Text I the History of Design Development — КиберПедия 

Автоматическое растормаживание колес: Тормозные устройства колес предназначены для уменьше­ния длины пробега и улучшения маневрирования ВС при...

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Text I the History of Design Development

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Unit I Design Development


1. approximate – приближенный, приблизительный, примерный;

2. painting – живопись: а) вид изобразительного искусства; б) (произведение) роспись; изображение, картина; в) занятие живописью; рисование;

3. construct – строить, сооружать; воздвигать; конструировать;

4. planning – планирование; разработка плана;

5. handicraft – 1) ремесло; ручная работа; 2) искусство ремесленника; 3) вещь ручной работы;

6. production – производство; продукция; изделия;

7. manufacturing – производство; изготовление; обработка;

8. representative – представитель; делегат; уполномоченный;

9. electric staffзд. электродетали и оборудование;

10. to widespread – широко распространяться;

11. promotion – развитие; продвижение; содействие;

12. ceramics – 1) керамика, гончарное искусство; 2) керамическое производство, гончарное производство;

13. furniture – 1) мебель, обстановка; 2) принадлежности, аксессуары, фурнитура;

14. textile – 1) текстильный, ткацкий; 2) текстиль, текстильное изделие; ткань;

15. Werklehre – (нем.) производственное обучение;

16. Kunstlehre – (нем.) обучение искусству;

17. tool – (рабочий) инструмент; механизм; способ;

18. metal-work technologies and treating – технологии металлообработки;

19. molding – формование изделия;

20. colour mixing perception – цветовосприятие при смешивании красок;

21. trend – общее направление, тенденция;

22. vital – 1) жизненный; 2) (жизненно) важный, насущный, существенный; необходимый;

23. application – применение, использование, употребление; приложение; применимость;

24. to brighten up – прояснять(ся);

25. to penetrate – проникать внутрь, проходить сквозь, пронизывать;

26. peculiarity – специфичность; особенность, своеобразие, специфика.



I. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:













firm (n)











II. Match the verb with its definition:

1. to paint 2. to create 3. to appear 4. to design 5. to unite 6. to demand 7. to study 8. to manage 9. to increase a. to cover a surface with paint b. to make something new, especially to invent something c. to become noticeable or to be present d. to join together as a group, or to make people join together as a group; to combine e. to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that a refusal is not expected f. to learn about a subject,especially in an educational course or by reading books g. to succeed in doing something, especially something difficult h. to (make something) to become larger in amount or size

III. Choose the Russian equivalent:

approximate приблизительный подходящий существенный

painting планирование рисование формование

handicraft мастерская рукоделие ремесло

ceramics керамика ремесло фурнитура

furniture рисование фурнитура ремесло

textile текстильное изделие керамическое изделие фурнитура

tool оборудование ремесло керамика


IV. Read and translate Text I.

VIII. Read Text II to find answers to the given questions?

Text III Planning

Planning is a systematic, organized method of approaching a problem. In the context of this text, planning means following the design process.

Design has three major components: creative, technical and aesthetic. The creative component is the expression of a person’s ideas and is unique to the individual. The technical part is the application of technology to the resolution of the design idea. The aesthetic quality of a design relates to how pleasing it is to look at. Good design expresses a person’s creativity with a balance of technical quality, as represented by the functionality of the product, and of aesthetic quality.

Functionality is a measure of how well the product meets the needs as expressed in the design problem. Aesthetic quality is determined by the mix of form, space, color, line, texture, and light and shadow.

Aesthetic design follows basic principles: Unity, or a feeling of wholeness; variety, or contrast in texture, line, shade; emphasis, used to point out particular details; balance, or the appearance of equal weight for various components; repetition, or the use of a detail or element throughout; and rhythm, or the repetition of lines and curves to give a feeling of movement. These are used in various combinations to give a particular feeling to a design.

Two additional devices used to promote a particular design concept are the materials used for the product and the type and style of surface decoration.

V. Read and translate Text IV



ally – 1. а) соединять, объединять; устанавливать связь с (чем-либо, кем-либо), б) вступать в союз, объединиться; породниться; 2. а) иметь тесную связь с (чем-либо), б) иметь общие черты с (чем-либо)

precedent – предшествующий, предыдущий

a reed pen – тростниковая ручка

limestone – известняк

a stuccoed tablet – кусок отделочного, штукатурного гипса

CAD (computer-aided design) – система автоматизированного проектирования


Unit II


1. trial and error – пробы и ошибки;

2. objective – цель;

3. a cloak of secrecy – завеса секретности;

4. emerge – появляться; показываться; выходить; возникать; появиться; выходить (откуда-либо);

5. sparkle – искриться, сверкать;

6. blend – сочетание;

7. collaboration – сотрудничество; совместная работа;

8. launch – начинать; пускать в действие;

9. scrutiny – внимательное изучение; рассмотрение;

10. market-beating – покоряющий рынок;

11. scrutiny – внимательное изучение;

12. in-house colleagues – коллеги по цеху/ремеслу;

13. hands-on – практический, связанный с жизнью;

