Охраны окружающей среды должны быть глобальные — КиберПедия 

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Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...

Охраны окружающей среды должны быть глобальные

2020-04-01 234
Охраны окружающей среды должны быть глобальные 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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                         Environment Protection mast be Global

That the problem of pollution and ecology has become the most important one for mankind is evident to all. The more civilization is developing, the greater the ecological problems are becoming Air and water pollution by industry is now reaching tremendous proportions. In our era it is changing from a national to international problem, especially in territories where rivers cross several countries The seas and oceans arc also becoming seriously polluted A similar situation is developing in the atmosphere It is known that many cities throughout the world suffer from air pollution.

However, our scientific knowledge and technological advancement make it possible to eliminate it, if people use Good will1 and make considerable investments for that purpose The development of natural resources on a global scale is already possible from a scientific and technical standpoint. Large-scale experimental work in this area is successfully being carried out.

At present scientists in industrially developed countries are working on the theory of interaction of all the atmospheric and oceanic global processes that determine the climate and weather of the world Increasing growth of population, industrialization and the use of resources are slowly but surely changing the global climate and water balance. This can be described as a great experiment one that may bring about changes in the environment more serious than ever before

The essential feature in the environment protection is that many problems can be solved only on the level of world community3. Therefore the planning of protection against pollution by human society as a whole is imperative today and in the nearest future. It is necessary to develop an international program to study data on land, forest, atmospheric and oceanic resources, both renewable and non-renewable It is the joint efforts of many scientists and special public organizations that can deal with the problem and take necessary measures to protect the environment

It is still a big job and much remains to be done1 However scientists are confident that planned actions of all countries can eliminate pollution and achieve successes in purifying air, water and soil and in safeguarding natural resources. At the same time one must realize that social and political circumstances may stand in the way of further progress in this field

1. Answer the following questions.

1) What is ecology?

2) How does water become polluted’

3) How does air become polluted’

4) Why is the problem of water pollution becoming a global problem’

5) What theory do scientists work on?

6) What is the essential feature in the environment protection?

[ good will добрая воля

 standpoint точка трения '

community - сообщество

1 much remains to be done cuie много предстоит (остается) сделан.


Read the article from a magazine, and then mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

_ A job candidate should aSk about the

company during an interview.

— Interviewees make a good impression by

dressing professionally for the interview.

__ A call-back is a typical way for job

candidates to follow up after an interview.


© Complete the sentences with words or phrases from the word bank.


interview relevant fgllgwed up salary interviewee


After the        

if Tara was right for the position Mr. Jones is paid a good 

The arrived early and waited

until the manager was ready.

Mr. George didn't write his height on the application because it was hot



                         Environment Protection mast be Global

That the problem of pollution and ecology has become the most important one for mankind is evident to all. The more civilization is developing, the greater the ecological problems are becoming Air and water pollution by industry is now reaching tremendous proportions. In our era it is changing from a national to international problem, especially in territories where rivers cross several countries The seas and oceans arc also becoming seriously polluted A similar situation is developing in the atmosphere It is known that many cities throughout the world suffer from air pollution.

However, our scientific knowledge and technological advancement make it possible to eliminate it, if people use Good will1 and make considerable investments for that purpose The development of natural resources on a global scale is already possible from a scientific and technical standpoint. Large-scale experimental work in this area is successfully being carried out.

At present scientists in industrially developed countries are working on the theory of interaction of all the atmospheric and oceanic global processes that determine the climate and weather of the world Increasing growth of population, industrialization and the use of resources are slowly but surely changing the global climate and water balance. This can be described as a great experiment one that may bring about changes in the environment more serious than ever before

The essential feature in the environment protection is that many problems can be solved only on the level of world community3. Therefore the planning of protection against pollution by human society as a whole is imperative today and in the nearest future. It is necessary to develop an international program to study data on land, forest, atmospheric and oceanic resources, both renewable and non-renewable It is the joint efforts of many scientists and special public organizations that can deal with the problem and take necessary measures to protect the environment

It is still a big job and much remains to be done1 However scientists are confident that planned actions of all countries can eliminate pollution and achieve successes in purifying air, water and soil and in safeguarding natural resources. At the same time one must realize that social and political circumstances may stand in the way of further progress in this field

1. Answer the following questions.

1) What is ecology?

