Read these dialogues and memorize them . Make one of your own. — КиберПедия 

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Read these dialogues and memorize them . Make one of your own.

2022-07-07 26
Read these dialogues and memorize them . Make one of your own. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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 1. Tastes differ

B. – Hi, Anna, have you got any plans for tomorrow evening?

A. – No, I don’t think so. No, I am free. Why?

B. – Well, I was wondering if you would like to come to the circus with me.

A. – Me, to the circus? Are you kidding? I can’t stand it!

B. – But why? People say the performance is fine.

A. – I hate that animals are made to do different tricks. And I can’t stupid jokes of clowns.

B. – You are not right, I think. The circus animals must be clever to do everything. And what about clowns… Well, but Yuri Nikulin was a clown and one of the most intelligent actors of the country.

A. – When speaking about him I can agree with you. But he is an exception.

B. – But don’t you like gymnasts? You are a gymnast yourself!

A. – This is the only thing I like to watch there.

B. – Don’t you like the joyful atmosphere of a circus, the vivid music of an orchestra?

A. – Well, the atmosphere is joyful, OK, but the music is usually too loud.

B. – And if there is a choice, where would you like to go?

A. – Well, let me think… Frankly speaking I would like to go to… to the circus “Du Soliel”. It’s quite the other thing in the circus art. The performances are superb.

B. – But haven’t you seen announcements about the performances of Cirque Du Soleil in our city tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?

A. – No, unfortunately I haven’t. I was too busy these days. I think it’s impossible to get tickets there.

B. – Well, I have managed to get two tickets and the seats are even in the front row. So I invite you to go with me.

A. – Oh! I can’t believe it! Are you a magician? Couldn’t you begin with this! Of course I will go! And thank you  so much for your invitation.


At the theatre-box

A. – Do you sell tickets to all theatres of our city?

B. – Yes, we do. Where would you like to go? What do you want to see?

A. – Frankly speaking I’m not sure that I want to go to a theatre at all. But I’ve promised to take my girl to any theatre.

B. – Oh, in this case it’s a rather difficult task. Where does your girl like to go? What are her theatrical tastes? And yours?

A. – Really, I don’t know for sure but she likes music and something funny. You know, she is a vivid girl with a very fine sense of humour. What about me… I prefer rock music. The last time I was in the theatre… I was a schoolboy then.

B. – It’s a pity. Well, then I can recommend one of the operettas or vaudevilles. They are funny; there is a lot of action and comical situations. People like singing, dancing. Our theatre of musical comedy is one of the best in Russia. For example, “Violets of Montmartre” by Kalmann.

A.- OK. I want two tickets for this performance. When will it go?

B. – It will go on Sunday evening and on Friday. Luckily we have several tickets with good seats in the stall and in the box. There are also several tickets on the gallery. Of course, they are much cheaper.

A. – No, I prefer comfort. I’d like to see and hear everything very well. We’ll go on Sunday.

B. – So, the seats are in the seventh row near the aisle. They cost 1500 roubles.

A. – Here is the money.

B. – Here are your tickets. And by the way, we have a couple of tickets for “Nightingale” at the Puppet theatre left.

A. – You are kidding! I’m an adult not a child.

B. – This production isn’t for children. It’s for young adults. The tickets are usually sold like hot cakes. The production has got a rather prestigious prize “Theatrical mask”. It’s after a fairy-tale by Andersen. You see, his fairy-tales are often not for children, I should say.

A. – It sounds rather curious. Well, and when will it go?

B. – Оn the first Saturday in May. The seats are in the very centre of the auditorium.

A. – Well. I‘ll take two tickets for this performance too. How much do I owe you?

B. – One thousand roubles for two tickets. And it is worth seeing, really.


Where to go?

A. – Well, let’s go for a walk. I’m dog tired.

B. – Let’s go. Fine idea. And we can look at the theatrical bills. I want to go to any theatre.

A. – Where to? There are many of them in the city. Only not to the Children’s theatre. I have already seen every thing there long ago.

B. – So have I. We could go to the Puppet theatre to see “Nightingale”. But it is next to impossible to get tickets for this performance.


Make dialogues.

1. You are discussing what theatre to go and what play to see.

2. Your friend and you speak about your favourite theatrical actors.

3. You and your friend have just seen a play and now are talking about your impressions on it.

4. Your groupmate is fond of circus but you can’t stand it.

5. Make up a conversation between two friends. One is enthusiastic about concerts of classical music, the other is keen on pop music.


Speak on the points.

1. Tell about your first visit to the theatre.

2. Speak about the theatrical life of your city.

3.  Can you agree with the opinion that theatre is a dying art?

4. Speak on your own experience in theatricals.

5. Talk on the interior of a theatre.


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