Роль переводчика в современной жизни — КиберПедия 

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Роль переводчика в современной жизни

2019-11-28 107
Роль переводчика в современной жизни 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The article is called “The role of the translator in modern life”. In the author’s opinion, foreign languages are in demand, especially now, in the era of progress. Foreign languages are the main and most effective means of exchanging information between nations.

The author mentions that today more and more people are trying to learn at least one foreign language, but there are still more people who need a translator. Consequently, translators play a very important role in modern life.

The role of the translator is increasing, because it provides an opportunity to work with foreign companies and their representatives. So the author believes that it a huge responsibility and much depends on the translator’s ability to get out of a difficult situation.

In conclusion, the author gives some advice how to become a good translator and interpreter, so, you should listen to BBC news, communicate with people who speak English and also learn the culture and history of native speakers.



14. Почему Стив Джобс запрещал своим детям айфоны?


The article under discussion is “Why did Steve Jobs forbid his children to use iPhones”. When Jobs was the head of Apple, he forbade his children to use iPads and iPhones for a long period of time.”

AdMe.ru agrees that a person who has made a huge contribution to the development of technology is more aware of its dangers.

The author says that, in general, most technology executives from Silicon Valley limit the time spent by children in front of the screens. The Jobs family even banned the use of gadgets at night and at weekends.

Under the “dangers” of the Internet, Steve Jobs meant irrelevant content and the ability for children to become addicted to new technologies. To distract children from gadgets, he spoke with them, discussed books, etc.

Further the author reports that Steve Jobs was right: the researchers say that children should not be allowed to use tablets for more than half an hour a day, and smartphones - for more than two hours a day.

In conclusion the author asks if we are ready for such restrictions.


15. 60 богатейших людей против беднейшей половины населения планеты


The title of the article is “60 richest people against the poorest half of the population.” The author of the article is an economist and a writer Ike Brannon. The author speaks about the raising problem of wealth and poverty. The Oxfam organization announced that 60 of the richest people in the world own the same amount of assets as the poorest half of the population. But Ike Brannon argues that that is completely not true. The problem is that so many people live in countries where there is no market economy. The author believes that in fact we need to find various ways to solve the problems of many poor countries which make their citizens live below the poverty line.

Oxfam experts say that rich people become richer because of tax frauds, and that if they paid taxes on all their income, there would be enough money to solve the problem of poverty. But the author thinks that it is a rather controversial and unconvincing argument, and even if governments of different countries can confiscate illegally acquired trillions of dollars to distribute them among the poor, this will not help to solve the problem of poverty, and I absolutely agree with it.



16. Как влиться в новый коллектив


The title of the article is «How to join a new staff». The article raises the problem of adaptation in the new team. According to the author if you work in the one organization for a long time, you feel yourself in the team like a duck to water, but when you change your job you have to join a new staff.

The author mentions three factors which affect how quickly you can adapt to a new job. These are your boss, your colleges and yourself.

He thinks that you are lucky if the organization pays enough attention to the adaptation of staff. The author also recommends to take the initiative because it may be a part of the training.

The second factor is the staff. New colleagues can help, but there are also situations when they don’t even notice a new recruit. So, you should be careful and decide how to behave.

Besides, the author believes that a lot depends on yourself. Therefore it is important to behave yourself correctly.

The author is convinced that you should think first about your responsibilities rather than adaptation.

I find the article is of great value. Your career depends not only on how a good worker you are but also on how a good team player you are.



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