Identifying aspects of culture — КиберПедия 

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Identifying aspects of culture

2020-05-07 208
Identifying aspects of culture 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The model of iceberg

What are the kinds of things that lie above or below the surface? Take a look at

these sample items and place them on the iceberg, the more visible elements going above the water line and the less visible below.

____ clothing ____ methods of worship ____ rules of politeness

____ views on equality ____ time management ____ relationship with nature

____ religious beliefs ____ tipping customs ____ attitude toward sexuality

____ personal distance ____ gestures ____ degree of eye contact

Reflection questions:

 Did you place some items both above and below? If so, why?

 Were some items difficult to place?

 Where, for example, did you place method of worship? If you don’t have any

visible signs of worship (like going to a public place of worship), what does that

mean? Would someone come to learn about your own religious beliefs?

 Most would place «views on equality» in the deep aspects of culture. What

might be visible signs that you are a feminist or support gender equality among men and women? Are there signs in the way you dress? Speak? What visible signs are there about equality among social classes?


Культурный шок

Задание 9.

Read the text and define stages of culture shock:

Anthropologist Kalervo Oberg (1960), who first used the term culture shock,

notes that it occurs in stages. At the first stage, the honeymoon, there is fascination, even enchantment, with the new culture and its people. You finally have your own apartment. You are your own boss. Finally, on your own! When in groups of people who are culturally different, this stage is characterized by cordiality and friendship among these early and superficial relationships. Many tourists remain at this stage because their stay in foreign countries is so brief. At stage two, the crisis stage, the differences between your culture and the new one create problems. Feelings of frustration and inadequacy come to the fore. This is the stage at which you experience the actual shock of the new culture. In one study of foreign students coming from over 100 different countries and studying in 11 different countries, it was found that 25% of the students experienced depression (Klineberg & Hull, 1979). During the third period, the recovery, you gain the skills necessary to function effectively. You learn how to shop, you find a local laundry. You learn the language and ways of the new culture. Your feelings of inadequacy subside. At the final stage, the adjustment, you adjust to and come to enjoy the new culture and the new experiences. You may still experience periodic difficulties and strains, but on the whole, the experience is pleasant. Time spent in a foreign country is not sufficient for the development of positive attitudes; in fact, the development of negative attitudes is often found. Rather, friendships with nationals are crucial for satisfaction with the new culture. Contacts only with other expatriates or sojourners are not sufficient. People may also experience culture shock when they return to their original culture after living in a foreign culture, a kind of reverse culture shock (Jandt, 1995). However, the recovery period is shorter and the sense of inadequacy and frustration is less.

Особенности невербальной коммуникации


Невербальное поведение является неотъемлемой частью любого коммуникативного акта. Один и тот же жест может иметь иное, иногда прямо противоположное значение в другой культуре. Правила невербального поведения, как правило, не оглашаются, а их нарушение часто влечет более серьезные последствия, нежели недостаточно высокий уровень языковой компетенции.

Задание 10.

Знаете ли вы значения жестов разных культур? Выберите один из предложенных вариантов. Сравните свои ответы с ключом. Приведите примеры жестов, значение которых зависит от культуры, в которой они используются. [3]

Слушая вас, индиец совершает движение головой похожее на цифру 8. Это означает, что он

a. Несогласен с вами

b. Хочет прекратить разговор

c. Внимательно вас слушает

Как следует указывать в Китае?

a. Рукой, сложенной в кулак.

b. Ладонью.

c. Большим пальцем.

Ели араб соединяет кончики всех пальцев и покачивает рукой вверх и вниз, это значит

a. Успокойтесь.

b. Я жду.

c. Поторопитесь.

Если в Великобритании вы хотите показать жест, известный как «победа/victory», ваша ладонь должна быть направлена

a. на вас

b. на собеседника

c. в сторону

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