Assign somebody to something- — КиберПедия 

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Assign somebody to something-

2019-12-19 279
Assign somebody to something- 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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assign somebody to do something -

assign somebody something -

2. to give a particular time, value, place etc to something-

assign something to something -

Boost (v.)- 1. to increase or improve something and make it more successful.

boost somebody’s confidence/morale/ego -

a big/major/huge/significant boost in smth.

Boost to-

Boost for-

CV (n.) - (curriculum vitae) a short written document that lists your educational previous jobs, which you send to employers when you are looking for a job.

Employability (n.)- The quality of being suitable for paid work.

Employee (n.)- someone who is paid to work for someone else.

A full-time/part-time employee

A permanent/temporary employee

A senior/junior employee

A retired employee

Recruit employees

lay off employees (=stop employing them because there is no work for them to do)

make employees redundant (=stop employing them because there is no work for them to do)

dismiss/sack an employee (=stop employing them because they have behaved badly or broken a rule

Employer (n.)- a person, company, or organization that employs people

Big/large/major employer

Private sector/public sector employer

Work for/have an employer

Potential/prospective/future employer

Headhunter (n.)- a person who tries to persuade someone to leave their job by offering that person another job with more pay and a higher position.

Hire (v.)- to employ someone for a short time to do a particular job.

Job fair (n.)- a large event where people looking for jobs and companies looking for employees can meet.

Jobseeker (n.) – someone who is looking for a job.

Lay smb. off (v.) – 1 to stop employing someone because there is no work for them to do.

One-on-one activity (n.)- involves two people talking directly, usually with one teaching or giving information to the other.

Outstrip (v.)- 1. to do something better than someone else or be more successful.

2. to run or move faster than someone or something else Speeding at 90 mph,

Be outstripped by sth-

Outstrip competitors/rivals-

Outstrip expectations/forecasts/predictions-

Probationer (n.) – someone who has recently started a job, especially nursing or teaching, and who is being tested to see whether they are suitablefor it.

Recruit (v.)- 1, to find new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job etc. 2. to persuade someone to do something for you.

Recruit (n.) - someone who has recently joined an organization, team, group of people etc

Recruiter (n.)– 1. someone who helps companies and organizations to find new people to work for them. 2. someone in a company who is involved in recruiting new employees

Think-tank (n.) -a group of people with experience or knowledge of a particular subject, who work to produce ideas and give advice.

Right-wing/liberal/economic etc think tank-

Corporate/economic/political think tank-

Vacancy (n.)- a job that is available for someone to start doing.

A job vacancy-

A suitable vacancy-

an unfilled vacancy -

a staff vacancy-

have a vacancy-.

Advertise a vacancy-

fill a vacancy (=find or be a new person for a job)-

Create/leave a vacancy-

There is a vacancy-

a vacancy comes up (also a vacancy arises/occurs formal)(=there is a vacancy)-

Assign (v.) назначать, определять, устанавливать

to assigh smb. to a case –поручать ведение дел кому-либо

to assign a company- распределять кого-либо в компанию

to assign a limited sum- вылелять/ ассигновать ограниченную сумму

Boost (v.) повышать, поднимать

to give a boost to smb.- оказывать кому-либо поддержку

to give a boost to smth.- стимулировать что-либо

Employee (n.) служащий, работающий по найму

to engage/hire/ take on an employee- нанимать сотрудника на работу

to dismiss/fire/sack an employee- выгонять сотрудника с работы

to make an employee redundant- уволить сотрудника по сокращению штата

white-collar employee - служащий, так называемый «белый воротничок», человек, работающий в офисе

public sector employee - государственный служащий, “бюджетник”

service employee - работник сферы обсуживания

Hire (v.) нанимать/ приглашать на работу

for hire- внаем

to work for hire- работать по найму

hire-and-fire job- разовая/случайная работа

hire away- перенимать работника (особенно у конкурента)

Probationer (n.) стажер, практикант

to be on probation- находиться на стажировке

probation/ probationary - испытательный срок

probationary appointment- назначение с испытательным сроком

Recruit (v.) 1. новичок, новый участник

2. кто-либо недавно или только что причисленный к некому определенному кругу

Think-tank (n.)  «мозговой центр»; консультативный орган для разработки новых идей и дачи экспертных показаний

Vacancy (n.) вакансия

to announce a vacancy - объявлять конкурс на замещение вакантной должности

to be included in the vacancy -быть включенным в список кандидатов на пост

occurrence of the vacancy - открытие вакансии

unfilled vacancy - вакантная должность


be snowed uner - to have more work than you can deal with.

bring home the bacon- to provide enough money to support your family.

go the extra mile - to try a little harder in order to achieve something, after you have already used a lot of effort.

burn the candle at both ends - to get very tired by doing things until very late at night and getting up early in the mornings.

work your fingers to the bone – to work very hard.



Unit 3.1


  Acquaintance (n.)- someone you know, but who is not a close friend.

Acquaintance with-

make somebody’s acquaintance -

have a passing/nodding acquaintance with something (=have only slight knowledge or experience of something)

of your acquaintance -

on first acquaintance -

Debunk (v.) – to show that an idea or belief is false.

Eventual (adj.)- happening at the end of a long period of time or after a lot of other things have happened.

Exploit (v.)- to treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but giving them very little in return – used to show disapproval.

Fib (n.) – a small unimportant lie = white lie.

to tell fibs -

(be) Inclined (adj.)- likely or wanting to do something.

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