Give a completed application form to your partner for correction. — КиберПедия 

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Give a completed application form to your partner for correction.

2019-10-25 362
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6. Study the following words and fill in the gaps in the text below:

ID fraud хищение персональных данных
counterfeit подделка 
illegal immigrants нелегальные иммигранты 
crack down on принимать радикальные меры против…
a uthentic достоверный, верный
i dentity theft кража личных данных
g et away with безнаказaнно совершать нечто незаконное
controversy разногласия, прения


Identity Fraud

Today (1)__________ is a major concern for police around the world. Many young people use (2)__________ ID to access such places as concerts and nightclubs. As police find new ways to (3)__________ fake ID, new technology appeared to make fraudulent ID look (4)__________. ID cards with security measures, such as magnetic stripes and barcodes help to prevent people from (5)__________ fake ID. However, a greater problem for police is the concern of (6)__________. Some thieves make a profession out of stealing wallets, purses, or personal mail in order to sell new identities to criminals or (7)__________. There is great (8)__________ over whether or not all countries should opt for national ID cards. Some people do not think that the police should have access to such personal information, while others think it would help to prevent crime and illegal immigration.



1. Read the text and do the tasks after it:



 Formal rules to become a lawyer usually include special training at University. Competition for admission to most Law Faculties is intense. To become a lawyer usually takes 6 years of full-time study at University - 4 years to have a bachelor’s degree and 2 years of undergraduate law training. Most students study full-time. But some universities also have part-time divisions.

Prospective lawyers should develop proficiency in writing and speaking, reading, researching, analyzing, and thinking logically—skills needed to succeed both in studying and in the law. Besides major subjects, a multidisciplinary background is recommended. Courses in foreign languages, government, philosophy, history, economics, mathematics, and computer science are useful. Students interested in a particular aspect of law may choose some courses as electives. For example, prospective tax lawyers must have extensive knowledge of accounting.

During the first years students usually study core courses, such as constitutional law, criminal law, civil law, administrative law, international law, contracts, property law, civil procedure, and legal writing. Then they may choose specialized courses in fields such as tax, labor, or corporate law. Law students often get practical experience by participating in legal clinics or court competitions, in which students conduct arguments; in practice trials and projects under the supervision of experienced lawyers and judges and Law Faculty Professors; through research and writing on legal issues.

Part-time training in law firms, government agencies, and corporate legal departments also provide valuable experience. Such training can lead directly to a job after graduation and can help students decide what kind of practice best suits them. So, they can choose to work as Investigators, Detectives, Paralegals, Judges, Procurators, Solicitors and Legal Advisors. These jobs are required in the Courts, Military Tribunals, Notaries, Advocate Bar or Customs.

 (Аbridged from the original texts provided by


2. Find English equivalents for the following:

Part I

1 конкурс при поступлении  
2 очная форма обучения  
3 заочная форма обучения  
4 степень бакалавра  
5 магистратура  
6 навыки (2)  
7 основные предметы (2)  
8 междисциплинарная подготовка  
9 область права  
10 государственное учреждение  

Part II

Find English equivalents for the following verbs:

1 развивать навыки  
2 преуспевать в чем-либо  
3 приобретать практический опыт  
4 принимать участие в чем-либо  
5 проводить прения  
6 устраивать, подходить  
7 требовать  

3. Answer the following questions:

1) How many years does it usually take to become a lawyer?

2) What professional skills are necessary to become a lawyer?

3) What major subjects do the students of Law faculty study?

4) Where can students get valuable experience?

5) What career opportunities are open for the graduates of Law Department?


4. Look through the text again and decide if the following statements are True (T), F alse (F) or Not Given (NG):

1) To get a bachelor’s degree Law students should study 2 years. __________

2) A recommended multidisciplinary background involves such disciplines as foreign languages, civil law, criminal law, legal writing and philosophy. __________

3) Legal training can be full-time or part-time. __________

4) Today fewer and fewer young people want to take up jurisprudence as a future profession. __________

5) Judge is the most prestigious law career. __________


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