2) How does water become polluted’

3) How does air become polluted’

4) Why is the problem of water pollution becoming a global problem’

5) What theory do scientists work on?

6) What is the essential feature in the environment protection?

[ good will добрая воля

 standpoint точка трения '

community - сообщество

1 much remains to be done cuie много предстоит (остается) сделан.


Охраны окружающей среды должны быть глобальные

Что проблема загрязнения и экологии стала наиболее важным для человечества очевидны для всех. Чем больше цивилизация развивается, тем больше экологические проблемы становятся загрязнение воздуха и воды в промышленности в настоящее время достиг огромных масштабов. В нашу эпоху она меняется от Национального на международной проблемой, особенно на территориях, где реки пересекают несколько стран, морей и океанов дуги также становятся серьезно загрязнены аналогичная ситуация складывается и в атмосфере известно, что во многих городах мира страдают от загрязнения воздуха.

Однако наши научные знания и технический прогресс позволяют устранить его, если люди используют хорошо will1 и сделать значительные инвестиции для этой цели освоения природных ресурсов на глобальном уровне уже можно с научной и технической точки зрения. Крупномасштабные экспериментальной работы в этой области успешно осуществляется.

В настоящее время ученые в промышленно развитых странах работают по теории взаимодействия всех атмосферных и океанических глобальных процессов, которые определяют климат и погоду мира увеличение роста населения, индустриализации и использования ресурсов медленно, но верно изменения глобального климата и водный баланс. Это может быть описано как большой эксперимент, одно, что может привести к изменениям в окружающей среде более серьезными, чем когда-либо прежде.

Существенная особенность в защите окружающей среды заключается в том, что многие проблемы можно решена только на уровне мировых community3. Поэтому планирование защиты от загрязнения человеческого общества в целом необходимо сегодня и в ближайшем будущем. Необходимо разработать международную программу изучить данные о земельных, лесных, атмосферных и океанических ресурсов, как возобновляемых, так и невозобновляемых это совместные усилия многих ученых и специальных общественных организаций, которые могут иметь дело с проблемой и принять необходимые меры для защиты окружающей среды.

Это еще большая работа и многое еще предстоит done1 однако ученые уверены, что запланированные действия всех стран могут устранить загрязнение и добиться успехов в очищении воздуха, воды и почвы и в охране природных ресурсов. В то же время необходимо осознать, что социальные и политические условия, может стоять на пути дальнейшего прогресса в этой области/

1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1) Что такое экология?
2) Каким образом вода загрязняется’
3) Каким образом воздух становится загрязненным’
4) Почему проблема загрязнения водных ресурсов становится глобальной проблемой’
5) Какие теории у ученых работать?
6) что является существенной особенностью в охране окружающей среды?
[ добрая воля добрая воля
точка зрения трения'
сообщество - сообщество
1 многое еще предстоит сделать много cuie предстоит (остается) сделан.


