Поставьте глаголы . выделенные курсивом в нужное прошедшее время Past Simple, Past Perfect или Past Continuous . — КиберПедия 

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Поставьте глаголы . выделенные курсивом в нужное прошедшее время Past Simple, Past Perfect или Past Continuous .

2019-11-18 228
Поставьте глаголы . выделенные курсивом в нужное прошедшее время Past Simple, Past Perfect или Past Continuous . 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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I travel all over the country in my job and wheneverI take the train to Scotland, I remember the story about the man whose wife (1) have just a baby. He work (2) in London at the time but he live (3) in Newcastle, which is in the north-east of England, not far from the Scottish border. As soon as he hear (4) the news, he rush (5) to King's Cross Station. He bought his ticket and then, just before he jump (6) on the first train north, he ring (7) his wife to say he would soon be with her. He be (8) so excited at the news that he tell (9) the woman who sit (10) in the same compartment. She ask (11) him if he lived in Edinburgh, as that was where the train go (12), and was surprised to hear that he lived in Newcastle. 'But this train doesn't stop at Newcastle,' she r е ply (13). 'It goes straight to Edinburgh.' When the man hear (14) this, he run (15) to the front of the train to speak to the driver. After telling him his story, he beg (16) him to stop the train at Newcastle. He even offer (17) him money, but the driver still refuse (18). However, he agree (19) to slow the train down to 15 m.p.h. so that the man could jump off. An hour later, as the train approach (20) Newcastle Station, the ticket-collector hold (21) the man out of the window and he begin (22) running in mid-air. When they reach (23) the station, the ticket-collector gently drop (24)the man onto the platform and he run (25) very fast along it. The guard, at the back of the train, see (26) a man running along the platform. He put out (27) his hand and pull (28) the man onto the train. 'Lucky I see (29) you,' say (30) the guard. 'You almost miss (31)the train.'

Reported Speech

Косвенная речь

При переводе прямой речи в косвенную в английском языке необходимо соблюдать следующие правила:

1. меняются по смыслу личные, указательные и притяжательные местоимения: She said: “ I don’t know where my key is” – She said she didn’t know where her key was.

2. применяется правило согласования времен, то есть все времена «сдвигаются» на один план назад:

Present Simple – Past Simple: writes - wrote

Present Continuous – Past Continuous: is writing - was writing

Present Perfect – Past Perfect: has written – had written

Past simple – Past Perfect: wrote - had written

will – would: will write – would write; can – could

3. изменяются обстоятельства времени:

Direct Speech Indirect Speech Direct Speech Indirect Speech
today that day here there
yesterday the day before now then
tomorrow the next day last year the year before
…ago …before next … the following …
this that    


4. Утвердительные предложения при переводе в косвенную речь вводятся словами said/told + that + замена времени + местоимение по смыслу + наречие: She said:” I saw this film” – She said that she had seen that film.

 5. Специальные вопросы вводятся словом asked + прямой порядок слов: She asked: “When do you go there?” – She asked when I went there.

6. Общие вопросы вводятся словом asked + if + прямой порядок слов: She asked: “Have you seen this film?” – She asked if I had seen that film.

7. глагол, стоящий в повелительном наклонении в прямой речи, переводится в косвенную речь с помощью инфинитива:

She asked: “Open the door” – She asked to open the door.

She said: “ Don’t open the door, please” – She asked not to open the door.

Не путайте глаголы say and tell!

Tell употребляется, если указан адресат сообщения (кому?):

E.g. He told me that he loved Mary.

Say непосредственно передает сообщение (что?):

E.g. She said that they were happy together.

Прочтите диалог между доктором и молодой пациенткой и дополните историю болезни, написанную доктором.

Doctor: Well, what seems to be the trouble?

Laura: I feel fine, but my parents are worried about me. They think I'm acting strangely.

Doctor: Are you sleeping well at night?

Laura: I sleep well, but I wake up very early.

Doctor: And what about meals? Are you eating normally?

Laura:   No. I haven't eaten a full meal for a week. I never feel hungry.

Doctor: And has anything happened to upset you? A problem at school or perhaps at home?

 Laura: It's not really a problem. But there's a new student at school and... well, doctor, he's the most wonderful person I've ever met. He's kind, intelligent and so good-looking. I can't think about anything else. His name's Steve and he's got a motorcycle...

Doctor: Well, young lady, I don't think there's really very much the matter with you.

Case notes

The patient said she (1)………, but that her parents (2)………. She said they (3)………. When I asked about her sleeping patterns, she said she (4)………, but (5)………. Her eating patterns are also irregular. She said (6)……… a full meal for a week and that she never (7)………. When I asked if something was worrying her, she said there (8)……… at school. My diagnosis is that the patient is in love.

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