Does it ever snow in Brazil? — КиберПедия 

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Does it ever snow in Brazil?

2019-11-18 951
Does it ever snow in Brazil? 5.00 из 5.00 1 оценка
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During winter and sometimes even autumn and spring it snows in some cities of southern Brazil. There are several cities _______ KNOW ________ for their snow, like Urupema and Urubici.
These cities ________ BE _________ all in high areas, but even places at sea level can have snow, although in small amounts and not every year.
Brazil _____ THINK _______ to be a “tropical paradise” which is very wrong. Foreigners who travel to southern Brazil during autumn or winter in search for some heat and beaches are often disappointed.


Funny seagull thinks he is a cat

A seagull was adopted by June and Steve Grimwood, who found a soot-covered young bird in their fireplace and called him Mr. Pooh. The gull ________ BRING __________ up with cats.

He slept in a cat’s basket, from which he acquired a taste for Whiskas. Since then, Mr. Pooh has learned the sound of the fridge door _________ OPEN _________.
He _________ LEAVE _________ the family home, but he can’t resist returning three times a day for his favourite food, announcing his arrival by tapping on the door.4.


The largest snowfall in decades

This week’s snowfall in Brazil is one of the largest in decades. As snow on the ground is not a very common landscape in a so-called tropical country, everybody ________ FEEL __________ excited when they saw streets in snow.
In the cities by the sea people are used to spending the summer sun bathing. They _________ SURPRISE _________ very much when they saw snow covering the city.
It ________ NOT BE __________ long before social media became loaded with pictures of white fields and roads, and snowmen.


Difficult landing

One airline had a policy that required the first officer to stand at the door while the passengers exited. He smiled and thanked them for ________ FLY __________ the airline.
A pilot on this airline landed his plane into the runway really hard. He thought that passengers ________ HAVE __________ angry comments.
However, it seemed that all of _________ THEY _________ were too shocked to say anything. Finally, everyone got off except for a little old lady. She said, ‘Can I ask you a question?’ ‘Yes, Madam,’ said the pilot. ‘What was it?’ the lady asked, ‘Did we land or were we shot down?’


The North Pole has melted again

Two weeks of warm weather in the high Arctic have caused a lake to begin forming. To be clear, the water _________ SURROUND _________ the pole is not sea water from the ocean.
It is _________ MELT _________ ice water resting on a layer of ice below. “It’s a shallow lake. It’s a cold lake. But it is, actually, a lake,” writes William Wolfe of
That lake started to form on July 13 during a month of abnormally warm weather – temperatures were 1-3 degrees Celsius higher than average in the Arctic Ocean this month. In addition, the weather is likely to get _________ BAD _________ over the coming week. An Arctic cyclone will bring strong winds and rain.


Christmas trees

One Christmas Eve the trees in a wood were very unhappy. They wished very much to make Christmas stay, but they _________ NOT KNOW _________ how to do so. ‘We are so bare,’ complained one tree. ‘If we only had our pretty green summer dresses,’ said other trees.
‘Hush, children, hush,’ whispered North Wind in a gentle voice, which was unusual for the _________ BAD _________ of all winds. ‘Go to sleep.’ While they slept something happened.
When the trees awoke they found that someone, perhaps North Wind, had cast over each of ________ THEY __________ a lovely soft cloak of spotless feathery white.


What a story!

Daniel, aged 4, returned from Sunday school with a new amusing Christmas story about the Three Wise Men of the East. They _________ BRING _________ gifts to the baby Jesus.
Daniel was so excited he just had to tell his parents, “I learned in Sunday School all about the very _________ ONE _________ Christmas. There wasn’t a Santa Claus then, so these three wise men on camels had to deliver all the toys.
And Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer with his nose so bright ________ NOT LEAD __________ the sleigh, so they had to follow the big star in the sky to find their way around”.


Growing old in England

Someone asked the other day, ‘What was your favourite fast food when you were growing up?’ ‘We ________ NOT HAVE __________ fast food when I was growing up,’ I informed him. ‘All the food was slow.’
‘Come on, you are not serious. Where did you eat?’ ‘In my childhood, it ________ CALL __________ “at home,”’ I explained.
‘Mum cooked every day and when Dad got home from work, we ________ SIT __________ down together at the dining room table, and if I didn’t like what she had put on my plate I was allowed to sit there until I did like it.’


He was too clever

Some people want to show how clever they are and that may lead to trouble. Once a professor _________ TRAVEL _________ by boat. On his way he asked the sailor: “Do you know biology, ecology, zoology, geography?”
The sailor said no to all his questions. The professor said: “What on Earth do you know? You _________ DIE _________ of illiteracy.”
After a while, the boat started _________ SINK _________. The sailor asked the professor: “Do you know swiminology and escapology from sharkology?” The professor said no. The sailor said, “Well, sharkology and crocodilogy will eat your headology and bodyology and you will dielogy because of your mouthology.”



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