[инʹвай(э)рэнмэнт] [прэʹтэкш(э)н] [ма:ст] [би:] [ʹглэуб(э)л]
[зэт] [зэ] [ʹпроблэм] [ов] [пэʹлу:ш(э)н] [энд] [иʹколэджи] [хэз] [биʹкам] [зэ] [мэуст] [имʹпо:т(э)нт] [ван] [фо:] [͵мэнʹкайнд] [из] [ʹэвид(э)нт] [ту:] [о:л]. [зэ] [мо:] [͵сив(э)лайʹзэйш(э)н] [из] [диʹвэлэпинг], [зэ] [ʹгрэйтэ] [зэ] [͵и:кэʹлоджик(э)л] problems[МН.Ч.] [а:] [биʹкаминг] [эа] [энд] [ʹво:тэ] [пэʹлу:ш(э)н] [бай] [ʹиндэстри] [из] [нау] reaching [триʹмэндэс] proportions[МН.Ч.]. [ин] [ʹауэ] [ʹи(э)рэ] [ит] [из] changing[фром] [э,(эй)] [ʹнэш(э)нэл] [ту:] [͵интэʹнэш(э)нэл] [ʹпроблэм], [иʹспэш(э)ли] [ин] territories[МН.Ч.] [вэа] rivers[МН.Ч.] [крос] [ʹсэв(э)рэл] countries[МН.Ч.] [зэ] seas[МН.Ч.] [энд] oceans[МН.Ч.] [а:к] [ʹо:лсэу] [биʹкаминг] [ʹси(э)риэсли] [пэʹлу:тид] [э,эй] [ʹсим(э)лэ] [͵сичуʹэйш(э)н] [из] [диʹвэлэпинг] [ин] [зэ] [ʹэтмэсфиэ] [ит] [из] [нэун] [зэт] [ʹмэни] cities[МН.Ч.] [сру:ʹаут] [зэ] [вё:лд] [ʹсафэ] [фром] [эа] [пэʹлу:ш(э)н].

[хауʹэвэ], [ʹауэ] [͵сайэнʹтифик] [ʹнолидж] [энд] technological [эдʹва:нсмэнт] [мэйк] [ит] [ʹпосэб(э)л] [ту:] [иʹлиминэйт] [ит], [иф] [ʹпи:п(э)л] [ью:с] [гуд] will1 [энд] [мэйк] [кэнʹсид(э)рэб(э)л] investments[МН.Ч.] [фо:] [зэт] [ʹпё:пэс] [зэ] [диʹвэлэпмэнт] [ов] [ʹнэч(э)рэл] resources[МН.Ч.] [он] [э,(эй)] [ʹглэуб(э)л] [скэйл] [из] [о:лʹрэди] [ʹпосэб(э)л] [фром] [э,(эй)] [͵сайэнʹтифик] [энд] [ʹтэкник(э)л] [ʹстэндпойнт]. [ла:дж]-[скэйл] [ик͵спэриʹмэнтл] [вё:к] [ин] [зис] [ʹэ(э)риэ] [из] [сэкʹсэсш(э)ли] [ʹби:инг] carried [аут].

[эт] [ʹпрэз(э)нт] scientists[МН.Ч.] [ин] [инʹдастриэли] [диʹвэлэпт] countries[МН.Ч.] [а:] [ʹвё:кинг] [он] [зэ] [ʹси(э)ри] [ов] [͵интэʹрэкш(э)н] [ов] [о:л] [зэ] atmospheric [энд] [͵эушиʹэник] [ʹглэуб(э)л] processes[МН.Ч.] [зэт] [диʹтё:мин] [зэ] [ʹклаймит] [энд] [ʹвэзэ] [ов] [зэ] [вё:лд] [инʹкри:синг] [грэус] [ов] [͵попйуʹлэйш(э)н], [ин͵дастриэлайʹзэйш(э)н] [энд] [зэ] [ью:с] [ов] resources[МН.Ч.] [а:] [ʹслэули] [бат] [ʹшуэли] changing [зэ] [ʹглэуб(э)л] [ʹклаймит] [энд] [ʹво:тэ] [ʹбэлэнс]. [зис] [кэн] [би:] described [эз] [э,(эй)] [грэйт] [икʹспэримэнт] [ван] [зэт] [мэй] [бринг] [эʹбаут] changes[МН.Ч.] [ин] [зэ] [инʹвай(э)рэнмэнт] [мо:] [ʹси(э)риэс] [зэн] [ʹэвэ] [биʹфо:]

