Tell about managerial psychology — КиберПедия 

Поперечные профили набережных и береговой полосы: На городских территориях берегоукрепление проектируют с учетом технических и экономических требований, но особое значение придают эстетическим...

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Tell about managerial psychology

2020-04-01 387
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What’s an organization?

Organisations.A consciously co-ordinated social unit created by groups in society to achieve specific purposes, common aims and objectives by means of planned and co-ordinated activities.

All organisations have some function to perform. Organisations exist in order to achieve objectives and to provide satisfaction for their members. Organisations enable objectives to be achieved that could not be achieved by the efforts of individuals on their own. It must be remembered that organisations are structures of people. Through co-operative action, members of an organisation can provide a synergistic effect. Organisations are an integral part of society involving both public and private sectors.

The actual effectiveness of the organisation will be dependent upon the quality of its people, its objectives and structure, and the resources available to it. There are two broad categories of resources:

■ non-human – physical assets, materials and facilities;

 ■ human – members’ abilities and influence, and their management.

The interrelationship of people, objectives and structure, together with the efficient use of available non-human and human resources, will determine the success or failure of the organisation and the extent of its effectiveness.

A common classification of organisations is by their major purpose. This leads to a distinction between, for example:

■ business firms (economic organisations);

 ■ armies, trade unions and police forces (protective organisations);

 ■ clubs and societies (associative organisations);

 ■ local authorities and hospitals (public service organisations);

 ■ churches (religious organisations).

8. The basic idea of strategic design is …

The basic idea of strategic design is ―get people with the right knowledge and give them appropriate tasks to do and sufficient information to accomplish the organizational goals.

Strategic Design is about a process that takes a very holistic and multi-disciplinary approach to achieving design solutions. In other words, Strategic Design captures all aspects of a product’s requirements (consumer needs, marketing and business plans, design language, brand identity etc.) and then uses these requirements to influence the final design solution.

There are at least four factors that demonstrate the value of strategic design and these are:

1. it affects consumer behavior through motivation by creating a perceptual value;

2. it offers a way for firms to differentiate their products and services from the competition;

3. it creates meaning, by effectively making the customer understand the product and its value; and,

4. it can be used to manage risks by providing a structure that offers opportunities for collaboration, innovation and the creation of a mechanism to meaningfully address problems.[4]

Several renowned researchers and design practitioners have divided all strategic design activities into four parts. Let’s take a brief look at them;

· Setting objectives: Like all design practices, this kind of design also starts from envisioning an idea and inspiring the targeted audience. Of course the conception and implementation of this idea are decided with the future implications in mind.

· Configuring: This stage is all about simplifying the initial idea into understandable terms. Then you define your goals and structure your branding and corporate image around it.

· Orchestrating: This is the part where you actually articulate your strategy. When you translate your ideas and align them to fit your business goals, they start to become reality.

· Embedding: The last part is all about educating your targeted audience about your product. This is what your strategy has finally led you to.

Strategic design is actually the application of future-oriented plans and strategies to all manner of products, buildings and services.


What is good research?

Research Methods are the tools and techniques for doing research. Research is a term used liberally for any kind of investigation that is intended to uncover interesting or new facts. As with all activities, the rigour with which this activity is carried out will be reflected in the quality of the results. This book presents a basic review of the nature of research and the methods which are used to undertake a variety of investigations relevant to a wide range of subjects, such as the natural sciences, social science, social anthropology, psychology, politics, leisure studies and sport, hospitality, healthcare and nursing studies, the environment, business, education and the humanities. Just about every university course includes an element of research that students must carry out independently, in the form of projects, dissertations and theses, and the more advanced the degree, the greater the research content. In the workplace there is frequently a need to do research in order to develop or improve the business or service, while some types of businesses rely on doing research projects for their very existence. Research methods are a range of tools that are used for different types of enquiry, just as a variety of tools are used for doing different practical jobs, for example, a pick for breaking up the ground or a rake for clearing leaves. In all cases, it is necessary to know what the correct tools are for doing the job, and how to use them to best effect. This book provides you with the basic information about the tools used in research, the situations in which they are applied and indicates briefly how they are used by giving practical examples.

Research is a very general term for an activity that involves finding out, in a more or less systematic way, things you did not know. A more academic interpretation is that research involves finding out about things that no-one else knew either. It is about advancing the frontiers of knowledge. Research methods are the techniques you use to do research. They represent the tools of the trade, and provide you with ways to collect, sort and analyse information so that you can come to some conclusions. If you use the right sort of methods for your particular type of research, then you should be able to convince other people that your conclusions have some validity, and that the new knowledge you have created is soundly based.

