Let your partner see whether key points identified by you are the same as those covered in the text. Let him agree or disagree with you. — КиберПедия 

Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...

Адаптации растений и животных к жизни в горах: Большое значение для жизни организмов в горах имеют степень расчленения, крутизна и экспозиционные различия склонов...

Let your partner see whether key points identified by you are the same as those covered in the text. Let him agree or disagree with you.

2020-08-20 112
Let your partner see whether key points identified by you are the same as those covered in the text. Let him agree or disagree with you. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Read and translate the following international words:













Mexico City





















2. Read and translate the following groups of words derived from a common root:


1. luxuriate — luxuriant — luxuriantly — luxury — luxurious — luxuriously

2. develop — developer — developed — development — develop­mental — developmental

3. accommodate — accommodation

4. client — clientele

5. picture — pictures — picturesque — picturesquely

6. travel — traveler — traveling



3. Read the text and translate it. While reading try and find answers to these questions:

1. What is a typical resort hotel?.

2. How did the clientele travel to luxury resort hotels in the late 1800s?

3. Why have Europe and Mexico become more accessible for American tourists?


       Resort hotels came of age with the advent of rail travel. Increasingly, City dwellers and others had the urge to vacation in locations they found appealing. Traveling to these often more-exotic locations became a part Of the pleasure experience. In the late 1800s, luxury resort hotels were developed to accommodate the clientele that the railways brought.

       Such hotels include the famous Greenbrier at White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, The Hotel del Coronado in Coronado (near San Diego), California, and the Homestead at Hot Springs, Virginia. In Canada, the Banff Springs Hotel and Chateau Lake Louise drew the rich and famous of the day to their picturesque locations in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

       The leisure and pleasure travelers of those days were drawn by resorrts, beaches, or spectacular mountain scenery. At first, many of these grand resorts were seasonal. However, as automobile and air travel made even the remote resorts more accessible and an increasing number of people could afford to visit, many resorts became year-round properties.

Resort communities sprang up in the sunshine belt from Palm Springs to Palm Beach. Some resorts focused on major sporting activities Rich as skiing, golf, or fishing; others offered family vacations. Further Improvements in both air and automobile travel brought exotic locations Within the reach of the population. Europe, the Caribbean, and Mexico became more accessible. As the years passed, some of the resorts suffered because the public's vacation plans changed.

       The traditional family month-long resort vacation gave way to shorter, more frequent getaways of four to seven days. The regular resort Visitors became older; in general, the younger guests preferred the mobil­ity of the automobile and the more informal atmosphere provided by the newer and more informal resorts.

       In order to survive, the resort hotels became more astute in marketing to different types of guests. For example, some resorts allow no chil­dren in the high season because they would interfere with the quiet ambiance for guests who do not want the noise of children. Other resort hotels |0 out of their way to encourage families; Camp Hyatt is a prominent example. Hyatt hotels have organized a program consisting of a variety of activities for children, thereby giving the parents an opportunity to either enjoy some free tune on their own or join their children in some fun ac­tivities. Many resort hotels began to attract conventions, conferences, and meetings. This enabled them to maintain or increase occupancy, particu­larly during the low and shoulder seasons [1, 96-97].

(to be continued)

Vocabulary notes

to come of age                                     появляться

urge                                          стремление

to accommodate                      принимать, поселять, размещать

to vacation                               отдыхать, брать отпуск

clientele                                    клиентура

picturesque                              живописный

leisure                                       досуг, свободное время

pleasure                                  удовольствие, времяпрепровождение

scenery                                         пейзаж;


to afford (smth.) (to do smth.)                   позволить себе (что-либо) в материальном плане, напр.,                                                            купить что-либо Ср.: I can’t afford (to buy) this luxury car.  —                                          Я не могу себе позволить (купить) эту роскошную машину.                                                  [Она мне не по карману.]

astute                                            зд. быстро ориентирующийся в ситуации (напр., рыночной)                                        и к ней

year - round                                   круглогодичный

sunshine belt                                 регион, где постоянно тепло и солнечно; доел, «солнечный                                                        пояс»

to go out of one ' s way                              делать все возможное (для достижения чего-либо)

(to do smth.)

to bring (smth.) within the            сделать (что - либо) доступным (для

reach of (smb.)                                         кого - либо)

Palm Springs                                 Палм Спрингс, Палм Бич (всемирно из­вестные

Palm Beach                                   дорогие курорты в США)

getaway                                        зд. поездка куда-либо на отдых (далеко от места своего                                                  постоянного проживания)

to suffer                                        зд. пострадать материально; понести убытки

ambiance                                      окружение; обстановка, среда

thereby                                        тем самым; таким образом

fishing                                                       рыбная ловля

fun activities                                 веселое времяпрепровождение; развлечения, игры

occupancy                                     зд. заполняемость отеля (клиентурой)


low and shoulder season              несезонное время, мертвый сезон




Vocabulary focus

4. Match each word or phrase on the left with the correct equivalent on the right:


1) offer

2) frequent

3) resort

4) improvement

5) noise

6) prefer

7) different

8) visitor

9) city dweller

10) accessible


a) курорт

b) доступный

c) частый

d) горожанин

e) посетитель

f) улучшение

g) предложение

h) предпочитать

i) различный

j) шум

B. Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the right:

1) clientele                       a) interesting or exciting because of being unusual or not familiar

2) exotic                          b)a young person from the time they are born un­til they are about 14                                                           years old

3) appealing                     c) one of the twelve periods a year is divided into

4) opportunity             d) attractive and interesting

5) beach                           e) a chance to do something, or a situation in

                                                      which it is easy for you to do something

6) population               f) ashore of a sea or lake covered by sand or small


7) child                            g) customers of a shop, hotel, restaurant, etc con­sidered as a group

8) month                          h) the number of people living in a particular coun­try or area

9) parents                         i) one of the four parts of the year — winter, spring, summer, and                                                            autumn

10) season                         j) a period of time when you do not go to work, school, or institute, but                                        have a rest or go somewhere

11) vacation                       k) father and mother of a person [7], [8]


 6. Match the synonyms:

1) clientele                         a) scenery

2) landscape                      b) customer

3) informal                        c) familiar

4) well-known                               d) unofficial

5) visitor                            e) holiday

6) leisure                            f) like

7) vacation                         g) free time

8) enjoy                             h) guest


7. Match the antonyms:

1) guest

2) place

3) poor

4) work

5) enjoy

6) young

7) take

8) appealing

9) famous

10) increase

11) general

a) give

b) unknown

c) dislike

d) repulsive

e) decrease

f) specific

g) host

h) leisure

i) old

j) location

k) rich



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