[зэ] [иʹсэнш(э)л] [ʹфи:чэ] [ин] [зэ] [инʹвай(э)рэнмэнт] [прэʹтэкш(э)н] [из] [зэт] [ʹмэни] problems[МН.Ч.] [кэн] [би:] solved [ʹэунли] [он] [зэ] [ʹлэв(э)л] [ов] [вё:лд] community3. [ʹзэафо:] [зэ] [ʹплэнинг] [ов] [прэʹтэкш(э)н] [эʹгэ(и)нст] [пэʹлу:ш(э)н] [бай] [ʹхью:мэн] [сэʹсайэти] [эз] [э,(эй)] [хэул] [из] [имʹпэрэтив] [тэʹдэй] [энд] [ин] [зэ] nearest[ПРИЛ.][ʹфью:чэ]. [ит] [из] [ʹнэсис(э)ри] [ту:] [диʹвэлэп] [эн] [͵интэʹнэш(э)нэл] [ʹпрэугрэм] [ту:] [ʹстади] [ʹдэйтэ] [он] [лэнд], [ʹфорист], atmospheric [энд] [͵эушиʹэник] resources[МН.Ч.], [бэус] [риʹнью:эб(э)л] [энд] non-[риʹнью:эб(э)л] [ит] [из] [зэ] [джойнт] efforts[МН.Ч.][ов] [ʹмэни] scientists[МН.Ч.] [энд] [ʹспэш(э)л] [ʹпаблик] organizations[МН.Ч.] [зэт] [кэн] [ди:л] [виз] [зэ] [ʹпроблэм] [энд] [тэйк] [ʹнэсис(э)ри] measures[МН.Ч.] [ту:] [прэʹтэкт] [зэ] [инʹвай(э)рэнмэнт]

[ит] [из] [стил] [э,(эй)] [биг] [джоб] [энд] [мач] [риʹмэйнз] [ту:] [би:] done1 [хауʹэвэ] scientists[МН.Ч.] [а:] [ʹконфид(э)нт] [зэт] [плэнд] actions[МН.Ч.] [ов] [о:л] countries[МН.Ч.][кэн] [иʹлиминэйт] [пэʹлу:ш(э)н] [энд] [эʹчи:в] successes[МН.Ч.] [ин] purifying [эа], [ʹво:тэ] [энд] [сойл] [энд] [ин] safeguarding [ʹнэч(э)рэл] resources[МН.Ч.]. [эт] [зэ] [сэйм] [тайм] [ван] [маст] [ʹриэлайз] [зэт] [ʹсэуш(э)л] [энд] [пэʹлитик(э)л] circumstances[МН.Ч.][мэй] [стэнд] [ин] [зэ] [вэй] [ов] [ʹфё:зэ] [ʹпрэугрэс] [ин] [зис] [фи:лд]

1. [ʹа:нсэ] [зэ] [ʹфолэуинг] questions[МН.Ч.].
1) [вот] [из] [иʹколэджи]?
2) [хау] [даз] [ʹво:тэ] [биʹкам] [пэʹлу:тид]’
3) [хау] [даз] [эа] [биʹкам] [пэʹлу:тид]’
4) [вай] [из] [зэ] [ʹпроблэм] [ов] [ʹво:тэ] [пэʹлу:ш(э)н] [биʹкаминг] [э,(эй)] [ʹглэуб(э)л] [ʹпроблэм]’
5) [вот] [ʹси(э)ри] [ду:] scientists[МН.Ч.] [вё:к] [он]?
6) [вот] [из] [зэ] [иʹсэнш(э)л] [ʹфи:чэ] [ин] [зэ] [инʹвай(э)рэнмэнт] [прэʹтэкш(э)н]?
[ [гуд] [вил] добрая воля
[ʹстэндпойнт] точка трения '
[кэʹмью:нити] - сообщество
1 [мач] [риʹмэйнз] [ту:] [би:] [дан] cuie много предстоит (остается) сделан.