So what can we use research to do in order to gain this new knowledge? Some of the ways it can be used one to:

· Categories. This involves forming a typology of objects, events or concepts, i.e. a set of names or ̳boxes‘ into which these can be sorted. This can be useful in explaining which ̳things‘ belong together and how.

· Describe. Descriptive research relies on observation as a means of collecting data. It attempts to examine situations in order to establish what is the norm, i.e. what can be predicted to happen again under the same circumstances.

· Explain. This is a descriptive type of research specifically designed to deal with complex issues. It aims to move beyond ̳just getting the facts‘ in order to make sense of the myriad other elements involved, such as human, political, social, cultural and contextual.

· Evaluate. This involves making judgements about the quality of objects or events. Quality can be measured either in an absolute sense or on a comparative basis. To be useful, the methods of evaluation must be relevant to the context and intentions of the research.

· Compare. Two or more contrasting cases can be examined to highlight differences and similarities between them, leading to a better understanding of phenomena.

· Correlate. The relationships between two phenomena are investigated to see whether and how they influence each other. relationship might be just a loose link at one extreme or a direct link when one phenomenon causes another. These are measured as levels of association.

· Predict. This can sometimes be done in research areas where correlations are already known. Predictions of possible future behaviour or events are made on the basis that if there has been a strong relationship between two or more characteristics or events in the past, then these should exist in similar circumstances in the future, leading to predictable outcomes.

· Control. Once you understand an event or situation, you may be able to find ways to control it. For this you need to know what the cause and effect relationships are and that you are capable of exerting control over the vital ingredients. All of technology relies on this ability to control.


Motivation is the experience of desire or aversion…You want something, or want to avoid or escape something. As such, motivation has both an objective side – a goal or thing you aspire to – and an internal or subjective aspect: it is you that wants the thing (or wants it to go away). At minimum, motivation requires the biological substrate for physical sensations of pleasure and pain. Animals can thus want or disdain specific objects based on sense perception and experience. But motivation does not stop there. The capacity to form concepts and to reason allows humans can go beyond this minimum state, with a much greater possible range of desires and aversions.


Мотивация-это переживание желания или отвращения...вы хотите чего-то, или хотите избежать чего-то, или убежать от чего-то. Таким образом, мотивация имеет как объективную сторону-цель или вещь, к которой вы стремитесь – - так и внутренний или субъективный аспект: это вы хотите, чтобы вещь (или хотите, чтобы она ушла). Как минимум, мотивация требует биологического субстрата для физических ощущений удовольствия и боли. Таким образом, животные могут хотеть или презирать определенные объекты, основанные на чувственном восприятии и опыте. Но мотивация на этом не останавливается. Способность формировать понятия и рассуждать позволяет человеку выйти за пределы этого минимального состояния, с гораздо большим возможным диапазоном желаний и отвращений.


Do not hide them.

Keep using them.

Learn from the experts.

Be mentored by a pro.

Monitor your growth.

Tell about Cognitive style

Cognitive style or thinking style is a concept used in cognitive psychology to describe the way individuals think, perceive and remember information. Cognitive style differs from cognitive ability (or level), the latter being measured by aptitude tests or so-called intelligence tests. There is controversy over the exact meaning of the term "cognitive style" and whether it is a single or multiple dimension of human personality. However it remains a key concept in the areas of education and management. If a pupil has a cognitive style that is similar to that of his/her teacher, the chances are improved that the pupil will have a more positive learning experience. Likewise, team members with similar cognitive styles likely feel more positive about their participation with the team. While matching cognitive styles may make participants feel more comfortable when working with one another, this alone cannot guarantee the success of the outcome.


Когнитивный стиль или стиль мышления-это понятие, используемое в когнитивной психологии для описания того, как люди думают, воспринимают и запоминают информацию. Когнитивный стиль отличается от когнитивных способностей (или уровня), последний измеряется с помощью тестов способностей или так называемых тестов интеллекта. Существует спор о точном значении термина" когнитивный стиль " и о том, является ли он единым или множественным измерением человеческой личности. Однако она остается ключевым понятием в области образования и управления. Если у ученика есть когнитивный стиль, который похож на стиль его учителя, шансы на то, что ученик будет иметь более позитивный опыт обучения, повышаются. Кроме того, члены команды с похожими когнитивными стилями, вероятно, чувствуют себя более позитивно в отношении своего участия в команде. В то время как соответствие когнитивных стилей может заставить участников чувствовать себя более комфортно при работе друг с другом, это само по себе не может гарантировать успех результата.


