IX. Match the adjectives and the nouns. Make sentences of your own with these word combinations. — КиберПедия 

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IX. Match the adjectives and the nouns. Make sentences of your own with these word combinations.

2022-07-07 44
IX. Match the adjectives and the nouns. Make sentences of your own with these word combinations. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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wooden plastic silk woollen glass brass metal brick carpet curtain house cupboard handle (ручка) cloth table door   tall large comfortable high-backed spacious modern old-fashioned soft sofa cushion wardrobe window house chair furniture sideboard (сервант)

X. a) Here are the definitions of some rooms. Read them carefully.

1. A bed-sitter is a single room used for both living and sleeping in.

2. A living-room (also a sitting-room) is the main room in a house where people can do things together (often a general purpose room).

3. A hall is the passage inside the entrance of a house, from which the rooms open.

b) Now try to define these words: a dining-room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a study, a nursery, a bathroom.


XI. Insert house or home instead of the blanks.

1. “You live in a nice clean ___,” Uncle Tom said. 2. This woman has the art of making a ___ into a ___, giving it the atmosphere of restfulness and quiet harmony. 3. You have a good ___, a good roof over your head. 4. That’s a nice little ___. 5. Australia is the ___ of the kangaroo. 6. They are building some new ___ in the village. 7. This boy is from a broken ­­­___, his parents are divorced. 8. Siberia has been his ___ for ten years now. 9. A villa is country ___ with a large garden. 10. London is her ___ town.


XII. Dramatize the situations.

1. You spend last Sunday at your friend’s summer house. Tell your mother what you like and dislike about the house and its premises. Answer her questions.

2. Discuss with your friend what house you’d like to buy, what you’d like to have around the house, in what area you’d like it to be located, etc.

3. You are an interior designer. Give professional advice to your client about how to decorate his / her new apartment.

4. You have a room for rent. Show it to a possible tenant and discuss it with him / her.

5. You need some place to live. Discuss with your friend possibilities of renting an apartment.


XIII. Speak on these points.

1. Describe your room / flat.

2. Describe your best friend’s apartment.

3. Describe the house of your dream.

4. What kind of apartment would be ideal for a family of four and why? (Parents + 2 children; parents + 1 child + one of the grandparents; a young couple and the parents of one the spouses)

5. Describe your favourite building in your city / in the city you have visited recently.


Choose one topic and write a small composition on the following.

1. The house of my dream.

2. I’ve got a new flat (your ideas on its decoration)

3. Once I was an interior designer…

4. It was a very strange place for living…

'At the Map of the World'


Geographical Quiz

I. Can you answer these questions?

1. How many oceans are there on our planet?

2. What are the names of the oceans?

3. What is the deepest point in the oceans?

4. What sea is situated below the sea level?

5. How many seas of what oceans wash our country?

6. What seas have 'colour' names? Where are they situated?

7. What is the warmest sea in the world?

8. How many continents are there on the planet?

9. What are the names of the continents?

10. What are five largest countries in size?

11. What are five smallest countries in size?

12. What countries have English as the first language (as the native language)?

13. What language is spoken by the greatest number of people?

14. What is the longest river in the world?

15. What is the longest river in Europe / Asia / Africa / America / Australia?

16. What is the highest mountain in the world? Where is it situated?

17. Who was the first man mounted it? When was it?

18. What is the highest mountain in Russia?

19. What is the most famous volcano in the history of mankind?

20. What country occupies the whole continent?

21. What is the largest desert in the world?

22. Who discovered the Antarctic? When?

23. Who discovered Australia? When?

24. Who made the first all-round voyages? When?

25. What countries are the members of the Council of Europe?

26. What mountain ranges situated in Russia can you name?

27. What European countries have monarchies?

28. Due to what is it possible to see roses and magnolias outdoors in Great Britain, though it is situated at the same latitude as Chelyabinsk?

29. What city is situated southerner – Madrid, Washington or Tashkent?

30. What symbols of nature can you name on the coat-of-arms of Russia, the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada, and Australia?

31. Some countries are mononational, the other ones are multinational. Can you give three examples of countries of each type?


If you can answer all these questions, you really know something in Geography!

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