Общие особенности миссий на этом турнире — КиберПедия 

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Общие особенности миссий на этом турнире

2020-01-13 76
Общие особенности миссий на этом турнире 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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- Вместо First Blood используется правило First Strike из Chapter Approved 2018: игрок получает 1 очко, если уничтожил хотя бы 1 Unit противника в свой первый Turn.

- Используется расстановка из Chapter Approved 2018: Игроки ставят маркеры, после чего броском определяют, кто выбирает сторону. Проигравший выбор стороны игрок полностью ставит свою армию на стол и после того, как оппонент поставит свою армию определяет, кто будет ходить первым.

- Refined Strategy (Chapter Approved 2018): перед каждой миссией, до расстановки точек разрешено удалить до 6 карт из своей колоды Maelstrom of War на выбор, чтобы более успешно противостоять определенной армии. Это производится до начала игры, все сброшенные карты должны быть продемонстрированы оппоненту.

- Acceptable Casualties (Chapter Approved 2018): Победа полным уничтожением отсутствует — сняв противника со стола, вы продолжаете выполнять миссии и получать очки до завершения игры на 5-7 ходу. Противник не может брать новые карты и выполнять любые карты, связанные с маркерами, однако может выполнять уже имеющиеся карты Maelstrom, если это возможно.

- Все миссии используют дополнительную кубовку на выбор стороны после расстановки маркеров.

- Номера точек, имеющих определенный номинал в миссиях, определяются игроками случайным образом или по договоренности до броска на очередность расстановки точек. Первый игрок всегда ставит точки 1, 3, 5, второй — 2, 4, 6.

- На турнире используется стандартная таблица Maelstrom of War. Фракции, у которых есть свои колоды, должны указать в ростере, будут ли они их использовать.

- Все D3 в картах Maelstrom считаются равными 2. Все D6 – 4.

- В ход (но не Battle-round!) можно выполнить не более трех карт Maelstrom of War, кроме случаев, когда это отдельно изменено правилами миссии.

- Если вы вытянули невыполнимое даже в перспективе задание (К примеру, уничтожить здание, которого у оппонента нет), или задание, которое «гипотетически» выполнимо, но целиком и полностью зависит от решения оппонента (К примеру, убить летающего монстра, когда оппонент способен призвать летучего Greater Demon), немедленно сбросьте полученную карту и вытяните новую. Обращаем ваше внимание, что это не относится к выполнимым в течение игры заданиям, к примеру, уничтожить юнит, который пока еще находится в резерве, даже если их выполнение маловероятно.

- Каждый уничтоженный юнит приносит Killpoint, а каждый Killpoint разницы приносит 1 VP игроку. Разница по КР у игроков не может превышать 6 KP — при превышении разницы, лишние очки не учитываются.

Очки по итогам боя начисляются следующим образом:

Игроки подсчитывают общую сумму всех своих Victory Points, включая Eternal War VP, Maelstrom of War VP, KP, First Strike, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord и любые дополнительные источники VP.

По итогам разницы VP, игроки получают следующее количество П.О.:


0 – 10/10
1-2 – 11/9
3-4 – 12/8
5-6 – 13/7
7-8 – 14/6
9-10 – 15/5
11-12 – 16/4
13-14 - 17/3
15-16 - 18/2
17-18 - 19/1
19+ - 20/0

В регламенте используются миссии с ETC 2019 Novi Sad:

Первый тур:


Objective #1: Eternal War: Frontline Warfare (Marker 1-4)

Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Contact Lost (3 cards/turn cap)

Deployment: Frontline Assault Tertiaries: First Strike, Linebreaker, STW

Mission Special Rules: Temporary Comms Uplink, Acceptable Casualties, Refined Strategies

Objective placing happens first (players freely decide where they want to place the markers with the caveat that only marker 1-4 count for EW scoring and that markers are always placed in order).

Choosing deployment zones happens right after objective placement.

First Turn: The player who did not chose the deployment zone sets up his entire army first and decides who gets the first turn. If they take the first turn, opponent can roll a D6; on a 6, they manage to seize the initiative, and get the first turn instead!

Tactical Objectives: Generate 1 Tactical Objective first turn and then 1 additional objective for each marker under your control starting from the second turn, up to a maximum of 6 in your hand at a given time.

Mission Special Rule: Temporary Comms Uplink Stratagem At the start of any of their turns, a player with less than 6 active tactical objectives can spend 3 Command Points to generate an extra card that turn.