Tell about Negotiation

Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome over one or more issues where a conflict exists with respect to at least one of these issues. Negotiation is an interaction and process between entities who compromise to agree on matters of mutual interest, while optimizing their individual utilities.[1] This beneficial outcome can be for all of the parties involved, or just for one or some of them. Negotiators need to understand negotiation process and other negotiators to increase their chances to close deals, avoid conflicts, establishing relationship with other parties and gain profit.


Переговоры-это диалог между двумя или более людьми или сторонами, направленный на достижение выгодного результата по одному или нескольким вопросам, когда существует конфликт по крайней мере по одному из этих вопросов. Переговоры-это взаимодействие и процесс между субъектами, которые идут на компромисс, чтобы договориться по вопросам, представляющим взаимный интерес, оптимизируя при этом свои индивидуальные полезности.[1] Этот благоприятный результат может быть для всех вовлеченных сторон или только для одной или нескольких из них. Переговорщики должны понимать переговорный процесс и других переговорщиков, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на заключение сделок, избежать конфликтов, наладить отношения с другими сторонами и получить прибыль.


What das it mean Power?

Вла́сть — это возможность навязать свою волю другим людям, даже вопреки их сопротивлению[1][2].

Суть власти не зависит от того, на чём основана такая возможность. Власть может базироваться на различных методах: демократических и авторитарных, честных и нечестных, насилии и мести, обмане, провокациях, вымогательстве, стимулировании, обещаниях и так далее[3]. Считается, что власть появилась с возникновением человеческого общества и будет в той или иной форме всегда сопутствовать его развитию. Она необходима для организации общественного производства, которое требует подчинения всех участников единой воле, а также для регулирования других взаимоотношений между людьми в обществе[4]. Специфической разновидностью является политическая власть — способность определённой социальной группы или класса осуществлять свою волю, оказывать воздействие на деятельность других социальных групп или классов. В отличие от иных видов власти (семейной, общественной и другой), политическая власть оказывает своё влияние на большие группы людей, использует в этих целях специально созданный аппарат и специфические средства. Наиболее сильным элементом политической власти является государство и система государственных органов, реализующих государственную власть.

Power is the ability to impose your will on others, even against their resistance. [1] [2]


The essence of power does not depend on what this possibility is based on. Power can be based on various methods: democratic and authoritarian, honest and dishonest, violence and revenge, deception, provocations, extortion, incentives, promises, and so on[3]. It is believed that power came with the emergence of human society and will in one form or another always accompany its development. It is necessary for the organization of social production, which requires the submission of all participants to a single will, as well as for the regulation of other relationships between people in society[4]. A specific variety is political power — the ability of a certain social group or class to exercise its will, to influence the activities of other social groups or classes. Unlike other types of power (family, social and other), political power exerts its influence on large groups of people, uses for this purpose a specially created apparatus and specific means. The strongest element of political power is the state and the system of state bodies exercising state power.


Tell about Social Groups

A social group is a collection of people who interact with each other and share similar characteristics and a sense of unity. A social category is a collection of people who do not interact but who share similar characteristics. For example, women, men, the elderly, and high school students all constitute social categories. A social category can become a social group when the members in the category interact with each other and identify themselves as members of the group. In contrast, a social aggregate is a collection of people who are in the same place, but who do not interact or share characteristics.

Psychologists Muzafer and Carolyn Sherif, in a classic experiment in the 1950s, divided a group of 12‐year‐old white, middle‐class boys at a summer camp into the “Eagles” and the “Rattlers.” At first, when the boys did not know one another, they formed a common social category as summer campers. But as time passed and they began to consider themselves to be either Eagles or Rattlers, these 12‐year‐old boys formed two distinct social groups.

In-groups, out-groups, and reference groups

In the Sherifs' experiment, the youngsters also erected artificial boundaries between themselves. They formed in‐groups (to which loyalty is expressed) and out‐groups (to which antagonism is expressed).

To some extent every social group creates boundaries between itself and other groups, but a cohesive in‐group typically has three characteristics:

· Members use titles, external symbols, and dress to distinguish themselves from the out‐group.


· Members tend to clash or compete with members of the out‐group. This competition with the other group can also strengthen the unity within each group.


· Members apply positive stereotypes to their in‐group and negative stereotypes to the out‐group.

In the beginning, the Eagles and Rattlers were friendly, but soon their games evolved into intense competitions. The two groups began to call each other names, and they raided each other's cabins, hazed one another, and started fights. In other words, loyalty to the in‐group led to antagonism and aggression toward the out‐group, including fierce competitions for the same resources. Later in the same experiment, though, Sherif had the boys work together to solve mutual problems. When they cooperated with one another, the Eagles and Rattlers became less divided, hostile, and competitive.