3 ТЕКСТ/ Ecological Problems of a Big City. London

It was in Britain that the word "smog" was first used (to describe mix­ture of smoke and fog). As the world's first industrialized country, its cities were the first to suffer this atmospher­ic condition. In the XlX-th century London's "pea-soupers" (thick smogs) became famous through descriptions of them in the works of Charles Dick­ens and in the Sherlock Holmes sto­ries. The situation in London reached its worst point in 1952. At the end of that year a particularly bad smog, which lasted for several days, was estimated to have caused between 4000 and 8000 deaths.

Water pollution was also a prob­lem. In the XlX-th century it was once suggested that the Houses of Parlia­ment should be wrapped in enormous wet sheets to protect those inside from the awful smell of the River Thames. In the middle years of this century, the first tiling that happened to peo­ple who fell into the Thames was that they were rushed to hospital to have their stomachs pumped out!

Then, during the 1960s and 1970s, laws were passed which forbade the heating of homes with open coal fires in city areas and which stopped much of the pollution from factories. At one time, a scene of fog in Hollywood films was all that was necessary to symbolize London. This image is now out of date, and by the end of the 1970s it was said to be possible to catch fish in the Thames outside Par­liament.

However, as in the rest of western Europe, the great increase in the use of the motor car in the last quarter of the XX-th century has caused an in­crease in a new kind of air pollution. This problem has become so serious that the television weather forecast now regularly issues warnings of "poor air quality". On some occasions it is bad enough to prompt official advice that certain people (such as asthma suffer­ers) should not even leave their hous­es, and that nobody should take any exercise, such as jogging, out of doors.

(From: J. O'Driscoll. Britain.

The country and its people.

Oxford, 1995, p. 35)


Find English equivalents for Russian

страдать a) surprise b) suffer c) suggest d) surround
ужасный a) awkward b) available c) awful d) average
запрещать a) forbid b) forgive c) forget d) foretell


3 /Экологические проблемы большого города. Лондон.

Это было в Великобритании, что слово "смог" был впервые использован (описать смесь дыма и тумана). В качестве первой промышленно развитой страной в мире, ее города были в первую очередь страдают это состояние атмосферы. В ХІХ-м "горошины soupers Лондон века" (толстой смоги) стал известным благодаря описаниям в произведениях Чарльза Диккенса и в рассказах о Шерлоке Холмсе. Ситуация в Лондоне достигла своего пика в 1952 году. В конце этого года особенно плохо смога, который длился несколько дней, по оценкам, нанесенный между 4000 и 8000 смертей.

Загрязнение воды также является проблемой. В ХІХ веке это было когда-то предположил, что здание парламента должны быть обернуты в огромные влажные простыни, чтобы защитить тех, кто внутри от ужасного запаха реки Темзы. В середине этого века, первых листов, что бывает с теми, кто упал в Темзу, что они бросились в больницу, чтобы их желудки откачали!.

Затем, в 1960-х и 1970-х годах были приняты законы, которые запрещали систем отопления домов с открытых угольных пожаров в районах города и в котором остановилась большая часть загрязнения от фабрик. В свое время, сцена туман в голливудских фильмах было все, что необходимо, чтобы символизировать Лондон. Этот образ устарел, и к концу 1970-х годов было сказано, что можно ловить рыбу в Темзе перед зданием парламента.

Однако, как и в остальной части Западной Европы, значительное увеличение использования автомобиля в последней четверти ХХ века привел к росту нового вида загрязнения воздуха. Эта проблема стала настолько серьезной, что прогноз погоды на телевидении сейчас регулярно выпускает предупреждения "плохое качество воздуха". В некоторых случаях это достаточно плохо, чтобы запрашивать рекомендации, что определенные люди (например, астматиков) не должны даже покинуть свои дома, и что никто не должен принимать каких-либо упражнений, таких как бег, вышел из двери.

