Profession job career occupation — КиберПедия 

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Profession job career occupation

2021-02-01 191
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Let’s read the text

When deciding your future career you must be realistic about your interests and abilities. For example, if you want to choose medicine as your future profession you must be good at science, be patient, be attentive to people and have a strong desire to serve them.

Nowadays my dream is to become a doctor. Although my parents disagree with my ambition they doubt it is not suitable for me.

Some people see it as a difficult and stressful job while others think it is a rewarding and interesting career. Whatever your views, there is no doubt that working as a doctor is a demanding job with many advantages and disadvantages.

There are several arguments in favour of being a doctor. First of all, it is a rewarding job, as doctors help sick and injured people to recover. Furthermore, doctors are rarely out of work, as there is always demand for people to treat the sick and injured.

However, there are many disadvantages of working as a doctor. Firstly, it is a tiring job, because they work in shifts and often work at night. In addition, being a doctor can be depressing, as they often see people suffering.

I believe that, although being a doctor can be difficult at times, it is worth it. It is rewarding to help people recover from sickness or injury. Anyway, whatever happens I am going to have to get down to some hard work if I want to achieve my aims.


decide [dɪˈsaɪd] решать, определяться

ability [əˈbɪlɪtɪ] способность, умение

to choose [ʧuːz] выбирать

patient [ˈpeɪʃənt] терпеливый

desire [dɪˈzaɪə] желание, стремление, влечение

serve [sɜːv] служить, обслуживать

dream [driːm] мечта

although [ɔːlˈðəʊ] (союз) хотя

disagree [dɪsəˈgriː] расходиться во взглядах, не соглашаться

ambition [æmˈbɪʃn] амбиция, стремление

doubt [daʊt] сомневаться

suitable [ˈsjuːtəbl] соответствующий, приемлемый, подходящий

stressful [ˈstresfəl] стрессовый, напряженный

rewarding [rɪˈwɔːdɪŋ] благодарный, полезный

whatever [wɔtˈevə] какой бы ни, независимо от

demanding [dɪˈmɑːndɪŋ] востребованный

advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪʤ] преимущество, польза

disadvantage [dɪsədˈvɑːntɪʤ] недостаток, отрицательная сторона

argument [ˈɑːgjʊmənt] аргумент, доказательство

in favour [ɪn ˈfeɪvə] в пользу, в защиту

sick [sɪk] больной

injured [ˈɪnʤəd] раненый, травмированный, пострадавший

recover [rɪˈkʌvə] выздороветь, восстановиться

furthermore [ˈfɜːðəˈmɔː] к тому же, более того

rarely [ˈrɛəlɪ] редко

treat [triːt] лечить

tiring [ˈtaɪərɪŋ] утомительный, изнурительный

shift [ʃɪft] смена

depress [dɪˈpres] угнетать, подавлять, удручать

suffering [ˈsʌfərɪŋ] страдание, мучение

worth [wɜːθ] стоить, заслуживать

get down [get daʊn] приступить,

achieve [əˈʧiːv] достигать

aim [eɪm] цель, задача


1. Найдите в тексте фразы и выражения:

Быть реалистом, например, будущая профессия, быть внимательным к людям, желание служить людям, мечта, сомневаться, сложная и стрессовая работа, почетная и интересная карьера, преимущества и недостатки, доказательства в пользу чего-либо, пострадавшие, спрос на кого-л., работать посменно; я верю, что…; это того ст о ит; чт о бы ни случилось; достичь цели.

2. Выпишите из текста все определения, касающиеся работы.

Fill in the correct word.

Profession job career occupation

1. Her_______________ as a dancer came to an end when she broke her leg.

2.    My father has been unable to find a _____________ for the past two years.

3. You must write your name, age and _______on the application form.

4. Peter is a doctor by_______, and has his own practice in Brighton.

5.   Julia got a _______soon after she left school.

6.  Although she is a lawyer by _______, she knows little about criminal law.

7. She started her__________________ as an actress at the age of 18.

8. He has applied for several____________ ____ but hasn't got one yet.


4. Discussing in pairs topics related to the theme:

1. Which job do you find more interesting? Why?

2. Who helped you to make your decision?

3. What would you do if your parents objected to your choice of career?

4. Do you think students get enough help from their school in order to choose a suitable career?

5. Would you go on working if you had your own family?

6. Those who choose their career correctly are really happy, aren't they?

7. What should everyone keep in mind when choosing a career?

8. Which jobs do you think are more important? Why?


Переведите предложения

1. When you (выбираешь) your future career you (должен быть) realistic about your interests and (способности).

2. If you (хотите) to choose medicine as your (будущую) profession you must be good (в науке), be (терпеливым).

3. Nowadays my (мечта) is to (стать) a doctor.

4. It is a (трудная) и stressful (работа).

5. Other think it is a (почетная) and interesting career.

6. Working as a doctor is a (востребованная) job with many (преимущества) and (недостатки).


6. Переведите предложения:

1. Когда мне было 12 лет, я решила, что выберу медицину в качестве своей будущей профессии.

2. Я очень сильно хочу помогать больным и пострадавшим людям.

3. Я не согласен с тем, что служение людям не стоит того.

4. Работа по сменам утомительная и напряженная.

5. Каждый больной человек хочет выздороветь.

6. Преимущество студента в том, что у него есть время учиться и работать.

