Избранные работы современных авторов — КиберПедия 

Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...

Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...

Избранные работы современных авторов

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Aall A. Der Logos, Gesch. seiner Entwickelung in der griech. Philosophie u. der Christ. Lit. (2 vols. Leip., ’96–’99).

Abelson J. Jewish Mysticism (Lond., ’13).

Abt A. Die Apologie des Apuleius v. Madaura u. die antike Zauberei (Giessen, ’08).

Achelis T. Die Ekstase (Berlin, ’02).

Adam J. Religious Teachers of Greece (Aberd., ’08).

Allard P. Le Christianisme et l’empire romain de Néron à Th éodose (3rd ed. Paris, ’98).

Amélineau E. L’Enfer égyptien et l’enfer virgilien (Paris, ’14);Proleg. à l’Étude de la Religion égyptienne (2 vols. Paris, ’08 f.).

Angus S. Environment of Early Christianity (Lond. and N. Y., ’15, ’20), v.s. Varro.

Anrich G. Das antike Mysterienwesen in seinem Einfluss auf das Christentum (Gött., ’94).

Anz W. Zur Frage nach dem Ursprung des Gnosticismus (Leip., ’97).

Arnold E. V. Roman Stoicism (Camb., ’11).

Aust E. Religion der Römer (Münster, ’99).

Baudissin, Count W.W. v. Adonis u. Esmun (Leip., ’11); Esmun‑Asklepios (Giess., ’06).

Baumgarten, Poland, Wagner. Die hellenistisch‑römische Kultur (Leip., ’73).

Baur F.C. Zur Gesch. d. alten Philosophie u. ihr Verhältnisses zum Christentum (Leip., ’76).

Beloch J. Die Bevölkerung der griech.‑röm. Welt (Leip., ’86).

Benn A.W. The Greek Philosophers (2nd ed. Lond., ’14).

Berthelot et Ruelle. Collection des anciens Alchimistes grecs (Paris, ’87–88).

Beurlier E. Le culte rendu aux empereurs romains (Paris, ’91).

Bevan E.R. House of Seleucus (2 vols. Lond., ’02).

Bigg C. The Church’s Task under the Roman Empire (Oxf., ’05); Neoplatonism (Lond., ’95).

Bissing F.W. Cult of Isis in Pompeian Paintings (Oxf., ’08, Trans. of 3rd Internat. Congress of Religions).

Bloch L. Art. Megaloi Theoi / Roscher. Lexikon; Der Kult u. d. Mysterien von Eleusis (Hamb., ’96).

Bois H. Essai sur l’origine de la philosophie judéo‑alexandrine (Toulouse, ’90).

Boissier G. La religion romaine d’Auguste aux Antonins (2 vols.


ed. Paris, ’09); La Fin du Paganisme (2 vols. 2nd ed. Paris, ’91, 6th ed. ’09).

Boll F. Sphaera (Leip., ’03); Die Erforschungen der antiken Astrologie / N. Jahrb. f. d. klass. Alt. XXI. ’08. P. 103–126); Bezold C. Sternglaube u. Sterndeutung (Leip. 2nd ed., ’23).

Bousset W. Die Religion des Judentums im neutest. Zeitalter (2nd ed. Berlin, ’06); Hauptprobleme der Gnosis (Gött., ’07); Himmelreise der Seele / Archiv f. Religionswiss. IV. P. 136–169, 229–273; Kyrios Christos (Gött., ’13); Christentum u. Mysterien‑religionen (Th. Rundsch. XV. ’13. P. 31–60, 25–77).

Brandis C.A. Gesch. u. Entwick. d. Griech. Philosophie u. ihrer Nachwirkungen im röm. Reich (2 vols., ’62–64).

Breasted J. H. History of Egypt (N. Y., ’09); Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt (N. Y., ’12).

Bréhier E. Les idées philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d’Alexandrie (Paris, ’08).

Brillant M. Les Mystères d’Éleusis (Paris, ’20).

Brückner M. Der sterbende u. auferstehende Gottheiland in d. orient. Religionen (Tüb., ’20).

Budge E.A. T. W. The Gods of the Egyptians (2 vols. Lond., ’04); The Book of the Dead (3 vols. Lond., ’98); Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection (2 vols. Lond., ’11); The Book of Paradise (2 vols. Lond., ’04); The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings (Eg. texts and Eng. tr. Lond., ’09).

Burckhardt J. Die Zeit Konstantins der Grossen (Bale, ’80).

Burel J. Isis et Isiaques sous l’empire romain (Paris, ’11). Buresch C. Klaros. Unters. z. Orakelwesen d. späteren Altertums

(Leip., ’89). Bussell F.W. School of Plato (Lond., ’96). Butcher S. H. Some Aspects of Greek Genius (3rd ed. London, ’04);

Harvard Lectures on Greek Subjects (Lond., ’04). Caird E. The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers

(2 vols. Glasg., ’04). Campbell L. Religion in Greek Literature (Lond., ’98). Capelle W. Die Schrift von der Welt / N. Jahrb. f. d. klass. Alt.

1905, VIII. P. 529–568; Altgriech. Askese (ib. XXIII. 1909. P. 681 ff.);

Zur antiken Theodizee (Archiv f. Gesch. Phil., ’07. XX. P. 180 ff.). Carter J.B. The Religious Life of Ancient Rome (Lond., ’12). Case S.J. The Evolution of Early Christianity (Chicago, ’14). Caspari E. De Cynicis qui fuerunt aetati imperatorum Romanorum

(Chemnitz, ’96). Caton R. The Temples and Ritual of Asklepios at Epidauros and Athens (Lond., ’00). Charles R.H. Eschatology, Hebrew, Jewish and Christian (2nd ed. Lond., ’13). Chastel E. Destruction du Paganisme dans l’empire d’Orient (Pa

ris, ’50). Cheetham S. The Mysteries, Pagan and Christian (Lond., ’97). Chwolsohn D. Die Ssabier u. der Ssabismus (2 vols. St. Petersburg,


Clemen C. Primitive Christianity and its non‑Jewish Sources (Eng. tr. Edin., ’12); Die Resten d. primitiven Religion im ältesten Christentum (Giessen, ’16).

Cohn M. Zum röm. Vereinsrecht (Berl., ’73). Colin G. Rome et la Grèce de 200 à 146 avant J.‑C. (Paris, ’05). Comparetti D. Laminette orfiche (Florence, ’10). Conybeare F. C. Myth, Magic and Morals (Lond., ’10). Cook A.B. Zeus (Camb., ’14). Cooper W.M. Flagellation and Flagellants (Lond., n.d.). Cornford F.M. From Religion to Philosophy (London, ’12). Coulanges F. de. La Cité antique (2nd ed. Paris, ’66). Creuzer F. Symbolik u. Mythologie der alten Völker (ed. by Moser

and Mone, Leip.‑Darmstadt, 1822; 1st ed. 1810. French tr. by Guigniaut, 2 vols. Paris, 1825).

Cumont F. Textes et Monuments relatifs aux Mystères de Mithra (2 vols. Brussels, ’96–99); Religions orientales dans le paganisme romain (2nd ed. Paris, ’09. Eng. tr. by G. Showerman, Chicago, ’11); Mysteries of Mithra (Eng. tr. by T.J. McCormack, 2nd ed. Chicago– Lond., ’10, 3rd rev. Fr. ed. Paris, ’13); Astrology and Religion among the Greeks and Romans (N. Y. – Lond., ’12); Le Mysticisme astral dans l’antiquité / Acad. roy. de Belgique, Classe des Lettres, ’09.