Найти английские эквиваленты для русских слов.
а) удивление б) терпеть в) предложить, г) объемный
а) неудобно Б) имеется в) ужасный г) средняя
а) запретить б) простить в) забыть г) предсказывать

3/[͵и:кэʹлоджик(э)л] Problems[МН.Ч.] [ов] [э,(эй)] [биг] [ʹсити]. [ʹландэн]

[ит] [воз] [ин] [ʹбритн] [зэт] [зэ] [вё:д] "[смог]" [воз] [фё:ст] [ью:зд] ([ту:] [дисʹкрайб] [микс]%ACture [ов] [смэук] [энд] [фог]). [эз] [зэ] world%27s [Сущ.Пр.П.] [фё:ст] industrialized [ʹкантри], [итс] cities[МН.Ч.] [вё:] [зэ] [фё:ст] [ту:] [ʹсафэ] [зис] atmospher%ACic [кэнʹдиш(э)н]. [ин] [зэ] XlX-th [ʹсэнчэри] London%27s [Сущ.Пр.П.] "[пи:]-soupers[МН.Ч.]" ([сик] smogs[МН.Ч.]) [биʹкэйм] [ʹфэймэс] [сру:] descriptions[МН.Ч.] [ов] [зэм] [ин] [зэ] [вё:кс] [ов] [ча:лз] [дик]%ACens[МН.Ч.] [энд] [ин] [зэ] SherlockHolmes[МН.Ч.] sto%ACries[МН.Ч.]. [зэ] [͵сичуʹэйш(э)н] [ин] [ʹландэн] reached [итс] [вё:ст] [пойнт] [ин] 1952. [эт] [зэ] [энд] [ов] [зэт] [йиэ] [э,(эй)] [пэʹтикйулэли] [бэд] [смог], [вич] lasted [фо:] [ʹсэв(э)рэл] [дэйз], [воз] [ʹэстимэйтид] [ту:] [хэв] caused [биʹтви:н] 4000 [энд] 8000 deaths[МН.Ч.].

[ʹво:тэ] [пэʹлу:ш(э)н] [воз] [ʹо:лсэу] [э,(эй)] prob%AClem. [ин] [зэ] XlX-th [ʹсэнчэри] [ит] [воз] [ванс] suggested [зэт] [зэ] Houses[МН.Ч.] [ов] Parlia%ACment [шуд] [би:] [рэпт] [ин] [иʹно:мэс] [вэт] sheets[МН.Ч.] [ту:] [прэʹтэкт] [зэуз] [инʹсайд] [фром] [зэ] [ʹо:ф(э)л] [смэл] [ов] [зэ] [ʹривэ] [тэмз]. [ин] [зэ] [мидл] years[МН.Ч.] [ов] [зис] [ʹсэнчэри], [зэ] [фё:ст] [ʹтайлинг] [зэт] happened [ту:] peo%ACple [ху:] [фэл] [ʹинту:] [зэ] [тэмз] [воз] [зэт] [зэй] [вё:] [рашт] [ту:] [ʹхоспитл] [ту:] [хэв] [зэа] stomachs[МН.Ч.] pumped [аут]!

[зэн], [ʹдйуэринг] [зэ] 1960s [энд] 1970s, [ло:з] [вё:] [па:ст] [вич] [фэʹбэйд] [зэ] [ʹхи:тинг] [ов] homes[МН.Ч.] [виз] [ʹэупэн] [кэул] fires[МН.Ч.] [ин] [ʹсити] areas[МН.Ч.] [энд] [вич] [стопт] [мач] [ов] [зэ] [пэʹлу:ш(э)н] [фром] factories[МН.Ч.]. [эт] [ван] [тайм], [э,(эй)] [си:н] [ов] [фог] [ин] [ʹхоливуд] films[МН.Ч.] [воз] [о:л] [зэт] [воз] [ʹнэсис(э)ри] [ту:] [ʹсимбэлайз] [ʹландэн]. [зис] [ʹимидж] [из] [нау] [аут] [ов] [дэйт], [энд] [бай] [зэ] [энд] [ов] [зэ] 1970s [ит] [воз] [сэд] [ту:] [би:] [ʹпосэб(э)л] [ту:] [кэч] [фиш] [ин] [зэ] [тэмз] [ʹаутсайд] [па:]%ACliament.

