A. Here are 20 adjectives to describe a person's character or personality. Complete the sentences below with a suitable adjective from the list. Use each word once only. Translate the sentences. — КиберПедия 

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A. Here are 20 adjectives to describe a person's character or personality. Complete the sentences below with a suitable adjective from the list. Use each word once only. Translate the sentences.

2022-07-07 55
A. Here are 20 adjectives to describe a person's character or personality. Complete the sentences below with a suitable adjective from the list. Use each word once only. Translate the sentences. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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affectionate bad-tempered big-headed bossy brave cheerful childish clever cruel easy-going forgetful greedy honest impulsive lively materialistic modest optimistic pessimistic friendly

1. The Brown children were very ______ at school, so I'm not a bit surprised that they did so well at university.

2. Frank will never steal anything. You can trust him completely. He's so ________.

3. She won the race easily. But instead of boasting about it, she just said she was lucky. That's typical of her. She's so ________.

4. They're a very _______ couple. They're always showing their fondness and love for each other.

5. As a child he was very _______ and used to hit and kick animals – especially cats.

6. She always wants a bigger share than anyone else. She's so ______.

7. Gloria's always expecting the best to happen. She's such an _______ person.

8. Paul is always so angry and irritable. I've never met anyone quite as _______ as him.

9. My cousin is always happy and smiling. She's such a _______ person.

10. We had such a warm welcome when we were in Denmark. I had no idea that Danes were so _______.

11. Most people are far too _______ nowadays. All they seem interested in is buying more and more things, such as cars, TVs, and so on.

12. My grandfather always expects the worst to happen. He's really ________.

13. Don't keep telling Sharon how wonderful and talented she is. She'll get _______.

14. You'd better write his phone number down, Dave. You won't remember it otherwise. You know how ________ you are.

15. I could never be a childminder. Children are far too ________ for me. I'd be exhausted just watching them running around.

16. He loves telling people what to do. He's so ________.

17. Peter never worries very much or gets annoyed. He's a very _______ person.

18. My husband's very _______. If he sees something he just buys it without thinking about whether we can afford it or not.

19. Oh, grow up, Simon! Stop being so _______!

20. The police told her she was very ________ to jump into the river to rescue her sister.


III. Types of people

1. Write the missing word in the sentences below. Choose from the following:

racist acquaintance   bachelor boyfriend colleague employee fiancée lodger  motorist neighbour    optimist pedestrian pessimist   spectator spinster     tourist vegetarian widow employer partner    

1. She is always expecting the best to happen. She is such an __________.

2. A person who watches a sport or a event rather than takes part in it is called ________.

3. Mrs. Brown has been a ______ since her husband died seven years ago.

4. Pamela and Frank have been going out with each other since they met at university. He is the first _____ Pamela has ever wanted to marry.

5. Amanda and I own and run the company together. She is my _____.

6. A _____ is someone who visits another country or district for a holiday.

7. "Is James married yet?" – "No, he is still a ______."

8. I work for IBM. They are my _____.

9. A _______ is someone who goes everywhere on foot.

10. She never eats any sort of meat. She's a ______.

11. Julie and I work together. She is my ______.

12. Someone who drives a car is called a ______.

13. He is always expecting the worst to happen. He is such a ______.

14. A woman who has never been married is called a _______.

15. Pauline and Brian have just got engaged. Pauline is Brian's ______.

16. If you work for yourself you are called self-employed. If you work for someone else, you are called an _______.

17. He thinks British people are far superior to other nationalities and looks down on most foreigners. He's a ________.

18. Mary lives next door to me. She's my _______.

19. Tom rents a room in our house. He's our ________.

20. I don't know her really well. She's just an ________.


2. Write the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following:

ancestor boss celebrity client customer heir invalid landlord opponent orphan patient predecessor refugee rival successor survivor gossip tenant twin victim

1. I rent my flat from him. He is my ________.

2. He has been driven from the country for political reasons. He is a ______.

3. Who had the job before you? Who was your ________?

4. Her appearance on a television quiz programme has made her into a local _______. Most people recognize her when they see her.

5. Mrs. Brown comes into my shop at least once a day. She is a favourite ______ of mine.

6. Who is the person in charge her? Who is the ______?

7. his niece, Susan, will inherit everything when he dies. She is his only _______.

8. An _______ of hers, her great-grandfather, came from Norway.

9. The nurse told the next _______ to go in and see the doctor.

10. Peter Williams takes over after me. He is my _______.

11. My uncle is an accountant. Most of the people he deals with are actors and pop stars. Perhaps his most famous ________ is Mick Jagger.

12. Paula and Sally were born on the same day. Paula is Sally's _______ and most people find it very difficult to know who is who, as they look so alike.

13. An _______ is someone who is disabled or very ill and needs to be cared for by someone else.

14. The only ________ in the recent plane crash near Paris was a nine-month-old baby. Everyone else on the plane died.

15. In the 1992 American Presidential election, George Bush's main _______ for the post of President was Governor Bill Clinton.

16. A teenager was killed in a fight outside a local disco on Saturday, but the police have not yet named the _______.

17. Who is playing against you in the tennis match? Who is your _______?

18. A _________ is someone who enjoys talking about other people's private lives.

19. She became an ________ at the age of seven when both her parents were killed in a car crash.

20. She didn't own her house, she was just a _________.


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