Random Game Length: The player who had first turn rolls a dice after T5. Game continues on the roll of 3+. At the end of T6, the player who went second rolls a dice. Game continues on the roll of 4+. This is a mission roll and cannot be re-rolled with a command point reroll.

Scoring: At the end of the game Eternal War points are scored for Markers 1 to 4. Markers completely in your own deployment zone are worth 1 VP, while Markers completely in the enemy’s deployment zone are worth 4 VP and other Markers are each worth 2 victory points. Markers are assumed to be completely within a deployment zone if the very center of the marker is located within a deployment zone. At the end of the battle, count up points scored from Eternal War, Maelstrom, Killpoints and secondary objectives (Slay the Warlord, First Strike and Linebreaker). The difference in total VP’s scored decides the outcome of the battle.

Второй тур:


Objective #1: Eternal War: Scorched Earth (Marker 1-6)

Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Tactical Escalation (3 cards cap/turn)

Deployment: Hammer and Anvil

Tertiaries: First Strike, Linebreaker, STW

Mission Special Rules: Acceptable Casualties, Refined Strategies

Objective placing first.

Choosing deployment zones happens right after objective placement.

First Turn: The player who did not chose the deployment zone sets up his entire army first and decides who gets the first turn. If they take the first turn, opponent can roll a D6; on a 6, they manage to seize the initiative, and get the first turn instead!

Tactical Objectives: Generate Tactical Objectives up to the current battle round each turn.

Random Game Length: The player who had first turn rolls a dice after T5. Game continues on the roll of 3+. At the end of T6, the player who went second rolls a dice. Game continues on the roll of 4+. This is a mission roll and cannot be re-rolled with a command point reroll.

Scoring: Each player scores 1 VP at the start of their turn, starting from the 2nd battleround for each objective marker they control. However, if an objective marker is within the enemy’s deployment zone you can choose to raze it at the start of your turn if you control it; doing so scores you 2 victory points instead of 1 but that objective marker is then no longer scoring points for Eternal War. The difference in total VP’s scored during the game decides the outcome of the battle. Count up points scored from Eternal War, Maelstrom, Killpoints and secondary objectives (Slay the Warlord, First Strike and Linebreaker). The difference in total VP’s scored decides the outcome of the battle.

Третий тур:


Objective #1: Eternal War: ETC Secure and Control (ALTERED, 1-6) and ETC Cut off the Head (ALTERED)

Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Decapitation Strike (3 cards/turn cap)

Deployment: Dawn of War

Tertiaries: First Strike, Linebreaker, STW

Mission Special Rules: Acceptable Casualties, Refined Strategies, Transmit Intel

Objective placing happens first (Players secretly note the point values of the markers being 4, 3 or 2 VP as they put them down. These are revealed at the start of the first battleround).

Choosing deployment zones happens right after objective placement.

First Turn: The player who did not chose the deployment zone sets up his entire army first and decides who gets the first turn. If they take the first turn, opponent can roll a D6; on a 6, they manage to seize the initiative, and get the first turn instead!

Tactical Objectives: Generate up to 3 Tactical Objectives each turn, and 1 additional card for each KP you have scored since your previous turn, up to a maximum hand size of 6.

Mission Special Rule: Transmit Intel: Prior to the start of the battle, allocate up to 3 intel points as evenly as possible to the characters in your army. If you have no characters in your army, assign 1 Intel point to your Warlord. As from the third battle round on, players score 1 VP for each objective marker with at least one model with at least one intel point on at the start of their turn. If several models with intel points are on the same objective, the player with the most intel points on any given marker controls that objective (this also counts for scoring maelstrom purposes). Models with intel points will override the objective secured ability of troop units and control the objective instead. In the case of a tie for intel points the player with the most models on the objective controls it, otherwise the player with the most intel points on an objective control it.

Random Game Length: The player who had first turn rolls a dice after T5. Game continues on the roll of 3+. At the end of T6, the player who went second rolls a dice. Game continues on the roll of 4+. This is a mission roll and cannot be re-rolled with a command point reroll.

Scoring: At the end of the game each marker is worth 4, 3 or 2 VP respectively to the player controlling it.

The difference in total VP’s scored during the game decides the outcome of the battle. Count up points scored from Eternal War, Maelstrom, Killpoints and secondary objectives (Slay the Warlord, First Strike and Linebreaker). The difference in total VP’s scored decides the outcome of the battle.