People may form opinions or judge their own behaviors against those of a reference group (a group used as a standard for self‐appraisals). Parishioners at a particular church, for instance, may evaluate themselves by the standards of a denomination, and then feel good about adhering to those standards. Such positive self‐evaluation reflects the normative effect that a reference group has on its own members, as well as those who compare themselves to the group. Still, reference groups can have a comparison effect on self‐evaluations. If most parishioners shine in their spiritual accomplishments, then the others will probably compare themselves to them. Consequently, the “not‐so‐spiritual” parishioners may form a negative self‐appraisal for not feeling “up to par.” Thus, reference groups can exert a powerful influence on behavior and attitudes.

Primary and secondary groups

Groups play a basic role in the development of the social nature and ideals of people. Primary groups are those in which individuals intimately interact and cooperate over a long period of time. Examples of primary groups are families, friends, peers, neighbors, classmates, sororities, fraternities, and church members. These groups are marked by primary relationships in which communication is informal. Members of primary groups have strong emotional ties. They also relate to one another as whole and unique individuals.

In contrast, secondary groups are those in which individuals do not interact much. Members of secondary groups are less personal or emotional than those of primary groups. These groups are marked by secondary relationships in which communication is formal. Members of secondary groups may not know each other or have much face‐to‐face interaction. They tend to relate to others only in particular roles and for practical reasons. An example of a secondary relationship is that of a stockbroker and her clients. The stockbroker likely relates to her clients in terms of business only. She probably will not socialize with her clients or hug them.

Primary relationships are most common in small and traditional societies, while secondary relationships are the norm in large and industrial societies. Because secondary relationships often result in loneliness and isolation, some members of society may attempt to create primary relationships through singles' groups, dating services, church groups, and communes, to name a few. This does not mean, however, that secondary relationships are bad. For most Americans, time and other commitments limit the number of possible primary relationships. Further, acquaintances and friendships can easily spring forth from secondary relationships.

Small groups

A group's size can also determine how its members behave and relate. A small group is small enough to allow all of its members to directly interact. Examples of small groups include families, friends, discussion groups, seminar classes, dinner parties, and athletic teams. People are more likely to experience primary relationships in small group settings than in large settings.

The smallest of small groups is a dyad consisting of two people. A dyad is perhaps the most cohesive of all groups because of its potential for very close and intense interactions. It also runs the risk, though, of splitting up. A triad is a group consisting of three persons. A triad does not tend to be as cohesive and personal as a dyad.

The more people who join a group, the less personal and intimate that group becomes. In other words, as a group increases in size, its members participate and cooperate less, and are more likely to be dissatisfied. A larger group's members may even be inhibited, for example, from publicly helping out victims in an emergency. In this case, people may feel that because so many others are available to help, responsibility to help is shifted to others. Similarly, as a group increases in size, its members are more likely to engage in social loafing, in which people work less because they expect others to take over their tasks.


SWOT Analysis

This is a very common decision making model specifically used during feasibility study of the project. SWOT analysis brings unsorted issue to a conclusion when the project is gauges based on Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat.

The steps for SWOT analysis are the same as mentioned above, but there is one caution which needs to be followed which is the emphasis on deep analysis of strength and weaknesses similarly, opportunities and threats.

Maslow’s Pyramid

Maslow’s Pyramid of hierarchical need has been very well spoken and discussed in the HR industry which is an integral part of Project Management. Deduced in 1943, by Abraham Maslow, this decision model speaks volumes about basic human needs and their effect on human behaviour. While working on the projects the most inconsistent variable which a project manager faces is a human resource. Understanding Maslow’s pyramid helps project manager to identify problems related to human resources.

Maslow typically says that there are five levels of human needs and it is through their accomplishment one by one that the human can reach self-actualization.

The pyramid consists of physiological needs, security requirements, social relationships, recognition and self- actualization.

This theory of understood properly can help a project manager a great deal while working with human resources.

Pareto Principle

This is also called as 80-20 rule wherein you prioritize your problems and then find out solutions. In order to understand the concept, this 80-20 rule can be described as an example of problems in organization created by people. We can say that the 80% of the problems are created by 20% of the people in any organization.

Let us say you have a BPO and 5 of the problems in your organization are due to lack of promptness, 3 problems are due to poor linguistic ability and 2 problems are due to poor organization skills. So you can say that major problem here is caused by the lack of training and development because if you impart training to your employees automatically promptness and linguistics will be taken care.