P. 256–286); La théologie solaire du paganisme rom. / Mém. présentés par divers savants à l’Acad. d. Inscr., XII, pt. 2. P. 447 ff.; Fatalisme astral et les relig. antiques / Rev. d’Hist. et de Lit. relig. N.S. Nov., ’15; After‑Life in Rom. Paganism (New Haven, ’22); Mithras, Anahita / Pauly‑Wissowa; Zodiacus / Daremberg‑Saglio. Dict.; La Basilique souterraine de la Porta Maggiore (Rev. arch. ’18. P. 52–77). Dähne A.F. Gesch. Darstellung der jüdisch‑alexandr. Religions

philosophie (2 vols. Halle, ’34).

D’Alton J.F. Horace and his Age (Lond., ’17).

D’Alviella E.G. Eleusinia (Paris, ’93); La Migration des Symboles(ib., ’98); De quelques problèmes rel. aux mystères d’Éleusis (Rev. hist. rel., ’02).

Davis G.M. N. The Asiatic Dionysos (Lond., ’14).

Decharme P. Art. Cybèle / Daremberg et Saglio, Dictionnaire; La Critique des Traditions religieuses chez les Grecs des origines au temps de Plutarque (Paris, ’04).

Deissmann A. Light from the Ancient East (Eng. tr. Lond., ’19, 4th Ger. ed., ’22); Die Neutest. Formel in Christo Jesu (Marburg, ’92); Die Helleniesierung d. semitischen Monotheismus / N. Jahrb. f. d. klass. Alt., ’03. P. 161 ff.

Delacroix H. Études d’hist. et de psychologie du Mysticisme (Paris, ’08).

Dempsey T. The Delphic Oracle (Oxf., ’18).

Denis J. Hist. des Théories et des Idées morales dans l’Antiquité

(2nd ed. 2 vols. Paris, n.d.). Deubner L. De Incubatione (Leip., 1900); Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der altröm. Religion (N. Jahrb. f. d. klass. Alt. XXVII, 1911.

P. 321 ff.).

Dibelius M. Die Geisterwelt im Glauben des Paulus (Gött., ’ 09); Die Isisweihe bei Apuleius u. verwandte Initiationsrite / Sitzb. der Akad. Heidelberger; phil.‑hist. Kl. Abh. 4, 1917.

Diels H. Elementum (Leip., ’99); Sibyllinishe Blätter (Berlin, ’90).

Dieterich A. Eine Mithrasliturgie (2nd ed. Leip., ’10, 3rd ed., ’22); Abraxas (Leip., ’91); Nekyia (Leip., ’93, 2nd ed. ’13); Kleine Schrift en (ib., ’11); Die Religion des Mithras (Bonner Jahrb. 108).

Dill S. Roman Society from Nero to M. Aurelius (Lond., ’04, ’11); Roman Society in the last century of the Western Empire (2nd ed. Lond., ’19).

Döllinger J.J.I. The Gentile and the Jew (2 vols. 2nd ed. Eng. tr. Lond., ’06).

Domaszewski A. v. Die Religion des römischen Heeres (Trier, ’95); Abh. z. röm. Religion (Leip., ’09); Magna Mater in Latin Inscriptions / Jour. Rom. Studies, ’11. P. 50–57; Die politische Bedeutung d. Religion von Emessa (Arch. f. Rel. Wis. XI. ’08. P. 226 ff.).

Drexler W. Arts. Gaia, Isis, Mên / Roscher. Lexikon; Dei Isis– u. Sarapiskultus in Kleinasien (Zeitsch. f. Num. ’89. XXI. P. 1–234).

Droysen J.G. Histoire de l’Héllenisme (3 vols. Paris, ’83–85, French tr. of Gesch. d. Hellenismus, 2nd ed. Gotha, ’77–78).

Drummond J. Philo Judaeus, or Jewish‑Christian Philosophy (2 vols. Lond. – Edin., ’88).

Dupuis C.F. Origine de tous les Cultes (3 vols. Paris, 1794; new ed. by Anguis, 7 vols. ib., 1822; Abrégé (3 vols. ’97–00).

Eisele Th. Die phrygischen Kulte u. ihre Bedeutung f. d. griech.röm. Welt (N. Jahrb. f. d. klas. Alt. XXIII. ’09. P. 620–637).

Eisler R. Weltenmantel u. Himmelszelt (2 vols. Munich, ’12).

Erman A. Handbook of the Egyptian Religion (Eng. tr. Lond., ’07; 2nd Germ. ed., ’09).

Eucken R. Lebensanschauungen der grossen Denker (Leip., ’09).

Everling O. Die Paulinische Angelologie u. Dämonologie (Gött., ’88).

Faber G.S. Dissertation on the Mysteries of the Cabiri (2 vols. Oxf., 1803).

Fairbanks A. Handbook of Greek Religion (N. Y., ’10).

Fairweather W. The Background of the Gospels (2nd ed. Edin., ’11).

Farnell L.R. The Higher Aspects of Greek Religion (Lond., ’12); Greece and Babylon, Mesopotamian, Anatolian and Hellenic Religions (Edin., ’11); The Cults of the Greek States (5 vols. Oxf., ’96–99); art. Greek Religion / Hastings. E.R.E.: Outline Hist. of Greek Religion (new ed. Lond., ’21); Greek Hero‑Cults and Ideas of Immortality (Oxf., ’21); The Place of Sonder‑Götter in Greek Polytheism / Essays presented to E.B. Tylor (Oxf., ’07); Sacrificial Communion in Greek

Religion (Hib. Jour. II. P. 306–322).

Faye E. de. Gnostiques et Gnosticisme (Paris, ’13).

Fehrle E. Die kultische Keuschheit im Altertum (Giessen, ’10).

Ferrero F. La Ruine de la Civilisation antique / Rev. des Deux Mondes, Sep., ’19 ff. Eng. tr. by Lady Whitehead, The Ruin of Ancient Civilization and the Triumph of Christianity. Lond. – N. Y., ’21).

Findlay G. Greece under the Romans (2nd ed. Edin., ’57).

Fossey C. La magie assyrienne (Paris, ’02).

Foucart P. Des Associations religieuses chez les Grecs: Th iases, Eranes, Orgéons (Paris, ’73); Recherches sur l’origine et la nature desMystères d’Éleusis (ib., ’95); Les grands Mystères d’Éleusis (ib., ’00);Les Mystères d’Éleusis (ib., ’14); Le Culte de Dionysos en Attique (Mém. de l’Acad. des Inscriptions, XXXVII. Paris, ’04); Les Dramessacrés d’Éleusis (Compt. rendus, ’12).

Fowler W.W. The Religious Experience of the Roman People (Lond., ’11); Roman Ideas of Deity (Lond., ’14); Roman Festivals (Lond., ’99); art. Roman Religion / Hastings. E.R.E.

Frazer J.G. The Golden Bough (12 vols. 3rd ed. Lond., ’11–15), especially parts III, The Dying God (’11), and IV, Adonis, Attis, Osiris (’14); Psyche’s Task (2nd ed. Lond., ’13): Taboo and the Perils of the Soul (Lond., ’11).

Freudenthal J. Zur Gesch. der Anschauungen über die jüdischhell. Religionsphilosophie (Leip., ’69).

Friedländer G. Hellenism and Christianity (Lond., ’12).

Friedländer L. Roman Life and Manners under the Early Empire (Eng. tr. of 7th Germ. ed. 4 vols. Lond. – N. Y., ’08–13).

Friedländer M. Die Religiöse Bewegungen innerhalb des Judentums in Zeitalter Jesu (Berlin, ’05); Der vorchrist jüd. Gnosticismus (Gött., ’98).

Ganszyniec R. De Agathodaemone (Travaux de la Soc. d. Sciences de Varsovie, II. 1917).

Gardner P. The Growth of Christianity (Lond., ’07); Th e Religious Experience of St. Paul (Lond., ’11).

Gardthausen V. Augustus u. seine Zeit (2 vols. Leip., ’91–96).

Garrucci R. Les Mystères de Syncrétisme phrygien dans les Catacombes romaines de Prétextat (Paris, ’54).

Garstang J. Burial Customs of the Ancient Egyptians (Lond., ’07).

