Washington National Cathedral — КиберПедия 

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Washington National Cathedral

2019-11-18 1468
Washington National Cathedral 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Washington National Cathedral is a dramatic Gothic building. It is so ___ BEAUTY ___ that it is considered to be one of the greatest architectural treasures of the world. There are various excursions to the cathedral. The best idea is to go online to check the guides’ schedules as they ____ SPECIAL ___ in different aspects of the building’s history. It took 82 years to build the cathedral – Theodore Roosevelt laid the cornerstone in 1908, and the cathedral’s ____ CONSTRUCT ___ didn’t technically stop until 1990. The cathedral provoked strong opposition early on, but later the numerous ___ ARGUE ___ calmed down. It is great to have a walk around the cathedral through the ___ PEACE ___ paths in the garden. The 2011 earthquake caused an estimated $26 million in damages to the cathedral. Repairs are underway, but nevertheless, ___ VISIT ____ still have full access to the key areas of interest inside the cathedral.


Millennium Park

Rising by the lakefront, Millennium Park is a great place to spend a day. It is a complex of ___ BEAUTY _____ examples of modern architecture. One can say it is an outdoor modern design gallery. Most elements of this outstanding park are free for ____ VISIT ___. The park is especially ___ FAME ____ for its connection with music. In summer, Millennium Park _____ OFFICIAL ___ hosts free concerts at lunchtime and at 6.30 pm. For the latter, bring a picnic basket and enjoy new music on Mondays, jazz and world music on Thursdays, and classical music on a ____ DAY ____ basis. Each Saturday free exercise classes (yoga at 8 am, Pilates at 9 am and dance at 10 am) take place in the park as well. The Family Fun Tent provides free _____ ACTIVE ____ for kids on Sundays between 10 am and 3 pm. Free walking tours take place on Sundays, or you may do it yourself with a downloadable tour from the website.



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The Great Barrier Reef will give you __________________ and breathtaking insights into the beauty and magic of this incredible biosphere. FORGET


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Natural sights of Queensland
Apart from cultural experiences, Queensland makes it possible for you to enjoy the beauty of nature to the full. For instance, tourists are __________________ very interested in the Daintree Rainforest which is the oldest rainforest in the world.     TYPICAL

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One should also mention that it’s the only __________________ wonder visible from space.   NATURE

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It offers __________________ spectacular beauty and extraordinary diversity of flora and fauna. VISIT

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One more must-see is the Great Barrier Reef. To see it go all the way up to the very northern tip of Queensland. There are many ways underwater life can be experienced there, for example, scuba __________________.   DIVE

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An hour’s drive north of Cairns, it can be explored on expert guided tours, and you can even have a __________________ one-night stay in tree-house style eco-lodges.   COMFORT

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2. 1989CB


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Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 2631, однокоренные слова, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 2631.
Located in the Red Centre, Uluru is one the most __________________ sights in Australia.   FORGET


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Uluru (often called Ayers Rock) is located deep in the outback in central Australia. It’s considered a sacred site by the Aborigines. __________________ can reach the area by a 200 km car trip after flying into Alice Springs, Darwin or Adelaide.     VISIT

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__________________ ranges from budget to luxury. ACCOMMODATE

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The area includes many breathtaking __________________ wonders and reveals much about the legends and mysteries of Aboriginal people. NATURE

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There are even __________________ opportunities if you’re brave enough for that! CAMP

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Here you can learn more about the cultural __________________ of the area, you can do a base walk and meet some of the local wildlife (get ready for the Australian face fly), and you can take more photos than you thought possible.   SIGNIFICANT

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3. DB7CF5


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The student __________________ of the University of Auckland is 40,000, about 4,000 of whom have come to study from abroad. POPULATE

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It will be __________________ for your CV with specialist skills and knowledge provided. VALUE

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The University of Auckland has a strong focus on legal and __________________ programmes welcoming students from all parts of the world.   BUSY

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The University of Auckland also offers postgraduate studies, which will certainly broaden your academic and __________________ horizons.     EMPLOY

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Auckland University
The University of Auckland is New Zealand’s leading university. __________________, it’s among the top 200 universities of the world.   ACTUAL


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Whether you plan to join the next generation of leading __________________ in New Zealand or in your native country, the University of Auckland will help you to make your mark on the world.   LAW

