Работаем в приложении Discord , ВК. — КиберПедия 

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Работаем в приложении Discord , ВК.

2020-07-07 136
Работаем в приложении Discord , ВК. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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В Discord будем разбирать и тренировать только грамматику (раздел 2)

Read the dialogues and fill in the chart.

  Dialogue №
The customer forgot to buy an important item.  
The customer didn’t like the assortment.  
The customer forgot something at home.  
The customer is trying to bargain with the seller.  
The customer went to a competitor’s shop.  


A. The customer forgot to buy an important item.

B. The customer forgot to buy an important item.

C. The customer forgot something at home.

D. The customer is trying to bargain with the seller.

E. The customer went to a competitor’s shop.

Dialogue 1

Shop assistant: We are having a summer sale. Everything is 50% off the normal price.

Customer: Really? Everything?

Shop assistant: Yes. Everything is on sale, including jeans, sandals and belts. All the summer shirts are on sale, too.

Customer: I need some new glasses. I lost mine when I went to the beach this summer. Oh, these are really nice. What is the price of these? There is no price tag on them.

Shop assistant: Well, sir, there’s no price tag on those sunglasses because they are mine!

Customer: Really? I would like to get a pair of sunglasses just like these. Where did you get them?

Shop assistant: Actually, I got them for?15 at a Quicksilver store.

Customer: There is a Quicksilver store in this mall, isn’t there?

Shop assistant: Yes, but let me show you the ones we have on sale.

Customer: No, thanks. I think I’ll just go to buy the ones that look like your super glasses!


Dialogue 2

Tom: How about chicken for dinner tonight?

Kate: Sounds good. Do you have the shopping list?

Tom: No, I don’t.

Kate: I don’t either. It’s probably at home on the kitchen counter.

Tom: Great! Do you have any idea what we need?

Kate: Well, the chicken and something to serve on the side.

Tom: How about vegetables and rice?

Kate: Fine. I’ll get some carrots and a package of rice.

Tom: I think we’re out of milk. I’ll get some.

Kate: Oh. And let’s get some eggs for tomorrow morning.

A few minutes later.

Cashier: Your total is?23.83. Would you like to pay by cash or by credit card?

Kate: Cash, please. Here you go.

Cashier: Out of?30.00.?6.17 is your change.

Tom: Oh, no!

Kate: What?

Tom: The chicken!


Dialogue 3

Customer: I am really interested in buying this TV.
Shop assistant: That's great!
Customer: How much are you selling it for?
Shop assistant: This TV is?2500.
Customer: You can't be serious.
Shop assistant: That's how much this TV costs.
Customer: That's too expensive for me.
Shop assistant: This television is of very high quality.
Customer: Can't you go down on the price?

Shop assistant: By how much?
Customer: I'll buy it for?2000.
Shop assistant: I'm sorry, but the price is final.


Fill in the gaps. Buying business clothes

a) for

b) credit card

c) may/could/can

d) measurements

e) pay

f) size

g) on

h) colour

i) changing room

j) try

k) looking

Store clerk: Hello, _____ I help you find anything?​
Customer: Yes, I'm looking _____ a blouse and some matching trousers.

Store clerk: Great. What _____ would you like?
Customer: I'm _____ for a white blouse and black trousers. They're for an important job interview.

Store clerk: Okay. Please follow me to the business clothes section.
Customer: Thanks for your help.

Store clerk: It's my pleasure. Do you see anything you like?​
Customer: Yes, that blouse looks nice.

Store clerk: What _____ are you?​
Customer: I'm a small. Now, let's take a look at the pants.

Store clerk: These are nice. Would you like to _____ them on?
Customer: Do you have anything else?

Store clerk: Yes, we also have these trousers.
Customer: I like those, I'll try those _____.

Store clerk: What are your _____?
Customer: I have a 26" waist and 32" inseam.

Store clerk: Here's a pair. Would you like to try them on?
Customer: Yes, where's the _____?

Store clerk: You can try them on over there.
Customer: Thank you. (tries the clothing on, walks out of the changing room to show the store clerk) What do you think?

Store clerk: You look fantastic! I'm sure you'll get that job!
Customer: Thanks! I'll take them.

Store clerk: Would you like to _____ by cash or by credit card?
Customer: _____, please. Here's my visa card.

Store clerk: Thank you. That will be $145.


Shopping expressions

1. Can I help you? 2. Can I try it on? 3. Where are the changing rooms? 4. Does it fit OK? 5. Do you think it goes with these jeans? 6. How much is it? 7. It’ll take it. 8. Can I pay by credit card?    


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