Ratif ication by Day of Judgment — КиберПедия 

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Ratif ication by Day of Judgment

2022-07-07 23
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By this Covenant, the Day of Judgment is UCA E8:Y3210:A0:S1:M27:D6 [Wed, 21 Dec

Ratification by Day of Judgment shall be when this Treaty and Covenant is ratified
by the Highest Office Holders of existing societies, faiths and associations that
claim their existence, authority and power from the supernatural and spiritual
either through their tacit, competent and honorable consent, or through their
dishonor demonstrating the delinquency of their flesh and therefore the right
through power to represent their spirit to ratify the Covenant and Treaty on their

V Objects (Supreme Collective)

Article 53 - The Seal

The Great Seal of One Heaven

As this Covenant shall be known as a new covenant for the family of all souls
whether living or deceased, by the power of this Covenant a great seal shall be
forged and shall be known as the Great Seal of One Heaven.

It shall be entrusted to individual leaders of the three great faiths of One Islam,
One Faith of God and One Spirit Tribe to protect and honor the Great Seal of One
Heaven, for its imprint shall represent nothing less than the existence of the word
and law of God, the Absolute, absolutely. As such, the Great Seal of One Heaven
shall be one of the most sacred of objects of One Heaven.

The Seal shall help all higher order beings, living and deceased, know by which the
words of wisdom and compassion of God, the Universe, the Absolute shall be
known. Where it exists, it is truly the words of all men, women and higher order
spirits, living and deceased, as one.

As such, it is only upon the approval of the Supreme Boards and the Supreme
Councils of One Islam, One Faith of God and One Spirit Tribe that the Great Seal of
One Heaven shall be instanced on a document or deed, excepting those
documents listed as mandatory for leaders of the three (3) great faiths, their
respective Supreme Boards and Supreme Councils by this Covenant.

Unique Design of the Seal

In recognition of the Great Conclave of One Heaven once every one hundred (100)
years, the Great Seal of the One Heaven shall reflect the unique term of the
specific nine (9) Great and Holy Spirits and (144,000) Supreme Council of Saints.

At the conclusion of a Great Conclave of One Heaven, a new Great Seal shall be
forged reflecting the new officials and spiritual leadership of One Heaven.

Affixing the Great Seal

The Supreme Councils of One Islam, One Spirit Tribe and One Faith of God are to
provide for the safe custody of the Seal, which may only be used by the authority
of the respective Supreme Councils excepting those documents listed as
mandatory for leadership of the three (3) great faiths, their respective Supreme
Boards and Supreme Councils by this Covenant. Every instrument to which the Seal
is affixed is to be signed by either the Imam Mahdi, the Messiah or the Maitreya, or
countersigned by the General Secretary of the respective Supreme Council or by
or by another man or woman appointed by a Supreme Council for the purpose.

A Supreme Council may determine either generally or in any particular case that a
signature may be affixed by a mechanical means specified in the determination.

Certificate Seal

The organization of One Islam, One Faith of God, and/or One Spirit Tribe may have
one or more duplicates of the Seal which are to be facsimiles of the Seal with the
addition on their faces of the words "Certificate Seal" and which are to be known
as Certificate Seals. Any certificate for shares, membership, certification,
qualification or financial instruments issued under a Certificate Seal is deemed to
be sealed with the Great Seal.

Article 54 - The Council

The Council

All legislative Powers of One Heaven shall be vested in a Supreme Council (The
Council), which shall consist of one (1) house – a Supreme Council. The Council shall
be made up of the Sacred Elder Saints, the elected representatives of all regional
councils (regional collectives) and their members of One Heaven.

Each of the three (3) great religions of One Islam, One Faith of God and One Spirit
Tribe shall elect forty-eight thousand (48,000) saints once every one hundred and
twenty eight (128) years as Spirit Members of the council of Saints at the
ceremony known as Great Conclave of One Heaven.

Power of the Council

Vested by the Covenant, the Supreme Council shall have the power to create new
bills and amend existing laws of One Heaven into bills for review.

The Supreme Council shall also have the power to create new plans and actions of
One Heaven as well as to review the appointments of any man, woman or higher
order being by the executive to a permanent position prescribed by this

The Supreme Council also has vested by this Covenant the power to commission a
Supreme Impeachment for the forced removal of any elected official from The
Unique Collective Awareness of Great Spirits to any position within any branch of
government of One Heaven.

Council Sessions

Excepting a supreme election year, every year there shall be one (1) session of
fixed days corresponding to equal divisions of the year whereby members of the
Supreme Council of Saints are summonsed to attend.

A day within a session when members of the Council are summonsed to sit in
Parliament shall be called a Sitting Session Day.

The timing of this session shall correspond to a feast and set of days of the
faithful of each of the great religions on Earth in recognition that in the wishes of
Earth it shall also be the wish in Heaven that the great Council of Saints meet.

During a year in which an election is to be called every one hundred twenty eight
(128) years, the Parliament shall not sit and there shall be no feast or celebration.

Operation of Council

Lif e of Council

Council shall exist for a fixed period of one hundred and twenty eight (128) years
before being dissolved ahead of Supreme Elections for a new Council.

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