Четвертый тур:


Objective #1: Eternal War: ETC The Four Pillars (Altered)

Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Disruptive Signals (3 cards/turn cap)

Deployment: Search and Destroy

Tertiaries: First Strike, Linebreaker, STW

Mission Special Rules: Acceptable Casualties, Refined Strategies, Signal Interrupt Stratagem

Objective placing (markers 1-4 are pre-set with the dead center being exactly18 inches up the field and 12 inches into each quarter and then players can place objective 5 and 6 alternating starting with the player who has won the roll-off).

Choosing deployment zones happens right after objective placement.

First Turn: The player who did not chose the deployment zone sets up his entire army first and decides who gets the first turn. If they take the first turn, opponent can roll a D6; on a 6, they manage to seize the initiative, and get the first turn instead!

Tactical Objectives: Generate up to 4 Tactical Objectives each turn.

Mission: At the end of each BATTLE ROUND, the player controlling more objective markers

than their opponent scores 1 victory point, or 3 VP if they control markers 1 to 4 (which

are the 4 automatically placed objectives situated along the diagonal lines). 1VP is awarded

to the player that destroyed more units from their opponent’s army each BATTLE ROUND.

Players can spend 1 CP to disallow an opponent from scoring 1 objective the battle round,

by using the Signal Interrupt Stratagem, the moment, the card is generated.

Random Game Length: The player who had first turn rolls a dice after T5. Game continues on the roll of 3+. At the end of T6, the player who went second rolls a dice. Game continues on the roll of 4+. This is a mission roll and cannot be re-rolled with a command point reroll.

Scoring: At the end of the game, count up points scored from Eternal War, Maelstrom, Killpoints and tertiary objectives (No Prisoners, Slay the Warlord, First Strike and Linebreaker). The difference in total VP’s scored decides the outcome of the battle.




+ TEAM: Скорим Точки

+ Player 1: Кирилл "Undertaker" Деркач


+ TOTAL СР: 13

+ TOTAL PTS: 1996 pts






++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids) [51 PL, 1111pts] ++

Hive Fleet: Kronos


HQ1: Tyranid Prime [6 PL, 76pts]: Adrenal Glands, Deathspitter, Scything Talons

HQ2: Tyranid Prime [6 PL, 76pts]: Adrenal Glands, Deathspitter, Scything Talons


TR1: Hormagaunts [3 PL, 50pts]: 10x Hormagaunt

TR2: Tyranid Warriors [9 PL, 172pts]:

2x Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Rending Claws

2x Tyranid Warrior: Devourer, Rending Claws

Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon): Scything Talons, Venom Cannon

Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon): Rending Claws, Venom Cannon

TR3: Tyranid Warriors [9 PL, 172pts]:

2x Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Rending Claws

2x Tyranid Warrior: Devourer, Rending Claws

Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon): Scything Talons, Venom Cannon

Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon): Rending Claws, Venom Cannon


HS1: Carnifexes [18 PL, 357pts]: 3x Carnifex: Enhanced Senses, Heavy Venom Cannon, Spore Cysts, Two Deathspitters with Slimer Maggots

HS2: Tyrannofex [11 PL, 208pts]: Rupture Cannon, Stinger Salvo


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids) [64 PL, 885pts] ++

Hive Fleet: Behemoth


HQ3: Broodlord [8 PL, 115pts]

HQ4: Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 219pts]: 2x Monstrous Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands, Scythes of Tyran, Toxin Sacs, Wings, Warlord


TR4: Genestealers [8 PL, 120pts]: 10x Genestealer: 10x Rending Claws

TR5: Genestealers [8 PL, 120pts]: 10x Genestealer: 10x Rending Claws

TR6: Genestealers [8 PL, 120pts]: 10x Genestealer: 10x Rending Claws


HS3: Trygon Prime [10 PL, 191pts]: 3x Massive Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands, Biostatic Rattle, Toxin Sacs


Refined Strategy: Discard 34, 35, 41




+ TEAM: Скорим Точки

+ Player 2: Андрей "Greshnik" Белоусов

+ MAIN ARMY FACTION: Astra Militarum

+ TOTAL СР: 21

+ TOTAL PTS: 1660 pts


+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Astra Militarum, Officio Assossinorum




++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [90 PL, 1,310pts] ++

Regimental Doctrine: Regiment: Catachan


HQ1: Company Commander [2 PL, 30pts]: Chainsword, Laspistol

HQ2: Company Commander [2 PL, 30pts]: Chainsword, Laspistol

HQ3: Tank Commander [12 PL, 185pts]: Heavy Bolter, Plasma Cannons, Turret-mounted Executioner Plasma Cannon

HQ4: Tank Commander [12 PL, 185pts]: Heavy Bolter, Plasma Cannons, Turret-mounted Executioner Plasma Cannon


