B. Not only for humans                 — КиберПедия 

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B. Not only for humans                

2020-12-06 101
B. Not only for humans                 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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C. How dreaming helps                

D. When we dream

E. Why dreams can be scary

F. How we remember dreams

G. How we forget dreams                

1. Anxiety is the most popular emotion experienced in dreams. Many people dream of falling, which is often connected to something in our lives that is going in the wrong direction. In addition, dreams of being chased are very common and are linked to avoidance. Also people report dreams about their teeth falling out, which is related to the words and communication we might have in real life.


2. Dreaming helps people make sense of the information and events that occur in their lives. Dreams play an important role in processing and remembering information that we absorb daily. Also, they help reduce stress and even solve problems. It’s very possible to work through real-life problems while dreaming at night. In addition, dreams provide a lot of important content and meaning that can be used to inspire and direct our lives during the day.


3. Nearly 5 to 10% of adults have nightmares. There are several reasons for it, for example when people start taking certain medications or when they withdraw from drugs. Some physical conditions, such as stress or illness, can also be a trigger. However, in some cases adults may have frequent nightmares that are unrelated to their everyday lives, which may signify that they are more creative, sensitive, and emotional than the average person.


4. There is no person who does not have dreams, but not everybody recalls them. The most vivid dreams happen during the Rapid Eye Movement sleep stage when the brain is extremely active and the eyes move back and forth quickly underneath the eyelids. Although dream recall varies from person to person, some people have little or no recollection of the content, and around 90% of dreams are gone following the first 10 minutes of waking up.


5. Scientists have found that animals also dream and their subconscious thoughts are connected to real experiences. Animals’ dreams are complex, containing long sequences of events. Animals’ brains share the same series of sleeping states as the brain of human beings. Analyzing animals’ dreams and the content of their dreams may help scientists treat memory disorders and develop new ways for people to learn and retain information more effectively.


6. Only five minutes after the end of a dream and half of the content is likely to vanish from our memories. It’s not that dreams aren’t important enough to keep in mind, but other things tend to get in the way. Dream researcher L. Strumpell believes that dreams disappear from our memories for a number of factors. For example, we may not recall dream images that lack intensity, association or repetition, which are usually needed for dream recall.

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Задание № 3.

Условия выполнения задания: тестирование.

Выберите правильный вариант.

Choose the correct variant

1.    Russia is … country in world.

a. the strongest;

b. the most large;

c. the largest;

d. larger

2.    Great Britain … by the North Sea.

a. washes;

b. was washed;

c. is washed;

d. was washing

3.    In its narrowest part the English Channel is called ….

a. La Manche;

b. the Strait of Dover;

c. the Thames;

d. the Severn

4.    The UK consists of … parts.

a. two;

b. five;

c. three;

d. four

5.    Northern Ireland is a part of ….

a. Great Britain;

b. the UK;

c. the Irish Republic;

d. the USA

6.    People living in Scotland are called ….

a. Irish;

b. Scottish;

c. English;

d. Scotlander

7.    The United Kingdom is a … monarchy.

a. absolute;

b. state;

c. constitutional;

d. democratic

8.    The climate on the British Isles is generally ….

a. severe;

b. hot;

c. continental;

d. mild

9.    The longest river in the UK is ….

a. the Thames;

b. the Severn;

c. Thames;

d. Severn       

10.  Russia … a vast territory.

a. occupies;

b. occupy;

c. is occupied;

d. occupied    

11.  The arctic climate is … one.

a. cold;

b. the coldest;

c. the cold;

d. most cold

12.  Slavery was … in the USA in 1865.

a. abolished;

b. diminished;

c. restricted;

d. down

13.  The USA … Canada.

a. borders with;

b. borders;

c. borders on;

d. is bordered on

14.  Arbat is … street of Moscow.

a. the longest;

b. the most famous;

c. famousest;

d. the most long

15.  Moscow is … city in Russia.

a. the largest;

b. large;

c. the larger;

d. vast

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15




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