Should it be compulsory to learn a foregn language at school? — КиберПедия 

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Should it be compulsory to learn a foregn language at school?

2020-07-07 150
Should it be compulsory to learn a foregn language at school? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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       Did you know that there are about seven thousand languages in the world? In view of this, many people believe that all school pupils should be made to learn at least one foreign language. Others, however, argue that there are possible disadvantages to this notion.


       There are many reasons why forcing students to learn a language is a good idea. To start with, it could improve their future job prospects as more and more businesses these days work closely with clients in other countries. In addition, being able to communicate with people in their own language is extremely rewarding while travelling. Not only does it avoid confusion, but also shows respect and helps in understanding other cultures. Lastly, studies have shown that learning languages can improve pupils’ critical skills, and therefore help them in other subjects such as Maths.


       On the other hand, some believe that there are some disadvantages to making learning a foreign language compulsory. To start with, it is argued that many pupils should improve their reading and writing skills in their own language first instead of spending time learning another language that they may never use. Not all jobs, after all, require knowledge of a foreign language. In addition, some pupils may be put off learning a language for life if they do not enjoy learning the one taught at school.


       Taking everything into consideration, I believe that while there are some disadvantages to being made to learn a language, the advantages for both individuals and society can not be ignored. After all, as the Italian film director, Federico Fellini, said,”A different language is a different vision of life”.


Новые слова и словосочетания к тексту:


however (однако) - to introduce contrasting points (ввести контрастные точки зрения)

tо start with (для начала) - to introduce points (представить точки зрения)

in addition (в дополнение) - to add more points (добавить еще точки зрения)

lastly (наконец) - to add more points (добавить еще точки зрения)

such as (такие как) - to introduce examples (представить примеры)

on the other hand (с другой стороны) - to introduce contrasting points (представить контрастные точки зрения)

taking everything into consideration (принимая всё во внимание) - to conclude (заключить)


argue (v) - спорить

argument (n) - аргумент

client (n) - клиент

compulsory (adj) - принудительный, обязательный

curiosity (n) - любознательность, любопытство

deserve (v) - заслуживать

excite (v) - волновать

frustrating (adj) - разочаровывающий

intrusion (n) - вторжение, появление без приглашения

proposal -  предложение

prospect (n) - перспектива, возможность

proverb (n) - пословица, притча

rewarding (adj) - стоящий, полезный

source (n) - источник

vision (n) - видение, восприятие

Phrasal verbs

expose sb to sth (phr v) знакомить кого-либо с кем-либо


in view of (phr) принимая во внимание, имея в виду

Тест № 1. Выполните тест письменно.

1) Did you know that there are about seven thousand languages in the world? In view of this, many people believe that all school pupils should be made to learn …

a) at least one foreign language

b) skills

2) There are many reasons why forcing students to learn a language is a good idea. To start with, it could improve their future job prospects as more and more businesses …

a) these days work closely with clients in other countries

b) on the other hand

3) On the other hand, some believe that there are some disadvantages to making learning a foreign language

a) compulsory

b) dog

4) In addition, some pupils may be put off learning a language for life if they do not enjoy learning the one taught …

a) at school

b) cats

5) Taking everything into consideration, I believe that while there are some disadvantages to being made to learn a language, the advantages for both individuals and society can not be ignored. After all, as the Italian film director, Federico Fellini, said,” … ”.

a) ”A different language is a different vision of life”

b) skills


Урок № 54

Тема урока «Газеты и СМИ»

Задание 2. Выучите новые слова, переведите текст. Перевод текста устно.


Новые слова и выражения:

article - статья

association - ассоциация

blazing row - весомый аргумент

broadsheet - широкополосная газета

coverage - репортаж, освещение события, трансляция

covering - оболочка, покрытие

depressing- угнетенный, унылый

development - развитие, рост

exclusive - эксклюзивный, единственный в своем роде

feature - передовица

fiction - вымысел

first - первый

front - лицевая сторона

gutter press - желтая пресса

heading - заглавие, заголовок, рубрика

headline - газетный заголовок, шапка

interrupt - вмешаться, прекращать

kid - дразнить, подшучивать, шутить

live - в прямом эфире

media - средства массовой информации (телевидение, радио, Интернет)

nervous breakdown - нервный срыв, нервное расстройство

newsagent - газетный киоск; магазин, продающий печатные издания

news bulletin - сводка новостей

news flash - экстренное информационное сообщение

press - пресса

rival - конкурент, соперник

sack - увольнять с работы

scan - внимательно рассматривать, изучать

scandal - скандальное происшествие

shameful - позорный

survey - опрос, обозрение, инспектирование

tabloid - малоформатная газета (печатающая в основном сенсационный материал и уделяющая очень мало места текущим политическим событиям)

unfold - развертывать

update -свежие новости

Phrasal verbs

come out - выходить, становиться доступным

talk back - возражать, дерзить, огрызаться


actions speak louder than words -поступок говорит сам за себя, больше дела — меньше слов

hit the headlines - попасть в заголовки

run a story - помещать рассказ, печатать рассказ

speak of the devil - легок на помине

speak the same language - говорить на одном языке, понимать друг друга с полуслова

speak with a forked tongue - говорить одно, а думать другое

speak one’s mind - высказывать свою точку зрения

sweet talk sb - делать комплименты, умасливать

take sth with a pinch of salt - относиться к чему-либо с недоверием, скептически


Вы должны прочитать высказывания пяти человек, они говорят о просмотре новостей по телевизору. Пронумеруйте следующие утверждения в том порядке, в котором вы слышите их. Существует одно лишнее утверждение, которое вам не нужно использовать.

A. They don't tell you the whole truth.

B. I just listen to the headlines.

C. I find it depressing

D. I keep informed in other ways.

E. The news doesn't interest me.

F. It's important to know what's going on in the world


Speaker 1: To be honest, I don’t really enjoy watching the news. All those wars, disasters just get me down and after a hard day at work, that’s something I don’t want. Okay, I watch the bulletins like everyone else but why don’t they report something happy for a change, something to brighten our mood?


Speaker 2: No, I always switch over. These things happen so far away and anything that does affect me, well, I’ll know about it soon enough. I don’t need to be warned in advance. I want entertainment on the television not information; If I want information, I’ll read a newspaper.

Speaker 3: Well, yes, but only the first few minutes. If I know it’s about to start, I’ll switch on. It’s all you need to know really. I mean who needs to know all the details? We fool ourselves that we’re informed but we never really get the complete picture. And anyway, I only have so much time in the day and there’s so much to get done at home.


Speaker 4: 1 watch it every night and sometimes in the morning. It’s interesting to see how a story changes over the course of a single day. Information leaks out and at the end we’re probably none the wiser. They tell us just enough but that doesn’t cover it for me. Listen to what they’re not telling us is what I always say!


Speaker 5: Well, I believe that it’s a sign of an educated mind to be - and want to be - informed. Society is not just me, my family and the people in my neighbourhood. What goes on out there has a very real impact on me and I’d be a fool to think it didn’t. If you don’t follow the events, you’re bound to get left behind!


Диалог № 2.

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