Gasquet A.L.U. Le culte et les mystères de Mithra (Paris, ’99).

Geff cken J. Aus der Werdezeit des Christentums (2nd ed. Leip., ’09); Zwei griech. Apologeten (Leip., ’07).

Gennep A. v. La Formation des Légendes (Paris, ’10).

Gfrörer A.F. Philo u. die alexandrin. Th eosophie (2nd ed. Stuttgart, ’35).

Gibbon E. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (ed. J. B. Bury, 7 vols. Lond., ’97–00).

Girard J. Le Sentiment religieux en Grèce d’Homère à Eschyle (Paris, ’69–79).

Glover T.R. Th e Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire (5th ed. Lond., ’12); Progress in Religion (Lond., ’22).

Gomperz Th. Greek Thinkers (Eng. tr. by Magnus, Berrie, 4 vols. Lond. – N. Y., ’05–12).

Graillot H. Le Culte de Cybèle, Mère des Dieux (Paris, ’12).

Granger F. The Poemandres of Hermes Trismegistus (Jour. Th. Stud. April ’04. P. 395–412).

Griffi th F.L. Stories of the High Priests of Memphis (Oxf., ’00).

Grill J. Die persische Mysterienreligion im röm. Reich u. das Chris tentum (Tüb., ’03).

Gronau K. Poseidonius u. d. jüdisch‑christ. Genesisexegesis (Leip., ’14).

Gruppe O. Griech. Mythologie u. Religionsgeschichte (2 vols. Munich, ’06); Griech. Culte u. Mythen in ihren Beziehungen zu den orient. Religionen (Leip., ’87).

Gudemann. Jüdische Apologetik (Glogau, ’06).

Guimet E. L’Isis romaine (Paris, ’96); Le Dieu d’Apulée (ib., ’95).

Gunkel H. Zum religionsgesch. Verständnis des neuen Testaments (2nd ed. Gött., ’10).

Güntert H. Der arische Weltkönig u. Heiland (Halle, ’23).

Habert O. La Religion de la Grèce antique (Paris, ’10).

Hahn L. Rom. u. Romanismus im griech.‑röm. Osten (Leip., ’06).

Halliday W.R. Greek Divination (Lond., ’12); Hist. of Rom. Religion (2 vols. ib., ’23).

Hamilton M. Incubation, or Cure of Disease in Pagan Temples and Christian Churches (Lond., ’06).

Harnack A. Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the fi rst three Centuries (Eng. tr. by J. Moff att, 2nd ed. 2 vols. Lond. – N. Y., ’08); Das Mönchtum (4th ed. Giessen, ’95).

Harris R. The Ascent of Olympus (Manchester, ’17).

Harrison J. Prolegomena to the study of Greek Religion (3rd ed. Camb., ’22); Themis (Camb., ’12); Epilegomena (Camb., ’21).

Hatch E. Influence of Greek Ideas and Usages upon the Christian Church (Lond., ’90).

Havet E. Le Christianisme et ses Origines (4 vols. Paris, ’71–84).

Heinrici G. Hellenismus u. Christentum (Berlin, ’09); Die Hermesmystik u. d. neue Testament (Leip., ’18).

Heinze M. Die Lehre vom Logos in d. griech. Philosophie (Oldenburg, ’72).

Heitmüller W. Taufe u. Abendmahl in Urchristentum (Tüb., ’11).

Hepding H. Attis, seine Mythen u. sein Kult (Giessen, ’03).

Hicks R.D. Stoics and Epicureans (N. Y., ’12).

Hild J.A. Étude sur les Démons dans la littérature et la religion des Grecs (Paris, ’81).

Hirzel R. Untersuchungen zu Cicero’s phil. Schriften (3 parts, Leip., ’77–83).

Holst J.J. van. De Eranis veterum Graecorum (Leiden, 1832).

Hönn K. Studien zur Gesch. der Himmelfahrt (Mannheim, ’10).

Hopfner Th. Gr.‑ägypt. Offenbarungszauber mit. e. eingeh. Darst.

d. gr.‑syn. Daemonglaubens, etc. (Leip., ’21). Hubert H. Art. Magia / Daremberg‑Saglio. Dictionnaire. Hubert H., Mauss M. Esquisse d’une théorie générale de la Magie

(Paris, ’04); Théorie générale de la Magie / L’Année Sociologique, ’02–03. P. 1–146.

Hyde T. Veterum Persarum et Parthorum et Medorum religionis historia (Oxf., 1700; 2nd ed., 1760).

Ida C. Heavenly Bridegrooms (N. Y.,’18).

Immisch O. Kureten u. Korybanten / Roscher. Lexikon.

Inge W.R. Christian Mysticism (Lond., ’99); The Philosophy of Plotinus (2 vols. Lond., ’18).

Jacoby A. Die antiken Mysterien‑Religionen u. d. Christentum (Tüb., ’10).

James W. The Varieties of Religious Experience (Lond. – N. Y., ’02).

Jastrow M. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria (Boston, ’98); art. Hastings’ D.B. (ext. vol. P. 531–584); Aspects of Religious Life and Practice in Babylonia and Assyria (N. Y. – Lond., ’11).

Jequier G. L’Enneade Osirienne d’Abydos et les enseignées sacrées (Comptes Rendus, Dec., ’20).

Jeremias A. Handbuch der altorientalischen Geisteskultur (Leip., ’13).

Jevons F.B. Introd. to the History of Religion (6th ed. Lond., ’14); Intr. to the Study of Comparative Religion (N. Y., ’08).

Jong K.H.E. de. Das antike Mysterienwesen (2nd ed. Leiden, ’19); De Apuleio Isiacorum Mysteriorum teste (ib., 1900).

Joubin A. Scène d’Initiation aux Mystères d’Isis sur un Relief crétois / Recueil de travaux rel. à phil. égypt., ’94. P. 162 ff.

Juster J. Les Juifs dans l’empire romain (2 vols. Paris, ’14).

Καββαδίας Π. Τὸ ἱερὸν τοῦ Ἀσκληπίου ἐν Ἐπιδαύρῳ καὶ ἡ θεραπεία τῶν ἀσθενῶν (Athens, 1900).

Kaerst J. Gesch. des hellenistischen Zeitalters (2 vols. Leip., ’01–09).

Kan I. De Iovis Dolicheni Cultu (Groningen, ’01).

Keim Th. Rom. u. d. Christentum (Berlin, ’81).

Kennedy H.A.A. St. Paul and the Mystery‑Religions (Lond., ’13); Philo’s Contribution to Religion (Lond., ’19).

Kern O. Dionysus / Pauly‑Wissowa. Real‑ency.; Orpheus (Berlin, ’95).

Kiesewetter K. Der Occultismus des Altertums (2 vols. Leip., ’95–96).

King C.W. The Gnostics and their Remains (2nd ed. Lond., ’87).

Koch H. Ps. Dionysios Areop. in s. Bez. zum Neoplatonismus u. Mysterienwesen (Mainz, ’08).

Kornemann Art. Collegium / Pauly‑Wissowa. IV. coll. 380–480).

Krebs E. Der Logos als Heiland (Freiburg, ’10).

Kroll J. Die Lehren des Hermes Trismegistus (Münster, ’14).

Kroll W. Antiker Aberglaube (Hamb., ’97); Die gesch. Bedeutung des Poseidonius / N. Jahrb. f. d. klas. Alt. XXXIX. ’17. P. 145–157; Aus der Gesch. der Astrologie (ib. VII. ’01. P. 559 ff.); art. Hermes Trismegistus / Pauly‑Wissowa.

Kugler F.X. Sternkunde u. Sterndienst in Babel (Münster, ’07 ff.).

Kutsch F. Attische Heilgötter u. Heilheroen (Giessen, ’13).

Lafaye G. Hist. du Culte des Divinités d’Alexandrie hors de l’Egypte (Paris, ’84); L’Initiation mithriaque / Conf. au Musée Guimet.