14. crucial – решающий; ключевой;

15. market shareзд. роль; вес на рынке;

16. implementation – реализация;

17. come to the fore – выдвигаться вперёд;

18. user-friendliness – дружественность по отношению к пользователю; удобство для пользователя;

19. catch up –догнать; нагнать; догонять; наверстать идти в ногу;

20. overseas counterparts – заграничные партнеры;

21. saturated market – насыщенный рынок;

22. vial – пузырек;

23. would-be – потенциальный; начинающий; желающий стать (кем-то);

24. specialзд. дополнительный;

25. credits – заглавные надписи; заглавные титры;

26. appeal – обращение;

27. layout – план (макет) работы;

28. ease – свобода; лёгкость; удобство;

29. bitmapped graphics – растровая графика;

30. vector graphics – векторная графика;

31. illustration package – пакет иллюстрационных программ;

32. computer-aided design (CAD) – системы автоматизированного проектирования САПР;

33. rendering – визуализация предметов (в машинной графике); семейство фильтров программы Adobe Photoshop, использующееся для обработки картинок путём их расцвечивания и/или затенения; рендеринг;

34. desktop publishing (DTP) – настольные издательские средства; настольная издательская система; подготовка публикаций с помощью настольных издательских средств;

35. clip-art – графическая вставка; иллюстративные вставки;

36. wireframe – режим просмотра рисунка, объекты которого представляются только их контурами;

37. geographic information systems (GIS) – географическая информационная система (ГИС).

I. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:

project social statistics

client mathematical career

parameter formulae interior

organisation camera function

economy realism emotional

electronic lecture psychology

practice seminar final

II. Choose the correct translation of the following English words:

successful успешный иметь успех успех

creative творчество создавать творческий

solution решать решение разрешимый

competition конкурировать конкурент конкуренция

consumption потреблять потребление потребляемый

definition определять определение определяющий

efficiency эффективный давать эффект эффективность

implementation применение применять применимый

illustration иллюстрировать иллюстрационный иллюстрация

special дополнение дополнительный дополнять

objective иметь целью цель целевой

III. Look at some basic design terms and try to guess their meanings by matching them with their definition:

1. layout a. the representation of a digital image as a matrix of picture elements (pixels)
2. bitmapped graphics b. a perspective drawing showing a designer’s idea of a finished product
3. illustration package c. the art or process of arranging type, illustrations, etc. in an advertisement, newspaper, etc.
4. computer-aided design d. set of painting and drawing programs
5. geographic information systems e. software used in art and architecture and engineering and manufacturing to assist in precision drawing
6. rendering f. computer-based technologies for the storage, manipulation, and analysis of geographically referenced information.
7. desktop publishing g. a system or process for designing, editing, and producing camera-ready documents, as newsletters, brochures, or magazines, using a microcomputer, special software, and a printer
8. clip-art h. a large collection of simple drawings stored in a computer from which items can be selected for incorporation into documents
9. wireframe i. an image-rendering technique in which only edges and vertices are shown

IV. Discuss the following question: Which adjectives from the list below can describe the design process? Give your reasons.

interesting difficult creative unusual

easy various constructive surprising

boring intensive laborious engrossing

trivial hard mysterious common

II. Academic activities.

Omsk Technical University is one of several higher schools in Omsk that train design engineers. Future designers must have knowledge and understanding of technological, manufacturing and creative aspects of the design process. An important aim of training would-be designers is the development of students’ individual abilities and skills, developing their creativity. Professionalism is encouraged by the teaching staff who along with academic activity are actively involved in their own practice. Some lectures and seminars are given by visiting lecturers who are practitioners, people from industry or world of art and design.

Tuition is carried out through lectures, seminars and practices. Students are given the history and theory of art and design, they learn about the current trends in design. Students also study the theory and practice of colour. Students are given training in the methods of computer-aided design (CAD) that play an important part in supporting design activity. In addition to lectures and seminars students carry out their semester and course projects.

Students also have studio practice; they acquire knowledge and skills in drawing, painting and printmaking. The department organizes study-visits to exhibitions and fairs where students study the history, the state-of-the-art in design as well as the new trends. Business studies are also important for future design engineers. Third-year students undertake courses in economics, management and advertising. Psychology and foreign languages are also among important subjects. In addition, students undertake work placements through which they gain valuable work experience in design. At the final year students work out their graduation projects.

In the course of studies students acquire many special skills, such as IT skills, presentation and communication skills.




