a bad cold.
2. He could not see the play as he had some work to do.
3. She was not alone in the house. Her husband lay asleep in his room after the night shift.
4. I don’t want to tell you this. But I promised to.
5. In the end he went to see the doctor. His wife made him to.
6. He didn’t die. The operation saved him.
7. We didn’t have a very good time after all. The weather was too bad.
8. It was impossible to read the inscription in the dark. Then he remembered he had a torch.
9. He has the makings of a good teacher but he has a slight defect of speech.
10. Of course I want to help you. But I’ve a conference today.
11. He had a good guide so he managed to climb the mountain.
12. It was only because the ice was so good that she could set a new record.
13. I could do it all in so short a time only because of your kindness and understanding.
14. You can’t do it only because of a certain lack of concentration.

Упражнение 3. Дополните предложения нужным вариантом:

1 'Where is my bank book?' - 'If you............in the drawer, you'll find it.'
A had looked                 В look            С looked

2 'Can I go and play football, please, Mum?'
'If you........your homework, you can go and play.'
A finished       В had finished              С have finished

3 'Dad shouted at me today.'
'Well, if you.......... the window, he wouldn't have shouted at you.'
A didn't break                   В hadn't broken             С don't break

4 'When ice melts, it.........water.' - 'Everyone knows that!'
A becomes        В will become          С would become

5 'I'm going to a party tonight.' -  'If I weren't ill, I..........with you.
A come       В will come           С would come

6 'If I were rich, I............around the world.' - 'Perhaps you will one day.'
A will sail      В can sail            С could sail

7 'Have you seen Daniel recently?' - 'No. If I have time, I.............him tomorrow.'
A would visit        В might visit       С visit

8 'Paul lost his watch.' - 'Well, if he had looked after it, he............it.'
A wouldn't lose             В won't lose             С wouldn't have lost

9 'If you hadn't watched that film, you..............nightmares.' -  'You're right.'
A wouldn't have had           В won't have            С don't have

10 'I can't find my wallet.' -  'If I were you, I...... in my jacket pocket.'
A would look        В will look          С am looking

Упражнение 4. Перефразируйте предложения, используя условные предложения смешанного типа:

Pattern: She didn’t study hard. She won’t pass the exams.
If she had studied hard she would pass the exams

1. You didn’t wake me up. Now I’m late for my appointment.
2. She isn’t well-qualified. She didn’t get the job.
3 We didn’t go to the restaurant. We don’t like fast food.
4. She didn’t bring her umbrella. Now, she’s getting wet.
5. I don’t know them very well, so I didn’t go to the party.
6. He isn’t at the lecture because he wasn’t told about it.
7. They didn’t take a map with them. They’re lost now.
8. The driver isn’t careful. He crashed his car into a wall.
9. I didn’t buy tickets. We can’t go to the theatre tonight.
10. He didn’t reserve a table. He has to wait for an hour.
11. Sue forgot to go to the bank. Now she can’t go shopping.
12. They missed the flight. They won’t arrive until tomorrow.

Упражнение 5. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. If she (comes/came) late again, she'll lose her job.
2. I'll let you know if I (find/found) out what's happening.
3. If we (live/lived) in a town. life would be easier.
4. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we (arrive/arrived) early.
5. (We'll/We'd) phone you if we have time.
6. If I won the lottery, I (will/would) give you half the money.
7. It (will/would) be a pity if she married Fred.
8. If I'm free on Saturday, I (will/would) go to the mountains.
9. She (will/would) have a nervous breakdown if she goes on like this.
10. I know I'll feel better if I (stop/stopped) smoking.

Упражнение 6. Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола:

1. Tom: I woke up to find the room full of smoke; but I knew exactly what to do.
Ann: If I ………..(wake) up to find the room full of smoke I …………(have) no idea what to do.

2. Ann: I couldn't live without Tom. If he ………….(go) off with another girl I …………(die). But I have complete confidence in Tom.

3. Husband: But I'm not going on a diet. Why should I go on a diet?
Wife: If you ……….(go) on a diet you ……….(lose) weight.

4. If someone………. (say), 'I’ll give you £500 to go into court and swear that this statement is true,' what you ……….(do)?

5. If we ……..(work) all night we ………(finish) in time; but we have no intention of working all night.

6. You must never blow out a gaslight. Do you know what………. (happen) if you ………(blow) out a gaslight?

7. A: If I ………(see) a tiger walking across Hyde Park I ……..(climb) a tree.
B: That (not be) any use. The tiger (climb) after you.

