Exercise 36 p. 283 Translate the following sentences, using suitable link-verbs. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 36 p. 283 Translate the following sentences, using suitable link-verbs.

2021-01-29 192
Exercise 36 p. 283 Translate the following sentences, using suitable link-verbs. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Мы разведем костер, когда совсем стемнеет. 2. Он чувствовал себя пристыженным и не знал, что сказать. 3. Он только кажется безобидным, а на самом деле он тяжелый человек. 4. Все в деревне знали, что он очень болен, но никто не знал, как ему помочь. 5. Когда он начал кричать на нее, она побледнела. Она не могла понять, что с ним случилось. 6. Он очень похож на своего отца. 7. По мере того как мы поднимались в гору, дорога становилась все опаснее. 8. Он промолчал весь вечер и выглядел печальным. 9. У него был действительно смешной вид в этом костюме, и не удивительно, что он привлекал всеобщее внимание. 10. Идея нам показалась очень разумной. 11. Мы не могли понять, почему у нее был такой испуганный вид. 12. Они подружились сразу и остались друзьями на всю жизнь.


Mod а l Verbs and Their Equivalents

Must, Can and May


Exercise 19 p. 139 Study the following chart.

Modal verb Meaning Examples
must must not (=mustn't) duty, obligation, necessity, order, We must study hard. I must buy some bread. You must go there at once.
  prohibition You mustn't smoke here.
Can Cannot (=can’t) Could Could not (=couldn’t) Ability Capability   Permission prohibition I can run very fast. He could walk miles and miles when he was young. We can speak English. Can I have a cup of coffee? You can come at any time. You can’t cross the street here.
May may not (= mayn’t) might might not (=mightn’t) Permission Request Prohibition (very sharp) You may speak to him now. May I smoke here? You may not take books away form the reading hall. He said (that) I might come to see you any time before lunch.

Exercise 20 p. 140 Practise answers to the following questions according to the model.

Model 1: Must I go there by an early train? (take the 10:30)

    1. (a) Yes, you must. (b) I am afraid, you must.

2. No, you needn't. You may take the 10:30.

1. Must I make up my mind today? (give the answer tomorrow) 2. Must he explain to them how to use this machine? (read the instructions) 3. Must I take your advice? (do as you please) 4. Must they stay after classes? (go home) 5. Must I take all my things now? (leave behind what you don't need) 6. Must she pay all the money now? (pay only part of the sum) 7. Must I let them know at once? (tomorrow) 8. Must I go to him to discuss the arrangements? (phone)

Model [8] 2 [9]: May I wait for him here?

1. (A) Yes, you may. (b) All right, of course, you may (can).

2. (a) No, you can't, (b) I am afraid you can't.

1. May I smoke here? 2. May he take his examination in English before the 1st of June? 3. May we try another method? 4. May we take the delegation about the town now? 5. May I cross the street here? 6. May I take this seat? 7. May we call on you a bit later? 8. May I join you?

Model 3: Peter can speak English and what about you?

(a) I can speak English too.

(b) I can't. I can't speak English (at all).


1. He can run very fast, and what about you? 2. They can translate political articles without a dictionary, and what about you? 3. I can shoot very well, and what about you? 4. She can read very fast, and what about them? 5. I can work anywhere, and what about you? 6. I can come very early, and what about them?


Exercise 21 p. 141 Fill in the blanks with 'can' ('could'), 'must', 'may' ('might'). Make use of the suggestions in brackets.


1. — I get a job at your office? (possibility) 2. — I think the question over? (request) 3. You — not argue with her. (prohibition) 4. I — not make him agree to our plan. (inability) 5. He — tell you about the new director. He knows him well enough. (ability) 6. We — help each other. (obligation) 7.1 asked the hotel service if I — have a cup of coffee in my room. (possibility) 8. You — use my scooter whenever you like. I don't need it now. (permission) 9. I — sell my bicycle, I need money badly. (necessity) 10. Passengers — not walk across the railway line. (prohibition) 11. All the students — study hard. (duty) 12. She asked if she — call on you a bit later. (request)


Exercise 22 p. 141 Translate the following sentences.


1. Все студенты должны сдать курсовые работы до 1-го апреля. 2. Я не могу ей верить. Она слишком часто говорит неправду. 3. Вы не должны здесь курить. Здесь дети. 4. Он может читать любую литературу на английском языке. 5. — Можно нам присоединиться к вам в этой поездке? — (i) Конечно. (ii) Боюсь, что это невозможно. 6. Вы можете пользоваться моей библиотекой. 7. — Он должен послать ей телеграмму сегодня? — (i) Да. (ii) Нет. Он может послать ее завтра. 8. Мы все обговорили и теперь можем идти. 9. Я не могу обойтись без их совета. 10. Вы должны сдавать письменные работы вовремя.


Have to1


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