XVIII. ’06; Isis / Daremberg‑Saglio; Litanie grecque d’Isis (Rev. de Philologie, XL. ’16. P. 55–108).

Lagrange M.J. Études sur les religions sémitiques (2nd ed. Paris, ’08); Attis et Christianisme (Rev. Bib., ’19); Les Mystères d’Eleusis (ib., ’19).

Lajard F. Introd. à l’étude du culte public et des mystères de Mithra en Orient et en Occident (Paris, 1847).

Lake K. Earlier Epistles of St. Paul (2nd ed. Lond., ’14).

Lang A. Myth, Ritual and Religion (2 vols. Lond., ’87, 2nd ed., ’01).

Lebreton J. Les Théories de Logos au début de l’ère chrét. (Paris, ’06).

Leclercq A. Bouché‑. Hist. de la Divination dans l’Antiquité (4 vols. Paris, ’79–82); L’Astrologie grecque (ib., ’99); Hist. des Lagides (4 vols. ib., ’03–07); L’Intolérance religieuse et politique (ib., ’12).

Legge F. Forerunners and Rivals of Christianity (2 vols. Camb., ’15); Names of Demons in the Magic Papyri (Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch., 1900); The Greek Worship of Serapis and Isis (ib., ’14).

Lehmann E.  Mysticism in Heathendom and Christendom (Eng. tr. Lond., ’10).

Leisegang H. Der heilige Geist: Das Wesen u. Werden der mystisch‑intuitiven Erkentnis in d. Phil. u. Religion d. Griechen (vol. I. Leip., ’19).

Lembert R. Der Wunderglaube bei Römern u. Griechen (pt. I. Augsburg, ’05).

Lenormant C. Mémoire sur les représentations qui avaient lieu dansles Mystères d’Éleusis / Mém de l’Acad. des Inscr. N.S. XXIV, pt. 1.

Lenormant F. Recherches archéol. à Éleusis (Paris, ’62); arts. Eleusinia (with E. Pottier), Baubo, Ceres, Cabiri, Cotytto / Daremberg‑Saglio; Eleusinian Mysteries (Cont. Rev., ’80, XXVII. P. 847–

871. XXVIII. P. 121–149, 412–433). Lévy‑Bruhl L. Les fonctions mentales dans les sociétés inférieures (Paris, ’09).

Liechtenhahn R. Offenbarung im Gnostizismus (Gött., ’01).

Lietzmann H. Der Weltheiland (Bonn, ’09).

Lobeck C.A. Aglaophamus, sive De Theologiae mysticae Graeco

rum causis (2 vols. Königsberg, 1829). Loisy A.F. Les Mystères païens et le Mystère chrétien (Paris, ’14. 2nd ed., ’21). Lübbert E. Commentatio de Pindaro dogmatis de migratione animarum cultore (Bonn, ’87).

Maas E.W.T. Orpheus (Munich, ’95).

Macchioro V. Zagreus, Studi sull’ Orfismo (Bari, ’20); Eraclito (ib., ’22); Orfismo e Paolinismo (Montevarchi, ’22); Orfismo e Cristianesimo (reprint from Gnosis, Naples, ’21); Dionysos Mystes / Atti d. Reale Accad. d. Scienze di Torino. – Dec., ’18. P. 126–238; Orphica / Riv. indo‑greco‑ital. Naples, ’18; Dionysiaca (Accad. di Arch. Naples, ’18).

Macdonald L. Inscriptions relating to Sorcery in Cyprus (Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. ’91. P. 160–190).

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Maury L.F. A. Hist, des Religions de la Grèce antique (3 vols. Paris, ’57–59); La Magie et l’Astrologie dans l’Antiquité et au MoyenÂge (ib., ’60).

McGiff ert A.C. What did Christianity do for the Roman empire? (Harv. Th. Rev. April ’09. P. 28–49).

Mead G.R.S. Thrice‑greatest Hermes (3 vols. Lond. – Benares, ’06); Fragments of a Faith Forgotten (2nd ed. ib., ’06); Quests Old and New (Lond., ’13); Apollonius of Tyana (ib., ’01); Philo u. d. hell. Th eologie / Vierteljahr. f. Bibelkunde, ’08.

Merivale C. Conversion of the Roman empire (2nd ed. Lond., ’65).

Meyer E. Gesch. des Altertums (5 vols. Leip., ’93–02).

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Möller E.W. Gesch. der Kosmologie in d. griech. Kirche bis auf Origines (Halle, ’60).

Mommsen A. Feste der Stadt Athen (Leip., ’98).

Mommsen Th. The Provinces of the Rom. empire (Eng. tr. 2 rev. ed. 2 vols. Lond., ’09); De Collegiis et Sodaliciis Romanorum (Kiel, ’43).

Monceaux P. Arts. Orpheus, Orphici, Sabazios / Daremberg‑Saglio.

Moore C.H. Religious Thought of the Greeks (Camb. Mass., ’16); Greek and Roman Ascetic Tendencies / Harv. Essays, ’12. P. 97–104; Spread of Oriental Religions / Harv. Studies in Class. Phil. XI.

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of Oriental Cults (Tr. Amer. Phil. As., ’07. P. 142 ff.).

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Moret A. Mystères égyptiens (Paris, ’13); Du caractère religieux de la Royauté pharaonique (ib., ’02); Le Rituel du culte journalier enÉgypte (ib., ’02); Rois et Dieux d’Egypte (ib., ’11).

Moulton J.H. Early Zoroastrianism (Lond., ’13); The Treasure of the Magi (Oxf., ’17).

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Murray G. Four Stages of Greek Religion (N. Y., ’12).

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Nicolo M.S. Ägypt. Vereinswesen z. Zeit d. Ptolemäer u. Römer (Munich, ’15).

Nilsson M.P. Studia de Dionysiis Atticis (Linden, ’00); Griech. Feste (Leip., ’06).

Nöldeke Th. Die Selbstentmannung bei d. Syrern (Arch. f. Religionswis. X. ’07. P. 150 ff.).

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Arch. VII. ’20. P. 295–334). Otto W. Priester u. Tempel in hellen. Ägypten (2 vols. Leip. – Berlin, ’05–08); Augustus Soter / Hermes, XLV. ’10. P. 448 ff. Perdelwitz R. Die Mysterienreligion u. d. Problem d. I Petrusbriefes (Giessen, ’11).

Petrie W.M.F. Personal Religion in Egypt before Christianity (Lond. – N. Y., 2nd ed., ’12); Egyptian Religion / Hastings. E.R.E.

Pettazoni R. Le Origini dei Kabiri nelle Isole de Mar Tracio (Rome, ’09).

Pfi ster F. Der Reliquienkult im Altertum (Giessen, ’09–12).

Pfl eiderer O. Vorbereitung des Christentums in d. griech. Philosophie (Tüb., ’06).

Philos D. Éleusis, ses Mystères, ses ruines, et son musée (Athens, ’96, Eng. tr., ’06).

Phythian‑Adams W.J. The Problem of the Mithraic Grades / Jour. Rom. Studies. II., ’12. P. 53–64); Mithraism (Lond., ’15).

Pierret P. Les Interprétations de la Religion égyptienne (Conf. au Musée Guimet. XX. ’06).

Pinches T.G. The religious Ideas of the Babylonians (Lond., ’93).

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Prel C. du. Die Mystik der alten Griechen (Leip., ’88).

Preller L. Demeter u. Persephone (Hamburg, ’37); Griech. Mythologie (4th ed. by C. Robert. Berlin, ’94); Römische Mythologie (3rd ed. by H. Jordan. ib., ’81).

Preuschen E. Mönchtum u. Serapiskult (2nd ed. Giessen, ’03).

Pringsheim H.G. Archaeol. Beiträge zur Gesch. d. eleus. Kultus (Munich, ’05).

Probst F. Sakramente u. Sakramentalien in d. drei ersten christl. Jahrhunderten (Tüb., ’72).

