XI. Answer the following questions. — КиберПедия 

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XI. Answer the following questions.

2022-07-07 24
XI. Answer the following questions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. What year are you in at this institute?

2. What department are you in?

3. When did you first start thinking of entering this institute?

4. Do you get your first higher education or the second one?

5. Why have you decided to enter here?

6. Are you a full-time or part-time student?

7. When do you have classes?

8. How often do you attend classes?

9. How often do you miss classes?

10. Have you always got a good excuse when missing classes?

11. Are the classes and lectures at your department compulsory or optional?

12. What subjects are you doing in the first year?

13. What are your favourite subjects?

14. Do you always make notes of the lectures? What does it depend on?

15. How often do you have to write tests in English? Do often get good marks for them?

16. When do students take their examinations during the academic year?

17. Do you often use cribs?

18. Do you prompt at the lessons or at your exams to other students?

19. Are you doing well in English? 

20. Do you find it interesting to study foreign languages?

21. What other foreign language would you like to start learning and why?

22. What do you usually do after classes?

23. How much time does it take you to get ready for your classes?

24. Do you often sit up late doing your home assignments?

25. Is it difficult to combine your work and study in the institute?

XII. Make phrases according to the model. Give answers expressing (выражая) your surprise (удивление), annoyance (досаду, раздражение), disagreement (несогласие).

Model: - Why don't you crib? – Should I? 

  Work in the library; read through your meals; do your homework; go out; takes notes in different-coloured ball-point pens; feed and clothe yourself; fall in love; find a flat for yourself; win the first prize in skating competition; send a cassette with your singing to "Star factory" on TV; draw a picture; jump with a parachute; go with your boy-friend / girl-friend to United Arab Emirates; take a homeless mongrel ['mʌŋgrəl] (беспородный) dog home; repair your flat; become a model in fashion business.

Possible responses: So what? Why should I? You don't say so! What's the use of …ing? Don't you think it's silly? You must be joking! You can't be serious!


XIII. Act out the following mini-dialogues, changing the words in italics (курсивом) taking the other ones from the list.

1. -Where do you study? (does he study; does she study; do they study) -I study at the Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg. (the Institute of Foreign Languages; the philological faculty; the Medical Academy; the faculty of economics)
  2. –What's your favourite subject? -I like English most of all. (Linguistics (языкознание); Latin; Maths; Stylistics of the Russian language; Computer Science;  Intercultural Communications; Public Relations; History of Culture and Arts; World Economics)
  3. – What subject do you take for the first year? (the second year; the third year, the fourth year) - If we speak about the first / second term it is English and Maths. (Computer programming; Phonetics; Practical Grammar; History of Russia; Basics of Profession; Ancient Languages; Marketing; Business English; Insurance Operations; Finance)
  4. – What is Olga good at? (clever, smart, bright, poor) - She is good at writing essays. (translating from Russian into English; spelling; memorising foreign words; doing grammar exercises; giving talks; giving literary translations from English into Russian)
  5. – Can you help me with grammar? (Pronunciation; the text; the exercise; the translation; spelling) - Certainly. (Of course, I can. Sure. No doubt I can. You are welcome.)  
  6. – Why didn't you attend the previous lesson in English? (lecture on Literature; lecture on History; lecture on Stylistics; seminar on economics; seminar on Literary Editing; lesson in Maths) - The thing is that I was not well. (was late for it; didn't know about it; had problems at home)
  7. – What mark did you get for your composition? (translation; test; examination; yearly essay) - I was given an excellent mark. / I failed. (a good mark; a satisfactory mark; a bad mark)
  8. – Where can I find the Dean? (the English teacher; the tutor; the lecturer; the head of the department; the vice-rector; the rector; the secretary of the rector; the librarian) - He / She is probably in the Dean's office. (the stuff room; the lecture room; the reception room; the library)
  9. – What are you going to do tomorrow morning? (in the afternoon; tonight; on Sunday) - I think I'll be reading up for the exam. (writing an essay; reading up for the seminar; revising for the test; preparing for my class)


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