TR1: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant: Laspistol

TR2: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant: Laspistol

TR3: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant: Laspistol

TR4: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant: Laspistol

TR5: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant: Laspistol

TR6: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant: Laspistol

TR7: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant: Laspistol


EL1: Astropath [1 PL, 26pts]: Laspistol

EL2: Master of Ordnance [2 PL, 30pts]

EL3: Ogryn Bodyguard [4 PL, 52pts]: Brute Shield, Bullgryn Maul

EL4: Sergeant Harker [3 PL, 50pts]


FA1: Scout Sentinels [3 PL, 44pts]: Scout Sentinel: Heavy Flamer

FA2: Scout Sentinels [3 PL, 44pts]: Scout Sentinel: Heavy Flamer

FA3: Scout Sentinels [3 PL, 44pts]: Scout Sentinel: Heavy Flamer


HS1: Basilisks [7 PL, 108pts]: Basilisk: Heavy Bolter

HS2: Heavy Weapons Squad [3 PL, 33pts]3x Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar

HS3: Heavy Weapons Squad [3 PL, 33pts]: 3x Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar

HS4: Heavy Weapons Squad [3 PL, 33pts]: 3x Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar

HS5: Wyverns [6 PL, 103pts]: Wyvern: Heavy Bolter


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [24 PL, 350pts] ++

Regimental Doctrine: Regiment: Catachan


HQ5: Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken [4 PL, 75pts]

HQ6: Commissar Yarrick [7 PL, 100pts]

HQ7: Sly Marbo [4 PL, 55pts]


TR8: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant: Laspistol

TR9: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant: Laspistol

TR9: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant: Laspistol


++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Officio Assassinorum) [20 PL, 340pts] ++


EL5: Callidus Assassin [5 PL, 85pts]

EL6: Culexus Assassin [5 PL, 85pts]

EL7: Eversor Assassin [5 PL, 85pts]

EL8: Vindicare Assassin [5 PL, 85pts]


+ TEAM: Скорим Точки

+ Player 3: Андрей "Хлеб" Антонов

+ MAIN ARMY FACTION: Space Marines

+ TOTAL СР: 12

+ TOTAL PTS: 1998 pts






++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [78 PL, 1,350pts, 8CP] ++

Chapter Selection: Ultramarines


HQ1: Chaplain Cassius [5 PL, 85pts]: 2. Catechism of Fire, 5. Recitation of Focus, Litany of Hate

HQ2: Sergeant Chronus [2 PL, 30pts]


TR1: Intercessor Squad [10 PL, 111pts]: Bolt rifle, 5x Intercessor, Intercessor Sergeant: Power fist

TR2: Intercessor Squad [10 PL, 111pts]: Bolt rifle, 5x Intercessor, Intercessor Sergeant: Power fist

TR3: Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 85pts]: Bolt rifle, 4x Intercessor Intercessor Sergeant

TR4: Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 90pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher [1pts], Bolt rifle, 4x Intercessor, Intercessor Sergeant: Power sword


EL1: Apothecary [3 PL, 50pts]

EL2: Chapter Ancient [4 PL, 75pts]: Standard of Macragge Inviolate

EL3: Redemptor Dreadnought [7 PL, 166pts]: 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon


HS1: Centurion Devastator Squad [12 PL, 270pts]

. Centurion: Hurricane bolter, Two Heavy Bolters

. Centurion: Hurricane bolter, Two Lascannons

. Centurion Sergeant: Hurricane bolter, Two Lascannons

HS2: Land Raider [15 PL, 277pts]: Twin heavy bolter, 2x Twin lascannon


++ Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [34 PL, 648pts, 4CP] ++

Chapter Selection: Ultramarines


HQ3: Captain in Phobos Armour [5 PL, 99pts]: Camo cloak, Master-crafted instigator bolt carbine

HQ4: Chief Librarian Tigurius [7 PL, 130pts]: 2) Scryer's Gaze, 3) Telepathic Assault, 5) Psychic Shackles

HQ5: Primaris Lieutenants [4 PL, 69pts]: Primaris Lieutenant [4 PL, 69pts]: Master-crafted auto bolt rifle


LoW1: Roboute Guilliman [18 PL, 350pts, 3CP]: Warlord



+ TEAM: Скорим Точки

+ Player 4: Владимир "Trust" Петров

+ MAIN ARMY FACTION: Craftworlds

+ TOTAL СР: 15

+ TOTAL PTS: 1996 pts






++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Craftworlds) [115 PL, 1,996pts] ++

