Classroom English                                                                              Chart 3 — КиберПедия 

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Classroom English                                                                              Chart 3

2020-11-19 126
Classroom English                                                                              Chart 3 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Greetings Good morning. How are you? I hope you are all feeling well. Introduction Let me introduce myself. Transition to work So, we are speaking English today. Listen to my questions and try to talk with me creating a micro dialogue. It's time to start now. Jane, answer my question, please. Controlling a class Could I have your attention, please? Not so much noise, please. Silence, please. Get on with your work quietly. Don't keep turning around. Approval and encouragement 1. 1. Good. That's the way. Excellent. That's correct. You've got the idea. Well done. Very fine. Jolly good (Only in England). You made a very good job. 2. That’s (much) (a lot) better. You are improving. You have made a lot of progress. 3. Not quite right, try it again. Have a guess if you don't know. 4. Not to worry, it'll improve. What if I give you a clue? I'll help you if you get stuck. Criticizing a student That wasn't very good. That was rather disappointing. You can do better than that. Ending a class All right! That's all for today, thank you. That will do for today. You can go now. Saying goodbye See you again on Tuesday. See you again tomorrow afternoon. Have a good weekend. Enjoy your weekend.

Listening & Speaking

18. Prepare retelling of the text “About myself” (Ex.13) according to the model and present it to the class. Get ready to answer your group mates’ questions creating a micro dialogue using (See chart 3.)



About myself

E.g. Good morning everyone.

My name … Edward and today I would like … …. about...

I … of the University of …

I am from ….

My future profession …

The architect …

This job is … because I …

I am also …

It is very important for ….

To add to this, I am a …

I am never … and I …

I am good … ….. …… but I have …

My favourite subject …

It is interesting for me …

As for his hobby,I …

I am fond of …


It is important for me …. …. …. ….. because my future …. …..

Writing & Speaking

18. Make up questions concerning the topic “About myself” in writing. Think of the reaction on the questions and write down the micro dialogues. Then project yourself (перевоплотиться) into a character of an English teacher and ask the students the questions. Get ready to communicate with your students creating a micro dialogue. Chart 2 will be useful.

Unit 3


Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

1. Pair work. Reflect on the proverb “ A good beginning makes a good ending ” and answer the question “What is the proverb about?” The following lexis can be helpful.

E.g. This proverb is about people who work hard at the start”.

at the beginning/at first/ at the start вначале/ сначала, на первых порах/ поначалу
to work hard   трудиться, много работать
to be serious about серьёзно относиться (к чему-л.)
to be lazy лениться
to think about the future задумываться о будущем
to get good results получить хорошие результаты
Finally/ at the end в конце/ на завершающей стадии
to be successful иметь успех

Evocation (Вызов)

Useful terms and phrases

2. Listen and repeat after the teacher the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

  a full-time student студент дневного отделения
a part-time student студент заочного отделения
a first-year student первокурсник
the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Архитектурно-строительный университет
to study учиться, изучать
the faculty of Architecture and Design Факультет архитектуры и дизайна
to want хотеть
course of studies курс обучения
run (for) длиться, продолжаться
to do/study a subject изучать предмет
to have classes, lectures and seminars иметь практические занятия, лекции и семинары
to spend time проводить время
to work hard/ labour трудиться
to try cтараться, пытаться
to attend classes посещать занятия
to miss classes пропускать занятия
with a reasonable excuse по уважительной причине
without a reasonable excuse без уважительной причины
to do well in a subject успевать по предмету
to pass an exam (a test) in сдать экзамен (зачёт) по
to take exams in сдавать экзамены по
to hope надеяться
to get a mark получить оценку
Lpto do one’s best делать всё возможное
to become a qualified specialist стать квалифицированным специалистом
to work by fits and starts работать урывками, нерегулярно
to fall behind the group отстать от группы
to catch up with the group догнать группу
to graduate from the university закончить университет
After graduation после окончания учебного заведения
to take / make notes at a lecture on делать записи на лекции по
to discuss problems обсуждать проблемы
a group mate одногруппник
a time – table расписание
to give a mark (a credit) поставить оценку (зачёт)
to revise/study for an exam готовиться к экзамену
to resit an exam пересдавать экзамен
to dismiss a student отчислить студента
educational subject общеобразовательный предмет
profession-oriented subject профильный предмет
to trouble somebody (Mathematics troubles me.) (Mathematics doesn’t trouble me at all) даваться с трудом (Математика даётся мне с трудом); (Математика даётся мне легко)
material science материаловедение
to project делать проект
to make a sketch делать эскизный чертёж
landscape style стиль ландшафтного дизайна
Geodesy Геодезия
Botany Ботаника
Landslcape design архитектурно-ландшафтное проектирование
to make a successful career сделать успешную карьеру

3. Match the words and phrases to their translation:


a full - time student проводить время
a part – time student после окончания учебного заведения
the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering курс обучения
a first-year student изучать предмет
the faculty of Architecture and Design тяжёлая работа
after graduation студент дневного отделения
the course of studies студент заочного отделения
to do/study a subject Архитектурно-строительный университет
hard work первокурсник
1to spend time Факультет архитектуры и градостроительства



to work hard/ labour успевать по предмету
to try сдавать экзамены
to attend classes найти престижную работу
to miss classes Я делаю всё возможное
to do well in a subject квалифицированный специалист
to take exams работать урывками
to get a mark трудиться
I do my best cтараться, пытаться
a qualified specialist посещать занятия
to work by fits and starts пропускать занятия
to find a prestigious job получить оценку



to fall behind the group одногруппник
to catch up with the group сделать успешную карьеру
to make notes at a lecture готовиться к экзамену
to be good at a subject закончить университет
a group mate пересдавать экзамен
to give a mark (a credit) отчислить студента
to revise/study for an exam отстать от группы
to graduate from the university догнать группу
to resit an exam делать записи на лекции
to dismiss a student хорошо знать предмет
to make a successful career поставить оценку (зачёт)



4. Group work.  Reflect on the following questions making assumptions (делая предположения) about “Alex’s studies” and share your ideas with the group:

1. What is the text, called “Alex’s studies” about?

2. Who is the main character of this text? Describe this person (personal qualities, appearance) and draw him or her?

3. Where does he/she study?

4. What does she/he study?

5. What is his/her attitude to studies?

6. What is his/her future?


5. Group work.  Report your ideas to the class

6. Structure the received information in the form of the “ cluster ” (графическая организация материала, показывающая смысловые поля того или иного понятия):


7. Prepare a presentation about studies of the made-up character (вымышленный герой) and deliver the presentation to the class. Get ready to ask questions creating a micro dialogue.

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