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4. 6E2843
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Olivia I never took Olivia to the theatre, but it was there I met her. I 32 ______ the habit now of going every Saturday night, usually alone, sometimes with George. It was George who 33 ______ me to Olivia Nelson. She was an only child whose father, a cotton merchant, had died and left her all he had. She was not very beautiful but she was tall, very graceful, smartly dressed and 34 ______ me at once. Olivia got interested when George said that I was a novelist. Novelists were not too common in Cornwell then, though I believe they are now as numerous as knights. Olivia adored famous people. She was delighted to meet me. It turned 35 ______ that Olivia had read my books, at least some of them and she liked them. She could 36 ______ intelligently about them. She praised them and criticized them with a good deal of common sense. She discussed new plays and new books with me. She developed a habit of being wherever I was to be found. We had a few meals together at restaurants, and I 37 ______ that I was dressing with unusual care. She was so excited and happy, so full of good conversation, that I was charmed and captivated by her company. But I couldn’t help thinking that something was wrong. There was no 38 ______ to think the worst. However, I couldn’t make myself propose to her.
  1) up
  2) down
  3) on
  4) out

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  1) determined
  2) discovered
  3) revealed
  4) disclosed

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  1) involved
  2) attracted
  3) appealed
  4) engaged

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  1) kept
  2) held
  3) used
  4) formed

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  1) talk
  2) tell
  3) discuss
  4) say

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  1) matter
  2) account
  3) reason
  4) cause

Конец формы

  1) called
  2) greeted
  3) introduced
  4) met

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5. 0EAA8F
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Your day in The Blue Mountains National Park will certainly be __________________.   FORGET


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The Blue Mountains National Park features miles of trails for hikers and mountain bikers, and it is also a popular __________________ playground for adventurers who enjoy adrenaline sports.     NATURE


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It is located in New South Wales, approximately 80 km west of Sydney. Its proximity to the biggest city in Australia has made this __________________ park a popular day trip for both tourists and locals alike.     AMAZE


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The park is __________________ best known for the Three Sisters, a rock formation that towers 900 m above the Jamison Valley. PROBABLE


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The Blue Mountains National Park
When people come to Australia, they typically wish to enjoy the outstanding nature of the continent. If you are a __________________ to Australia with this very goal on your mind, try The Blue Mountains National Park.     VISIT


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Among such sports the top one is rock __________________. CLIMB


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6. 2E3E38
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This is so partially because the surface of Uluru is full of __________________ caves and holes due to millions of years of erosion.   USUAL

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Visiting Uluru
If you are thinking of making the journey to witness the incredible red rock Uluru in person, here are some facts you should know before you leave. Thousands of __________________ to Australia go to see Uluru.   VISIT

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Uluru is known to undergo a series of colour changes. These can be just subtle __________________ when it rains.   DIFFER

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Uluru is located west of the Simpson Desert 335 km southwest of Alice Springs. While some people believe it to be the largest monolith in the world, this title is __________________ held by Mount Augustus in Western Australia.   ACTUAL

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However, the view undergoes amazing __________________ when caught by the spectacular sunset rays. TRANSFORM

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Uluru is a sacred site to the indigenous people of the area, and guides __________________ tourists from climbing the rock.   COURAGE

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7. D3D4C1
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The invention of the light bulb
Every person in the world knows about Thomas Edison. The electric light bulb __________________ by this famous scientist.   INVENT

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A hungry wolf
An old nurse was putting a baby to bed. She __________________ the boy to be quiet otherwise she would give him to a wolf.   TELL  

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But the child __________________ even more and more loudly. SCREAM

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The electrification of the modern world profoundly changed human life, __________________ the night.   ILLUMINATE

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Edison started with a 40-hour life light bulb and finally made a bulb that lasted for 1500 hours. This certainly revolutionized human __________________ at that time.     LIFE

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The __________________ electric bulb made it possible for people to continue their usual day activities after dark. ONE


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The wolf heard the screams and thought to himself, “I__________________ any lunch yet. This boy is just what I need.” But the old nurse shut the door and all the windows, and the wolf had to go away. Never trust enemies’ promises.   NOT HAVE