Monte Carlo Simulation

Now here is a cache, Monte Carlo simulation is a model which essentially focusses on the numerous simulations over random sampling yielding results which are approximate. It just tells us that even models can be random and have very less reality attached to it. This Monte Carlo simulation model is interesting because of the random sampling and use of probability and statistics to determine the result. In project management Monte Carlo simulation method is used for quantitative risk analysis wherein you will be able to identify quantitative impact of a risk on project’s objective.


Decision Tree Analysis

This decision model is used while performing procurement analysis. The question of whether to build or buy is answered using this decision tree analysis. You can give each of the possibility a chance of yes and no in percentages and calculate the amount invested against the amount received. Based on the profits you can decide whether to build or buy for a particular project.

There are many more decision making models and those can be effectively used in professional as well as personal life. These tools are sometimes regarded highly in the sphere of project management as their capacity of backing up decisions taken by project manager is enormous. A good project manager can understand the need of these effective tools which can be used all through the life cycle of project management.


Group Motivation

Across individuals, societies, and even eras, humans consistently seek inclusion over exclusion, membership over isolation, and acceptance over rejection. As Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary conclude, humans have a need to belong: “a pervasive drive to form and maintain at least a minimum quantity of lasting, positive, and impactful interpersonal relationships” And most of us satisfy this need by joining groups.

Groups usually exist for a reason. In groups, we solve problems, create products, create standards, communicate knowledge, have fun, perform arts, create institutions, and even ensure our safety from attacks by other groups.

Social facilitation, then, depends on the task: other people facilitate performance when the task is so simple that it requires only dominant responses, but others interfere when the task requires nondominant responses. However, a number of psychological processes combine to influence when social facilitation, not social interference, occurs. Other people also can trigger evaluation apprehension, particularly when we feel that our individual performance will be known to others, and those others might judge it negatively (Bond, Atoum, & VanLeeuwen, 1996). The presence of other people can also cause perturbations in our capacity to concentrate on and process information (Harkins, 2006). Distractions due to the presence of other people have been shown to improve performance on certain tasks, such as the Stroop task, but undermine performance on more cognitively demanding tasks (Huguet, Galvaing, Monteil, & Dumas, 1999).

Groups usually outperform individuals. Groups, though, tend to be underachievers. Studies of social facilitation confirmed the positive motivational benefits of working with other people on well-practiced tasks in which each member’s contribution to the collective enterprise can be identified and evaluated. But what happens when tasks require a truly collective effort? First, when people work together they must coordinate their individual activities and contributions to reach the maximum level of efficiency—but they rarely do (Diehl & Stroebe, 1987). Three people in a tug-of-war competition, for example, invariably pull and pause at slightly different times, so their efforts are uncoordinated. The result is coordination loss: the three-person group is stronger than a single person, but not three times as strong. Second, people just don’t exert as much effort when working on a collective endeavor, nor do they expend as much cognitive effort trying to solve problems, as they do when working alone. They display social loafing (Latané, 1981).

Groups, however, can overcome this impediment to performance through teamwork. A group may include many talented individuals, but they must learn how to pool their individual abilities and energies to maximize the team’s performance. Team goals must be set, work patterns structured, and a sense of group identity developed. Individual members must learn how to coordinate their actions, and any strains and stresses in interpersonal relations need to be identified and resolved (Salas, Rosen, Burke, & Goodwin, 2009). Researchers have identified two key ingredients to effective teamwork: a shared mental representation of the task and group unity.


Motivational factors differ since the goals of the individual and the group are often not on the same level. The individual will always fight to fulfill their higher level needs. These needs are often not consistent with the needs of the group and of the individual. The motivation of the individual is essential for successful motivation of the group. Group members must be able to fulfill their higher level needs to be motivated and group members must be committed to the group. Along with good leadership that enables group members to fulfill their goals all of these qualities will motivate a group. These motivation factors that drive a group can be divided into four categories– task, structure, goals, and members. By realizing other factors besides intrinsic rewards that will motivate individuals, the group will also be motivated. The sharing of knowledge, support, solidarity and communication are all highly effective in motivating a group. All in all, a group that exists within a collaborative, structured and communicative environment will be highly motivated.

Ten tips to help you get the most out of your team and create a work experience they will thrive in:

Pay your people what they are worth.

Provide them with a pleasant place to work.

Offer opportunities for self-development

Foster collaboration within the team

Encourage happiness

Don't punish failure

Set clear goals

Avoid useless meetings

Understand Team Members

Understand Team Goals

Provide Consistent Leadership

Мотивация групп

В отдельных людях, обществах и даже эпохах люди постоянно стремятся к включению, членству и боятся отказа. Как заключают Рой Бомейстер и Марк Лири, людям необходимо быть частью «всепроникающего стремления формировать и поддерживать минимальное количество длительных, позитивных и действенных межличностных отношений». И большинство из нас удовлетворяют эту потребность, вступая в группы.

