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Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...

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Глава 4. Проводите время наедине с собой

2021-01-31 146
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1. Henry Lee Miller, President Lincoln: The Duty of a Statesman (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2008), 48.

2. Miller, President Lincoln, 49. Миллер цитирует дневник сенатора Браунинга. Подробнее см.: The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, vol. 1, ed. Theodore Calvin Pease and James G. Randall (Springfield: Illinois State Historical Library, 1925–1933), 476.

3. Harold Holzer, «Abraham Lincoln’s White House,» White House History 25 (Spring 2009), https://­www.whitehousehistory.org/­abraham-lincolns-white-house.

4. Holzer, «Abraham Lincoln’s White House,» пятое фото.

5. Holzer, «Abraham Lincoln’s White House».

6. Цитата Джона Френча из: Matthew Pinsker, Lincoln’s Sanctuary: Abraham Lincoln and the Soldiers’ Home (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 52. В этой книге представлена полная история времен Линкольна в Солдатском доме. Рекомендую ее всем, кто хочет узнать больше на эту тему.

7. Эрин Карлсон Мэст, интервью с автором, 6 октября 2017 года.

8. Подробнее о привычке Линкольна записывать идеи на клочках бумаги см. Jeanine Cali, «Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation — Pic of the Week,» In Custodia Legis: Law Librarians of Congress (blog), Library of Congress, May 3, 2013, https://­blogs.loc.gov/­law/­2013/­05/­lincolns-emancipation-proclamation-pic-of-the-week.

9. Рэймонд М Кифледж, интервью с Дэвидом Лэтом, «Lead Yourself First: An Interview with Judge Raymond M. Kethledge,» Above the Law, September 19, 2017, http://­abovethelaw.com/­2017/­09/­lead-yourself-first-an-interview-with-judge-raymond-m-kethledge/­?rf=1.

10. Raymond M. Kethledge and Michael S. Erwin, Lead Yourself First: Inspiring Leadership through Solitude (New York: Bloomsbury USA, 2017), 94.

11. Kethledge and Erwin, Lead Yourself First, 155–156.

12. Kethledge and Erwin, Lead Yourself First, воспроизводит эту цитату на с. 163; первоисточник: Martin Luther King Jr., Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958).

13. David Garrow, Bearing the Cross (New York: William Morrow, 1986; reprint, New York: William Morrow Paperbacks, 2004), 57.

14. Blaise Pascal, Pascal’s Pensées, Th ought #139. Один из наиболее распространенных английских переводов этой фразы.

15. Benjamin Franklin, «Journal of a Voyage,» August 25, 1726, Papers of Benjamin Franklin, digital edition, Yale University and Packard Humanities Institute, http://­franklinpapers.org/­franklin/­framedVolumes.jsp?vol=1&page=072a.

16. Anthony Storr, Solitude: A Return to the Self (1988; reprint, New York: Free Press, 2005), ix.

17. Storr, Solitude, ix.

18. Michael Harris, Solitude: In Pursuit of a Singular Life in a Crowded World (New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2017), 40.

19. Harris, Solitude, 40.

20. Harris, Solitude, 39.

21. May Sarton, Journal of a Solitude (New York: W. W. Norton, 1992), 11. Я впервые столкнулся с этой цитатой (комментарием) в: «May Sarton on the Cure for Despair and Solitude as the Seedbed for Self-Discovery,» Brain Pickings (blog), October 17, 2016, https://­www.brainpickings.org/­2016/­10/­17/­may-sarton-journal-of-a-solitude-depression.

22. Из эссе «Healing,» Wendell Berry, What Are People For?: Essays, 2nd ed., (Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2010), 11.

23. Storr, Solitude, 70.

24. Thoreau, Walden, 34.

25. Alter, Irresistible, 13–14.

26. Alter, Irresistible, 14.

27. «Facebook’s Letter from Mark Zuckerberg — Full Text,» The Guardian, https://­www.theguardian.com/­technology/­2012/­feb/­01/­facebook-letter-mark-zuckerberg-text

28. «Tweens, Teens, and Screens: What Our New Research Uncovers,» Common Sense Media, November 2, 2015, https://­www.commonsensemedia.org/­blog/­tweens-teens-and-screens-what-our-new-research-uncovers.

