Describe two skills that are necessary for achieving good results in work or studies. You should say — КиберПедия 

История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...

Describe two skills that are necessary for achieving good results in work or studies. You should say

2020-08-20 128
Describe two skills that are necessary for achieving good results in work or studies. You should say 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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· what skills these are

· how hard it is to acquire them

· whether people around you have these skills

· and explain why they are so important for successful work/studies

7.6 Describe the proudest achievement in your life. You should say:

· what the achievement is

· how long ago you had this achievement

· why it is the most memorable achievement

· and explain why you will never forget it.

7.7 Describe a company or organization you would like to work for. You should say:

· what it specializes in

· what qualifications would be needed

· what responsibilities you might have

· and explain why you think it will be beneficial to work there.

7.8 Describe a small business you want to have in the future. You should say:

· what it will be

· what you need for it

· where you will have this business

· and explain why you would like to do this business.


Unit 8 Mapping the world


A Nouns relating to places

(residential) area – (жилой) район

(business) district – район (бизнеса)

(magnificent) location – (великолепное) расположение

(safe) neighbourhood – (безопасное) соседство

(beautiful) place – (красивое) место

(northern) region – (северный) регион

(beautiful/spectacular) setting – (красивая / захватывающая) обстановка

(derelict) site – (заброшенное) место

(open) space – (открытое) пространство

(tourist hot) spot – (туристическая горячая) точка

(pedestrian) zone – (пешеходная) зона

Adjectives and nouns

B Useful expressions for describing places

covered with... – покрыты чем-либо

fed by... – питается чем-либо

full of... – полон чего-то

located near... – находится рядом с

overlooking... – с видом на

surrounded by... – окруженный чем-либо

stretching into the distance – протяженный в пространстве

with... – с

C Verbs relating to changes in maps

chop trees down/down trees – рубить деревья

convert... into... – преобразовывать в

create a... – создавать

demolish – сносить

give way to... – уступать дорогу

knock... down/down... – сбить что-то вниз

make way for... – освободить место для

pull... down/down... – тянуть вниз

replace... with... – заменить

... take (their) place – занять место

(tear... down/down...) – снести что-то вниз

(completely) transform – (полностью) преобразовать

turn... into... – превратить что-то в …

Verbs and nouns

build - building – строить - строение

change - change – изменять - изменение

construct - construction – строить, сооружать - сооружение

develop - development – развивать - развитие

expand - expansion – расширять - расширение

extend - extension – распространяться - распространение

transform - transformation – видоизменять - видоизменение

D Location

Location phrases

North, in the north of..., north of..., to the north of... – Север, на севере от..., севернее..., к северу от...

South, in the south of..., south of..., to the south of... – Юг, на юге от…, южнее…, на юг от…

East, in the east of..., east of..., to the east of... – Восток, на востоке от…, восточнее…, к востоку от…

West, in the west of..., west of..., to the west of... – Запад, на западе от…, западнее…, к западу от…

Verbs of location

there is... – это есть…

lies... – лежит

is situated... – расположен

is sited... – находится

is located... – расположен

stands... – стоит

runs/flows... – бежит/течёт

8.1 Describe any memorable historical place in your country. You should say:

· how people could get there

· what historical value this place has

· why it is memorable

· and explain what should be done to save this place for the future generations.

Describe a city area you live in. You should say

· where it is located

· what major facilities it has

· what it looks like

· and explain why you enjoy/do not like to live in this area

Describe a place you would like to live in. You should say

· what (kind of) place it would be

· what its main features would be like

· how you would spend your time there

· and explain why you would choose this particular place for your living

Describe a tourist hot spot in your country that visitors might enjoy. You should say

· what the place is called

· where the place is

· what the surroundings are like

· and say why visitors might enjoy going there.

Describe a neighbourhood you know that has changed. You should say

· where the neighbourhood is located

· when you first visited it

· what the neighbourhood looks like

· and explain how it has changed

8.6 Describe a city you have visited / Describe your favourite city. You should say:

· what is the name and where is it

· when you visited it.

· why did you like it

· what are the attractive places of this city

· and explain what influence did the city have on you.

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