Группы обычно существуют по причине. В группах мы решаем проблемы, создаем продукты, передаем знания, развлекаемся, создаём художественные произведения, создаем учреждения и даже обеспечиваем нашу безопасность от атак других групп.

Таким образом, социальное содействие зависит от задачи: другие люди способствуют выполнению, когда задача настолько проста, что требует только доминантных ответов, а другие мешают, когда задача требует недоминирующих ответов. Тем не менее, ряд психологических процессов в совокупности оказывают влияние, когда происходит социальное содействие, а не социальное вмешательство. Другие люди также могут вызывать опасения по поводу оценки, особенно когда мы чувствуем, что наша индивидуальная работа будет известна другим, а другие могут оценивать ее негативно (Bond, Atoum, & VanLeeuwen, 1996). Присутствие других людей также может вызвать нарушения в нашей способности концентрироваться и обрабатывать информацию (Harkins, 2006). Было показано, что отвлекающие факторы, связанные с присутствием других людей, улучшают производительность при выполнении определенных задач, таких как задача Stroop, но снижают производительность при выполнении более сложных мыслительных задач (Huguet, Galvaing, Monteil & Dumas, 1999).

Группы обычно превосходят одиночек. Группы, тем не менее, имеют тенденцию отставать. Исследования по социальному содействию подтвердили положительные мотивационные преимущества работы с другими людьми над хорошо отработанными задачами, в которых вклад каждого члена в коллективную работу может быть выявлен и оценен. Но что происходит, когда задачи требуют действительно коллективных усилий? Во-первых, когда люди работают вместе, они должны координировать свои индивидуальные действия и вклады, чтобы достичь максимального уровня эффективности, но они делают это редко (Diehl & Stroebe, 1987). Например, три человека на соревнованиях по перетягиванию каната неизменно тянут и делают паузу в несколько разное время, поэтому их усилия не скоординированы. Результатом является потеря координации: группа из трех человек сильнее, чем один человек, но не в три раза сильнее. Во-вторых, люди просто не прилагают столько усилий при работе над коллективными усилиями, и при этом они не тратят столько мыслительных усилий на решение проблем, как при работе в одиночку. Они демонстрируют социальное бездействие (Латане, 1981).

Группы, однако, могут преодолеть это препятствие для производительности через командную работу. В группу может входить много талантливых людей, но они должны научиться объединять свои индивидуальные способности и энергию, чтобы максимизировать производительность команды. Должны быть установлены цели команды, структурированы рабочие модели и развито чувство групповой идентичности. Отдельные члены должны научиться координировать свои действия, и любые напряжения и стрессы в межличностных отношениях должны быть выявлены и разрешены (Salas, Rosen, Burke, & Goodwin, 2009). Исследователи определили два ключевых компонента для эффективной командной работы: общее умственное представление задачи и групповое единство.


Мотивационные факторы различаются, поскольку цели индивидуума и группы часто не совпадают. Человек всегда будет бороться, чтобы удовлетворить свои потребности более высокого уровня. Эти потребности часто не соответствуют потребностям группы и отдельного человека. Мотивация личности имеет важное значение для успешной мотивации группы. Члены группы должны быть в состоянии удовлетворить свои потребности более высокого уровня, чтобы быть мотивированными, и члены группы должны быть преданы группе. Наряду с хорошим лидерством, которое позволяет членам группы достигать своих целей, все эти качества будут мотивировать группу. Эти факторы мотивации, которые управляют группой, можно разделить на четыре категории: задачи, структура, цели и члены. Осознавая другие факторы, помимо внутренних наград, которые будут мотивировать людей, группа также будет мотивирована. Обмен знаниями, поддержка, солидарность и общение очень эффективны для мотивации группы. В целом, группа, которая существует в совместной, структурированной и коммуникативной среде, будет высоко мотивирована.

Десять советов, которые помогут вам получить максимальную отдачу от вашей команды и создать опыт работы, в котором они будут процветать:

Платите своим людям, то чего они заслуживают.

Предоставьте им приятное место для работы.

Предложите возможности для саморазвития

Развивайте сотрудничество в команде

Поощряйте счастье

Не наказывайте за неудачу

Ставьте четкие цели

Избегайте бесполезных встреч

Понимайте членов команды

Понимайте цели команды

Обеспечьте стабильное лидерство



Internal Locus of Control

This means that you believe the results you are getting in your life are due to your efforts and the mistakes you experience are your fault. This way of thinking puts you in control. People just like you, with similar backgrounds, obstacles, education level, and challenges are creating fabulous things in the world. And you can, too.