29. Jean M. Twenge, «Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?,» The Atlantic, September 2017, https://­www.theatlantic.com/­magazine/­archive/­2017/­09/­has-the-smartphone-destroyed-a-generation/­534198.

30. Twenge, «Have Smartphones.»

31. Twenge, «Have Smartphones.»

32. Benoit Denizet-Lewis, «Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering from Severe Anxiety?,» New York Times Magazine, October 11, 2017, https://­www.nytimes.com/­2017/­10/­11/­magazine/­why-are-more-american-teenagers-than-ever-suffering-from-severe-anxiety.html.

33. Denizet-Lewis, «American Teenagers.»

34. Denizet-Lewis, «American Teenagers.»

35. Denizet-Lewis, «American Teenagers.»

36. W. Barksdale Maynard, «Emerson’s ‘Wyman Lot’: Forgotten Context for Thoreau’s House at Walden,» The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, no. 12/13 (2004/2005): 59–84, http://­www.jstor.org/­stable/­23395273, цитируется в Erin Blakemore, «The Myth of Henry David Thoreau’s Isolation,» JSTOR Daily, October 8, 2015, https://­daily.jstor.org/­­myth-henry-david-thoreaus-isolation/­.

37. Thirty Two Short Films about Glenn Gould, directed by François Girard (Samuel Goldwyn Company, 1993), цитируется в Harris, Solitude, 217.

38. «About,» Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, https://­drafthouse.com/­about, accessed July 14, 2018.

39. Адам Арон, интервью с Брентом Лангом, «AMC Executives Open to Allowing Texting in Some Theaters,» Variety, April 13, 2016, http://­variety.com/­2016/­film/­news/­amc-texting-theaters-phones-1201752978.

40. Hope King, «I Lived without a Cell Phone for 135 Days,» CNN Tech, February 13, 2015, http://­money.cnn.com/­2015/­02/­12/­technology/­living-without-cell-phone/­index.html.

41. Friedrich Nietzsche. Twilight of the Idols (1889), maxim 34, http://­www.lexido.com/­ebook_­texts/­twilight_­of_­the_­idols_­.aspx­?S=2

42. Gros, A Philosophy of Walking, 16.

43. Gros, A Philosophy of Walking, 39–47.

44. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, процитировано в: Gros, A Philosophy of Walking, 65.

45. Gros, A Philosophy of Walking, 65.

46. Wendell Berry, «Wendell Berry: The Work of Local Culture,» The Contrary Farmer: Gene Logsdon Memorial Blogsite, June 10, 2011, https://­thecontraryfarmer.wordpress.com/­2011/­06/­10/­wendell-berry-the-work-of-local-culture.

47. Henry David Thoreau, «Walking,» Atlantic Monthly, June 1862, https://­www.theatlantic.com/­magazine/­archive/­1862/­06/­walking/­304674.

48. Gros, A Philosophy of Walking, 18.

49. Thoreau, «Walking.»

50. Kethledge and Erwin, Lead Yourself First, 35.

51. Cali, «Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.»


Глава 5. Не ставь лайк

1. «2007 USARPS Title Match,» YouTube-видео, 3:58, 7 июля 2007 года, канал usarpsleague, 8 октября 2007 года, https://­www.youtube.com/­watch?v=_­eanWnL3FtM.

2. Более подробно о том, что опытные участники играют стабильно лучше, чем можно было ожидать, если бы результат игры был случайным, см. Alex Mayyasi, «Inside the World of Professional Rock Paper Scissors,» Priceonomics, April 26, 2016, https://­priceonomics.com/­the-world-of-competitive-rock-paper-scissors.

3. «Street rps,» YouTube-видео, 1:24, канал usrpsleague, 18 января 2009 года, https://­www.youtube.com/­watch?v=6QWPbi3-nlc.

4. Aristotle, Politics: Books I., III., IV. (VII.), trans. W. E. Bolland (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1877), 112.

