On the procedure for establishing the debt value of a unit of par value of the target debt obligation of the Russian Federation — КиберПедия 

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On the procedure for establishing the debt value of a unit of par value of the target debt obligation of the Russian Federation

2021-12-07 28
On the procedure for establishing the debt value of a unit of par value of the target debt obligation of the Russian Federation 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Adopted by the State Duma on 21 June 1996 the year

(As amended by Federal Law No. 272-FZ dated 29.07.2018 )

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Restoration and Protection of the Savings of Citizens of the Russian Federation", this Federal Law establishes the unit of the nominal value of the target debt obligation of the Russian Federation for guaranteed savings of citizens and determines the procedure for establishing its debt value.

Article 1. The denomination unit of the target debt obligation of the Russian Federation has the name "debt ruble" ("dor"), is a conventional monetary unit and is expressed in the currency of the Russian Federation through the debt value established for the denomination unit of the target debt obligation in the manner determined by this Federal Law...

Article 2. The debt value of one debt ruble (hereinafter referred to as the debt value) is determined based on the change in the ratio of the reference value of the required social set and the base value of this set.

Article 3. Necessary social set - a fixed set of basic consumer goods and services traditional for the population of the Russian Federation, the composition and consumption of which are necessary to ensure human life and preserve his health.

The required social set is approved in the composition and volumes of consumption (per capita per year) of goods and services in accordance with the appendix to this Federal Law.

Article 4. The basic cost of the necessary social set is taken to be its cost estimate (in the currency of the USSR), determined based on prices (in state and cooperative retail trade) and tariffs in 1990 for the RSFSR as a whole.

The basic cost of the required social set is established by federal law.

Article 5. Control over changes in the cost of the required social set is carried out on a weekly basis.

A reference value for the required social set is determined for each week.

The reference cost of the required social set (for a given week) is its cost estimate (in the currency of the Russian Federation), determined as a whole for the Russian Federation based on the prices and tariffs of the week preceding this one.

Article 6. Debt value is expressed in the currency of the Russian Federation.

The debt value for the current week is numerically equal to the ratio of the average of the reference values ​​of the required social set for the four weeks immediately preceding the current one to the base value of the required social set.

The debt value in the current month is numerically equal to the average value of the debt values ​​determined for the weeks included in the previous month.

Article 7. Monitoring changes in prices and tariffs for goods and services that are part of the required social set, as well as the determination of the reference value of the required social set and the debt value shall be carried out by the federal executive body responsible for the formation of official statistical information on social, economic, demographic, environmental and other social


processes in the Russian Federation. (As amended by Federal Law No. 272-FZ dated 29.07.2018 )

The reference value of the required social set is calculated on the basis of data on prices and tariffs for goods and services in the whole of the Russian Federation, determined in accordance with the procedure established by the federal executive body responsible for the formation of official statistical information on social, economic, demographic, environmental and other social processes in the Russian Federation. (As amended by Federal Law No. 272-FZ dated 29.07.2018 )

Article 8. Control over the correctness of the determination of the debt value and approval of its value are carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The debt value approved by the Government of the Russian Federation is subject to official publication.

From the date of official publication, the debt value is considered to be established for the corresponding period and is applied when using and servicing the target debt obligations of the Russian Federation throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 9. Debt value is set monthly or weekly.

If during the three months immediately preceding the current one, the increase in the debt value did not exceed 1 percent per month, starting from the current month the debt value is set monthly.

If the debt value in the current month exceeds the debt value in the previous month by more than 1 percent, starting from the first full week of the current month, the debt value is set weekly.

The weekly debt value is set from Tuesday of every week.

The monthly debt value is established from the 1st day of each month. If the 1st of the month falls on a Sunday or Monday, the monthly debt value is established from the first Tuesday of the month.

Article 10. The value of the state internal debt of the Russian Federation for guaranteed savings of citizens, determined by the Federal Law "On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation", is expressed in debt rubles.

Article 11. To propose to the President of the Russian Federation to bring his decrees into line with this Federal Law.

Article 12. Instruct the Government of the Russian Federation:

bring its normative legal acts in line with this Federal Law; ensure the establishment (official publication) of the debt value within a month from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law.

Article 13. This Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin

Moscow, Kremlin 6 on July 1996 the year № 87-FZ


to the Federal Law
"On the Procedure for Establishing the Debt Value of a Unit of the Face Value of the Target Debt Obligation of the Russian Federation"

(per capita per year)

Name of goods and services Consumption unit of measurement
1 2 3
Rye-wheat bread 68.7 Kg
Wheat bread 62.9 Kg
Wheat flour 19.5 Kg
Rice 3.7 Kg
Millet 9.8 Kg
Vermicelli 5.2 Kg
Potato 124.2 Kg
Cabbage (fresh white cabbage) 28.1 Kg
Carrot 37.5 Kg
Onion) 28.4 Kg
Apples 19.4 Kg
Sugar 20.7 Kg
Meat (beef and chicken) 26.6 Kg
Frozen fish (excluding gourmet) 11.7 Kg
Milk 123.1 l
Sour cream 1.6 Kg
Animal oil 2.5 Kg
Cottage cheese 9.9 Kg
Cheese 2,3 Kg
Eggs 151.4 PCS.
Margarine 3.9 Kg
Vegetable oil 6.4 Kg
Non-food products and services    
Laundry soap 1,2 Kg
Washing powder 2.4 Kg
Toilet soap 1,2 Kg
Electricity 556.8 kWh
Rent 194.4 sq. m
Heating 194.4 sq. m
Cold water supply and sewerage 12 payments
Hot water supply 12 payments
Urban transport    
bus 155 travel
trolleybus 41 the trip
tram 41 the trip
underground 25 travel





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