Quandt W. De Baccho ab Alexandri aetate in Asia Minore culto / Diss. philologicae Halenses. XXI. ’13, 2.

Ramsay W.M. Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia (2 parts. Oxf., ’96–97); Religion of Greece and Asia Minor / Hastings. D.B. ext. vol.

P. 109–156; Mysteries / Ency. Brit. 9th ed.; Studies in the history and art of the Eastern Provinces (Lond., ’06).

Reinach S. Orpheus (Eng. tr. by F. Simmonds, Lond. – N. Y., ’09); Cultes, Mythes, et Religions (2nd ed. 3 vols. Paris, ’08, from which a drastic abridgment in Eng. tr. Cults, Myths, and Religions. Lond., ’12).

Reisner G.A. The Egyptian Conception of Immortality (Lond., ’12).

Reitzenstein R. Poimandres (Leip., ’04); Die hellenist. Mysterienreligionen (2nd ed. ib., ’20); Hellenistische Wundererzählungen (ib., ’06);Hellenistische Theologie in Ägypten (N. Jahrb. f. d. klas. Alt. XIII. ’04.

P. 177–94); Christentum u. Mysterienreligionen (Th eo. Rundschau, XV. P. 41–60); Das iranische Erlösungsmysterien (Bonn, ’21).

Renan J.E. Marc Aurèle et la Fin du monde antique (8th ed. Paris, ’99; vol. VII of Origines du Christianisme); The Influence of the Institutions, Thought and Culture of Rome on Christianity. Lond., ’80).

Rendtorff F.M. Die Taufe im Urchristentum (Leip., ’05). Renouf P. le P. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion

(Lond., ’80). Reville J. La Religion à Rome sous les Sévères (Paris, ’86). Ribbeck O. Anfänge u. Entwickelung des Dionysoscultus in Attika

(Kiel, ’69). Riess. Aberglaube / Pauly‑Wissowa. Rizzo G. Dionysus Mystes / Mem. Accad. Arch. Napoli. III. ’18. P. 1–102.

Rohde E. Die Religion der Griechen / Kl. Schr. ’01, II. P. 314–339; Psyche, Seelencult u. Unsterblichkeitsglaube der Griechen (6th– 7th ed. Tüb., ’21).

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(Berlin, ’92). Ruhl L. De Serapide et Iside in Graecia cultis (Leip., ’06). Rusch A. De Serapide et Iside in Graecia cultis (Berlin, ’06). Sainte‑Croix G.E.J. Recherches hist. et critiques sur les Mystères

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Schnegelsberg A. De Liberi apud Romanos cultu (Marburg, ’95). Schultz W. Dokumente der Gnosis (Jena, ’10); Altionische Mystik (Vienna – Leip., ’07 f.); Pythagoras u. Heraklit (ib., ’05). Schulze V. Gesch. des Untergangs der griech.‑röm. Heidentums (2 vols. Leip., ’87–96). Schürer E. Gesch. des jüdischen Volkes (4th ed. 3 vols. Leip., ’01–

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Wobbermin G. Religionsgesch. Studien zur Frage der Beeinfl ussung des Urchristentums durch das antike Mysterienwesen (Berlin, ’96).

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Zeller E. Outlines of the history of Greek Philosophy (Eng. tr. Lond., ’95); Pre‑Socratic Philosophy (Eng. tr. 2 vols. ib., ’81); Plato and the Older Academy (Eng. tr. ib., ’76); Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics (Eng. tr. 2 vols. ib., ’97); Socrates and the Socratic Schools (Eng. tr. 2nd ed. ib., ’77); Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics (Eng. tr. ib., ’80); History of Eclecticism in Greek Philosophy (Eng. tr. ib., ’83); Religion u. Philosophie bei den Römern (Vortr. u. Abhandl. 2nd ser.

P. 93–105); Zur Vorgesch. des Christentums: Essener u. Orphiker (Kl. Sch. P. 120–184).

Zielinski Th. Hermes u. die Hermetik / Arch. f. Religionswis. VIII. ’05. P. 321–372; IX. ’06. P. 25–60).

Zipfel G. Das Taurobolium (P. 498–520, Festsch. L. Friedländers dargebracht. Leip., ’95).

Zöckler O. Askese u. Mönchtum (2nd ed. Frankf., ’97).




Abercius. Inscription of: Die Grabschrift des Abercius / ed.

W. Lüdtke, Th. Nissen, Leip., ’10; ed. A. Dieterich, Leip., ’96; id. Cabrol‑Leclercq, I. 85–87. Achilles. Isagoge ad Arati Phaenomena / Migne. Patrologia Graeca; critical ed. in Maas. Aratea. Berlin, ’92. Acta Thomae. Gk. text by M.R. James, Eng. tr. by S.C. Malan /

Texts and Studies. V. 1. P. 28–63.

Aesculapius, Prayer to, C.I.A. III, 171.

Almagest, v.s. Claudius Ptolemaeus.

Ancient Fragments: Greek and Latin texts with tr. by I. P. Cory (2nd ed. Lond., 1832).

Andania: Mystery‑inscription of (Demeter, Kore and (?) the Kabiri) 91 B.C. / Dittenberger. Sylloge. 2nd ed. 653; 3rd ed. 736; Cauer. Delectus. 2nd ed. 47; Sauppe. Die Mysterien‑Inschrift von Andania (Gött., ’60); Inscr. d’Andania, by P. Foucart (Paris, n.d.); Collitz. Dialect‑Inschriften, 4689; Michel. Recueil, 694; Prott‑Ziehen, II. 58; LG. V. 1390.

Andros. Hymn to Isis / Kaibel. Epig. Graec. 1028; Abel. Orphica.

P. 295 f.; I.G. XII, 5, 1, no. 739.

Apollodorus Atheniensis. Bibliotheca / Ed. I. Bekker. Leip., ’54; v. Mythologi Graeci / Ed. R. Wagner. Leip., ’94; also in: Müller. Frag. hist. gr. I.; Eng. tr. by J. Frazer / Loeb. Class. Lib. 2 vols., ’21.

Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica / Ed. R.C. Seaton, Oxf.; Eng. tr.

A. S. Way. Lond., ’01; also by R.C. Seaton / Loeb. Class. Library. ’12. Apuleius. Metamorphoses, or Golden Ass, especially bk. XI. / Ed.

R. Helm, Leip., ’13, Eng. tr. by H.E. Butler, 2 vols. Oxf., ’10; also by Adlington, Gaselee / Loeb. Class. Library. De Magia (Apologia) / Ed.

R. Helm. Leip., ’15. De Deo Socratis; De Piatone; De Mundo / Ed.

P. Thomas, Leip., ’08.

Aratus. Phaenomena / Ed. E. Maas. Berlin, ’93 (Eng. tr. by G.R.

Mair, Loeb. Class. Library, ’21). Comm. in Aratum reliquiae, col. E.

Maas. Berlin, ’98. Aratea E. Maas. Berlin, ’92.

Aristides. Apology (Syriac text with Eng. tr. by J.R. Harris, with portion of Greek text by J.A. Robinson / Texts and Studies. I. 1, 2nd ed, Camb., ’93).

Aristides, Aelius Rhetor. Orationes Sacrae / Ed. Dindorf, 3 vols. Leip., ’29. Aristophanes. Nubes, ll., 223 ff., 382 ff. Lysistrata, 388 ff.; Vespes, 5 ff.; Ranae, 324 ff., 455 ff.; Thesmae, 134 ff. Arnim H. v. Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta (3 vols. Leip., ’03–05).

Arnobius. Adversus Gentes / Ed. A. Reifferscheid. Vienna, ’75. Eng. tr. by A.H. Bryce, H. Campbell / Ante‑Nicene Library. Edin., ’71.

