Negroid kali-ma and white Russian cossacks / 1. 4 Негроидная кали-ма и белые русские казаки — КиберПедия 

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Negroid kali-ma and white Russian cossacks / 1. 4 Негроидная кали-ма и белые русские казаки

2022-10-03 29
Negroid kali-ma and white Russian cossacks / 1. 4 Негроидная кали-ма и белые русские казаки 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Russian-Aryans left Indostan, because negroes from the South were cannibals, who justified their cannibalism by the rituals of human sacrifice to their Moon Gods. Negroes opposed their Moon Gods, or the gods of the Dark, to the Russian-Aryan Sun God “Ra”, the god of the Light. Negroes believed that by eating white men, they would acquire their smarts. The image of the Black Mother or Kali-ma is the symbol of the genocide that blacks waged against whites in India, Africa and America, and which is documented in the doctrine of the global genocide in the Talmud by the true Old Testament Jews who were negroes from the Ethiopian Tribe of Seth, which also calls itself the Tribe of Judah. Black Kali-ma was killing and eating the white blue-eyed Russian Cossacks in Indostan. The iconic images of black “goddess” depict how she tremples a white man with her foot. She cuts white men’s heads and arms, and wears neckless made of heads and arms of white men. We can identify the white man as a Russian Cossack, because only Russian Cossacks were wearing such long mustache. Cossacks were the Russian-Aryan military, self-organized for the protection of Russian-Aryan tribes. The very name of Kali-ma or Black Mother is of Russian origin. “Ma” is “mama” in Russian. And “Kali” is “Koli”, which means to pierce with a sword, which we see in her right hand. Indostan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kurdistan, Kazakhstan, Turkistan all have Russian word “stan” as a root, which means the place of staying. English word “stay” also is derived from the Russian word “stan.”


Русо-арийцы оставили Индостан, потому что негры с Юга были каннибалами, которые оправдывали свой каннибализм ритуалами человеческих жертвоприношений своим Лунным Богам. Негры противопоставили своих Лунных Богов или богов тьмы Русо-арийскому солнечному богу “Ра”, богу Света. Негры считали, что, употребляя в пищу белых людей, они приобретут их ​​ум. Образ Черной Матери или “Кали-мы” является символом геноцида, который чернокожие развязали против белых в Индии, Африке и Америке, и который задокументирован в доктрине глобального геноцида в Талмуде истинных евреев Ветхого Завета, которые были неграми из Эфиопского Племени Сет, которое так же называет себя Племенем Иуды. Чёрная Кали-ма убивала и поедала белых русских казаков в Индостане. Иконный образ чёрной “богини” изображает, как она попирает своей ногой белого мужчину. Она отрезает головы и руки белых людей, и носит ожерелье, сделанное из голов и рук белых людей. Мы можем идентифицировать белого мужчину как русского казака, потому что только русские казаки носили такие длинные усы. Казаки были Русо-Арийскими воинами, самоорганизованными для защиты Русо-Арийских племён. Само имя Кали-ма или Чёрной Матери — русского происхождения. “Ма” означает “мама” по-русски. И “Кали” – это “Коли”, которое означает “колоть” мечём, который мы и видим в её правой руке. Индостан, Афганистан, Пакистан, Курдистан, Казахстан, Туркестан все имеют русский корень “стан”, который означает место стоянки. Aнглийское слово “stay” тоже происходит от русского слова “стан”.

Judeo-communists of the Soviet Union attempted the complete extermination of Russian Cossacks after the Judeo-communist revolution of 1917. This was evidently the order by Chabad with its agenda to rebuild Khazaria. “Cossack” is spelled “Kazak” in Russian. And Kazakhstan was Kazakstan, i.e., the land of Kazaks. Judeo-communists attempted the extermination of the very cultural legacy of Kazaks. They established the fake and non-existent nation of Kazakhs-mongoloids in the fake and non-existent Republic of Kazakhstan. Lenin established the nation of mongoloid Kazakhs in his decree of 1924. Before that moment, there was no such nation, and no such state. Before that, Mongoloids were in absolute minority on that land. The fake nation of “Kazakhs” was supposed to become the substitute for the real nation of Russian-Aryan Kazaks, and to erase even a memory that such people as Russian Kazaks ever existed and had that land. The land of Southern Urals and modern Kazakhstan is the land of our ancient Russian-Aryan swastika cities and burials of our ancestors. During the Ice Age, we lived in the narrow belt over the Black Sea, Kaspian Sea, Aral Sea and in Southern Siberia and Northern China. Southern Urals had our major ancient aerospace stations (cosmodromes).

Khazarian Chabad via its Judeo-communist proxies did the same thing to Ukraine, another part of the ancient Kazak Empire of Russian-Aryans. Judeo-communist Vladimir Lenin (Blank) established the fake and non-existent nation of Ukrainians in the fake and non-existent Republic of Ukraine by his decree of 1922. Before that, there was no such state and no such nation. This territory was always the part of Russia. It was called “Malorossiya” or “Small Russia”, and its dialect was a variation of Russian language. The Medieval Russia started as Kiev’s Rus’, established by Russian Rurikid Prince. That is why Kiev is called the Mother of Russian Cities. The history of Medieval Russia was the history of its fight with Khazaria and its victory over Khazaria in the 10th century. Now, Chabad undertakes the same ethnical cleansing of Russian-Aryans and cultural genocide, as was done in Kazakhstan over the 20th century. Please refer to my two essays on this topic:

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