Conscientiousness is the personality trait that involves being careful and dependable and having self-discipline. Take pride in your work and be committed to doing it well.

Hard Work

If you work harder and put in more hours, you’ll make more money. However, hard workers may be vulnerable to workaholism, which can destroy your life. It's important to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Money and success without your health and loving relationships is pointless.


Success in business relies heavily on leading and influencing others. Even the most technically skilled managers must be able to persuade, motivate, and engage others including direct reports, peers, customers, and executive teams.

Research has shown that soft skills are contingent with organizational success and are more important than technical skills alone in helping you work effectively with others and landing that next promotion or job.

Soft skills covers a wide range of characteristics, but some of the most common — and most necessary for success — include being a:

· good listener

· problem solver

· adaptable to new situations

· strong communicator

· team player

It’s also helpful if you can:

· accept feedback

· resolve conflicts with others

· deal with difficult people

· delegate authority when needed

· be flexible


Психоло́гия управле́ния — раздел психологии, изучающий психологические закономерности управленческой деятельности. Основная задача психологии управления — анализ психологических условий и особенностей управленческой деятельности с целью повышения эффективности и качества работы в системе управления. Предметом психологии управления являются следующие проблемы человеческих взаимоотношений и взаимодействий с точки зрения ситуаций управления:

-Личность, её самосовершенствование и саморазвитие в процессе труда.

-Управленческая деятельность и её организация с точки зрения психологической эффективности.

-Групповые процессы в трудовом коллективе, и их регуляция.

  Психология управления как наука опирается на различные психологические методы, основными из которых являются наблюдение и эксперимент. По своему характеру и сущности наблюдение — сложный объективный психологический процесс отражения действительности. Его сложность обуславливается тем, что оно ведется в естественной обстановке функционирования организации, в которой место и роль исследователя как наблюдателя оказывает определенное влияние и воздействие на наблюдаемых, с одной стороны, и на подбор и обобщение информации, с другой. Кроме того, в большинстве случаев роль исследователя пассивна, поскольку он лишь фиксирует проявившееся мнение или отношение людей к процессам, фактам и явлениям.



Management psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the psychological regularities of management activity. The main task of management psychology is to analyze the psychological conditions and features of management activities in order to improve the efficiency and quality of work in the management system. The subject of management psychology is the following problems of human relationships and interactions from the point of view of management situations:

- Personality, its self-improvement and self-development in the process of work.

- Management activity and its organization from the point of view of psychological efficiency.

- Group processes in the labor collective, and their regulation.

Management psychology as a science is based on various psychological methods, the main of which are observation and experiment.

By its nature and essence, observation is a complex objective psychological process of reflection of reality. Its complexity is due to the fact that it is conducted in the natural environment of the functioning of the organization, in which the place and role of the researcher as an observer has a certain influence and impact on the observed, on the one hand, and on the selection and synthesis of information, on the other. In addition, in most cases, the role of the researcher is passive, since he only records the manifested opinion or attitude of people to processes, facts and phenomena.


Способности – это особенности человека, несводимые к знаниям, умениям, навыкам, но позволяющие быстро их приобретать и эффективно применять в практической деятельности.

Б. М. Теплов в качестве основных признаков способностей выделяет следующие:

1) это индивидуально-психические особенности человека, отличающие одного от другого;

2) это не любые особенности, а только те, которые влияют на успешность выполнения деятельности;

3) не сводятся к уже имеющимся знаниям, умениям, навыкам

Как правило, эффективность выполнения деятельности зависит не от одной, а от совокупности способностей.

Классификация способностей

1. Природные (естественные) и специфические человеческие (социальные).

Многие способности являются общими как для человека, так и для животных.

К таким общим, биологически обусловленным способностям, следует отнести восприятие, память, элементарное мышление и общение, в основном на уровне экспрессии.

В основном формирование этих способностей происходит на основе элементарных задатков через обучение.

Специфические человеческие способности (социальные) формируются как следствие следующих ситуаций:

1) существование социально-культурной среды, в которой отражается весь опыт, накопленный поколениями людей;

2) невозможность овладения некоторыми предметами лишь на основе природных задатков; Способности развиваются из природных задатков человека. Многие способности в своем развитии проходят огромный путь, такой, что сложно даже оценить роль и характер задатков, стоявших в начале пути. Более того, у разных людей из одинаковых задатков могут развиться разные способности, а у истоков двух одинаковых способностей могут стоять разные природные задатки.

