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На фипи стр.1 № 5

Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа. Занесите Ваши ответы в таблицу.

What is the favourite sports entertainment on Thanksgiving Day in the USA?

What happens to the turkeys which are chosen by the President?

Why was it decided to celebrate Thanksgiving at the end of November?

How can people make the house ready for the autumn holiday?

Why did the turkey become the main dish for the Thanksgiving dinner?

What is the day after Thanksgiving known for?

Why is Thanksgiving celebrated on different dates in different countries?

A. The people of Canada celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday of October every year. It is celebrated to thank God for the past harvest and pray for the coming year. The United States, however, celebrates Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November every year. The reason behind the difference is geographical: autumn starts earlier in Canada than in the USA.

B. Thanksgiving is the right time to decorate homes. You can add some autumn-colored pillows to the sofa, light a candle and arrange some yellow or orange flowers in a vase. Special message boards have become very popular recently. As guests arrive for Thanksgiving, let them write what they are thankful for on a paper leaf and pin it up on the board. Paper leaves can be cut from scrapbooks and painted in autumn colours.

C. Lots of Americans cannot imagine Thanksgiving afternoon without watching TV. This tradition began in 1934. The reason was a great match between two football teams – the Detroit Lions and the Chicago Bears. That game turned out to be really exciting. Since that time, matches have been held every year (except the years of World War II) on Thanksgiving Day and have become very popular.

D. Once, President Truman chose a turkey on Thanksgiving Day and sent it back to the farm. That happened in 1947. Since that time it has become a tradition. Nowadays the President selects two turkeys and frees them in front of a large crowd. Then the turkeys are sent to a farm house to let them live in peace.

E. Some people use Thanksgiving Day and the day after to visit their families or friends. Others use this day to go shopping. The Americans call the day after Thanksgiving ‘Black Friday’. It first got its name in 1960 in Philadelphia. Many people visited the city for shopping. It was overcrowded and the local people considered it a bad black day. Nowadays ‘Black Friday’ means the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

F. In 1863 Sara Hale, an editor and writer, wrote a letter to President Lincoln and advised him to proclaim a national day of Thanksgiving. She selected the last Thursday in November because, as she said, the harvests were finished, the elections were over and people were back from their summer vacations. She even suggested a list of dishes for the traditional holiday menu. President Lincoln liked her idea and declared a national holiday, Thanksgiving Day.

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На фипи стр.1 № 6

Вы проводите информационный поиск в ходе выполнения проектной работы. Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа. Занесите Ваши ответы в таблицу.

How did the valuable present from South Africa get to England?

What animal is the symbol of South Africa?

How many years can the African giant plant live?

Why is the flag of South Africa so colourful?

What measures do the authorities take to save endangered animals?

How many names has the country got?

Why was state power divided between three places?

A. The Republic of South Africa is a country located at the southern tip of Africa and is washed by the Atlantic and the Indian oceans. It is sometimes called the Rainbow Nation because there are so many different cultural traditions. The Rainbow Nation includes 38 million black South Africans, 5 million whites, 3.5 million people of mixed race and 1.5 million people of Asian origin. The colours of the rainbow can now be seen on the flag of the state.

B. Unlike most other countries around the world, South Africa has not one but three capital cities. More precisely, the government branches are divided among the major South African cities: Pretoria, Cape Town, and Bloemfontein. When creating the state, it was decided that if the government was in one place, that place could have more influence and political control.

C. The majority of the population can speak and understand English which is the language of business, politics and the media in South Africa. Most citizens know three or more languages. In total, there are eleven official languages in South Africa. So there are eleven official names for the country, one for each different language.

D. Today South Africa maintains its position as a major diamond producer. The largest diamond, Cullinan, was found in 1905. The Government decided to present the diamond to King Edward VII for his birthday. However, it was a problem to find a safe way to deliver such an expensive diamond to London. It was decided to place a fake diamond on a steamboat to attract those who would be interested in stealing it. The actual diamond was sent to England in a plain box via parcel post, though registered.

E. It is a sad truth but the population of African rhinos is getting smaller. Though using rhino horns for medicine has been illegal since 1993, this hasn’t stopped people killing this rare animal simply for the horn. To prevent rhino extinction, their horns are covered with a special toxin that does not harm the animal. But it is designed in such a way that any product (powder, tea or cream) that is made from the poisoned horn will taste bitter or will cause burns. It can also be seen in airport scanners.

F. Baobabs, the largest trees in the world, grow in South Africa. The baobab is called ‘The Tree of Life’. It provides food, water and shelter to people, animals and birds. All the parts of the baobab are used for different purposes. For example, its fruit, called ‘monkey bread’, is full of vitamin C. Baobabs live up to five thousand years and reach a trunk diameter of twenty-five meters!

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