Arrian, v.s. Epictetus. Artemidorus. Oneirocritica / Ed. Reiff, Leip., 1805. Asclepiasts. Guild of, in Attica, I.G. II. 617. Asclepius, v. Corpus Hermeticum. Athenaeus. Deipnosophistae / Ed. G. Kaibel, 3 vols. Leip., ’87–

’90; Eng. tr. by C.D. Yonge / Bohn. Class. Library. Athenagoras. Apology for the Christians (Legatio / Ed. J.C.T. Otto.

Jena, ’57; Eng. tr. by B.P. Pratten / Ante‑Nicene Library. Edin., ’67). Attis, Hymn to, Hippolytus. Ref. omn. Haer. (Philosoph.) V. 9. Augustine. De Civitate Dei (ed. B. Dombart, 2 vols. Leip., ’77–

92); Eng. tr. by Marcus Dods / Post‑Nicene Fathers. Augustus. Res Gestae Divi Augusti ex Monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi (by Th. Mommsen, 2nd ed. Berl., ’83). Aulus Gellius. Noctes Atticae / Ed. C. Hosius. Leip., ’03; Eng. tr. by W. Beloe. Lond., 1795. Autolychus. De Sphaera quae movetur (Greek text with Lat. tr. by

F. Hultsch. Leip., ’85).

Berossus. Fragments / Mullach. Frag. hist. Gr. II. P. 495–510; Be rossos u. d. Babyl.‑Hellenistische Literatur, by P. Schnabel. Leip.,

23. Berthelot M. et Ruelle E. Collection des anciens Alchimistes grecs (Paris, ’87–88).

Bruns C.G. Fontes Iuris Romani antiqui (6th ed. Freib. – Leip., ’93).

Callimachus. Hymns / Ed. Wilamowitz‑Moellendorf. Berl., ’07; Eng. tr. by A.W. Mair / Loeb. Class. Library. ’21.

Callixenes of Rhodes. Bacchic procession at Alexandria under Ptolemy Philadelphus / Athenaeus. V. 25–35 (196a–203b).

Carmen contra Paganos (Anon.) from fourth century, ll., 57–109. (Baehrens. Poetae Lat. Min. III. P. 286 f.; Hepding. Attis. P. 61.)

Catalogus Codicum astrologicorum Graecorum / Ed. F. Boll, Fr. Cumont, W. Kroll, A. Olivieri and others. I–VIII, Brussels, ’98–12).

Catullus. Carmen, LXIII / Ed. of Ellis.

Chaldean Oracles v. G. Kroll, De Oraculis Chaldaeis / Breslauer phil. Abhandl. VII. ’94. Pt. 1. Mead G.R.S. The Chaldaean Oracles (Lond. – Benares, ’08).

Cicero. Philosophical Works: Academica / Ed. with commentary and tr. by J.S. Reid, 2 vols. Lond., ’85. De Divinatione / Ed. of

J.G. Baiter, C.L. Kayser. Leip., ’60–69; or ed. of R. Klotz or Th. Schiche. De Officiis / Ed. C.F.W. Müller, Leip., ’82; Ed. H. Holden, 7th ed. Lond., ’91; Eng. tr. by G.B. Gardiner. Lond., ’99; by W. Miller / Loeb. Class. Lib. De Finibus / Ed. J.N. Madvig, 3rd ed., ’76; with intro. and comm. by W.M.L. Hutchison, ’09; Eng. tr. by H. Rackham / Loeb. Class. Lib. De Fato (Müller, ’98). De Legibus / Ed. of Baiter and Kayser, or C.F.W. Müller, Leip., ’98. De Republica (Müller, Leip., ’98). Paradoxa / Ed. M. Schneider. Leip., ’91; Eng. tr. by C.R. Edmonds. Lond., ’74. De Natura Deorum / Ed. with comm. by J.B. Mayor, 3 vols., ’80–85. Tusculanae Disputationes / Ed. O. Heine. ’96);

v. s. Hirzel. Cleanthes / Arnim’s Stoic. Vet. Frag. Fragments also by A.C. Pearson, ’91). Clemen C. Fontes Historiae religionis Persicae (Bonn, ’20 f.; v.s. Fontes).

Clement Alexandrinus. Paedagogus. Protrepticus, esp. II. Stromateis / Ed. G. Dindorf, 4 vols. Oxf., ’69. Best ed. of Paedagogus and Protrepticus, O. Stählin (Leip., ’05–09). Eng. tr. of Stromateis, bk. VII, by J.B. Mayor. Lond., ’02; of whole by W. Wilson / Clark. Ante‑Nicene Library (2 vols. Edin., ’67–69).

Collegia: Roman Legislation re / Brun. Fontes. Pt. II. ch. XIII.

Conon. Diegeseis / Photiu. Bibliotheca, Migne, P. Gr.

Cornutus. Theologiae Graecae Compendium / Ed. C. Lang, Leip.,


Corpus Haereseologicum / Ed. by F. Oehler, 5 parts. Berlin, ’56–61.

Corpus Hermeticum: Poimandres / Ed. G. Parthey. Berlin, ’54; Ed.

R. Reitzenstein, Leip., ’04. Asclepius, or The Perfect Word (Latin version by (?) Apuleius, ed. P. Thomas, Leip., ’08). Aesculapii Defi nitiones ad Ammonem Regem (Greek text with Lat. tr. by M. Ficino in Turnebus’ ed. of Poemander. Paris, 1554). Numerous Extracts / Johannes Stobaeus. Minor Fragments / Lactantius, Cyril, Suidas, Psellus; v. F. Patrizzi, Nova de universis philosophia, Ferrara, 1591. Eng. tr. of Poimandres from Arabic, The Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus, by Everard. Lond., 1650; reprinted in Jour. Spec. Phil. July, ’66. Th e Th eological and Philosophical Works of Hermes Trismegistus, Christian Neo‑Platonist, by J.D. Chambers (Edin., ’82). Most complete tr. by G.R.S. Mead, Thrice‑greatest Hermes (3 vols. Lond. – Benares, ’06).

Cultores Dianae et Antinoi, the Lexs Collegi from inscription of Lanuvium, C.I. Lat. XIV, 2112: Bruns. Fontes, 6th ed. P. 345 ff.: Dessau. Inscr. Lat. Selectae, 7212.

Curtius R. Quintus. De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni / Ed. E. Heidicke, ’08.

Cyril. Contra Julianum.

Damascius. De primis principiis / Ed. C.A. Ruelle, 2 parts. Par., ’89; French tr. A.E. Chaignet. Par., ’98.

Democritus. De Sympathiis et Antipathiis / Fabricius. Bibliotheca Graeca, IV. Pt. II. P. 333–338.

Demosthenes. De Corona, 259 ff.

Diels H. Fragmente der Vorsokratiker (Greek text with Germ. tr. 2 vols. in 3 parts, 2nd ed. Berlin, ’03–10; 3rd ed. ’12 ff.; 4th ed. ’22). Poetarum Philosophorum Graecorum Fragmenta (Berlin, ’01). Doxographi Graeci (Berlin, ’79).

Dio Cassius. Historia Romana / Ed. L. Dindorf. Leip., ’63–65; Ed.

J. Melber. Leip., ’90 f.; Boissevain U.P. 3 vols. Berl., ’95–101. Eng.

tr. in 9 vols. in progress by E. Cary / Loeb. Class. Lib. Dio Chrysostom. Orationes / Ed. L. Dindorf. Leip., ’57; best ed.

J. de Arnim, 2 vols. Berlin, ’93–96. Diodorus Siculus. Bibliotheca Historica / Ed. Vogel, 3 vols. Leip., ’83–93.

Diogenes Laertius. De Vitis Philosophorum / Ed. H.G. Hübner, 2 vols. Leip., ’28–’31; also by C.G. Cobet, Didot. Paris, ’78. Eng. tr. by C.D. Yonge. Lond., ’53.

