Give short answers to the following questions. — КиберПедия 

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Give short answers to the following questions.

2021-01-29 104
Give short answers to the following questions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Are you having an English class now? 2. Are you speaking Russian? 3. Are you sitting? 4. Is the teacher asking you questions? 5. Are you answering your teacher’s questions? 6. Is the teacher speaking English? 7. Are you listening to the theacher? 8. Are you looking at the theacher? 9. Are you writing an exercise? 10. Are you repeating the words after the teacher?

5.Change the sentences from the Present Indefinite tense to the Present Continuous tense. Add a word or phrase like “now,” “today,” “at this moment,” “at present,” to each sentence.

1. We live in that house. 2. My father works in the garden. 3. The books lie on the table. 4. I play with my sister. 5. We help our mother. 6. They don’t leave early. 7. He uses a calculator. 8. The train stops at the station. 9. She writes an exercise. 10. I meet him at the corner of the street.


Answer the following questions

1. What are you doing now? 2. Who are you speaking with? 3. Who is asking you questions? 4Whose questions are you answering? 5. Are you speaking Russian or English? 6. Are you sitting or standing while answering the questions? 7. Where are you sitting? 8. What class are you having now? 9. Are you looking at the blackboard or at the teacher? 10. Who (what) are you looking at? 11. Where are you going after classes?


Put questions to the marked words.

1. Many students are going to the library. 2. He is answering the teacher’s question. 3. The students are working in the laboratory now. 4. They are talking about their work. 5. Some of our friends are coming to see us tonight. 6. She is working at the article. 7. The girl is standing at the blackboard.


8. What’s happening at the moment? Write or say true sentences. (I /wash /my hair) – I’m not washing my hair.

 1. It /snow; 2. I / sit / in the classroom; 3. I /eat; 4. it / rain; 5. I / learn / English; 6. I / listen / to the radio; 7. the sun / shine; 8. I / wear / glasses; 9. I / smoke / a cigarette; 10. We / read / a newspaper; 11. She / phone her friend; 12.we / write / a test; 13. I / talk / with my friend; 14. I / play / a new computer game.


9. Ask questions and choose the appropriate answers.          

1. you / watch TV?              a) No, you can turn it off.      

2. the children / play?          b) I’m cooking my dinner.        

3. what / you / do?               c) He’s having a bath.              4. what / John / do?                 d) No, they’re asleep.                

5. it / rain?                                  e) No, it’s broken.                    6. that clock / work?          f) because I’m late.            

7. you / write / a letter?     g) Yes, to my sister.          

8. why / you / run?                         h) No, not at the moment.     

10. Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct the verbs that are wrong.

1. Water boils at 100 degrees celsius. 2. The water boils. Can you turn it off? 3. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. 4. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? 5. The Moon goes round the Earth. 6. I must go now. It gets late. 7. I usually go to work by car. 8. It’s time to leave! OK, I come. 9. I hear you’ve got a new job. How do you get on? 10. She’s very good at languages. She speaks three languages very well. 11. Hurry up! Everybody waits for you. 12. The river Nile flows into the Mediterranean. 13. Look at the river. It flows very fast today. 14. Ron is in London at the moment. He stays at the Park Hotel. He always stays there when he’s in London. 15. Let’s go out. It doesn’t rain now. 16. Who is that man? Why does he look at us? 17. He isn’t lazy. He works very hard most of the time.


Fill in suitable words.

1. What is he…about? I can’t hear him. 2. What are you…at? I don’t see anything there. 3. The children are…some games in the yard. 4. Look how brightly the sun is….Yes, but the wind is still…! 5. Are you still…your homework? – Yes, but I’m already…it, wait a little. 6. You look so sad. What are you…about? 7. What is the cat…? – He…milk. 8. Please, John, you…too quickly, let us stop for a rest. 9. Why aren’t you…to school? Are you…for somebody else? 10. Why is Johnny not…at the table with us? Is he still…in bed? 

12. Open the brackets using the Present Continuous tense or the Present Indefinite tense.

A) 1. I (read) now. I (read) every day. 2. They (talk) now. They (talk) every day. 3. He (drink) coffee now. He (drink) coffee every morning. 4. She (go) to the Institute now. She (go) to the Institute six days a week. 5. Her baby (sleep) at the moment. Her baby (sleep) every afternoon. 6. Her son (make) noise now. Her son (make) noise every evening. 7. Jane (not cook) at the moment. Jane (not cook) every day. 8. We (not eat) now. We (not eat) at work. 9. You (not work) at the moment. You (not work) on Sundays. 10. They (have) dinner now? They (have) dinner at two o’clock? 11.Bill (laugh) loudly now? Bill often (laugh) loudly? 12. What she (write) now? What she (write) every evening? 13. What John (do) now? What John (do) so often? 14. Who she (wait) for now? Who she (wait) for after classes? 15. Why he still (watch) TV? Why he never (watch) TV?

B) 1. He usually (sing) very well, but the song which he (sing) now is not for his voice. 2. Your son usually (read) much?–Oh, yes, he (read) a lot. Now he (read) one of the books written by Jack London.–Unfortunately, my children (not read) much. 3. When we (say) «translator», and when we (use) «interpreter»?–Well, a translator is a person who (make) written translations, and an interpreter usually (translate) some speech orally, while somebody (speak). 4. I now (translate) a very funny story. 5. Are all the documents ready yet?–Almost. The secretary (type) the last page now. 6. Where your son usually (have) dinner?–At weekends he (have) dinner at home, and on weekdays he (go) to a café near his college. 7. What he (write) on the blackboard? I (not see) it clearly. 8. Where the Sun (rise)? I always (forget) whether it (rise) in the West or (go) down there. Look out of the window! The Sun just (rise)! 9. I can’t go with you, I (take) my exam. How often you (take) exams during the year? 10. A man asks the boy who lives next door to him, “Why you (carry) an umbrella over your head? It (not rain) now, and the Sun (not shine) hotly.” The boy answers, “You see, when it (rain),Father (take) the umbrella, and when the Sun (shine) hotly, mother (use) it, so now is the only time I can use it.” 11.Tom and Nick (have) a long conversation. I wonder what they (talk) about. 12. He never (listen) to what you say. He always (think) about something else. 13. A student, who (go) on a train,(read) a book, and every minute he (exclaim) in surprise, “Well, can you believe it? How interesting!” Another passanger (ask) him, “What kind of exciting book you (read)?” The young man (reply), “I just (look) through a dictionary of correct spelling.” 

13. Translate the sentences using the Present Continuous.

1. Что вы сейчас делаете? – Читаю. А я перевожу текст. 2. Кто стоит у доски? – Преподаватель. Студенты сидят за столами и пишут контрольную работу. 3. Кто сейчас отвечает на вопрос? – Я. Куда вы идете? – Я иду в библиотеку. 4. Отец дома? – Да. Он работает в саду. 5. С кем он там разговаривает? – Со своим другом. Они обсуждают свой доклад. 6. Твоя сестра все еще разговаривает по телефону? – Нет не разговаривает. 7. Ты идешь на концерт сегодня вечером? 8 Кому вы пишете это письмо? – Своей сестре. 9. Они наблюдают сейчас за нами. 10. Посмотри в окно! Идет дождь. 11. Твои родители спят? – Нет, они смотрят телевизор.

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