Д.п.н., проф. В.Ф. Тенищева                                                                     — КиберПедия 

Типы сооружений для обработки осадков: Септиками называются сооружения, в которых одновременно происходят осветление сточной жидкости...

Механическое удерживание земляных масс: Механическое удерживание земляных масс на склоне обеспечивают контрфорсными сооружениями различных конструкций...

Д.п.н., проф. В.Ф. Тенищева                                                                    

2020-10-20 298
Д.п.н., проф. В.Ф. Тенищева                                                                     0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Протокол № 1 от «31» августа 2016 г.

Test № 2

№№ вопроса Содержание вопроса ответ
1 We usually … English at the lesson. a) is been speaking     b) has spoken     c) speak c
2 My sister … music and literature. a) is liking     b) likes     c) like b
3 If a radio-officer comes, I’ll call you. a) Если радист позовет, то я приду. b) Если радист скажет, я напишу. c) Если радист придёт, я позову тебя. c
4 I … London in 2005. a) will visit     b) visited     c) visit b
5 My friend … me to see a new ship yesterday … was very glad. a) invites, we     b) invited, I     c) is inviting, I b
6 Next week we … in that port. a) will arrive     b) come     c) arrived a
7 The second engineer … the main engine yesterday. a) overhauls     b) was been overhauled     c) overhauled c
8 Master is in the cabin now. He … with the agent. a) was working     b) is working     c) work b
9 They … the cargo yesterday, because it was raining heavily. a) were loaded     b) do not load      c) did not load c
10 He … breakfast with … friend now. a) has, her     b) is having, his      c) had, his b
11 Choose the right variant: a) Are you like to play chess? b) Did you liked to play chess? c) Do you like to play chess? c
12 He … the hull now. a) was painting     b) painted     c) is painting c
13 When Magellan approached the land, sailors … happy. a) was     b) are     c) were c
14 He … on board a container ship. a) sails     b) has been sailed     c) will visit a
15 If the weather is fine, we … ashore. a) will go     b) would go     c) were going a
16 This equipment … modern last year. a) is     b) am     c) was c
17 They usually … to the swimming pool after classes. a) are going     b) goes     c) go c
18 When the Master entered the radio-room, I … a weather report. a) was receiving     b) has was received          c) will be receiving a
19 We often … to many foreign countries. a) sail     b) sailed     c) were being sailed a
20 What … now, Michael? a) are you doing;              c) do you do;     b) did you do;                   d) were you doing. a



«ГМУ имени адмирала Ф.Ф. Ушакова»

Специальность: Судовождение

Дисциплина:  Иностранный язык (I семестр)

Кафедра:         Иностранных языков

Проверка следующих компетенций: ОК-2, ОК-6, ОК-7, ОК-9, ПК-1, Т. А-II/1, А-II/2


I. Do the test № 3 on the knowledge of grammar rules and new vocabulary (ОК -2, ОК -6, ПК -1, Т. А - II /1, А - II /2).

II. Study the given text and tell where S.O. Makarov sailed after he graduated from Naval school (ОК -2, ОК -6, ОК -7, ПК -1, Т. А - II /1, А - II /2).


ADMIRAL S.O.MAKAROV (1848 - 1904).

Admiral Makarov was born on the 28th of December, 1848 in the family of a naval officer. From his father Makarov inherited his love for the sea and at the age of ten he entered the Naval school in Nikolaevsk - on - Amur. During the time he spent at this school Makarov had training practice on board eleven different vessels. While sailing on board the cruiser “Bogatyr”, he mastered the English language and even translated a book from English into Russia.

In the summer of 1869 he served in the armoured ship the “Rusalka” which ran aground while cruising in the Finnish skerries. Later on, having analyzed the causes of the shipwreck, Makarov came to the conclusion that it was necessary to study the question of the unsinkability of ship and he worked hard at this problem...

From 1886 to 1889 Makarov was making his famous round - the - world voyage on board the corvette “Vitiaz”. When sailing in the Pacific, Makarov made most valuable hydrological observations which later on were used by him in his book called “The ‘Vitiaz’ and the Pacific”. Admiral Makarov was the first who proposed the construction of the ship that could sail in the ice field of the Arctic. Thus, the famous ice - breaker “Yermak” was built according to Makarov’s design. Foreseeing the unlimited possibilities of wireless communication on board the ship, Makarov systematically assisted A.S.Popov in his work. It is interesting to note that the ice - breaker “Yermak” was the first in the Russia merchant fleet with radio equipment on board.


III. Report the following topic and be ready to answer the questions: Types of vessels (ОК - 6, ОК - 9).

IV. Read back orders in emergency situations (ОК -2, ПК -12, Т. А -II/1, А -II/2).

Включите сигнал тревоги.  
Человек за бортом! Сбросить спасательный круг!  
Наденьте спасательный жилет!  
Проследуйте к месту сбора немедленно!  
Приготовьте двигатели в полную готовность и проинформируйте машинное отделение.  
Возьмите огнетушитель!  
Потушите огонь!  
Не пытайтесь потушить огонь!  
Установите двоих впередсмотрящих!  
Спустите спасательные шлюпки!  
Приготовьтесь покинуть судно!  


V. With a partner, make your own conversation about weather conditions using navigational prowords and act it out (ОК -6).

________________________________________                          ________________________________

Начальник кафедры «Иностранных языков»                                      Экзаменатор

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