Прочитайте текст. Расскажите о Генри Форде и его вкладе в развитие промышленности США. Озаглавьте текст. — КиберПедия 

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The founding of the Ford Motor Company was to have an importance in the field of motor cars notonly from the point of view of mass production, but above all because it highlighted, right from its beginning, the philosophy of the car for masses. Along with these revolutionary ideas, Henry Ford, creator, animator, and commander of the company throughout, introduced a number of other novel concepts. In particular he believed that not only the largest possible number of people should enjoy the products of his factory, but also that the largest number of people should share in the material benefits created by the production itself.

The Ford Motor Company was founded on the 16th June of 1903 with a capital of $150,000. Henry Ford became Vice-President and also assumed the post of Chief Engineer and General manager. Among the shareholders were the Dodge brothers, ex-mechanics, who opened a workshop in Detroit after having for some years manufactured bicycles which used ball-bearings of their own design. Though the new Ford Company was too much a risk the Dodges accepted Ford’s offer of 10 per cent of the shares in return for providing the machine tools for the factory he was building and for beginning the production of Ford engines in their own workshop.

The beginning was not easy. There was strong competition from such established companies as Cadillac, Oldsmobile, Reo and Packard. Ford distinguished his models in the way which was unique in those days when other manufacturers were applying names to impress the public. Ford gave letters to his cars.

Model “N” was produced in1906 and represented Ford’s first attempt to enter the mass market. Its price was as low as $600, which was the direct competition with the single –cylinder cars of other manufacturers (the “N” was a four-cylinder). It was well accepted by the public but was not a commercial success. Ford had not yet introduced those productive techniques which were to allow him to reduce manufacturing costs considerably, as he did with the later model “T”.


Прочитайте текст, расположите ниже приведённые утверждения в соответствии с развитием темы текста.

A. The industrial revolution started in America in the 18th century.

B. The system allowed the final product to be assembled in stages.

C. The workers gathered in one working place and produced goods for distribution over a large territory.

D. Water and steam provided an alternative source of industrial energy.


Early American industries depended largely on skilled artisans working in small shops to serve a local market. But the Industrial Revolution that started In England during the 18the century did not take 1оnq to cross the Atlantic. It brought many changes to American Industry between 1776 and 1860. Because labor was scarce in the United States and wages were high, employers welcomed any new method that could reduce the requirement for labor.

One key development was the introduction of the factory system, which gathered many workers together in one workplace and produced goods for distribution over a wide area. The first factory in the United States is generally dated to 1793. It was a cotton textile mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

A second development was the "American system" of mass production, which originated in the firearms industry about 1800. The new system required precision engineering to create parts that were interchangeable. This, in turn, allowed the final product to be assembled in stages, each worker specializing in a specific operation.

A third development was the application of new sources of power to industrial tasks. Large water wheels and water turbines drove the machinery of early factories. As the steam engine was perfected, it provided an alternative source of energy, first for mobile operations such powering steamboats and locomotives then for factories. The textile industry, the dominant American industry for many decades, did not complete this switch to steam power until after 1860.


2. Пользуясь словарём, уточните значение и произношение слов:

Skill, employer, to require, mass production, final product, switch (to), application.

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