Ex. 1. Read aloud the sentences below and translate them into Russian paying special attention to the parts in italics. — КиберПедия 

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Ex. 1. Read aloud the sentences below and translate them into Russian paying special attention to the parts in italics.

2022-07-06 35
Ex. 1. Read aloud the sentences below and translate them into Russian paying special attention to the parts in italics. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The number of registered participants was about 4500. 2. The lecture by Professor F. Sorm was followed by a number of short addresses of appreciation by dele­gates from different countries. 3. The opening plenary session was followed by a most enjoyable concert. 4. The scientific programme which followed included a series of symposia and between two and three thousand original contributions. 5. Each congress of this kind attracts more and more workers who are interested in one or many aspects of the broad subject of biochemistry. 6. The congress held its opening ceremony in the impres­sive Palace of Sports. 7. The main speakers were allowed up to 40 minutes to develop their subject and the subse­quent speakers 15 minutes. 8. The time proved to be ade­quate and the discussions were lively. 9. The arrangements for simultaneous translations were excellent. 10. Pre­prints of the main congress lectures were available to the participants before the meetings. 11. Abstracts of communications were available in the form of a separate book. 12. There was an attractive exhibition of modern books dealing with all aspects of biochemistry. 13. Most of those attending the congress were accomodated in the student quarters of the University. 14. The president closed the proceedings and formally announced that the next congress would be held in 1964. 15. It was the lar­gest congress yet held in the USSR.



Ex. 2. Read aloud the sentences below and translate them into Russian paying special attention to different uses of the adjec­tive most.

1. A most attractive exhibition was organized at the Public Library. 2. It was the most attractive exhibition of the kind that had ever been arranged at the Public Library. 3. This exhibition of books was most attractive. 4. Most scientific conferences attract scientists from all over the world. 5. The most important communication at the congress was given by Dr. L. 6. It was a most interesting communication. 7. To my mind, this commu­nication was most interesting.



Ex. 3. Confirm the statements below. Use most instead of the words in italics.



1. To my mind this is a very interesting problem.

2. You are quite right. This is a most in­teresting problem.


1. As far as I know, the majority of the participants were accommodated in hotel “Moskva”. 2. In my opinion the discussions were exceedingly lively. 3. To my know­ledge the greatest part of the material has been verified experimentally. 4. There is no doubt that the problems under discussion at this congress proved very important.



Ex. 4. Translate into English using the word most. Mind the articles.


1. Эта статья весьма интересна. 2. Это очень интересная статья. 3. Это самая интересная статья первого номера (issue) журнала. 4. Большая часть статей написана известными учеными. 5. Большинство лю­дей так думает (think so).



Ex. 5. Translate into Russian paying special attention to the meaning of the word number.


1. I don't know the number of English books avai­lable at this library. 2. There was a large number of Eng­lish books available at this library. 3. There is a number of books on biochemistry available at this library. 4. Would you mind going to room number six. 5. What is the number of his car? 6. 3, 5, 7, etc. are odd numbers. 7. Show me the current number of this magazine.



Ex. 6. Confirm the statements below. Use the word number instead of those in italics.



1. I'm sure that this conference was atten­ded by very many delegates.

2. You're absolutely right. It was attended by a very great number of delegates.

1. As far as I know, several delegates came long before the sessions began. 2. There is no doubt that the amount of books on genetics will grow from year to year. 3. If 'I'm not mistaken, this article was published in the latest issue of the journal “Cytology”. 4. I'm quite certain that the seminar will be held in room 6. 5. To my mind there are very many unsolved problems in plant ecology.



Ex. 7. Translate into English using the word number.


1. Он написал ряд статей по кибернетике (cyber­netics). 2. У меня есть несколько книг современных английских писателей. 3. Автор ограничил (limited) число примеров (examples). 4. Автор дает ряд интерес­ных примеров. 5. Она живет в комнате номер 9. 6. Вы читали последний номер журнала “Генетика”? 7. Два, четыре, шесть, восемь — четные (even) числа.


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