Unit IV. The road. General information — КиберПедия 

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Unit IV. The road. General information

2017-05-23 431
Unit IV. The road. General information 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Pre-reading tasks


1. Translate the following words and memorize them:

structure to withstand subgrade moisture load distribution stability to vary to cause subsoil content excessive disintegration site complete (adj.) maintenance to subject earthwork

2. Match the equivalents:

1. engineering structure a. распределение влаги

2. road subgrade b. инженерное сооружение

3. moisture distribution c. дробление каменных материалов

4. gravel quarrying d. грунтовое основание дороги

5. subsoil moisture content e. эксплуатационные качества дорожной одежды

6. pavement performance f. содержание влаги в подстилающем слое

7. engineering solution g. вводить в эксплуатацию

8. put into service h. инженер, ответственный за

9. repair shops i. плотность движения

10. utmost importance j. вписывать в ландшафт

11. traffic density k. первостепенная важность

12. fit into landscape l. выдерживать нагрузки

13. withstand loads m. ремонтные мастерские

14. stone crushing n. разработка гравийного карьера

15. engineer in charge of o. техническое решение


Reading task

3. Read the text carefully and do the tasks that follow:

Modern highways are complex engineering structures. They are intended for high-speed motor traffic. The road pavement must continuously provide good riding qualities and be capable of withstanding the dynamic loads influenced by passage of vehicles. Pavements and road subgrades are subject to the influence of many natural factors such as heating by the sun, freezing, thawing, moistening by rain, etc. Complex physical processes develop in the subgrade caused by variations in moisture distribution and an increase in subsoil moisture content. An excessive moisture content quickly causes the subsoil to lose its strength and may lead to disintegration of the road foundation. The many and varied factors of pavement performance have to be taken into account by the designer and constructor who have to provide for the maximum stability of the subgrade and for the maximum strength of the pavement.

Roads are built in the most varied natural conditions - in broad plains and hills, sandy deserts and in mountains. In all these diverse and complex conditions the road engineer has to be able to find correct engineering and economic solutions. Because of this, A highway paved with concrete

when solving construction problems related to road he has to make use of natural and historical sciences, i.e. geology, climatology, hydraulics, hydrology, etc. He must be able to design highways so as to ensure comfort and safety of transportation.

The road-building operations become complicated because of the extensive length of the construction site – often tens and hundreds of kilometers. The task of the road engineer is to mechanize and technically develop the road-building operations and to provide for the most efficient and complete mechanization of the entire construction process. This is true to such operations as earthworks, sand and gravel quarrying, stone crushing and cement-concrete surfacing.

Finally, when the highway is put into service, its maintenance and the provision for uninterrupted traffic become of the utmost importance of the national economy. The engineer in charge of the highway operation must ensure the maintenance of the road quality under all traffic and weather conditions.

With the growth of traffic density a demand for greater amenities will come. It will be necessary to provide the national road system with hotels and restaurants, service stations and repair shops, where drivers and passengers may rest and vehicles be serviced and repaired. Attention should be given to such questions as fitting roads into the landscape in plan and in profile, planting trees, so as to improve their aesthetic value.


Comprehension check


3. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a highway?

2. What are modern highways intended for?

3. What is the main function of the road pavement?

4. What factors are pavements and road subgrades subject to?

5. Why do complex physical processes develop in the subgrade?

6. What can an excessive moisture content lead to?

7. What kinds of sciences must the road engineer know to ensure comfort and safety of transportation?

8. What do you know about the conditions in which road engineers have to build different kinds of roads?

9. In what way it is possible to make road-building operations easier?

10. What conveniences must the national road system be provided with?


Vocabulary practice


6. Choose the right translation of the word:


1. subsoil a) почва b) гравий с) подстилающий слой грунта

2. to withstand a) различать b) выдержать с) обеспечить

3. distribution a) распределение b) расширение с) удаление

4. content a) ослабление b) уклон с) содержание

5. surfacing a) покрытие b) замерзание с) увлажнение

6. disintegration a) осушение b) расслоение с) преодоление

7. excessive a) чрезмерный b) полный с) разнообразный

8. to crush a) поднимать b) уничтожать с) дробить

9. to cause a) определять b) вызывать с) требовать

10. stability a) изменение b) влияние с) устойчивость

Language focus

5. Read the following words paying attention to the stress and translate them:

transport (n) – to transport; subject (n) – to subject;

increase (n) – to increase; import (n) – to import;

export (n) – to export. concrete (n) – to concrete


6. Complete the table. Try to remember what the following words mean:

Verb Noun
1. to construct 2. … 3. to heat 4. … 5. to influence 6. … 7. to design 8. … 9. to vary 10. … 11. to solve 12. … 13. to provide … load … passage … distribution … maintenance … provision … moisture …


7. Give the initial forms of the words and translate them:

continuously, varied, qualities, withstanding, sandy, necessity, uninterrupted, excessive, safely.

8. Match the words with their synonyms:

a) to ensure, to vary, solution, operation, diverse, complete, amenities, to take into account.

b) decision, to pay attention to, work, various, conveniences, total, to change, to guarantee.


9. Fill in the correct prepositions:

to intend …; to be capable …; to subject …; to take … account; to give attention …; because …; to provide ….


10. Translate the following sentences into English:


1. Современные дороги предназначены для высокоскоростного автомобильного транспорта.

2. Покрытие дороги должно обеспечивать хорошее качество езды и выдерживать динамические нагрузки.

3. Покрытия и дорожные основания подвержены влиянию многих природных факторов таких как нагревание солнцем, замерзание, таяние, увлажнение и т.д.

4. Сложные физические процессы, вызванные изменением в распределении влаги, развиваются в грунтовом основании.

5. Чрезмерное содержание влаги в грунтовом основании может привести к его разложению.

6. Проектировщик и строитель должны обеспечивать максимальную устойчивость грунтового основания и максимальную прочность покрытия.

7. Задача инженера-дорожника заключается также в том, чтобы обеспечить механизацию таких процессов как земляные работы, разработка песчаных и гравийных карьеров, дробление камня и цементно-бетонных покрытий.

Speak on:


a) the road pavement of modern highways;

b) the role of a road engineer in the construction of modern highways.



Pre-reading tasks


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