Dionysiac Mysteries: Edict of Ptolemy Philopator on private initiations outside Alexandria (Greek text and Germ. tr. by W. v. Schubart / Amtliche Berichte aus d. könig. Kunstsammlungen of Strassburg, XXXVIII, 7, coll. 189–197. Text and Fr. tr. by P. Roussel / Comptes Rendus, ’19. P. 238. Cf. R. Reitzenstein, Archiv f. Religionswis. XIX., ’18. P. 191–194).

Dionysiac Thiasos of Athenians, second cent. B.C. Insc. Graecae, II, 623.

Dionysius. Periegetes / Müller C. Geographi Graeci Minores, II. Paris, ’82.

Dionysius Halicarnassus. Antiquitates Romanae / Ed. C. Jacoby. Leip., ’85–’05.

Dithyramb of the Women of Elis / Plutarch. Quaest. Gr. XXXVI.

P. 299. Epictetus. Dissertationes (H. Schenkl, Leip., ’04. Eng. tr. by

G. Long. Lond., ’48, ’91). Epidaurian temple‑cures inscribed on slabs, v. Cavvadias, Ἐφ. Ἀρχ.,’83. P. 198 ff.; ’85. P. 16 ff. Cavvadias. Fouilles d’Épidaure (Athens, ’91). Epiphanius. Panaria (Greek text with Lat. tr. of Petavius and

comm. of A. Jahn / Oehler. Corpus Haeresiologicum. II–III).

Etymologicum Magnum (Oxf., ’48; ed. Sylburg. Leip. 1816).

Eunapius. Vitae Sophistarum (Greek text with Lat. tr. by J.F. Boissonade / Ed. Didot. Paris, ’73).

Euripides. Bacchae (Eng. tr. by G. Murray, or A.S.Way). Fragment of the Cretans / Frag. tragica papyracea, V., A. Hunt. Oxf., ’12. Chorus from Cretans / Porphyry. De Abst. IV. 19; No. 475 / Nauck. Tragicorum graec. frag.; Ed. Didot. P. 735. Eng. tr. by G. Murray, Euripides, 5th ed. P. 324. Phoenissae, 649 ff.; Alcestis, 962 ff.; Ion, 1074–1086; Helena, 1301–1368.

Eusebius. Praeparatio Evangelica (4 vols. T. Gaisford. Oxf., ’43).

Fairbanks A. The First Philosophers of Greece (Fragments, with Eng. tr. and notes. Lond., ’98).

Fontes Historiae Religionum ex Auctoribus Graecis et Latinis collectos / Ed. C. Clemen. Bonn, ’20 f.

Fragmenta Herculanensia (W. Scott. Oxf., ’85).

Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum / Ed. C. and Th. Müller, Di

dot, 4 vols. Paris, ’41–53. Fragmenta Philosophorum Graecorum / Ed. F.G.A. Mullach, 3 vols. Paris, ’81–83.

Galenus. Opera / Ed. Marquardt, Müller and others / Teubner. Leip., ’84–93. Eng. tr. of Natural Faculties, by A.J. Brock / Loeb. Class. Library.

Geminus. Elementa astronomica (Greek, with Germ. tr. by K. Manitius. Leip., ’98).

Gnosticism: Codex Askewianus, containing Coptic text of: 1) Pistis Sophia, 2) Part of the Texts of the Saviour, 3) Frag. on Th e Mystery of the Ineffable. (French tr. by E. Amélineau. Paris, ’95; Germ. tr. by

C. Schmidt / Koptisch‑Gnostische Schriften. Leip., ’05; Eng. tr. by


Mead. Lond., ’96, 2nd ed., ’21; by F. Legge in S.P.C.K. Lond., ’22.) Papyrus Brucianus / Bodleian Library, Oxford, containing according to Schmidt’s analysis, 1) The Books of Jeou (entitled by Mead, The Book of the Great Logos according to the Mystery); 2) Two fragments of Gnostic invocations; 3) Frag. of the Passage of the Soul through the Archon of the Middle Region; 4) Fragment of an old Gnostic work. (Coptic text with Fr. tr. by Amélineau / Notices et Extraits de MSS. de la Bibliothèque nationale et autres Bibliothèques, vol. XXIX. Pt. I. Paris, ’91. Text with Germ. tr. by C. Schmidt / Gnostische Schriften in Koptischer Sprache aus dem Codex Brucianus. Leip., ’92.) The Akhmim Papyrus, in the Berlin Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, containing: 1) Gospel of Mary Apocryphon (? Apocalypse) of John, 2) The Wisdom of Jesus Christ, 3) Acts of Peter. Schmidt Cf.C. Ein vor‑irenaeisches gnos tisches Original‑Werk in koptischer Sprache / Sitzber. d. kgl. Akad. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss., ’96. Excerpta Theodoti (Greek text Clemens Alex. III. P. 103–33 of Die griech. christ. Schriftst. and in: Bunsen C.C.J. Analecta Antenicaena.

I. P. 205–278, with Lat. tr. by J. Bernays. Lond., ’54). Letter of Ptolemaeus to Flora / Epiphanius. Panaria, Haer. XXXIII. 3–7; Oehler, II, I. 1. P. 400–412 with Lat. tr. Ed. A. Har nack, 2nd ed. Bonn ’12 in Kl. Texte. Naassene Psalm / Hippolytu. Philosophoumena.

V. 182–184, Cruice; Eng. tr. P. 145 in Legge’s tr. or II. P. 62 in his Forerunners, etc.; cf. Wendland. Berl. phil. Woch., ’02 sp. 1324; Swoboda A. Wiener Studien. XXVII. 2. The Hymn of Bardaisan = Th e Hymn of the Soul. The Hymn of the Soul in Acta Thomae, ch. 108–

113. Syriac text by A.S. Bevan / Texts and Studies, V. 3. Camb., ’97. Also by G. Hoffmann / Zeitschr. f. neut. Wïss. IV. P. 273 ff.; Wright. Apoc. Acts of the Apostles, I; Lipsius, Bonnet. Acta Apost. apocr. II,

2. P. 219–224. Leip., ’03. (Eng. tr. by F.C. Burkitt. Lond., ’99; by

G.R.S. Mead in Fragments of a Faith Forgotten. P. 406–414, under title The Hymn of the Robe of Glory and separately under same title Lond., ’08. Excellent Germ. verse tr. in Schultz, Dokumente. P. 13–21; also prose by Hoffmann, l.c.). The Hymn of Jesus / Acta Johannis, XI.

Greek text and tr. by M.R. Ja mes / Texts and Studies, V, 1. P.

10–15. Heracleon. Extant Fragments, Greek text by A. E. Brooke / Texts and Studies, I, 4. Camb., ’91.Basilidis Fragmenta (from VI book of Hippolytus / Bunsen. Ib. I. P. 55–75). Valentini Fragmenta (from book VII of Hippolytus / Bunsen. Analecta Antenicaena. P. 77–96). Basilidis Fragmenta (from book VII of Hippolytus / Bunsen. Ib. I. P.

55–75). For further fragments cf.: Hilgenfeld A. Ketzergeschichte

des Urchristentums (Leip., ’84).

Harpocration. Lexicon (Dindorf, 2 vols. Oxf., ’53).

Heibig W. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens (Leip., ’68).

Heliolatry, v.s. Sun‑worship.

Heracliti Ephesii Reliquiae / Ed. I. Bywater. Oxf., ’77; and in: Diels. Fragmente d. Vorsokratiker, v.s. Macchioro.

Hermias. Irrisio gentilium philosophorum, v.s. Otto.

Hermippus, sive De Astrologia Dialogus (Anonymi Christiani / Ed. W. Kroll and P. Viereck. Leip., ’95).

Herodotus. Histories (esp. I. 34–45; II. 42, 48, 50–60, 81, 144–146, 156; IV. 79–108; VII. 6; VIII. 65). (Eng. tr. by G.C. Macaulay. Lond., ’90, 2 vols.)

Hierocles. Commentary on the Golden Verses of Pythagoras / Mullach. Fragmenta, I. P. 480 ff., Eng. tr. by N. Rowe. Lond., ’06.