[хауʹэвэ], [эз] [ин] [зэ] [рэст] [ов] [ʹвэстэн] [ʹйу(э)рэп], [зэ] [грэйт] [ʹинкри:с] [ин] [зэ] [ью:с] [ов] [зэ] [ʹмэутэ] [ка:] [ин] [зэ] [ла:ст] [ʹкво:тэ] [ов] [зэ] [ʹэксиз]-th [ʹсэнчэри] [хэз] caused [эн] [ин]%ACcrease [ин] [э,(эй)] [нью:] [кайнд] [ов] [эа] [пэʹлу:ш(э)н]. [зис] [ʹпроблэм] [хэз] [биʹкам] [сэу] [ʹси(э)риэс] [зэт] [зэ] [ʹтэли͵виж(э)н] [ʹвэзэ] [ʹфо:ка:ст] [нау] [ʹрэгйулэли] issues[МН.Ч.] warnings[МН.Ч.] [ов] "[пуэ] [эа] [ʹкволити]". [он] [сам] occasions[МН.Ч.] [ит] [из] [бэд] [иʹнаф] [ту:] [промпт] [эʹфиш(э)л] [эдʹвайс] [зэт] [ʹсё:тн] [ʹпи:п(э)л] ([сач] [эз] [ʹэсмэ] [ʹсафэ]%ACers[МН.Ч.]) [шуд] [нот] [ʹи:в(э)н] [ли:в] [зэа] hous-es[МН.Ч.], [энд] [зэт] [ʹнэубэди] [шуд] [тэйк] [ʹэни] [ʹэксэсайз], [сач] [эз] [ʹджогинг], [аут] [ов] doors[МН.Ч.].

[файнд] [ʹинглиш] equivalents[МН.Ч.][МН.Ч.] [фо:] [ʹраш(э)н] words[МН.Ч.].
[э,(эй)]) [сэʹпрайз] [би:]) [ʹсафэ] [си:]) [сэʹджэст] [ди:]) [сэʹраунд]
[э,(эй)]) [ʹо:квэд] [би:]) [эʹвэйлэб(э)л] [си:]) [ʹо:ф(э)л] [ди:]) [ʹэв(э)ридж]
[э,(эй)]) [фэʹбид] [би:]) [фэʹгив] [си:]) [фэʹгэт] [ди:]) [фо:ʹтэл]


4 текст /How Can We Contribute to Solve the Rubbish Problem?

Here are some ways to beat the throw-away society. All of them are cleaner and cheaper than burying rub­bish.

1. Throw away less rubbish.

In Denmark, for example, it's ille­gal to sell drinks in cans. And it's not just governments which can produce less rubbish. It's ordinary people, too. For example, anyone can decide to:

· buy products with as little pack­aging as possible;

· use and throw away fewer plas­tic bags;

· waste less paper.

2. Turn rubbish into energy.

How'? By burning it. The use of rubbish as fuel is a good idea because


· saves fossil fuels;

· means burying less rubbish;

· cuts pollution.

Energy from rubbish is cleaner and cheaper than energy from fossil fuels. Every year millions of tones of rubbish are dumped into the ground. It could be used instead to generate electricity, create heat for industrial purposes, or heat hospitals, schools, public build­ings or even whole districts.

3. Use rubbish again.

It is possible, in fact, to recycle 80% of domestic rubbish. This includes pa­per, glass, metal and plastic. It's im­portant to increase the number of re­cycling centers. For example, there are more "bottle banks" nowadays than ever before. In many countries there are not only bottle banks but also alu­minium banks, steel banks, plastic banks, paper banks, used batteries banks, old clothes banks. Denmark has an interesting system. Aluminium cans are not allowed to be sold, nor are non-standard bottles. Any shop which sells bottled drinks has to accept re­turned bottles.

This system significantly reduces the amount of glass thrown away as refuse — and the amount of broken glass turning up in the countryside and on the beaches.

4. Spread knowledge about rub­bish problem among people and in form them what they can do to re duce it.


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