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8. FE4F79
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Good news Dotty received a letter from a magazine editor, which was very surprising for her. 32 ______ Dotty was writing for a long time, only her teacher Miss Simms was allowed to read her novels. The teacher 33 ______ great success for her books. There was a tap at the door then and when Dotty saw Miss Simms on the doorstep she almost pushed her into the room and pressed the letter into the woman’s hand. “Read this,” she commanded, then 34 ______ her manners she added, “Oh, I’m so sorry. Hello, Miss Simms. I didn’t mean to be rude but I just got home and opened this and don’t quite know what to make of it. I’m afraid I’m absolutely confused.” Miss Simms took off her silk scarf, then removed her gloves and read the letter. Her face broke into a wide smile. “Why, Dotty, this is absolutely marvellous!” she exclaimed delightedly. “Well done. I’m so pleased you finally 35 ______ to find the courage to show your work to someone. Didn’t I always 36 ______ you it was good enough for publication?” “But I didn’t show it to anyone,” Dotty answered. “At least not to this magazine. I let Anna’s mother read it and she must have sent it to them.” “You mustn’t turn 37 ______ this offer,” Miss Simms responded. “You really must telephone them, Dotty. They obviously love your work – and who knows where this might lead? I have a friend who has been trying to get some of her work published for years, so I know how hard it is. I’m so proud 38 ______ you.”
  1) at
  2) by
  3) to
  4) of

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  1) managed
  2) succeeded
  3) achieved
  4) maintained

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  1) reminding
  2) reviewing
  3) revising
  4) remembering

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  1) admitted
  2) confirmed
  3) promised
  4) agreed

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  1) off
  2) down
  3) out
  4) over

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  1) Moreover
  2) Although
  3) However
  4) Therefore

Конец формы

  1) speak
  2) talk
  3) tell
  4) say

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9. FE9E08
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They __________________ in the 1990s. INTRODUCE

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You see, setting an example is the __________________ way of teaching. GOOD

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The young crab asked his mother to show how to do it so that he __________________ copy it.   CAN

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The two crabs
One fine day two crabs came out of their home to take a stroll on the sand. “Child,” said the mother, “you __________________ very ungracefully. You should get yourself used to walking straight forward without twisting from side to side.”     WALK


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Since that time they __________________ immensely popular worldwide, much thanks to their international inclusion in smartphones. BECOME


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There is no doubt that people __________________ using Emoji in the future. CONTINUE

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Emoji is a Japanese word to denote ideograms and smileys. People often put __________________ emoticons in their electronic messages and Web pages.   THIS

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10. 7BAE7D
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His books are classics of literature for __________________.   CHILD

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The __________________ samples are already on sale. ONE


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Recently the Disney studio __________________ some films based on his books, for example, The Reluctant Dragon. These films are certainly worth watching. MAKE

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A Walking House
Can you imagine a house that can walk? An innovative prototype of a walking house __________________ last year in England.   INTRODUCE


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The __________________ thing about it is that this eco-friendly house has everything necessary – a kitchen, a composting toilet, a method to collect rain water, and so on. GOOD

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Without a doubt, such houses __________________ enthusiastic travellers in the near future. ATTRACT


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Kenneth Graham
Kenneth Graham (1859–1932) was a Scottish writer. Life was very hard on __________________ but he remained an optimistic person.   HE

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In 1983 it was adapted into a TV miniseries __________________ Richard Chamberlain and Rachel Ward.   STAR

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Smart box technology is one example of how car GPS tracking systems __________________ to lower car insurance.   USE

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If the driver __________________ the rules, he gets a discount or an insurance premium. NOT BREAK


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GPS functions
Car GPS Tracking appears a lot in new vehicles, offering drivers tracking and navigation. Yet, the __________________ inventions have got it more modern and sophisticated, offering extra opportunities to people.     LATE


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Without doubt, this new technology __________________ popular among drivers very soon.   BECOME

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The Thorn Birds
The Thorn Birds is a 1977 bestselling novel by the Australian author Colin McCullough. The story gives __________________ information about life on Australian sheep stations, but it also includes a dramatic love story.     WE

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The book __________________ the writer international fame as soon as it was published. BRING

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2. 172FA5
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The camera
The camera is a miraculous invention. Some people treat it as a time machine. It helps people capture any moment in history and in the present. Alexander Walcott __________________ to have invented it.     CONSIDER


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So he __________________ the pen down. He decided to wait to sign the document until he could do this with a steady hand. PUT

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Strange but true
When President Lincoln was ready to sign the Emancipation Proclamation, his hands __________________ because he was very nervous.   SHAKE


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He was afraid that his critics would accuse __________________ of hesitating if they saw a shaky signature.   HE

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The __________________ camera appeared in 1840. ONE

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It __________________ with us forever in our photos and home videos. STAY


