III. Translate into Russian words formed from the verbs to collect - « собирать », to converge — « сходиться ( сводить ) в одну точку », to secure - « обеспечивать , гарантировать » — КиберПедия 

Механическое удерживание земляных масс: Механическое удерживание земляных масс на склоне обеспечивают контрфорсными сооружениями различных конструкций...

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III. Translate into Russian words formed from the verbs to collect - « собирать », to converge — « сходиться ( сводить ) в одну точку », to secure - « обеспечивать , гарантировать »

2020-05-07 356
III. Translate into Russian words formed from the verbs to collect - « собирать », to converge — « сходиться ( сводить ) в одну точку », to secure - « обеспечивать , гарантировать » 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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to collect - collector, collection, collective, collectivity

to converge - convergence, convergent, converging

to secure - security, securely

IV. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Our bank cooperates with a lot of foreign banks to provide good service in the field of Eat-West trade.

2. The law limits individual shareholdings to 25 per cent.

3. The Parliament is about to pass a new banking bill to bring in line the banking sector with the needs of the national economy.

Вариант 5

I. Translate from English into Russian

Please, refer to our telex of 8th June and confirm the payment

Please, quote our reference DPI in your replies.

Please, note the name and the number of the account of the beneficiary.

Please, credit our account with the above sum.

At the beneficiary’s request, please return all the documents you are now holding.

We are enclosing our debit advice with this letter.

We are advising you of the following name of the payer and the number of his account.

With reference to your telex of 9th August we inform you of the following…

With reference to your cable of 10th September we are enclosing our outstanding bill No 3.

Please, note that all your outstanding bills are being carefully checked/

With reference to your telex of 7th October we are enclosing our payment order.

We inform you that your payment instructions are being carefully studied.

II. Сгруппируйте однокоренные слова и запишите их эквиваленты:

Reply, reference, to pay, advice, payer, to advise, to refer, payment, to reply, credit, to credit

III. Translate into Russian words formed from the verbs to move - «двигать (ся)», to use - «использовать», to sign - «значить, подписывать»:

to sign - a sign, signature, to signify, significant

to move - to remove, movable, removable, immovable

to use - user, usage, use

IV. Одно слово в каждом ряду отличается от остальных. Найдите и подчеркните его:

1. e-mail letter message telephone

2. to advise to ask to inform to say

3. beneficiary client customer partner

4. company concern office organization

5. banking insurance manufacturing tourism

Вариант 6

I. Translate from English into Russian

Royal Insurance Holdings plc, London, subsidiary of Royal Insurance International (RII) is looking at the possibility of investing in a new insurer in partnership with Expobank. This project may develop into one of the first joint ventures in the insurance market of the country and the first foray by a UK insurer into Eastern and Central Europe. The investment is subject to a joint feasibility study as well as Royal’s board approval.

The joint venture may involve some 31 percent participation by Royal, with remainder by Expobank. The partners intend to split the capital into pounds sterling and euros. RII is planning to make its contribution partly in computers and hardware and partly in the capital currency.

Part of the feasibility study involves seeking premises in of the country, recruiting and training staff.

In the future the opening of a branch in the north of the country is anticipated followed by others in major industrial centres.

II. Найдите в тексте однокоренные слова к следующим словам:



to insure………………………………….

to invest…………………………………..

to approve…………………………………

to participate……………………………

to contribute…………………………..





III. Translate into Russian words formed from the verbs to protect - «защищать», to comply - «подчиняться, уступать». to intend - «намереваться»:

to protect - protection, protective, protectionism, protector, protectorate

to comply - compliance, compliant

to intend - intention, intentional, intently

IV. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих фраз:

изучать возможность (чего-либо)…………………………..

подлежать одобрению правления компании……………..

разбить капитал на части…………………………………..

набрать и подготовить штат сотрудников………………..

внести свой вклад………………………………………….

предполагать открытие отделения в … …………………..

вслед за которыми последуют другие……………………..

с участием……………………………………………………

Контрольное задание № 2

Вариант 1

I. Translate into Russian

As from the beginning of the year the Czech-UK concern, Walter Deritend will start producing equipment for aviation and energy projects. Participating in the joint venture are the British company, Triplex Lloyd International, and the Czech concern, Motolet AG, which specializes in the manufacture of aircraft engines.

The Czech partner is contributing premises and staff. The British company will contribute primarily high value technology, know-how and marketing services. The partners intend to sell 70 per cent of the production for convertible currency.

