Application 2. The plan for writing abstracts of the text — КиберПедия 

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Application 2. The plan for writing abstracts of the text

2021-03-17 81
Application 2. The plan for writing abstracts of the text 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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  Expressions to be used while writing abstracts of the text
1. The title of the article/text The text is headlined …. The title of the text (under consideration) is … The headline of the text I have read is …
2. The author of the text/article Where and when the article/text was published. The author of the text/article is …. The text/article is written by …. It is (was) published in … It is (was) printed in ….
3. The main idea of the text/article The main idea of the text is … The text (under consideration) is about … As the title implies the text (article) describes The text is devoted to … The text deals with … The article touches upon the problems concerning … The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information on … The purpose of the article is to compare (to determine) … The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data, facts) on … The text (article) presents some results which illustrates … The text (story, article) is concerned with …. The subject of the text is …….
4. The contents of the text/article: some facts, names, figures The author starts by telling the reader (s) about, that … At the beginning (of the text) the author States that … Stresses Thinks Describes Dwells on Touches upon Explains Introduces Mentions Recalls Characterizes Analyzes Comments on Points out Emphasizes Underlines Generalizes about Criticizes Makes a few critical remarks on Reveals Exposes Accuses Blames Condemns Mocks at Ridicules Praises Gives a summary of Gives his account of Reports The article (the author) begins with a (the) description of By mentioning The analysis of A (the) summary of A comment on A review of An account of The characterization of Some (a few) critical remarks about (of, concerning) The accusation of The exposure of The (his) praise of The ridicule of The generalization of The description is based on … The article opens with According to the text
5. To continue rendering Then (after, further on, next) the author passes on to … Goes on to say that ……. Reports that … Gives a detailed (thorough) analysis (description of)...
6. Parts of the text The article (text) can be divided into 4 (5-7) parts. The first part deals with … The second part is about … The third part touches upon … The fourth part of the article includes the fact on …
7. To finish In conclusion the author … The author concludes with … The article ends with … At the end of the article the author comes to (draws) the conclusion that … We find the conclusion that … To finish with the author describes… At the end of the article the author sums (summarizes) it all up (by saying.) …
8. Your opinion of the text/article I find (I’ve found) the text/article interesting (important, informative, dull, easy, useful, of no value, too difficult to understand). The problems touched upon in the text/article are of great importance. The discussed problem is of great value.  

List of Introductory (Opening) Expressions for Writing Annotations

It is alleged It is announced It is appropriate It is believed It is the case It is certain It is considered It is expected It is felt It follows It goes without saying It happens (happened) It is heard It is high time It is known It is a matter of common (general) observation, knowledge It is a matter of experience It is a matter of principle It is necessary It is no wonder It is to be noted It is reported It is said Говорят, считают, что Объявлено, что Целесообразно, что Полагают, считают, что Дело обстоит так, это имеет место Несомненно, что Считают, считается, что Ожидают, ожидается, что Считают, что Отсюда (следует) Само собой разумеется Случайно; случилось так, что Имеются сведения, что Давно пора Известно, что Общеизвестно   Это дело практики Это принципиальный вопрос Необходимо Неудивительно Необходимо заметить Сообщают, имеются сообщения, что Говорят, что



1. Европейский союз // European Union - [Electronic resource]. – 2010. – Mode of access: – Date of access: 20.10.2010.

2. Международное право // International Law - [Electronic resource]. – 2010. – Mode of access: – Date of access: 12.09.2010.

3. Организация Объединенных Наций // United Nations - [Electronic resource]. – 2010. – Mode of access: – Date of access: 12.09.2010.



Учебное издание


Studying Legal English

Part I

Учебное пособие

(в двух частях)

[1] In civil law, a delict is an intentional or negligent act which gives rise to a legal obligation between parties even though there has been no contract between them.

[2] ASEAN (the Association of South East Asian Nations) is a geo-political and economic organization of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia, which was formed on 8 August 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.[5] Since then, membership has expanded to include Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Its aims include the acceleration of economic growth, social progress, cultural development among its members, the protection of the peace and stability of the region, and to provide opportunities for member countries to discuss differences peacefully.