Craftworld Attribute: Biel-Tan: Swordwind


HQ1: Asurmen [9 PL, 175pts]

HQ2: Farseer [6 PL, 110pts]: 0. Smite, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade

HQ3: Spiritseer [3 PL, 65pts]: 0. Smite, Shuriken Pistol


TR1: Dire Avengers [6 PL, 121pts]

. 9x Dire Avenger: 9x Avenger Shuriken Catapult

. Dire Avenger Exarch: Shimmershield & Power Glaive, Exarch Power: Battle Fortune

TR2: Dire Avengers [6 PL, 121pts]

. 9x Dire Avenger: 9x Avenger Shuriken Catapult

. Dire Avenger Exarch: Shimmershield & Power Glaive, Exarch Power: Battle Fortune

TR3: Dire Avengers [6 PL, 121pts]

. 9x Dire Avenger: 9x Avenger Shuriken Catapult

. Dire Avenger Exarch: Shimmershield & Power Glaive, Exarch Power: Battle Fortune

TR4: Rangers [3 PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger

TR5: Rangers [3 PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger

TR6: Rangers [3 PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger


EL1: Fire Dragons [12 PL, 147pts]

. 5x Fire Dragon: 5x Fusion Gun

. Fire Dragon Exarch: Firepike, Exarch Power: Crack Shot

EL2: Howling Banshees [6 PL, 81pts]

. 5x Howling Banshee: 5x Power Sword

. Howling Banshee Exarch: Shuriken Pistol & Executioner, Exarch Power: War Shout

EL3: Striking Scorpions [7 PL, 79pts]

. 5x Striking Scorpion: 5x Scorpion Chainsword

. Striking Scorpion Exarch: Biting Blade, Scorpion's Claw, Exarch Power: Sustained Attack


FA1: Shining Spears [5 PL, 104pts]:

. 2x Shining Spear: 2x Laser Lance, 2x Twin Shuriken Catapult

. Shining Spear Exarch: Star Lance, Twin Shuriken Catapult, Exarch Power: Expert Hunter

FA2: Windriders [4 PL, 69pts]: 3x Windrider - Scatter Laser: 3x Scatter Laser

FA3: Windriders [4 PL, 69pts]: 3x Windrider - Scatter Laser: 3x Scatter Laser


HS1: Dark Reapers [7 PL, 141pts]

. 3x Dark Reaper: 3x Reaper Launcher

. Dark Reaper Exarch: Tempest Launcher, Exarch Power: Crack Shot

HS2: Support Weapons [3 PL, 37pts]: Support Weapon: Shadow Weaver

HS3: War Walkers [4 PL, 70pts]: War Walker: Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon


DT1: Wave Serpent [9 PL, 157pts]: Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones, Twin Shuriken Cannon

DT2: Wave Serpent [9 PL, 149pts]: Spirit Stones, Twin Shuriken Cannon, Twin Shuriken Catapult




+ TEAM: Скорим Точки

+ PLAYER: Александр "Lord" Безносов



+ TOTAL PTS: 1992 pts





== Necrons Battalion Detachment == +5CP <Mixed>

HQ1: Cryptek, Canoptek cloak, Staff of Light [85] < Nihilakh>

HQ2: Cryptek, Canoptek cloak, Staff of Light [85] < Nephrekh > [ARTEFACTS OF THE AEONS: The Veil of Darkness]


TR1: 5 Immortal, 5 Tesla Carbine [75] < Nephrekh >

TR2: 5 Immortal, 5 Tesla Carbine [75] < Nephrekh >

TR3: 5 Immortal, 5 Tesla Carbine [75] < Nephrekh >  


== Necrons Outrider Detachment == +1CP <Nephrekh>

HQ3: Destroyer lord, Phylactery\, Warscythe [129] <Nephrekh> [WARLORD: ETERNAL MADNESS]


EL1: C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer [180] - Powers of the C’tan: TRANSDIMENSIONAL THUNDERBOLT, COSMIC FIRE


FA1: 6 Destroyer, 6 Gauss Cannon [300] < Nephrekh >

FA2: 6 Canoptek Wraith [330] <Nephrekh>

FA3: 5 Tomb blades, 10 Tesla Carbine, 1 Nebuloscope [142]


== Necrons Super-heavy Auxiliary Detachment == +0CP < Nihilakh >



Refined Strategy: Discard 42,45,46,54,55,66


Результаты турнира

Команда Скорим Точки – Тур № 1






Команда Анклав – Тур № 2






Команда Анклав – Тур № 3






Команда Анклав – Тур № 4







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