II. Отметьте какие из утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (T), а какие -нет (F):

1. The Czech-UK concern will specialize in the production of aircraft engines.

2. The Czech partner is contributing premises and technology.

3. The British partner intends to contribute know-how and marketing services.

4. The joint-venture is planning to sell its goods in foreign countries.


III. Make new parts of speech from the verbs:

To use to participate

to prevent to recruit

to express to develop

to establish to contribute

IV. Translate from English into Russian:

1. We are looking at the possibility of setting up a new subsidiary in Bulgaria.

2. Investing in this project may be a risky deal.

3. We are interested in making our contribution partly goods and partly in currency.

4. Before opening a branch in St.Petersburg we are planning to train the new staff in London.

5. It may be our first participation in a joint venture in Russia.

Вариант 2

I. Употребите глаголы в Present Simple или Present Progressive:

Matt: (1) …………(you/look) for someone?

Jane: Yes, I (2)…………….. (need) to speak to Andrew Bond, but he isn’t in the office. (3)…………… (you/know) where he is?

Matt: Oh, I’m sorry, he (4)…………… (be/not) here today. He (5)……………….(work) at home trying to finish an urgent report. I (6)…………………. (think) he’ll be back at his desk tomorrow. Perhaps I can help you?

Jane: Oh, thanks. I (7)………………….(work) for Prichard Evans. Andrew called us last week and asked to give him some information on our service. Um, I (8)…………………(have) a list of suggestions with me.

Matt: Well, that sounds great. I (9)……………….(be) sure Andrew will be really interested to see this. I’ll tell him to give you a ring tomorrow. What’s the best time to call?

Jane: I (10)………………… (not/work) in the office in the morning. Any time after two. Or he can call my mobile, on 931 765 33 92

II. Подберите к русским словосочетаниям соответствующие английские эквиваленты:

1. выписка по вашему счету………………….a. payment order

2. неоплаченные счета……………………….. b.to study payment instructions carefully

3. платежное поручение………………………c. incoming documents

4. быть ответственным за……………………..d.with reference to the letter

5. входящие документы……………………….e. to confirm payment

6. исходящие письма…………………………. f. outstanding bill

7. подтвердить платеж……………………….. g. statement of your account

8. внимательно изучить платежные

инструкции………………………………… h. at the beneficiary’s request

9. по просьбе бенефициара……………………i. to be responsible for

10.со ссылкой на письмо………………………j. outgoing letters

III. Закончите предложения, выбрав подходящую фразу из задания II:

1. My assistant is checking the ………………. and …………………… letters and documents.

2. I recommend you to ………………… before making payment.

3. I ……………………. recruiting and training staff.

4. I am sending a …………………… for previous month.

IV. Make new parts of speech from the verbs:

To hold to develop

To insure to recruit

To intend to income

To produce to operate

To pay to respond

Контрольное задание № 3

Вариант 1

I. Read and translate the text:

Yesterday I had a lot of work to do in my office. I checked a few payment documents, filled in several standard forms, studied two or three contracts. When I worked with the contracts I paid special attention to the terms of delivery, terms of payment, prices, and currencies. On the basis of those contracts I sent detailed payment instructions to the banks to make payments.

In the evening I had an English lesson. We read and translated a few texts, and wrote a dictation. I learned a lot of new English words at the lesson.

As far as I know the English language has a vocabulary of 200,000 words. English is generally regarded as the second richest of the world’s languages after the Chinese language.

II. Найдите в тексте и запишите эквиваленты следующих русских слов и словосочетаний:

1. платежные документы

2. стандартные бланки

3. контракт

4. условия поставки

5.условия платежа

6. цены

III. Выпишите предложения из текста, соответствующие следующим русским предложениям:

1. Когда я работал с контрактами, я обращал особое внимание на условия поставки, условия платежа, цены, валюту.

2. На основании этих контрактов я послал в банки подробные платежные инструкции для осуществления платежа.

3. На уроке я выучил много новых английских слов.

4. Насколько мне известно, словарь английского языка насчитывает около 200 000 слов.

5. Английский язык считается вторым после китайского самым богатым языком в мире.



IV. Составьте предложения и запишите их:

1. I studied two or three contracts a. to read and translate letters from foreign


2. Some of my colleagues learned English b. to make payments.

3. I checked a few payment documents c. to know the terms of payment and delivery.

Вариант 2

  1. Translate from English into Russian:

Yesterday Ann had a lot of work to do in her office. In the morning she studied several contracts to know the terms of payment and currencies. On the basis of contracts she sent payment instructions to different foreign banks to make payments. After lunch she filled in a few standard forms and sent them to some banks. Then she wrote a few letters to the bank’s beneficiaries. In one of the letters she informed the beneficiary of the name and address of the payer. In the second letter Ann confirmed some payments. In the third letter she acknowledged receipt of a debit advice.

In the evening Ann had an English lesson. She read and translated a new text, wrote a dictation and learned a few new words of the Lesson.

II. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу глаголами, употребив их в форме Past Simple Tense:

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