XX II I. Food idioms and proverbs. — КиберПедия 

Организация стока поверхностных вод: Наибольшее количество влаги на земном шаре испаряется с поверхности морей и океанов (88‰)...

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XX II I. Food idioms and proverbs.

2022-07-07 22
XX II I. Food idioms and proverbs. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A) Make sentences of your own using the idioms given below.

Neither fish nor flesh. – Ни рыба, ни мясо. A skeleton in a cupboard. – Семейный секрет. All sugar and honey. – "Сахар Медович" A storm in a tea cup. – Буря в стакане воды. Packed like sardines. – Как сельди в бочке. As sure as eggs is eggs – верно как дважды два четыре. As slippery as an eel – скользкий как угорь. An apple of discord – яблоко раздора. Fish for the compliments – напрашиваться на комплименты. Fish for information – выуживать информацию. As brown as a berry – загорелый дочерна человек. As clear as a crystal – кристально-чистый. As cool as a cucumber – невозмутимый человек. As cold as fish – черствый, бесчувственный человек. As fat as a pig – жирный, как боров. As hungry as a hunter – голодный как волк. Cheese and chalk – ничего общего. The cream of society – сливки общества. Daily bread – хлеб насущный. Drink like fish – пить как бочка. A flying saucer – летающая тарелка. Full cup – полная чаша. Forbidden fruit – запретный плод.

B) Choose one or two proverbs and make a short story with them.

Man does not live by bread alone. – Не хлебом единым жив человек.

Too many cooks spoil the broth. – У семи нянек дитя без глазу.

To be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth. – Родиться с серебряной ложкой во рту.

A hard nut to crack. – Орешек не по зубам.

To have one's finger in a pie. – Быть замешанным во что-либо. Приложить руку к чему-либо.

Appetite comes with eating. – Аппетит приходит во время еды.

As the tree, so the fruit. – Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает.

No sweet without some sweat. – Без труда не вытащишь рыбку из пруда.

A black plum is as sweet as white. – Одного поля ягоды. Два сапога пара.

Bread always falls but on its buttered side. – По закону подлости.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. – Не стоит рисковать всем, что имеешь. Не ставь все на одну карту.

XXIV. Discuss the following problems.

1. Vegetarianism – is it suitable for us or not? Give your reasons.

2. You want to eat out instead of cooking at home. Your husband / wife disagrees with you giving his/her reasons.

3. Lunch at the canteen.

4. Dinner with your friends at home.

5. Complain to your friends of the bad service at the café you’ve recently visited.


XXV. Talk on these topics

1. What does healthy eating mean to you? Describe the principles of a healthy diet.

2. Describe your first visit to a restaurant.

3. Tell about your family’s favourite dishes.

4. Tell about your week-day and week-end menu.

5. Eating out: pros and cons.


XXVI. Choose one topic and write a short composition on the following.

1. Don’t you think that men are better at cooking than women?

2. Some people say that poor people eat healthier food than rich people.

3. Russian cuisine – traditions and specific features.

4. Fast food – is it bad or good?


 'Student's Day', 'Daily routine'


I. Dialogue

A) Read this dialogue and translate it into Russian.

Ann - Olga, stop. Glad to see you. Where are you running?
Olga - Oh. Hi, Anny. I'm in a great hurry. I must take my son from school and go to a music school with him. And it's already 12. I think the lessons are over.
Ann  - I go to school too. My friend works there. The fifth lesson ends at 12.15. We have time to chat a little. How are you?
Olga - I'm always busy – work at the office, work at home. There is not a minute of peace. I have no time for myself. And what about you? You look fine.
Ann - The same story – work, work, and again work. But I find the time for myself, not much, but still. There is a certain time for everything. It was a bit difficult at the beginning.
Olga - Oh, it's so boring to live by clock. No, I do things when I like. If I don't want to wash linen, I don't do it. And to that, I'm an owl. I go to bed late and get up at the last moment.  
Ann - It's awful. Well, I can't say I'm an early-riser. But I prefer to get up at 6 and occupy the bathroom for half an hour and then make breakfast and have my coffee without any haste. When my dearest people come into the kitchen the breakfast is on the table and I go to get ready for work. But all clothes I prepare in the evening. And we all leave the house at half past seven. Alex goes to his office, taking twins to the kindergarten. And I go to the hospital.
Olga - And how do you do all other work about the house? There is sometimes a great mess in our flat.
Ann - Sometimes we have the same. Of course, children can leave their toys everywhere. But I make them put all dolls and bears into the boxes. Every day I sweep the floors, but a big cleaning we do together on Friday after work.
Olga - And washing clothes and linen, and shopping? It takes me a lot of time. I have to do everything myself.
Ann - Oh, no. My husband thinks I am too silly to use a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner, and all electrical appliances at home correctly. And I let him play with them. He is a little bossy sometimes. Washing day is Monday; I iron the linen on Tuesday, and so on.
Olga - Cool! And does he really do the work about the house? I can't make my man do any work.
Ann - We all like good words. Say something gentle to him after work.
Olga - And when do you go shopping? Every day?
Ann - Why? Not at all. I ask my people what they want to eat and plan my shopping list for the whole week. On Saturday the twins are at granny's and we go by car to "Yekaterininsky" and buy everything for a week. Of course, I go shopping on weekdays but not very often.
Olga - How clever you are! Now I understand why you look great.
Ann - I am clever now. But several years ago I was very silly. I knew practically nothing about the work about the house. This is my mother-in-law who taught me everything when we got married. Thanks a lot to her. And here is our school. Ah, I see my friend.
Olga - And there is my sonny over there. Anny, thank you for the story. I think I must do the same. Bye.
Ann - Bye. And ring me up when you want. Our number is three – seven - one - double five – two - nine. Good luck. 