Hippolytus. Philosophoumena, sive Omnium Haeresium Refutatio / Ed. P.M. Cruice. Paris, ’60, with Lat. tr. Best ed. by P. Wendland in Griech. christ. Kirchenväter, 3 vols. Vol. I. Berlin, ’16. Eng. tr. by MacMahon / Ante‑Nicene Library. Edin., ’68; best tr. by F. Legge, 2 vols. Lond., ’21.

Historiae Augustae Scriptores, v.s. Scriptores Hist. Aug. Homer. Odyssey. XI (cf. v. Wilamowitz‑Möllendorf U. Hom. Untersuchungen. P. 199 ff.). Homeric Hymns, esp. II (To Demeter), VII (To Dionysos), VIII (To Ares), XIV (To the Mother of the Gods). Best ed. by T.W. Allen,

E.E. Sikes. Lond., ’04; Eng. tr. by J. Edgar. Edin., ’91; A. Lang. Lond., ’99; Evelyn‑White H.G. / Loeb. Library, ’14.

Hopfner Th. Fontes Historiae Religionis Aegypticae (3 parts. Bonn, ’22 f., v.s. Fontes, etc.).

Horace. Carmen Saeculare (cf.: Zosimus, II. 5, 6).

Iamblichus. De Vita Pythagorica / Ed. T. Kiessling. Leip. 1815; Nauck A. St. Petersburg, ’84; Eng. tr. by T. Taylor. Lond. 1818. De Mysteriis / Ed. G. Parthey. Berlin, ’57; T. Gale, with Lat. tr. Oxf. 1678; Eng. tr. by T. Taylor. Lond., 1821. Protrepticus, Exhortatio ad Philosophiam / Ed. H. Pistelli. Leip., ’88.

Inscriptions: Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum (Boeckh A. and others. Berlin, 1828–1877). Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (by Mommsen and others, 1863 ff.). Inscriptiones Graecae (in course of publication by the Prussian Academy. Berlin, since 1873) in following main parts: Corpus Inscriptionum Atticarum (Berlin, ’73–97). Corpus Inscriptionum Graeciae Septentrionalis / Ed. W. Dittenberger. Ber., ’92. Inscriptiones Graecae Siciliae et Italiae (Kaibel G. Ber., ’90). Inscriptiones Graecae Insularum Maris Aegaei (Gaertringen H. v., Paton W.R. Ber., ’95 f.). Inscriptiones Argolidis. Inscriptiones Megaridis et Boeotiae. Inscriptiones Oris Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini (Minns E.H. Camb., ’13). Inscriptionum Latinarum amplissima selectarum Collectio (Orelli J.C., Henzen W. 3 vols. Turin, 1828–1856). Leges Graecorum sacrae e titulis collectae (Prott J. v., Ziehen L. Leip., ’96–06). Inscrizione greche e latine (by E. Breccia in: Antiquités égypt. du Musée d’Alexandrie). Recueil des Inscriptions grecqueschrétiennes d’Egypte (Lefebure G. Cairo, ’07). Sammelbuch Griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten (Preisigke F. I. Strassburg, ’15 f. Contains also papyri). Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum / Ed. E.L. Hicks. Oxf., ’74 ff. Defi xionum Ta bellae (Audollent A. Paris, ’04). Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes (Cagnat R. 3 vols. Paris, ’11–14). Orientis Graecae Inscriptiones Selectae (Ditterberger W. 2 vols. Leip., ’03–05). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum (Dittenberger W. 2nd ed. 2 vols, and index. Leip., ’88–91; 3rd ed. 4 vols. Leip., ’15–20). Recueil d’Inscriptions grecques, also: Supplement (Michel Ch. Paris, ’00–12). Recueil desInscriptions grecques et latines de l’Égypte (Letronne M. 2 vols. Paris, ’42–48). Inscriptiones antiquae Orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini Graecae et Latinae (Latyschev B. St. Petersburg, ’85). Epigrammata Graeca (Kaibel G. Berlin, ’78). Fouilles d’Epidaure (Cavvadias P. Athens, ’91). Inscriptions grecques et latines recueillies en Grèce et en Asie Mineure (Le Bas P., Waddington W.H. Paris, ’70). Antike Fluchtafeln (Wünsch R. Bonn, ’07). Selection in: Foucart. Des Associations religieuses. P. 187–243.

Invocation of Isis, early second cent. Greek text, tr. and comm. / Oxyrhynchus Papyri. XI, no. 1380. P. 190–220. Liturgical text of Isis cult in second or third cent. inscr. from Ios, Dittenberger. Sylloge. 3rd

ed. 1267, or: Weil R. Ath. Mitth. II. ’77. P. 81 ff.; I.G. XII, V, 1, no. 14; cf.: Diodorus. Bib. I. 27. The Burden of Isis: being the Laments of Isis and Nephthys (tr. by J.T. Dennis. Lond., ’10).

Iobacchoi, Regulations of a Thiasos of, in Greek inscription published by S. Wide / Athenische Mitteilungen, ’94, XIX. P. 248 ff.; No.

46. P. 132–147 of Prott‑Ziehen, Leges Graec. Sacrae; Dittenberger. Sylloge, 2nd ed. no. 737, 3rd ed. no. 1109; Maas. Orpheus. P. 18–32.

Irenaeus. Adversus Haereses / Ed. W.W. Harvey, 2 vols. Camb., ’57; Eng. tr. by A. Roberts and W.H. Rambant / Clark. Ante‑Nicene Library, 2 vols. Edin., ’68–69; also by F.R.M. Hitchcock in: S.P.C.K. 2 vols. Lond., ’16.

Isis, Praises of, found on a tomb of Osiris and Isis, Diodorus Siculus, I. 27. Poetic dedication to Isis, I.G. XII, pt. V. 1. P. 213 f. Prose dedication to, ib. P. 217.

Isocrates. Panegyric / Ed. J.E. Sandys. Lond., ’97.

Isyllos, Paean of, from Epidaurus, late fourth cent. B.C. Eph. Arch., ’85. P. 65; v. Wilamowitz‑Möllendorf. Isyllos v. Epidaurus, ’86 / Philolog. Unters.

Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews (e.g. XVIII. 3, 4).

Julian the ’Apostate’: Orationes, esp. IV (Hymn to the Sovereign Sun), V (Hymn to the Mother of the Gods), VI (To the uneducated Cynics), VII (To the Cynic Heraclius). Letter to Th emistius (frag.). Against the Christians (frag.). Two complete French trs. by R. Tourlet, 3 vols. Paris, 1821, and by E. Talbot. Paris, ’63; Eng. tr. of: Hymn to the Sovereign Sun and To the Mother of the Gods, by T. Taylor. Lond., 1793; and of Against the Christians by same. Lond., 1803; Greek text and Eng. tr. by W.C. Wright / Loeb. Library, 3 vols., ’13.

Justin Martyr. Apologies I and II; Dialogue with Trypho; Oratio ad Graecos; Cohortatio ad Graecos / Ed. J.C.T. Otto, 3 vols, with Lat. tr. Leip., ’76–81; Eng. tr. by Marcus Dods in: Clark. Ante‑Nicene Library. Edin., ’67.

Kouretes, Hymn of the, Greek text and tr. in: Harrison J. Th emis. P. 6–8.

Lactantius. Institutiones Divinae / Ed. S. Brandt, G. Laubmann in: Corp. Script. eccles. Lat.; Eng. tr. by W. Fletcher in: Clark. Ante‑Nicene Library. Edin., ’71.

Lampridius. Aelius / Scriptores Hist. Aug.

Libanius. Orationes / Ed. R. Foerster, 4 vols. Leip., ’03–08.

Livy. Ab urbe condita libri (esp. X, 47; XXIX, 11–14; XXXIV, 54; XXXVI, 36; XXXIX, 8–18; XL, 29).

Lucian, esp. Al

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