7. Мечта - это цель, которую человек хочет достичь.

Let’s read the text

When deciding your future career you must be realistic about your interests and abilities. For example, if you want to choose medicine as your future profession you must be good at science, be patient, be attentive to people and have a strong desire to serve them.

Nowadays my dream is to become a doctor. Although my parents disagree with my ambition they doubt it is not suitable for me.

Some people see it as a difficult and stressful job while others think it is a rewarding and interesting career. Whatever your views, there is no doubt that working as a doctor is a demanding job with many advantages and disadvantages.

There are several arguments in favour of being a doctor. First of all, it is a rewarding job, as doctors help sick and injured people to recover. Furthermore, doctors are rarely out of work, as there is always demand for people to treat the sick and injured.

However, there are many disadvantages of working as a doctor. Firstly, it is a tiring job, because they work in shifts and often work at night. In addition, being a doctor can be depressing, as they often see people suffering.

I believe that, although being a doctor can be difficult at times, it is worth it. It is rewarding to help people recover from sickness or injury. Anyway, whatever happens I am going to have to get down to some hard work if I want to achieve my aims.


decide [dɪˈsaɪd] решать, определяться

ability [əˈbɪlɪtɪ] способность, умение

to choose [ʧuːz] выбирать

patient [ˈpeɪʃənt] терпеливый

desire [dɪˈzaɪə] желание, стремление, влечение

serve [sɜːv] служить, обслуживать

dream [driːm] мечта

although [ɔːlˈðəʊ] (союз) хотя

disagree [dɪsəˈgriː] расходиться во взглядах, не соглашаться

ambition [æmˈbɪʃn] амбиция, стремление

doubt [daʊt] сомневаться

suitable [ˈsjuːtəbl] соответствующий, приемлемый, подходящий

stressful [ˈstresfəl] стрессовый, напряженный

rewarding [rɪˈwɔːdɪŋ] благодарный, полезный

whatever [wɔtˈevə] какой бы ни, независимо от

demanding [dɪˈmɑːndɪŋ] востребованный

advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪʤ] преимущество, польза

disadvantage [dɪsədˈvɑːntɪʤ] недостаток, отрицательная сторона

argument [ˈɑːgjʊmənt] аргумент, доказательство

in favour [ɪn ˈfeɪvə] в пользу, в защиту

sick [sɪk] больной

injured [ˈɪnʤəd] раненый, травмированный, пострадавший

recover [rɪˈkʌvə] выздороветь, восстановиться

furthermore [ˈfɜːðəˈmɔː] к тому же, более того

rarely [ˈrɛəlɪ] редко

treat [triːt] лечить

tiring [ˈtaɪərɪŋ] утомительный, изнурительный

shift [ʃɪft] смена

depress [dɪˈpres] угнетать, подавлять, удручать

suffering [ˈsʌfərɪŋ] страдание, мучение

worth [wɜːθ] стоить, заслуживать

get down [get daʊn] приступить,

achieve [əˈʧiːv] достигать

aim [eɪm] цель, задача


1. Найдите в тексте фразы и выражения:

Быть реалистом, например, будущая профессия, быть внимательным к людям, желание служить людям, мечта, сомневаться, сложная и стрессовая работа, почетная и интересная карьера, преимущества и недостатки, доказательства в пользу чего-либо, пострадавшие, спрос на кого-л., работать посменно; я верю, что…; это того ст о ит; чт о бы ни случилось; достичь цели.

2. Выпишите из текста все определения, касающиеся работы.

Fill in the correct word.

profession job career occupation

1. Her_______________ as a dancer came to an end when she broke her leg.

2.    My father has been unable to find a _____________ for the past two years.

3. You must write your name, age and _______on the application form.

4. Peter is a doctor by_______, and has his own practice in Brighton.

5.   Julia got a _______soon after she left school.

6.  Although she is a lawyer by _______, she knows little about criminal law.

7. She started her__________________ as an actress at the age of 18.

8. He has applied for several____________ ____ but hasn't got one yet.


4. Discussing in pairs topics related to the theme:

1. Which job do you find more interesting? Why?

2. Who helped you to make your decision?

3. What would you do if your parents objected to your choice of career?

4. Do you think students get enough help from their school in order to choose a suitable career?

5. Would you go on working if you had your own family?

6. Those who choose their career correctly are really happy, aren't they?

7. What should everyone keep in mind when choosing a career?

8. Which jobs do you think are more important? Why?


Переведите предложения

1. When you (выбираешь) your future career you (должен быть) realistic about your interests and (способности).

2. If you (хотите) to choose medicine as your (будущую) profession you must be good (в науке), be (терпеливым).

3. Nowadays my (мечта) is to (стать) a doctor.

4. It is a (трудная) и stressful (работа).

5. Other think it is a (почетная) and interesting career.

6. Working as a doctor is a (востребованная) job with many (преимущества) and (недостатки).


6. Переведите предложения:

1. Когда мне было 12 лет, я решила, что выберу медицину в качестве своей будущей профессии.

2. Я очень сильно хочу помогать больным и пострадавшим людям.

3. Я не согласен с тем, что служение людям не стоит того.

4. Работа по сменам утомительная и напряженная.

5. Каждый больной человек хочет выздороветь.

6. Преимущество студента в том, что у него есть время учиться и работать.

7. Мечта - это цель, которую человек хочет достичь.

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