Для большинства человеческих способностей развитие способностей начинается с рождения человека. Если он продолжает заниматься соответствующими видами деятельности, развитие способностей не прекращается до конца жизни. В развитии любой способности можно (весьма условно и произвольно) выделить несколько характерных периодов.

Abilities are features of the person which are irreducible to knowledge, abilities, skills, but allowing quickly to acquire them and effectively to apply in practical activity.

B. M. Teplov as the main features of abilities allocates the following:

1) it is individual-mental features of the person distinguishing one from another;

2) these are not any features, but only those that affect the success of the activity;

3) are not reduced to already existing knowledge, skills, skills

As a rule, the effectiveness of the performance of activities depends not on one, but on the totality of abilities.

Classification of abilities.

1. Natural (natural) and specific human (social).

Many abilities are common to both humans and animals.

Such General, biologically conditioned abilities include perception, memory, elementary thinking and communication, mainly at the level of expression.

Basically, the formation of these abilities is based on elementary inclinations through training.

Specific human abilities (social) are formed as a consequence of the following situations:

1) the existence of a socio-cultural environment, which reflects all the experience accumulated by generations of people;

2) the impossibility of mastering some subjects only on the basis of natural inclinations; Abilities develop from the natural inclinations of man. Many abilities in their development go a long way, such that it is difficult even to assess the role and nature of the inclinations that stood at the beginning of the path. Moreover, different people from the same inclinations can develop different abilities, and at the origins of two identical abilities can be different natural inclinations.

For most human abilities, the development of abilities begins with the birth of a person. If he continues to engage in the relevant activities, the development of abilities does not stop until the end of life. In the development of any ability it is possible (very conditionally and arbitrarily) to distinguish several characteristic periods.


В психологии управления, в отличие от психологии труда, например, актуальна не проблема соответствия работника его профессии, не проблема профессионального отбора и профессиональной ориентации, а проблема соответствия работника организации, проблема отбора людей в организацию и их ориентации в отношении особенностей данной организации.

В психологии управления, в отличие от социальной психологии труда, объектом изучения становятся не просто отношения людей в коллективе или социальной группе, а отношения людей в организации, т.е. в условиях, когда действия каждого участника совместной деятельности заданы, предписаны, подчинены общему порядку работ, когда участники связаны друг с другом не просто взаимной зависимостью и взаимной ответственностью, но и ответственностью перед законом.

Объект изучения психологии управления составляют люди, входящие в финансовом и юридическом отношениях в самостоятельные организации, деятельность которых ориентирована на корпоративно полезные цели.

In the psychology of management, in contrast to the psychology of work, for example, the actual problem is not the employee's compliance with his profession, is not a problem of professional selection and vocational guidance, and consistency with employee organizations, the problem of selecting people into the organization and their orientation in relation to features of the organization.

In management psychology, in contrast to the social psychology of labor, the object of study is not just the relationship of people in a team or social group, and the relationship of people in the organization, ie, in conditions where the actions of each participant in the joint activity are set, prescribed, subject to the General order of work, when the participants are connected with each other not just mutual dependence and mutual responsibility, but also responsibility before the law.

The object of studying the psychology of management are people who are included in the financial and legal relations in independent organizations, whose activities are focused on corporate useful purposes.


Поведе́ние — активность живого организма, направленная на взаимодействие с окружающей средой. Обычно под поведением понимают внешне проявляемое поведение, то есть действия, которые могут быть замечены наблюдателем (крупные движения, типа ходьбы; мелкие движения, типа мимики, дыхания, подрагиваний, движения глаз; речь (от крика до проговаривания про себя, которое отображается на микродвижениях губ и языка); физиологические реакции — расширение зрачков, изменение пульса, и т. д. Мыслительное, внутреннее поведение — предположительно, мыслительный процесс человека, его мышление. Поведение человека может быть сознательным или неосознанным, добровольным или вынужденным, а также нормальным или девиантным. Факторы: генетика, социальные нормы, творчество, религия и духовность, отношение, погода и климат

Behavior is the activity of a living organism aimed at interacting with the environment. 1. Behavior is the activity of a living organism aimed at interacting with the environment. Usually, behavior is understood as externally manifested behavior, that is, actions that can be seen by the observer (large movements, such as walking; small movements, such as facial expressions, breathing, trembling, eye movements; speech (from shouting to speaking to yourself, which is displayed on the micro-movements of the lips and tongue); physiological reactions-dilation of the pupils, change in pulse, etc. Human behavior can be conscious or unconscious, voluntary or forced, as well as normal or deviant. Factors: Genetics, Social norms,Creativity,Religion and Spirituality,Attitude,Weather and Climate

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