TEXT 1. Computers from past to present — КиберПедия 

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TEXT 1. Computers from past to present

2020-12-27 1117
TEXT 1. Computers from past to present 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A computer is basically a complex electronic machine designed to automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The word computer comes from a Latin word which means to count and the first use of the word “computer” was recorded in 1613, referring to a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and the word continued with the same meaning until the middle of the 20th century. From the end of the 19th century the word began to take on its more familiar meaning, a machine that carries out computations. In the 19th century the English mathematics professor name Charles Babbage designed the Analytical Engine and it was this design that the basic framework of the computers of today are based on.

Generally speaking, computers can be classified into five generations. Each generation gave us either a new and improved computer or an improvement to the existing computer.

First generation is computers developed between 1937–1959s. They consisted of large devices like the vacuum tubes. The input method of these computers was a machine language known as the 1GL (the first generation language). The physical methods of using punch cards, paper tape, and magnetic tape were used to enter data into these computers. It is said that this computer weighed 30 tons, and had 18,000 vacuum tubes which was used for processing. Examples of the first generation computers include ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, IBM-701, and IBM-650. They were large, very unreliable and limited to basic calculations. They would heat up and frequently shut down and could only be used for very basic computations and they had no operating system.

Second generation is computers developed between 1959–1965. This generation of computers used transistors instead of vacuum tubes which were more reliable. This made them far more compact than the first generation computers. The input for these computers was higher level languages like COBOL, FORTRAN etc. In these computers, primary memory was stored on the magnetic cores and magnetic tape and they used magnetic disks as secondary storage devices. Examples of the second generation computers include IBM 1620, IBM 7094, CDC 1604, CDC 3600, UNIVAC 1108. As a result, they worked on AC and therefore were faster than their predecessors.

Third generation is computers developed during the period of 1965–1971 differed from the first and the second generations simply by the fact that a new circuit element like ICs (Integrated Circuits) was used. An integrated circuit is a small device that can contain thousands and thousands of devices like transistors and other circuit elements that make up a computer. With this invention computers became smaller, more powerful more reliable and they are able to run many different programs at the same time. The input languages for such computers were COBOL, FORTRAN-II up to FORTRAN-IV, PASCAL, ALGOL-68, BASIC etc. Examples of the third generation computers include IBM-360 series, Honeywell-6000 series, PDP (Personal Data Processor) and IBM-370/168.

Fourth Generation of computers was between 1971 – 1980. These computers used the the Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) technology. Therefore they were also known as the microprocessors. Intel was the first company to develop a microprocessor. The first “personal computer” or PC developed by IBM, belonged to this generation. VLSI circuits had almost about 5000 transistors on a very small chip and were capable of performing many high-level tasks and computations. These computers were thus very compact and thereby required a small amount of electricity to run. Examples are STAR 1000, CRAY-X-MP (Super Computer), DEC 10, PDP 11, CRAY-1. This generation of computers had the first “supercomputers” that could perform many calculations accurately. They were also used in networking and also used higher and more complicated languages like C, C+, C++, DBASE etc.

Fifth Generation is the present generation of computers and is the most advanced one. The generation began somewhere around 1981 and is the present generation of computers. In1980 Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-Dos) was born and in 1981 IBM introduced the personal computer (PC) for home and office use. Three years later Apple gave us the Macintosh computer with its icon driven interface and the 90s gave us Windows operating system. The methods of input include the modern high-level languages like Python, R, C#, Java etc. These are extremely reliable and employ the ULSI (the Ultra Large Scale Integration technology). These computers are at the frontiers of the modern scientific calculations and are used to develop the Artificial Intelligence or AI components that will have the ability to think for themselves. Examples include: Intel P 4, i3 – i10, AMD Athlon, etc.

The Next Generation is QC (Quantum Computer). A recent invention of the XXI century is a machine that performs calculations based on the laws of quantum mechanics, which is the behavior of particles at the sub-atomic level. Quantum computers would be based on the strange principles of quantum mechanics, in which the smallest particles of light and matter can be in different places at the same time. In a quantum computer, one "qubit" - quantum bit - could be both 0 and 1 at the same time. So with three qubits of data, a quantum computer could store all eight combinations of 0 and 1 simultaneously. That means a three-qubit quantum computer could calculate eight times faster than a three-bit digital computer. Quantum computing could eventually revolutionize the way medicines are developed, financial options are priced and climate change is managed, experts say. Now, IBM, Microsoft and Amazon are working to provide broader access to the technology by implementing quantum computing as a service in the cloud. Others are studying the implications for fields such as machine learning, to uncover new patterns in nature, and in artificial intelligence.

