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DURING prep. в течение; see also for + сочетание «артикль “ a ” / числительное / many / more than / less than / most of / much of / a few / as long as / as many as / as little as / up to + unit of time / period of time» =в течение

during + period of time / activity (the day, our discussions, the performance, the summer season, my stay in London, term time, his visit, the winter); wrong: during doing sth/ during + clause; right: while doing sth/ while + clause

dynamo ['daInqmqV] – dynamics [daI'nxmIks]

EACH pron. / adv. каждый, всякий (о людях / животных / предметах / понятиях) (for any number of people or things, usu. a small number, considered separately; see also every); wrong: almost/ nearly/ not + each; right: almost/ nearly/ not + every; wrong: each in neg. clauses; right: none in neg. clauses

each + sing. aff. v.; wrong: each + neg. v.

each of + pron.; but: each + n. / each of + n.

each other друг друга(обычно о двух людях или небольшом определенном количестве людей)

EARLY adj. / adv. ранний; рано

as early as + date = уже; еще

in early + month (April) в начале + название месяца (апреля); wrong: месяца апреля

From early in the morning until late at night

in the early 1990 s / 90 s в начале 90-х годов XX-го века

in the early 19th/ 20th/ 21st century в начале XIX… века

earth n. 1) Earth (usu. when referring to the planet as part of the universe and naming the other planets of the Solar System); but: the Earth/ the planet Earth (when talking about the planet as the place where we live and often in the combinationthe Sun and the Earth ”)

The earth’s atmosphere/ crust/ ozone layer/ surface, etc.

The origin of life on Earth

2) the earth (= the land surface on which we live and move about; ground)

economic adj. экономичесский; хозяйственный

ECONOMICAL adj. экономный, бережливый; экономичный

Economical to do/ doing sth

education n. [= 1) the process of teaching, training and learning, usu. at school, college or university: the education system; 2) the teaching of a particular subject; 3) (usu. Education) the subject of study that deals with how to teach; 4) the institutions and people involved in teaching and training]

education in + particular subject

full-time education обучение на дневном отделении

further education BrE (= courses of study or training that some people do after they have left school when they do not go to university)

Have/ to get/ to receive an education

higher education (= education at college or university) высшее образование; высшая школа; wrong: high/ highest education/ school

primary education BrE / elementary education AmE

Professional education

Secondary education

special education (= educational services for disabled people and people who have difficulty learning at the usual rate and need extra help with their studies)

students in full-time education/ full-time students студенты дневного отделения

university / college education высшее образование

vocational education (= vocational training courses in fields such as building, engineering, hairdressing or secretarial skills) среднее специальное образование

EF ' FECT   n.  эффект; ¹ affect v.; = влияние, воздействие; результат, следствие

Effect (of sth) on sb/ sth

carry / to put into effect осуществить  

i n effect фактически 

sb’s (personal) effects/ belongings/ possessions fml (=the things that sb has with them at a particular time, for example when they are arrested or admitted to hospital, or the things that they owned when they died)

to t he effect that в том смысле, что

v. fml (= to make sth happen) осуществлять

e. g. (= for example) (лат.)например

eigen -/ eigen ['AIg(q)n] (нем.) adj. собственный (eigenfrequency, eigenfunction, eigenmode, eigenvalue)

EITHER ['aIDq]   pron. / conj. / adv.  любой

(в конце отрицательного предложения)тоже, также

either... or... 1) или... или; либо… либо; 2)(в отрицательном предложении)ни…ни

e ' lectric – e'lectrically – e"lect'ricity

electrolyse / electrolyze [I'lektrqVlaIz] – electrolysis [Ilek'trPlIsIs]

e ' lectron – e"lec'tronic

' element – "ele'mentary

elsewhere adv. в другом месте; в другой статье/ книге

emigrate ['emIgreIt] – emigration ["emI'greIS(q)n]

emphasis n. подчеркивание, важность, эмфаза

put / to lay / to place an emphasis on уделять особое внимание (чему-л.), подчеркивать (что-л.)

END   n. конец; цель                     

for + period of time + on end (о периоде времени) подряд, кряду

at the end of sth (the corridor, the game, this month, the 19th century, our street, the war, the year) (= the final part of a period of time or the place that is furthest away from the centre of a long area or object) на/ в конце чего-л.

in the end в конечном счете, в конце концов 

to this end/ with this end in view/ toward this end с этой целью

v. заканчивать(ся) (чем-л.)

' energy – "ener'getic

ENOUGH n. достаточное количество

adj. достаточный

adv. достаточно; довольно

enough + pl / uncount. n. (+ to do sth)

adj. / adv. + enough (+ to do sth)

That’s enough!/ Enough! (used to express an impatient desire for the cessation of undesirable behavior or speech

enthusiasm [In'Tju:zIxz(q)m] – enthusiastic [In"Tju:zI'xstIk]

entity n. объект; сущность; единица

en ' vironment –en"viron'mental

equal ['i:kwql] – e'quation –

equivalent [I'kwIv(q)lqnt] – equivalence [I'kwIv(q)lqns]

EQUAL   adj. равный

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