What is the theme of your scientific paper? — КиберПедия 

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What is the theme of your scientific paper?

2020-01-13 217
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The theme of my would-be thesis is “The Nature of Antisocial Juvenile Behavior and Ways of its Prevention”.

  1. What range of theoretical and experimental problems do you plan to cover?

In my research work I am planning to answer the following questions:

1. What is known today about hereditary predetermined human behavior?

2. What is the correlation between social and biological factors affecting human (juvenile, in particular) behavior including antisocial, criminal behavior?

3. How does this correlation affect the responsibility of a human being to the state and society?

4. How can social and biological factors be used for the purposes of prevention of antisocial juvenile behavior?

  1. What theoretical and practical aspects of your subject will you focus on?

The aim of my work is to investigate the existing theoretical and practical approaches to juvenile delinquency and to find the best ways of its prevention.

  1. What is the theoretical basis for your research?

The conception of Dr. Ermakov is the theoretical basis for my research.

  1. What are the general ideas your study rests on?

 I am quite sure the nature of social phenomena cannot be understood and explained through biological categories. But at the same time it is impossible to disregard the fact that man is an inseparable part of nature, a biological being.

What main issues does your work deal with?

The main issue my study deals with is the problem of causes of antisocial juvenile behavior.

I am deeply convinced that the problem of causes of antisocial juvenile behavior is a part of more general, global problems.

What books (sources of information, articles, and papers) have you already got acquainted with?

I have already studied all the necessary literature in my field.

I have analyzed all the publications on my subject before writing the thesis and have taken part in different scientific conferences.

The list of used literature presents a wide variety of sources.

Are you going to deal with both theoretical and experimental problems?

Yes, I am going to deal with both theoretical and experimental problems. I have performed some experiments in juvenile prisons.

Have you completed your experimental work?

Yes, I have done my experimental work.

The second part of my thesis presents a detailed account of the experimental results.

What have you achieved in your study?

The mechanism of the impact of biological characteristics of personality on its behavior, especially on antisocial behavior is shown in my study.

What are the most notable recent achievements and discoveries in your domain?

The conception written by Prof. Ermakov is the most notable recent achievement in my field.

What still remains not clear?

I haven’t yet analyzed the results of my experimental work. And these results, I believe, can explain many things in juvenile delinquency.

What requires further investigation?

I’m planning to analyze the results of my experimental work and make conclusions about the ways and special measures how to prevent juvenile delinquency.

What problems still remain unresolved (vague, obscure)?

Psychological reasons of crime and antisocial behaviour still remain rather obscure and need further research.

Is your research work interdisciplinary?

Yes, it is. My work is interdisciplinary. My work is connected with criminology, psychiatry and genetics.

What recent data do you use in your paper?

As I have mentioned several times, the conception of Dr. Ermakov is the theoretical basis for my research. But my own experimental data will be thoroughly analyzed and my conclusions will be based upon them.

What methods do you plan to use in your work?

I used in my research the methods of modelling technology, observation, generalization, experiment.

What will be the contribution of your study to your sphere of knowledge?

It will discover and describe the causes of juvenile crimes and thus help to prevent them.

What is the practical importance of your study?

The practical importance of my study lies in the fact that its results can be used in the work with ‘problem’ children.

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