Read the following international words and compare them with corresponding Russian ones. — КиберПедия 

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Read the following international words and compare them with corresponding Russian ones.

2019-12-19 215
Read the following international words and compare them with corresponding Russian ones. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Capitalist, colony, decade, industrial, export, import, production, electrical, textile, television, radio, motor, resources, centre, manufacture, port, expansion, military, sector, fund, million, product.


3. Match the words in A with those in B:

A                                                               B                          

change vehicle barley steel to obtain to manufacture deposit budget products decade independence electrical goods сталь ячмень месторождение независимость бюджет десятилетие электротовары получать изменение производить транспортное средство продукты

Read the words and say what parts of speech they belong to.

ʼExport – to exʼport; ʼimport – to imʼport; ʼincrease – to inʼcrease; ʼindustry –
in ʼdustrial; ʼproduct – proʼduction.


5. Match up the words which have a similar meaning:


to obtain; to manufacture; to receive; to produce; district; products; goods; expansion; region; extention.


Make up word-combinations:

a variety to devote to to be the centre to produce the extreme expansion of the military sector of mineral resourses of steel industry electrical goods arms expenditure

Give Russian equivalents.


Car industry, state budget, extreme expansion of the military sector, coal deposits, variety of mineral resources, have greatly increased, last decades, to obtain independence, cotton industry, everything one needs in life, to provide employment, all over the world.


Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. After the Second World War Great Britain has lost almost all it’s colonies.     
2. During the last decades there has been a great change in the structure of British industry. 3. Now British export of machinery and electrical goods has increased greatly. 4. Many of new branches of industry have developed in the last decades.  5. One-third of the state budget has been developed to arms expenditure.


Complete the sentences with English words instead of their Russian equivalents.

1. The country (известна) its car industry. 2. Clydeside and Belfast (известны) their ship-building. 3. There is no (разнообразия) of mineral resources in Great Britain.
4. Today the development of British industry is destroyed by the (чрезвычайным расширением) of the military sector. 5. Military industry (получает) more state funds. 6. The main branch of British agriculture is (молочное животноводство).
7. The main (зерновые культуры) are (пшеница) and (ячмень).

10. In each column find nouns and give their Russian equivalents:

productive produce production products producing develop developing developed development employ employment employee employing unemployed variable vary variety various varying

11. In each column find adjectives and give the Russian equivalents:


interest industrial industry import importance influence mineral coal-mining mine membership manufacturing machinery goods getting grain good grown greatly


Study the following text.


Great Britain is highly developed industrial capitalist country. It is a member of the Common Market. Before the Second World War the country was an old naval powerful state. After the war Great Britain has lost almost all its colonies, some of them feel under the influence of the USA, others obtained independence.

During the last decades there has been a great change in the structure of British industry. The main British exports were coal and textiles. But now British export of machinery, vehicles and electrical goods has greatly increased. Many new branches of industry have developed: such as the production of motor cars, radio and television sets and others.

There is no variety mineral resources in the country, but coal deposits take the 6th place in the world. Coal-mining is one of the oldest industries together with ship-building and cotton industries. In the centre of England there is a district called the Black country. From here coal and iron are brought to many industrial cities.

 Recently deposits of oil and natural-gas have been found in the British sector of the North Sea. Production of oil from offshore wells in the North Sea began in 1975, and the country is self-sufficient in petroleum. Other mineral resources include iron ore, tin, limestone, salt, china clay, oil shale, gypsum, and lead.

The country's main exports are manufactured goods, fuels, chemicals, food and beverages, and tobacco. The main imports are manufactured goods, machinery, fuels, and foodstuffs. The United States, Germany, France, and the Netherlands are the main trading partners, and the Commonwealth countries are also important.

 Britain has a large and sophisticated service sector. The service industries include finance, retailing, wholesaling, tourism, business services, transport, insurance, investment, advertising, public relations, market research, education, administration, and government and professional services. Telecommunications has become a dynamic growth industry, particularly with telex, facsimile, and e-mail communications

 Sheffield is the centre of steel industry. Everything one needs in life is manufactured in Birmingham. Manchester is a textile centre. Liverpool is an important part as well as London. Clydeside and Belfast are famous for their ship-building.

Today the development of British industry is destroyed by the extreme expansion of the military sector in it. One-third of the budget has been devoted to arms expenditure. Military industry receives more state funds.

Four-fifth (4/5) of the land is devoted to agriculture. It provides employment for more than 1 million people. The main branch of British agriculture is dairy-farming. Milk and milk products are famous all over the world. The main grain crops are wheat and barley. But a number of agricultural products is still imported.


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