Ex. 1. Read the following sentences aloud and translate them into Russian, paying special attention to the parts in italics. — КиберПедия 

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Ex. 1. Read the following sentences aloud and translate them into Russian, paying special attention to the parts in italics.

2022-07-06 26
Ex. 1. Read the following sentences aloud and translate them into Russian, paying special attention to the parts in italics. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. This book will be useful to those working in the chemical industry. 2. The book suffers from some defects which detract from its value. 3. The first, for which the authors are not to blame, is careless proof-reading. 4. Far too many names have been misspelt which is unfortunate in a book of this kind. 5. In the second place, there are some minor mistakes of fact. 6. Bosch developed the ammo­nia synthesis in the works of Badische Anilin. 7. The brief reference to the nineteenth-century background is also inadequate. 8. The review of man-made fibres is much too short, and in no way reflects their role in the British textile industry. 9. In general, however, the detailed account of the modern chemical industry is use­ful. 10. The summarized particulars of almost 200 compa­nies are an interesting and valuable source of ready in­formation.



Ex. 2. Confirm the statements. Follow the model. Work in pairs.



1. The first chapter discusses the thermodynamic principles, am I right?

2. Yes, indeed. Chapter one discusses the thermodynamic principles.


1. The second chapter deals with the methods, do­esn't it? 2. Such factors are incorporated in the third chapter, aren't they? 3. The detailed account of the mo­dern chemical industry in the fifth chapter is useful, isn't it? 4. The seventh article of the volume is concerned with the basic problems of adaptive behaviou. Right? 5. The eighth paragraph gives consideration to the refi­nements of such a mechanism, doesn't it? 6. In the ninth chapter the author gives an accurate description of co-enzymes. Is that so? 7. The tenth paper is unfortunately a very short one, isn't it?



Ex. 3. Discuss the book your fellow-student has brought to class. Follow the model. Work in pairs.


1. As far as I understand, this book provides (contains) useful (vast, valuable important) information. Right?

2. Yes, The information given in the book is useful (vast, etc.). However, sometimes it is too specialized (thorough, detailed, out-of-date), in my opinion.


1. Can you give us any examples?

2. Yes. For instance, the information about         ... is too specialized (thorough, detailed, out-of-date), because....



Ex. 4. Insert the definite article where necessary.

1.... information is thoroughly up-to-date. 2. Other chapters provide a wealth of... specialized information. 3. The book aims to provide students with... informa­tion about the fine structure of various cells. 4. The handbook succeeds in compressing a vast amount of... information. 5. The book contains an extremely large amount of... useful information. 6. The summarized particulars of almost 200 companies are an interesting and valuable source of... ready information. 7.... information given by the author is extremely useful.



Ex. 5. Find out when the book was written (published, edited, appeared). Note that the definite article is used in the phrases: in the early (mid, late) 4- year. Work in pairs.


1. Can you tell me when the book you are reading appeared?

2. Let me see (looking at the page where the date of the publication is indicated). It was published by... (Academic Press) in... (e. g.: 1971).

1. So it appeared in the early 1970s. Were there other publications of the book?

2. (looking at the same page) As I see, the second edition was published in... (1975), in the mid 70s, and the third publication appeared in... (1978), in the late 70s.

Use this model to discuss all the books brought to class by the students.



Ex. 6. Discuss the subject matter of the book (article). Work in pairs. Use: one of the...; none of the...; many of the...,' much of the...; few of the...; some of the....



1. Can I ask you this: what subjects are dealt with in the book?

2. One of the subjects the author deals with is....

1. And what about other problems?

2. Some (many, a few) of the problems the au­thor is trying to solve are (no longer) in­teresting.

1. Can you name one (some) of the problems?

2. For instance,....

1. And what about the presentation of the material?

2. Some (much) of the material is not presen­ted clearly (or: clearly, briefly, at length, erroneously, with errors). And (though, however) some of the important facts (details) have been omitted (included, described).

1. Does the book deal with subjects that are already out-of-date (or:... that are thoroughly up-to-date)? Do you mean that?

2. Yes (or: exactly, definitely, of course.). Some of the subjects are quite out-of-date now (or: By no means. Some of the sub­jects are thoroughly up-to-date).



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