            not the faintest idea = to have the foggiest idea      It is smbd who does/did it – именно тот-то сделал это

B). Answer the questions.

1. Who is more organized: Ann or Olga? 2. Can you say that you are an organized person? 3. Do you get ready for work in a hurry or not? 4. When do you get up? 5. Do you have time to take shower and to have breakfast? 6. What else do you have time for in the morning?


C). Translate into English. Make your own sentences with these expressions.

Сильно спешить; забрать сына из школы; музыкальная школа; немного поболтать; ни минуты покоя; выглядеть великолепно; стирать белье; ранняя пташка; вставать в последний момент; собираться на работу; жуткий беспорядок; электроприборы; любить поруководить; гладить белье; список покупок; практически ничего не знать; именно моя свекровь научила меня; вон там.

D). Find the synonyms for the following words and word combinations.

To chat, to have not a minute of peace, boring, my dearest people, to leave the house, a mess, silly, to be bossy, to ring up.



A). Read the texts.

1. "A Quiet Evening"*

I went home slowly. I was dog-tired. The day was very difficult. And I went dreaming about a quiet evening at home. I imagined myself, lying on the sofa with my favourite book "Three men in a boat", or watching something on TV (by the way, what's on tonight?), or sitting in the kitchen after a very good supper with a glass of my beer and spoiling my own health with smoking a cigarette. My dreams did not come true. When I entered the flat I heard a command: "Well, Nick, take the money and go and buy some sausage and milk". No "How are you?" or "Was the day good?" from my Mum. Sometimes I began to think she had to become a general but not a children's doctor. She commanded us, my dad, my two elder brothers and me, a young ' handsome ' man of twenty-two, with great pleasure. I brought her milk and sausage and added waffles to that. We, the men of the family, have a great sweet tooth. Then there was another order – to wash up after supper (and after a very good supper, I should say). And I thought it was better than to vacuum carpets (the work of my eldest brother) and repairing a tap in the bathroom (the work of my elder brother). I finished my washing in twenty minutes and was ready to relax as I got another order – to translate a small article on medicine. It was awful. I can't stand medicine and everything around it. And I had to translate something about children's troubles. But luckily it was easy. In an hour I did it. But when Mum wanted us to hang a new picture on the wall I quickly said I had a lot to do for my classes. And I had to sit at my table and did those damned reports for classes. But finishing them I thought it was a good idea to do them that evening. There was a golden football match on TV the next day and I could watch it. But when I had a look at the clock on the wall I was upset – it was too late to read – almost one o'clock after the midnight. So I took a quick shower and went to bed. Of course, I slept like a log after such a busy day and evening.

