Write figures for the following. — КиберПедия 

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Write figures for the following.

2020-12-06 138
Write figures for the following. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Seven and three-quarter inch bit.

2. Two and seven-eighths inch OD pipe.

3. Three thirty-foot sections of drill pipe.

4. Eight and a half inch diameter hole.

5. Twelve hundred foot length of half inch wire.

6. Hundred and forty-five foot derrick.

7. Thirty-seven and a half inch rotary table hole.

8. One and three-quarter inch wire rope.

9. Eighteen and five-eighths inch OD surface casing.                                    

10. Ten and three-quarter inch casing.

11. Nine and five-eighths inch intermediate casing string                          

12. One sixteenth inch OD tube.

13. Two and a half inch square drive tool.

14. Sixteen and three-quarter inch flexible joint.

15. Thirteen and three-eighths inch casing shoe.

Choose the right words.

a. A  tongman  is  a  (roughneck/roustabout)  who  (attaches/detaches/ handles) the tongs (above/in/below) the rotary table.

b. Slips are (iron/steel) wedges fitted with (teeth/points). The slips are dropped into the (master/mister) bushings in the rotary table to (join/secure) drill pipe or casing in the table when making up or braking  (in/off/out).

c. Dope is a (lubricate/lubricant). It's a medium thick (oil/greasy/oily) which is used on pipe and casing threads when (making/breaking) (in/off/up/out).

d. The (toolpusher/driller) is responsible (for/to) the drilling superintendent (for/to) all rig operations and (for/to) (making/make) sure that all (necessary/essential) tools, equipment, services and materials are available as required.


e. The job of a reservoir engineer is to get (minimum/maximum) recovery at (minimum/maximum) cost to the company.

f. Slips are (iron/steel) wedges fitted with (teeth/points). The slips are dropped into the (master/mister) bushings in the rotary table to (join/secure) drill pipe or casing in the table when making up or braking  (in/off/out).

g. Dope is a (lubricate/lubricant). It's a medium thick (oil/greasy/oily) which is used on pipe and casing threads when (making/breaking) (in/off/up/out).

h. The (toolpusher/driller) is responsible (for/to) the drilling superintendent (for/to) all rig operations and (for/to) (making/make) sure that all (necessary/essential) tools, equipment, services and materials are available as required.

i. The job of a reservoir engineer is to get (minimum/maximum) recovery at (minimum/maximum) cost to the company.






9. Listen to the conversation between Mac and Ian.

Mac:       I'm going, Ian. I've decided and that's that.

Ian:         Ach, Mac, you're crazy. The rigs are no good, not for a roustabout. Don't go. Change your mind, man.

Mac:       The money's good, Ian. You must admit the money's good.

Ian:         Och aye, the money's all right, with overtime and all hat. But you don't know what it's like to be a roustabout out there. You just don't know, Mac.

Mac:       Okay, Ian, you tell me what it's like to be a roustabout, and I’ll still tell you the money's bloody good.

Ian:         Sure, you'll come back from a spell offshore with 500 quid in the bank. But what's 500 quid if you slip on a greasy deck and land in the drink? You'll not swim in 40-foot waves in winter, I'll tell you that.

Mac:       Well, if that's all, I'll wear a bloody lifejacket, Ian.

Ian:         Lifejacket. Look, Mac, how would you like to hose down the rig sides and equipment for six hours at a stretch?

Mac:       Six hours?

Ian:         Aye. And scraping rust. You'll scrape rust all day long. And day after day, at that. And that's no joke.

Mac:       H’mm. Aye. I suppose not.


Ian:         And you'll paint all tour long, too. And if there's no real wok, you'll make work. You'll pain a pipe white one day and if there's no work the next day you’ll paint he same bloody pipe blue.

Mac:       Now, you're not serious, Ian.

Ian:         Oh, I'm serious, Mac. I'm serious, all right. Why do you think I quit?

Mac:       Why did you quit?

Ian:         Am I not telling you? Because it's monotonous, Mac, that's why.

Mac:       Routine?

Ian:         Aye, routine. That's the word. Scrape and paint and hose down.

Hose down and scrape and paint.

Mac:       I thought it might be a bit more interesting than that.

Ian:         Well, it isn't. Change your mind, Mac.

Mac:       I'll think about it, Ian. I'll think about it.

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