5. Gordon L. Shulman, Maurizio Corbetta, Randy Lee Buckner, Julie A. Fiez, Francis M. Miezin, Marcus E. Raichle, and Steven E. Petersen, «Common Blood Flow Changes across Visual Tasks: I. Increases in Subcortical Structures and Cerebellum but Not in Nonvisual Cortex,» Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 9, no. 5 (October 1997): 624–647, https://­doi.org/­10.1162/­jocn.1997.9.5.624; Gordon L. Shulman, Julie A. Fiez, Maurizio Corbetta, Randy L. Buckner, Francis M. Miezin, Marcus E. Raichle, and Steven E. Petersen, «Common Blood Flow Changes across Visual Tasks: II. Decreases in Cerebral Cortex,» Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 9, no. 5 (October 1997): 648–663, doi:10.1162/jocn.1997.9.5.648.

6. Matthew D. Lieberman, Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect (New York: Crown, 2013), 16.

7. Lieberman, Social, 16.

8. Lieberman, Social, 18.

9. Lieberman, Social, 18.

10. Lieberman, Social, 19.

11. Lieberman, Social, 20.

12. Lieberman, Social, 15.

13. Katherine Hobson, «Feeling Lonely?: Too Much Time on Social Media May Be Why,» NPR, March 6, 2017, https://­www.npr.org/­sections/­health-shots/­2017/­03/­06/­518362255/­feeling-lonely-too-much-time-on-social-media-may-be-why.

14. David Ginsberg and Moira Burke, «Hard Questions: Is Spending Time on Social Media Bad for Us?,» Newsroom, Facebook, December 15, 2017, https://­newsroom.fb.com/­news/­2017/­12/­hard-questions-is-spending-time-on-social-media-bad-for-us.

15. Ginsberg and Burke, «Spending Time on Social.»

16. Moira Burke and Robert E. Kraut, «The Relationship Between Facebook Use and Well-Being Depends on Communication Type and Tie Strength,» Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 21, no. 4 (July 2016): 265–281, https://­doi.org/­10.1111/­jcc4.12162.

17. Fenne große Deters and Matthias R. Mehl, «Does Posting Facebook Status Updates Increase or Decrease Loneliness? An Online Social Networking Experiment,» Social Psychological and Personality Science 4, no. 5 (September 2013): 579–86, https://­doi.org/­10.1177/­1948550612469233.

18. Brian A. Primack, Ariel Shensa, Jaime E. Sidani, Erin O. Whaite, Liu yi Lin, Daniel Rosen, Jason B. Colditz, Ana Radovic, and Elizabeth Miller, «Social Media Use and Perceived Social Isolation among Young Adults in the U.S.,» American Journal of Preventive Medicine 53, no. 1 (July 2017): 1–8, https://­doi.org/­10.1016/­j.amepre.2017.01.010.

19. Hobson, «Feeling Lonely?»

20. Holly B. Shakya and Nicholas A. Christakis, «Association of Facebook Use with Compromised Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study,» American Journal of Epidemiology 185, no. 3 (February 2017): 203–211, https://­doi.org/­10.1093/­aje/­kww189.

21. Shakya and Christakis, «Association of Facebook Use,» 205–206.

22. Shakya and Christakis, «Association of Facebook Use,» 205–206.

23. Shakya and Christakis, «Association of Facebook Use,» 205–206.

24. Sherry Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age, rev. ed. (New York: Penguin Books, 2016), 3.

25. Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation, 4.

26. Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation, 34. The Colbert Report that Turkle described in this cited passage from Reclaiming Conversation originally aired on January 17, 2011.

27. Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation, 35.

28. Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation, 25.

29. Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation, 4.

30. Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation, 11.

31. «What’s the History of the Awesome Button (That Eventually Became the Like Button) on Facebook?,» Цитата из: Andrew «Boz» Bosworth, updated October 16, 2014, https://­www.quora.com/­Whats-the-history-of-the-Awesome-Button-that-eventually-became-the-Like-button-on-Facebook.

32. Kathy H. Chan, «I Like This,» Notes, Facebook, February 9, 2009, https://­www.facebook.com/­notes/­facebook/­i-like-this/­53024537130.

33. Дженнифер Гриджил, доцент Школы общественных коммуникаций им. С. И. Ньюхауса, интервью с автором по телефону, 26 января 2018 года.

34. Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation, 158.

35. Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation, 148.


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