[3] A peremptory norm (also called jus cogens or ius cogens, Latin for "compelling law" - императивные нормы международного права) is a fundamental principle of international law which is accepted by the international community of states as a norm from which no derogation is ever permitted.

There is no clear agreement regarding precisely which norms are jus cogens nor how a norm reaches that status, but it is generally accepted that jus cogens includes the prohibition of genocide, maritime piracy, slaving in general (to include slavery as well as the slave trade), torture, and wars of aggression and territorial aggrandizement.

[4] Jus ad bellum (Latin for "right to wage war") are a set of criteria that are consulted before engaging in war, in order to determine whether entering into war is justifiable. Jus ad bellum is sometimes considered a part of the laws of war, although the term "laws of war" can also be considered to refer to jus in bello, which concerns whether a war is conducted justly.

[5] The Papal State(s), State(s) of the Church, or Pontifical States were one of the major historical states of Italy from roughly the 6th century until the Italian peninsula was unified in 1861 by the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia (after which the Papal States, in less territorially extensive form, continued to exist until 1870). The Papal States comprised territories under direct sovereign rule of the papacy, and at its height it covered most of the modern Italian regions of Romagna, Marche, Umbria and Lazio. This governing power is commonly called the temporal power of the Pope, as opposed to his ecclesiastical primacy. The plural Papal States is usually preferred; the singular Papal State is rather for the modern State of Vatican City, an enclave within Italy's national capital, Rome. Vatican City was founded in 1929, again allowing the Holy See the political benefits of territorial sovereignty.

[6] The Lateran Treaty is one of the Lateran Pacts of 1929 or Lateran Accords, three agreements made in 1929 between the Kingdom of Italy and the Holy See, ratified June 7, 1929, ending the "Roman Question".

They consisted of three documents:

· A political treaty recognizing the full sovereignty of the Holy See in the State of Vatican City, which was thereby established.

· A concordat regulating the position of the Catholic Church and the Catholic religion in the Italian state.

· A financial convention agreed on as a definitive settlement of the claims of the Holy See following the losses of its territories and property.

[7] par inter pares (primus inter pares) - латинское клише, буквально означающее «Первый среди равных». Обозначает самого старшего человека в группе людей, имеющих одинаковую (аналогичную) должность или такой же статус. Считается, что так называли Цезаря в древнем Риме. Он был первым среди равных, таких же достойных граждан Рима. В русском языке обычно используется в церковно-религиозном контексте и часто применяется по отношению к папе римскому в его исторической роли в неразделённой Древней Церкви как одного из пяти патриархов, а также в отношении Константинопольского Патриарха в той роли, которую он играет в современном вселенском православии.

[8] de facto (лат. де-фа́кто - «на деле», «фактически») - антоним латинского термина «де-юре» (de jure) в законодательной, управленческой и технической (в отношении стандартов) сферах, когда в обычную практику вводятся элементы без соответствующей официальной поддержки. Например, при разборе правовой ситуации «де-юре» означает требования закона, тогда как «де-факто» говорит о том, что происходит на самом деле (будь это законно или незаконно).

[9] Ad hoc - (от лат. ad hoc — «для этого») — для специальной цели. It generally signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task, non-generalizable, and which cannot be adapted to other purposes.

Common examples are organizations, committees, and commissions created at the national or international level for a specific task. In other fields the term may refer, for example, to a military unit created under special circumstances, tailor-made suit, a handcrafted network protocol or a purpose-specific equation. Ad hoc can also have connotations of a makeshift solution, inadequate planning, or improvised events.

[10] The Schengen Agreement is a treaty signed on 14 June 1985 near the town of Schengen in Luxembourg, between five of the ten member states of the European Economic Community. It was supplemented by the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement 5 years later. Together these treaties created Europe's borderless Schengen Area.

[11] Dog - охранять; выслеживать, следить за кем-л.; преследовать

[12] Receiving an AAA credit rating indicates that the business has the highest possible creditworthiness and is of low risk to investors. Many companies strive to get an AAA credit rating by reducing debt and improving overall performance. A AAA credit rating is a very rare designation.

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