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The improvement in the camera technology has helped bring motion pictures. Today, we enjoy our __________________ images and get time to interact with our own past.   GOOD


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3. EDE901
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A nice surprise Dotty called her friend’s mother Miranda, who was really pleased to hear her voice when she picked up the phone. 32 ______, Miranda was surprised to find out that Dotty wanted to talk to her, not her daughter. Somebody had sent Dotty’s stories to the magazine and the editors sent her a letter offering to publish her work. They asked her to telephone them and 33 ______ a meeting in London. Dotty was curious if that was Miranda who had sent her story to the magazine. She quickly explained to the woman what had happened. When the girl had finished, there was a silence for a moment before Miranda asked, “Are you very annoyed with me, Dotty? I know I shouldn’t have done that without your 34 ______, but you have such a talent for writing and I thought you should be recognised. I’m not 35 ______ all surprised that the magazine wants to publish you.” “No, I’m not annoyed. More shocked, I think,” Dotty admitted. “I’m not too sure about the trip to London though. To 36 ______ the truth, I’ve never ventured that far away on my own before.” “Oh, you’ll be absolutely fine,” Miranda said confidently. “But I could always come with you if you liked. I’m certainly not going to let you miss this opportunity. Look, why don’t you come here for tea after work tomorrow with Anna and we’ll discuss it then. But meantime 37 ______ sure you ring them first thing in the morning.” Dotty promised her that she would and went to bed 38 ______ by this surprise.
  1) speak
  2) say
  3) tell
  4) talk

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  1) on
  2) in
  3) at
  4) by

Конец формы

  1) permission
  2) promise
  3) proposal
  4) possibility

Конец формы

  1) propose
  2) suggest
  3) consent
  4) arrange

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  1) included
  2) inspired
  3) inclined
  4) involved

Конец формы

  1) gain
  2) make
  3) keep
  4) take

Конец формы

  1) Otherwise
  2) However
  3) Therefore
  4) Although

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4. AE7042
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A busy day The January sales started and when the girls arrived at Browns department store, where they worked, there were a lot of people queuing along the street. 32 ______ the time before Christmas had been very busy for shop assistants, they were shocked by such a big crowd outside the shop. “I’ve never 33 ______ such a queue! Do they think we’re going to be giving the stuff away or something?” Anna asked her friend Lucy. “Well, you know what they say – the early bird catches the worm, and 34 ______ to the radio, some people have been queuing all night in London to get the best bargains,” Lucy said. “Let’s think positively – if we are busy, the time will go quicker.” On her 35 ______ to the cosmetics department Anna was wondering if they would even have time for their breaks or lunch-hours. And she was quite right as there was no chance of a morning break but at last the girls were given 36 ______ to go for a shortened lunch break and they met up in the staff dining room. “My God,” Lucy said as they stood at the counter. “I’ve actually had two ladies almost come to fight over a dress. I could 37 ______ calm them down.” “It hasn’t been much better in the perfume and cosmetics department,” Anna remarked. “I ran out of Chanel perfume within an hour and the customers got angry with me, as if it was my 38 ______! I’ll tell you, at one point I was ready to walk out!” That was really busy time for them. After all, the worst of the sales rush should be over soon.
  1) Therefore
  2) Although
  3) However
  4) Moreover

Конец формы

  1) glanced
  2) watched
  3) seen
  4) looked

Конец формы

  1) concerning
  2) regarding
  3) including
  4) according

Конец формы

  1) sharply
  2) hardly
  3) roughly
  4) nearly

Конец формы

  1) harm
  2) shame
  3) blame
  4) fault

Конец формы

  1) promise
  2) proposal
  3) permission
  4) possibility

Конец формы

  1) way
  2) track
  3) path
  4) road

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5. 9ADFF3
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My children Miss Davidon’s school was half-way between Harry’s house and mine. My elder daughter Sophia had been going there for some years, and now my younger daughter began to go, too. It was not hard to 32 ______ the difference between my daughters. My elder daughter 33 ______ after me. She had black hair, green eyes and a large forehead. She was very impulsive and often lost her temper. She was lazy but studied well. Her teachers always praised her. My younger daughter didn't 34 ______ me. She was the picture of my wife’s mother. She had blond hair and blue eyes. She was very obedient and never made noise but she was not very good 35 ______ studies. I thought she was always shy and that prevented her from having good marks. Liza, our nursemaid, would set off in the morning with two of my children and Ned, Harry’s son. She usually took a mail-cart with her. This was for Ned to ride in when he was tired but it was not often that Ned would 36 ______ that he was tired. The maid left the girls at Miss Davidson’s and then brought Ned on to the Beeches. She would take him back in time to 37 ______ the girls when school was over. I often watched them play with Ned in the backyard or tell him fairy-tales. My daughters adored Ned but he didn’t 38 ______ attention to them.
  1) accept
  2) admit
  3) allow
  4) adopt