8. If I ……..(come) across two men fighting with knives I ……(call) the police.

9. Ann: All your clothes are years out of date. Why don't you throw them away?
Mary: Don't be ridiculous! If I ……….(throw) my clothes away I ………(have) to ask my husband for £1,000 to buy new ones.
Ann:If you ………(ask) him for £1,000 what he ………(say)?
Mary: He ……….(be) too horrified to speak at first. But when he'd recovered from the shock, he probably ………..(start) talking about a divorce.

10. If someone ……….(ring) my doorbell at 3 a.m. I (be) very unwilling to open the door.

11. If I ………(see) a python in Piccadilly I ………(assume) it had escaped from a circus.

12.Tom: The plane was on fire so we baled out.
Ann: I don't think I …..(have) the nerve to do that even if the plane ….(be) on fire.

13. We train the children to file out of the classroom quietly, because if a whole class ….(rush) at the door someone ….(get) hurt.

14. A:Why don't you buy a season ticket?
B: Because I lose everything. If I ….(buy) a season ticket I ….(lose) it.

15. Jack: They get £150 a week.
Tom: They can't get £150 a week. If they ……(do) they ………(not be) striking for £120.

Упражнение 7. Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола:

1. I'm sorry you didn't tell me that dogs were allowed in the hotel; if I ……..(know) I …….(bring) my dog. He …..(enjoy) the walk.

2. He says he refused the job, but that this was nothing to do with the salary. He ………..(refuse) even if they ……….(offer) him twice as much.

3. The club secretary is useless. He never tells anybody anything. We ………(not know) about this meeting if the chairman ……….(not tell) us.

4. When the director asked her to play the lead she agreed though she didn't know anything about the play. I think that if she ………(read) the play first she …………(refuse) the part.

5. The burglar made quite a lot of noise getting into the house; but fortunately for him the family were watching a noisy TV play. If they ……….(play) cards they certainly ………(hear) him.

6. It rained, which spoiled our picnic; but if it ……….(not rain) it ………(be) a great success.

7. Why are you in such a bad temper? Because I've been waiting for 40 minutes in an icy wind. If you ……….(wait) 40 minutes in an icy wind you'd be bad-tempered, too.

8. You used wet sticks; that's why the fire took so long to light. If you (use) dry sticks it (light) long ago.

9. I didn't recognize him at first because he was wearing dark glasses; if he ……..(not wear) them I …….(recognize) him immediately.

10. You knew that horse was going to win! Don’t be ridiculous! If I ………(knew) I ……(back) him myself.

11. When the weather got bad the climbing party turned back, all except Tom and his brothers, who decided to go on. If only they …….(turn) back with the others they would be alive today.

12. He was not very happy at school because he was a bookish boy, not at all interested in games. If he ………(play) games like the other boys he ……..(have) a much better time.

13. We had to stand almost all the way. It was all Tom's fault. If he ……….(book) seats, as I told him to, we ……….(have) quite a comfortable journey.

14. We were travelling with false passports. That was the trouble. If our passports ……..(be) all right we ………(not be) arrested.

15. They voted by a show of hands and decided in favour of a strike. But it was by a narrow margin and I think that if they ……….(hold) a secret ballot there …………(not be) a strike.

Упражнение 8. Дополните предложения, открывая скобки:

1. I didn’t learn to play any instrument when I was at school. I wish I …………………………. (learn) to play the guitar.
2. I’m over six feet. I wish I ……………………….. (grow) so tall.
3. He is such a bad driver. I wish he …………………….(be) given a driving license.
4. I can’t cook. I wish I ……………….. (can) prepare a family dinner for twelve people.
5. We get invited to parties all the time. We wish we ………………… (be) so popular.
6. I decided to study law. I wish I ……………… (become) a solicitor.
7. This car is fantastic. I wish I ……………………. (have) a similar one.
8. This Walkman was very cheap and it broke down at once. I wish I ………….. (buy) it.

Упражнение 9. Перефразируйте предложения по образцу, используя структуру I wish...:

Pattern: I'm sorry I haven't got a washing machine. – I wish I had a washing machine.