2. The worst day in my life*

I think, today is the worst day in my life. Everything is going wrong since the early morning! When I open my eyes at seven I see that my fluffy white cat is lying on my dress. I was going to put it on for work. When I leave my house I see my bus is turning round the corner. Of course, I am late. My boss is crying upon me when I come into the office and about irresponsible youth on the whole that don't want to work properly. So, as a result I can't find the papers I want to work with. I am searching for them while he is waiting standing near my table. At last I see the papers in the upper box of the table. The moment I am giving them to the boss he is turning and leaving the room. The telephone is ringing. He is speaking over the telephone and looking through the papers. I think it's OK because my boss is smiling. At this moment he is showing me one document. There is no signature. I run to the engineer to get his signature. And I have been running around the office doing a lot of things all the morning. At one o'clock I am going to the cafe for lunch and again – bad luck! – my friend takes the last dish with chicken from the counter… There is only fish, which I can't stand. But I am hungry. When the working day is coming up to the end my tooth is starting to ache. It's getting worse and worse. At five I leave the office not saying good-bye – I simply can't speak – and run to the dentist. I am not going to describe what is going on at the dentist's – I think, everybody knows. When I get home I can hardly move my feet. At home there is the other trouble. My 'dear' sonny gives me his copybook with a bad mark. 

 Now, I am lying on my sofa and there is the only thought – let me in peace!


B). Find the translation of the following words and word combinations in the texts.

Устать, как собака; что идет по ТВ сегодня вечером; мои мечты не исполнились; сходи и купи колбасы и молока; молодой, красивый мужчина 22 лет; быть большой сластеной; вымыть посуду; пропылесосить ковры; починить кран в ванной; через час; много домашних заданий; принять душ; спать, как убитый; все пошло не так с самого утра; пушистая белая кошка; мой автобус заворачивает за угол; безответственная молодежь; искать бумаги; подпись; в этот момент; вот досада; терпеть не могу; мой зуб начинает болеть; становится все хуже и хуже; я едва могу передвигать ноги; оставьте меня в покое.


C) Find all derivatives of the following words according to the model and translate them.


Данное слово существительное глагол прилагательное наречие
Enjoy   enjoy ment – 1. наслаждение, удовольствие; 2. обладание, использование (правами) enjoy – наслаждаться, получать удовольствие; пользоваться (правами); обладать enjoy able – приятный, доставляющий удовольствие enjoyab ly - приятно
Данное слово существительное глагол прилагательное наречие


D) Retell these texts.


A) Read the text and translate it.

Nicole's day

I get up at six o'clock. Usually I do my morning exercises. Sometimes I jog in the yard when it is warm. But my sister Lisa dances to music in the morning to awaken. After that I go to the bathroom and take a shower and comb my hair. Then I come back to my bedroom and dress. I put on my favourite jeans, socks, a blouse and a jumper. My sister gets ready for school. Usually she wears a black blazer and trousers or a skirt with a blouse of some light colour. Every morning Mum makes our breakfast. She makes tea for Daddy and herself, brews coffee for Lisa and me and makes sandwiches for the family. The coffee is hot and strong. I like it black and Lisa prefers (предпочитает) white. After breakfast I put my papers into my case, put on my coat and hat, say goodbye to Mum, Daddy and Lisa and leave the house for work at seven. I work far from my home and get to work by bus. Mum does not work; she keeps the house. Daddy and Lisa go out later. Daddy's office and Lisa's school are not far from our house. So they leave the house at half past seven.

I am a manager, so every day I have a lot of work to do. I meet with different people, write letters to the firms, make reports for my boss and do many other things. At one o'clock I have lunch. For lunch I go to one cafe near the office. Usually I have lunch with my colleagues. At two the work begins again. I work five days a week from Monday to Friday. Every day I come to work by eight and finish at five.

After work I go to the Institute four times a week. I am a part-time student. I study English and Management. I want to become a specialist in management. So I get home only at ten. I have supper, talk with my parents and Lisa. Sometimes I watch TV in the evening, if there is something interesting on – some gossip about famous people, a horror or action film or a melodrama. But usually I do my homework and help Lisa with her lessons. I'm sorry I practically don't help about the house. I simply have no time. But at weekends I vacuum the carpets and go shopping with Mum or Lisa to carry heavy bags. 

At twelve I go to bed. I'm dog-tired and fall down onto my sofa and sleep all night like a log.

B) Find in the text the following words and word combinations.

Бегать трусцой во дворе; танцевать под музыку; проснуться; принять душ; расчесать волосы; вернуться в спальню; надевать что-либо; готовиться к чему-либо; заваривать чай; заваривать кофе; делать бутерброды; прощаться; выходить из дома; добираться автобусом до работы; у меня много работы; вести дом; выходить позже; готовить доклады; студент вечернего отделения; добираться до дома; сплетни об известных людях; фильм ужасов; боевик; помогать по дому; устать до смерти; спать мертвым сном.

C) Retell this text on behalf of a) Nicole; b) her friend.


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