Конец формы

  1) pull
  2) pick
  3) gather
  4) collect

Конец формы

  1) in
  2) for
  3) on
  4) at

Конец формы

  1) review
  2) remind
  3) resemble
  4) remember

Конец формы

  1) took
  2) looked
  3) seemed
  4) felt

Конец формы

  1) pay
  2) give
  3) take
  4) hold

Конец формы

  1) speak
  2) talk
  3) tell
  4) say

Конец формы


6. E16DCF
Начало формы
Auckland is the largest and most populous city in New Zealand. The __________________ of Auckland is getting close to 1.4 million residents.   POPULATE

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Начало формы

Expats have an overall good experience when staying in Auckland. Most expats find it very easy to communicate with the locals, who are very __________________.     FRIEND

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Another positive thing about Auckland is the amount of nature and free space, which is appreciated a lot, especially by those coming from more densely inhabited __________________.   LOCATE

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Начало формы

Nothing can __________________ you about Auckland, which is why it is a popular destination for numerous immigrants to New Zealand. APPOINT

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It is __________________ situated in the North Island of the country, between the Waitakere Ranges and the Hauraki Gulf. CONVENIENT

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The city enjoys an oceanic climate, which is __________________ to the climate in most of Europe.   COMPARE

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7. 5783CA
Начало формы
Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19–25.  
Mike Krieger __________________ it in October 2010 as a free mobile application. BEGIN

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Начало формы

Instagram is a mobile photo-sharing application. It’s one of the __________________ services for users to share their pictures and videos.   POPULAR  

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Начало формы

In the near future everybody __________________ Instagram to attract people’s attention and simply show off. USE

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About fables
A fable is a fictional story. It often features animals like __________________ and lions, mythical creatures or forces of nature.   MOUSE

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These creatures __________________ human qualities as they can talk, think and act like humans. GIVE

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The creatures are often stereotypes of human characteristics, __________________ some important idea or message.   ILLUSTRATE


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Writers __________________ many fables into fairy-tales for small kids so that the moral of the story is interesting and attractive for them. ADAPT


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8. 14BC95
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A new coat At the weekend Dotty went to Anna for tea and Anna’s mother Miranda gasped when she saw Dotty. She had changed a lot. Anna had 32 ______ Dotty to the hairdresser’s and now she had a very beautiful hairstyle with a fringe. 33 ______, Miranda knew that the girls had bought a new suit for Dotty. “You look completely different with your hair like that,” Miranda said approvingly, then, “Did you bring your suit with you? Anna told me how nice it was.” Dotty waved a bag at her. “Yes, I did. Anna is going to let me borrow one of her coats which would match my suit. She says I'm not 34 ______ to wear this one now.” “Well, I certainly agree with her on that point but I think you may take my woollen coat 35 ______ of Anna’s. I never wear it any more so if you like it you’re more than welcome to keep it.” Miranda disappeared to return minutes later with a very smart swing coat in navy blue folded across her arm. “Here, try this on,” she encouraged and Dotty slipped it on. “It’s just perfect,” Miranda told her. “And I have to say it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me. Take it and wear it in good health.” “But I couldn’t,” Dotty spluttered. “It must have cost a 36 ______ and I really can’t take it.” “Of course you can,” Miranda said. What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never 37 ______ the light of day? You’ll be 38 ______ me a favour taking it out of the way.” Dotty was really pleased with Miranda’s present.
  1) making
  2) getting
  3) doing
  4) giving

Конец формы

  1) instead
  2) besides
  3) against
  4) outside

Конец формы

  1) Therefore
  2) Otherwise
  3) Moreover
  4) Although

Конец формы

  1) looking
  2) seeing
  3) watching
  4) glancing

Конец формы

  1) proceeded
  2) accompanied
  3) followed
  4) addressed

Конец формы

  1) price
  2) thing
  3) fortune
  4) wealth

Конец формы

  1) agreed
  2) accepted
  3) afforded
  4) allowed

Конец формы


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