1. I'm sorry I don't live near my work.
2. I'm sorry our garden doesn't get any sun.
3. I'm sorry I called him a liar.
4. I'm sorry I don't know Finnish.
5. I'm sorry I didn't book a seat.
6. I'm sorry I haven't got a car.
7. I'm sorry I can't drive.
8. I'd like Tom to drive more slowly (but I haven't any great hopes of this).
9. I'd like you to keep quiet. (You're making so much noise that I can't think.)
10. I'm sorry that theatre tickets cost so much.
11. It's a pity that shops here shut on Saturday afternoon.
12. It's a pity he didn't work harder during the term.
13. It's a pity you are going tonight.
14. It's a pity I haven't got a work permit.
15. I would like it to stop raining (but I'm not very hopeful).
16. I'd like you to wait for me (even though you are ready to start now).
17. I'm sorry I didn’t bring a map.
18. I'm sorry I left my last job.
19. I'm sorry I didn’t stay in my last job.
20. I'd like him to cut his hair (but I don't suppose he will).
21. I'd like him to stop smoking in bed (but I haven't any great hopes).
22. I'm sorry he goes to bed so late.
23. I'm sorry I didn’t know you were coming.
24. I'm sorry you told Jack.
25. I'm sorry I didn’t ask the fishmonger to open these oysters.
26. I'm sorry you aren’t coming with us.
27. I'm sorry you aren’t going to a job where you could use your English.
28. It's a pity you didn’t ask him how to get there.

Упражнение 10. Дополните предложения нужным вспомогательным глаголом:

1 I don't know many people, but I wish I... did....
2 He can't drive, but he wishes he ….
3 We didn't move house, but we wish we ….
4 I'm not very wealthy, but I wish I …
5 She probably won't help me, but I wish she….
6 He hasn't got any pets, but he wishes he….
7 They don't go out very often, but they wish they ….
8 He won't listen to my advice, but I wish he….

Упражнение 11. Откройте скобки, используя глаголы в нужной форме:

1. A: I wish Paul... would tell... (tell) me what is wrong with him.
B: Yes. He seems very upset, doesn't he?

2. A: I wish I …………………….(not/shout) at the children like that.
B: Why? They were being very naughty.

3. A: I wish you ……………. (tidy) your room more often.
B: Sorry. I'll try to.

4. A: I wish I …………………… (practise) harder before the concert.
B: I thought you performed very well.

5. A: If only Stuart ……………………………….. (call) me.
B: Don't worry. I'm sure he'll phone soon.

6. A: I wish I …………………….. (be) back at school again.
B: Those were great days, weren't they?

7. A: I wish Mark ………………………. (stop) playing his music so loudly.
B: Why don't you ask him to turn it down?

8. A: If only I ……………………… (buy) those shoes we saw today.
B: Why not go back and buy them tomorrow?

9. A: I wish you ………………………. (try) harder with your Maths homework.
B: Sorry. I find it very difficult.

10 A: If only we ………………………… (go) to France last summer.
B: We could go this year if you like.

11. A: I wish I ………………………… (can afford) some new CDs
B: Would you like to borrow some of mine?

12 A: If only it ………………………………. (stop) raining.
B: Yes. Then we could go for a walk.

13. A: Are you going to Joanne's party on Saturday?
B: No. I wish I ……………………….. (go), because I'm sure it will be fun.

14. A: I wish you ……………………. (help) with the housework more often.
B: What would you like me to do?

15 A: I'm bored. I wish I …………………………. (arrange) to go out this evening.
B: I'm going to the cinema. Why don't you come, too?

Упражнение 12. Переделайте предложения, используя структуру would rather:

Пример: 'You’d better phone Judy'. - 'No, you phone her.'- I’d rather you phoned her.

1. 'Let’s talk things over.' 'No, let’s talk tomorrow.'
2. 'I’ll phone Sue.' 'No, don’t.'
3. 'Shall I come at 9?' '10 would be better.'
4. 'I’ll cook tomorrow.' 'Tonight would be better.'
5. 'Can she work with you?' 'Why doesn’t she work with Maggie?'
6. 'Ask that policeman.' 'You ask him.'
7. 'Mark wants to go out.' 'I’d prefer him to stay in.'
8. 'Can they use our sheets?' 'It would be more convenient if they brought their own.'
9. 'The government wants to cut taxes.' 'It would be better if they do something about the homeless.'

Упражнение 13. Переделайте предложения, используя структуру would rather:

1. We would rather............(stay) home tonight.
2. Mr. Jones would rather.........(stay) home last night.
3. The policeman would rather.......(work) on Saturday than on Sunday.
4. Maria would rather we........(study) more than we do.
5. George would rather.........(study; negative) tonight.
6. The photographer would rather..........(have) more light.
7.The photographer would rather we............(stand) closer together than we are standing.
8. Garman would rather.........(cook; negative) for the entire family.
9. She would rather you.........(arrive; negative) last night.
10. John would rather........(sleep) than worked last night.


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