Unit I Design Development


1. approximate – приближенный, приблизительный, примерный;

2. painting – живопись: а) вид изобразительного искусства; б) (произведение) роспись; изображение, картина; в) занятие живописью; рисование;

3. construct – строить, сооружать; воздвигать; конструировать;

4. planning – планирование; разработка плана;

5. handicraft – 1) ремесло; ручная работа; 2) искусство ремесленника; 3) вещь ручной работы;

6. production – производство; продукция; изделия;

7. manufacturing – производство; изготовление; обработка;

8. representative – представитель; делегат; уполномоченный;

9. electric staffзд. электродетали и оборудование;

10. to widespread – широко распространяться;

11. promotion – развитие; продвижение; содействие;

12. ceramics – 1) керамика, гончарное искусство; 2) керамическое производство, гончарное производство;

13. furniture – 1) мебель, обстановка; 2) принадлежности, аксессуары, фурнитура;

14. textile – 1) текстильный, ткацкий; 2) текстиль, текстильное изделие; ткань;

15. Werklehre – (нем.) производственное обучение;

16. Kunstlehre – (нем.) обучение искусству;

17. tool – (рабочий) инструмент; механизм; способ;

18. metal-work technologies and treating – технологии металлообработки;

19. molding – формование изделия;

20. colour mixing perception – цветовосприятие при смешивании красок;

21. trend – общее направление, тенденция;

22. vital – 1) жизненный; 2) (жизненно) важный, насущный, существенный; необходимый;

23. application – применение, использование, употребление; приложение; применимость;

24. to brighten up – прояснять(ся);

25. to penetrate – проникать внутрь, проходить сквозь, пронизывать;

26. peculiarity – специфичность; особенность, своеобразие, специфика.



I. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:













firm (n)











II. Match the verb with its definition:

1. to paint 2. to create 3. to appear 4. to design 5. to unite 6. to demand 7. to study 8. to manage 9. to increase a. to cover a surface with paint b. to make something new, especially to invent something c. to become noticeable or to be present d. to join together as a group, or to make people join together as a group; to combine e. to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that a refusal is not expected f. to learn about a subject,especially in an educational course or by reading books g. to succeed in doing something, especially something difficult h. to (make something) to become larger in amount or size

III. Choose the Russian equivalent:

approximate приблизительный подходящий существенный

painting планирование рисование формование

handicraft мастерская рукоделие ремесло

ceramics керамика ремесло фурнитура

furniture рисование фурнитура ремесло

textile текстильное изделие керамическое изделие фурнитура

tool оборудование ремесло керамика


IV. Read and translate Text I.

Text I the History of Design Development

The term “DESIGN” appeared in our country not long ago. The direct translation of this term from English firstly gave us an approximate meaning of “painting”; but now we can use it also in the meaning of constructing or planning.

In 1907 there was founded an industrial union in Germany, which united industrialists, architects, artists and merchants. Its creation was demanded by economic and esthetic causes in order to win the international market. The founder, an architect German Mutezius, was there as a president of the union “Werkbund” till 1914.

As a goal the union wanted to reorganize the handicraft production into the industrial one and to create some common or ideal samples for manufacturing; they “led a struggle” with extra decoration of goods. Their program was devoted to using and selecting the best ideas and opportunities in art, trade, manufacturing in order to unite the largest industrial representatives. The most important event of that period was the invitation of Peter Berence as an art director to a great Electric Company that produced different electric staff: lamps, motors, tools. As the owner wanted the production to widespread all over the world market, so he was interested in creating a new image of his firm (that was an innovation in promotion of goods of that period).

In 1919 in a little German town Weiniar, there was founded a “Bauhous”– the first institution to train artists for the work in industry. The head of the establishment was Germanic architect Walter Gropius, a former Peter Berence's student. During a very short period “Bauhaus” managed to become a large design-training center.

The first year student had a specialized course to study ceramics, furniture, textile. The study included technical subjects – Werklehre and artistic course -Kunstlehre, also some knowledge in handicraft was necessary for a future designer. The Bauhaus goods differed in design and graphics. Technical training consisted of studying of tools, metal-work technologies and treating, etc. The students were taught all the peculiarities of molding and colour mixing perception. It was known as modern laboratory of industrial goods constructing. Having moved in Dessau the college was given a building containing study-rooms, workshops and a hostel. During the last years of studying the theoretical basis was increased in the study program. But after its Head had left for Russia in 1930 the college was closed.

V. Answer the following questions:

a. How do we understand the meaning of the word “design”?

b. What were the reasons of the industrial union foundation?

c. What was the goal of the industrial union?

d. When and where was the first institution training artists founded?

e. What did the students study in “Bauhaus”?

VI. Match these words and expressions with their meanings and try to memorize them:

1. the meaning of constructing or planning a) лучшие идеи и возможности

2. economic and esthetic causes b) особенности отделки


3. the international market c) смысл построения или


4. the handicraft production d) восприятие смешения цветов

5. common or ideal samples e) экономические и эстетические


6. extra decoration of goods f) продвижение товаров

7. the best ideas and opportunities g) ремесленное производство

8. electric staff h) зд. электроприборы

9. a new image i) новый облик

10. promotion of goods j) международный рынок

11. the peculiarities of molding k) общие или идеальные образцы

12. colour mixing perception l) дополнительное украшение


VII. Look at the way the following words are used in Text I and then circle the relevant part of speech:

meaning (par. 1) participle noun gerund

causes (par. 2) verb noun adjective

ideal (par. 3) verb noun adjective

using (par. 3) participle noun gerund

establishment (par. 4) verb noun adjective

study(par. 5) verb noun adjective

containing (par. 5) participle noun gerund



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