As a result of the various improvements to the development of the computer we have seen the computer being used in all areas of life. It is a very useful tool that will continue to experience new development as time passes. Software and hardware’ developers create new applications to help users perform many things from word processing and image editing to virtual reality applications.

Now computers have a huge impact on social relations. They have enabled new forms of social interaction, activities and data delivery. In banks, computers store information about the money held by each customer and enable staff to access large databases and to carry out transactions at high speed. They also control ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines), which dispense money to customers by the use of a PIN-protected card (Personal Identification Number). E-commerce has become an essential part of our living activity. Using the online banking service, clients can easily pay checks and transfer money wherever they are. The worldwide payments systems such as PayPal, Visa PayWave, MastercardPayPass, American Express, Google Wallet, Apple Pay, WebMoney, Qiwi and YandexMoney offer customers the service of contactless payments for the goods using smartphones. Smartphones let us make voice calls, send text, email people and download logos, ringtones or games. With a built-in camera you can send pictures and make video calls in face-to-face mode. Smartphones combine a telephone with web access, video, a games console, an MP3 (Media Player 3) player, a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) and a GPS (Global Positioning System) navigation system, all in one. And HMD (Head-Mounted Display) allows us to enjoy virtual reality, the artificial environment of the latest video games.

To study well, computers help students to perform mathematical operations and improve their mathematical skills; they use application software to write essays, projects and to organize and present information. Teachers can create a virtual learning environment (VLE) for distance education such as Blackboard (http://www.blackboard.com), Moodle (http://moodle.org) and The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications’ E-Learning System (http://lms.spbgut.ru).


3. Say what you have learnt about the development of the computer industry. Begin your story with the phrases listed below.

In the early times …;

After that…;

Now it is widely known that…;

The new computer caused the sensation because…;

In order to perform the new computer…

4. Prepare a short summary of the text using the expressions (See Appendix II for annotation details).

5. Check your awareness about computers:

1. In 1937 the first electronic digital computer called ABC was built by:

A) Thomas Arithmometer                             B) Jack Kilby

C) John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry D) Alan Turing

2. In 1943 an electronic computer named the Colossus was built for the:

A) commercial use B) industry C) individuals  D) military

3. The language used in ENIAC:

A) C  B) C++ C) 1 GL D) Python

4. Which among these will have VLSI?

A) DEC 10 B) PDP 11 C) CRAY-1 D) All of these.

5. …………is credited with the invention of the Integrated Circuit or the IC chips.

A) Jack Kilby B) Robert Noyce C) Werner Jacobi D) Geoffrey Drummer

6. You can use Java in which of these following generations:

A) Second       B) Third      C) Fourth             D) Fifth

7. The ULSI technology is present in which generation of computers:

A) Third            B) First       C) Fourth              D) Fifth

8. One of the first quantum computer models in 1981 was proposed by:

A) Jack Kilby B) Richard Feynman    C) David Deutsch D) Yuri Manin

Part II. Language


6. Fill in the blanks with the words: indispensable, variables, important concepts, a computer, evaluate, computer learning.

1. If you want to memorize basic facts through repetition you can refer to __.

2. A computer can only ___ whether the answer is right or wrong.

3. ____ can’t find out why a student makes mistakes.

4. A computer can’t explain ___ so that the student will understand them.

5. As there are too many ___ the computer can’t deal with them successfully.

6. The computers are _____ in practicing simple skills.

7. Fill in the blanks with the words: true physical limit, high technology and high speed, a continuous search, computations, the integrated circuit

1. _______ is in the heart of every electronic device we use at present.

2. When speaking about further development of computers we first of all speak about _______.

3. _______ is going on in laboratories to work out more perfect, reliable and high speed electronic circuits.

4. The ordinary computer does the _______ operation by operation.

5. Some researchers think that with the invention of the fifth generation computers we approach what is called _______.


8. Complete the text using the appropriate tenses (Past Simple, Present Perfect):

Since computers were first introduced to the public in the early 1980's, technology (change) a great deal. The first computers (be) simple machines designed for basic tasks. They (have, not) much memory and they (be, not) very powerful. Early computers were often quite expensive and customers often (pay) thousands of dollars for machines which actually (do) very little. Most computers (be) separate, individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games.

Times (change). Computers (become) powerful machines with very practical applications. Programmers (create) a large selection of useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping. We are still playing video games, but today's games (become) faster, more exciting interactive adventures. Many computer users (get, also) on the Internet and (begin) communicating with other computer users around the world. We (start) to create international communities online. In short, the simple, individual machines of the past (evolve) into an international World Wide Web of knowledge.


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