Find in the texts all compound adjectives. Translate them, give their synonyms and antonyms. — КиберПедия 

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Find in the texts all compound adjectives. Translate them, give their synonyms and antonyms.

2022-07-07 38
Find in the texts all compound adjectives. Translate them, give their synonyms and antonyms. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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VI. Match the words on the left with the meaning on the right.

1. curious 2. listless 3. tolerant 4. pensive 5. intellectual 6. tyrannical 7. patient A. thinking deeply about something B. having no energy or enthusiasm C. having or showing good reasoning power D. allowing other people to say and do what they think is right even if one doesn't agree with it E. being able to stay calm and not get annoyed G. unusual and interesting F. acting cruelly and unjustly towards the people who one controls
1. totter 2. bully 3. tease 4. stir 5. enchant 6. cherish 7. brood A. make fun of somebody, deliberately embarrass somebody B. walk in unsteady way C. delight, bewitch, charm somebody D. care lovingly and tenderly E. think about something a lot seriously and often unhappily F. excite somebody, make one react with a strong emotion G. use one's strength or power to hurt or frighten somebody
1. gap 2. skill 3. companion 4. intelligence 5. predilection 6. mischief 7. incomprehension A. the state to be unable to understand anything B. mental preference, liking C. the ability to understand and learn things D. a great difference between two things, people or ideas E. ability to do something well F. someone who you spend time with G. naughty behaviour of children, eagerness to have fun by playing tricks or by embarrassing people

VII. Draw the lines between the pairs matching the words on the left with their opposite on the right.

self-assured fat dark-haired nervous delicious listless superior steep smooth calm undelightful inferior thin, slender fair-haired miserable energetic rough sloping


VIII. Draw lines between the pairs matching the words on the left with the words or phrases of similar meaning on the right.

plump tiny precocious sensible queer extraordinary cogent motionless grave prematurely developed reasonable rather fat odd exceptional convincing still serious extremely small


IX. How would you describe a person who…

… likes to talk with other people? … never boasts? … looks on the bright side of the things? … you can’t rely on? … looks on the black side of the things? … has a high opinion of himself or herself? … easily flies into rage? … is hard to get along with? … is easily hurt? … can not behave? … tells the truth to others? … easily obeys other people’s wishes, orders? … is practical in approach to life? … doesn’t show any personal opinion? … gives his or her last to other people? … never says what’s on his mind? … hates to communicate? …. grasps things easily? … always achieves his aim? … never lends you money? … is never shy with strangers? … works a lot? … never praises himself or herself? … never loses his or her temper? … cheats other people? … refuses to obey or accept orders? … is dreamy in approach to life? … s pleasant and friendly?

X. What would you think of a person who says:

1. Ladies first!

2. I can't control myself when I should keep quiet.

3. I'm not easy put off if I have made up my mind.

4. I don't care for him. He is inferior to me, you know.

5. Whatever she may say I won't lose my temper.

6. Darling! I never grudge you anything, be it clothes, money, a car.

7. I always feel sorry for people who are in trouble.

8. I just love cucumbers with milk, Picasso's paintings and freckled faces.

9. I have got used to ten hours work every day. I prefer to be in the company of other people and have a chat with them.

10. Whatever you may ask me to do for you, I will do it. Whatever you may say, I will forgive you.

ü Use: He must be… She may be… He is likely to be…

The words given below may help you: Hard-working, original, sympathetic, quick-tempered, open-handed, arrogant, well-bred, sociable, obstinate, self-possessed, tolerant.


XI. Develop the topic.

1. My best friend has the most engaging traits all ….

2. If you want to be popular with others you must be …

3. I think what makes a student unpopular with others is …

4. In my opinion, the traits of character which people appreciate in their political leaders are …

5. To make a good friend one has to be …


XII. Use your dictionary to clarify your understanding of the following idioms. Translate them. Make up a situation to prove your proper understanding of each idiom. *

1. To throw the dust in one's eyes; 2. Jack of all trades; 3. To have at one's fingertips; 4. To cost an arm and a leg; 5. In the pink; 6. To keep your fingers cross; 7. To have a ready tongue; 8. To be born with a silver spoon in the mouth; 9. To be all skin and bones; 10. To pull one's leg; 11. To have a big mouth; 12. To keep a stiff upper lip; 13. To know which side one's bread is buttered; 14. To put your best foot forward; 15. To cut one's teeth; 16. To keep a weather eye open; 17. To have a cheek; 18. To go out of one's way; 19. To feel ill at ease with smbd; 20. To fly off the handle.


XIII. Parts of the body appear in some colloquial adjectives describing various human states and characteristics, e.g. 'heavy-hearted' means 'sad'. For each adjective on the left below find a word or phrase on the right, which has the same meaning.*

a. stout-hearted b. tight-fisted c. open-headed d. hard-headed e. big-headed f. weak-kneed g. light-fingered h. tight-lipped i. two-faced j. starry-eyed k. thick-skinned 1. generous 2. brave, resolute 3. dishonest, liable to steal 4. conceited, self-important 5. hypocritical 6. silent, unwilling to speak 7. mean, not generous 8. insensitive to criticism 9. businesslike, unemotional 10. cowardly, nervous 11. over-romantic


XIV. Say whether you know a person about whom you could say that he or she is:*

1. as innocent as a babe unborn; 2. as green as grass; 3. as brown as a cherry; 4. as busy as a bee; 5. as neat as a new pin; 6. as obstinate as a donkey; 7. as wise as an owl; 8. as red as a lobster; 9. as pale as a death; 10. as welcome as flowers in May; 11. as slippery as an eel 12. as melancholy as a cat; 13. as free as (the) air; 14. as quick as fire; 15. as true as God's in heaven; 16. as true as steel; 17. as thin as a rake; 18. as poor as a church mouse; 19. as cunning as a fox; 20. as bold as an egg; 21. as fresh as a daisy; 22. as merry as a cricket


XV. Find the Russian equivalents for the following proverbs and use the latter in a proper context.*

1. All that glitters is not gold. 2. A good name is better than riches. 3. A word is enough to the wise. 4. His fingers are all thumbs. 5. Fortune favours the brave. 6. Still waters run deep. 7. No bees, no honey – no work, no money. 8. Can the leopard change his spots? 9. A little body often harbours a great soul. 10. The difference between tweedledum and tweedledee.

XVI. The following parts of the body are used as verbs in the sentences below. Put each one in its correct place. *

shin back foot finger elbow shoulder mouth thumb head head

a. I think we'd better ____ for the station. Our train leaves in half an hour.

b. It's your fault! Don't leave me to ____ all the blame!

c. There was a crowd of people there. I had to ____ my way through.

d. They decided to ____ their way round Europe. They're experienced hitch-hikers.

e. If customers ____ a book a lot it gets dirty.

f. I'm having my house painted. It's very expensive. I don't know how I'm going to ____ the bill.

g. Bob couldn't hear me because of the noise so I had to ____ what I wanted to say.

h. He's very fit and strong. Watch him ____ up that tree like a monkey.

i. It has been announced that the Foreign Minister will ____ a delegation to visit China next month.

j. A large manufacturing firm has offered to ____ the Himalayan Expedition.

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